Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4116: I admit

"It's been hard for you on this journey."

Shi Meijun went on to say: "Next, take a good rest for a few days, there are bigger things to deal with later!"

Mu Yun came to one side and stood still at this time.

Except for the three ladies present.

There is also Ye Hengzhong, the leader of the Ye Clan Qing Xiaojun.

This commander is still extremely majestic, with very few words.

But Mu Yun also learned that this person was also adopted by Ye Xiaoyao back then, raised by his side, and carefully cultivated.

Moreover, it is said that this person has an irreversible relationship with his father and has great respect for his father.

Two people stood still beside Ye Hengzhong.

Those were the two deputy commanders of the Ye Clan Qing Xiaojun.

Ye Changming!

Ye Changfeng!

They are also two powerful masters of the Fengtian realm with heavy fists in their hands.

At this moment, in the hall, where Ye Chong was sitting, there were three people sitting behind them one after the other. It should be the high-level inside Ye Nancheng.

Outside the hall, the group standing in front of the square should all be Ye Nancheng's managers, occupying important positions.

Shi Meijun said slowly at this time: "Ye Xuanyue, this child, I also watched to grow up, this time in distress, he returned safely, it is gratifying."

In the corner, Ye Xuanyue and Ye Xiangwei held hands, and didn't say anything.

"City Lord Ye Chong, as the ruler of Ye Nancheng, has always been in the south. It is really hard work. The Ye Clan can't chill your heart!"

Ye Chong immediately smiled when he heard the words: "Whatever the lady said, she has dedicated herself to the Ye Clan and died, as it should be."

"City Lord Ye Chong's words are quite ambiguous!"

At this moment, Ai Yuanliu smiled and said, "Leader Ye Chong is also a member of the Ye Clan. I have always treated Xuanyue as a niece."

Ye Chong smiled and said, "Thanks to the love of the second lady!"

"It's just that this kind of love, are you worthy of it?"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded.

You Feiye said indifferently at this moment: "Ye Chong, my husband, Ye Futian, treats you as a brother, has he treated you badly?"

"Ye Nancheng, Ye Beicheng, Ye Dongcheng, and Yexi City are the four major cities of Ye Clan. They are the gates to the four lands of the Ye Clan. I leave it to you, Ye Yunyi, Ye Lin, and Ye Yufeng. I want to ask you. Is your trust valued, or is it wrong to you?"

Ye Chong heard the words and said immediately: "The third lady is serious about this, and Ye Chong understands that this is naturally a trust in us!"

"Then what did you do?"

At this moment, You Feiye's tone had become somewhat indifferent.

Ye Chong hurriedly said, "I have been guarding Ye Nancheng and I have tried my best. I have never changed anything!"

"Ming Jian of the three ladies, I am loyal to the Ye Clan, it is absolutely impossible to betray the Ye Clan!"

Shi Meijun, Ai Yuanliu, and You Feiye looked the same at this moment.

After a moment of silence, the atmosphere in the hall began to be suppressed.

Ye Xiangwei's expression also changed at the moment.

Shi Meijun slowly said: "This time, Xuan Yue disappeared. I sent someone to track down the news as soon as possible. I had already targeted a group of Tuoba warriors who had captured Xuan Yue. I took this opportunity to dispatch Ye Qinghan, Ye Xiangwei, and Mu Yun. The three of them investigated secretly, in fact, it was my bait!"

"You want to use Ye Xuanyue as bait to draw out the core children of the Ye Clan, and take this opportunity to kill them. I have been in charge of the Ye Clan for these years, and I am not a deaf or blind man."

"Ye Chong..."

Shi Meijun slowly said: "Why... why bother..."

At this moment, Ye Chong's figure trembled.

"You are worried that the Ye Clan will be destroyed by the emperor family, so have you made a plan for yourself?"

Shi Meijun slowly said, "Brother Ye Chong..."

At this moment, Ye Xingze's expression was calm.

Ye Qinghan, Ye Xiangwei, and Mu Yun were a little confused.

Ye Chong, have you betrayed the Ye Clan?

Although Mu Yun had always been suspicious, the three of them were chased by Tuoba people in the Yeluo Mountain Range.

Even if Ye Nancheng wants to guard it, Ye Chong, as the city lord, can't do without Ye Nancheng's martial artist, right?

But the result is no.

For more than two months, they have been hunted down by Tuoba and Chu people.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the exit located on the north side of the Yeluo Mountain Range was actually blocked by the Heavenly Slashing Realm martial artist. They couldn't get out at all. Once they showed up, they would be killed.

Ye Chong didn't know anything about it.

However, Mu Yun was just skeptical.

It seems that the three uncles already have some evidence.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be so sure.

After all, he is a strong man in the Heavenly Sealing Realm.

"The Tuoba Clan has been in contact with you for a long time. After the trial of the Ye Clan's disciples in the ruins of the Primordial Continent last time, you planned this incident with the Tuoba Chu Clan?"

Shi Meijun went on to say: "Although the Ye Clan is not stronger than it was in the past, but nowadays, it is not completely deaf. If you want people to know what they cannot do, you should know."

At this moment, Ye Chong showed a bitter expression on his face.

"It turns out that the three ladies already know."

At this moment, Ye Chong didn't mean to resist half.

In front of Ye Hengzhong, deputy commander Ye Changming, and deputy commander Ye Changfeng, his resistance can almost be killed instantly.

These three are truly top powerhouses in the Heavenly Sealing Realm.

"I admit it!"

Ye Chong knew that it didn't make much sense to admit it or not.

"how so?"

Shi Meijun immediately said: "The Ye Clan has always regarded you as a family. You forgot that year... You blocked a sword for Ye Zhutian and almost died. My mother tried to save you. It was a waste of effort. You forgot that Ye Futian did it in the past. Save you, hold tight to the 9th level of Tongtian realm, and monopolize ten triple masters of the realm of Harmony. In that battle, he... only a ray of soul remained..."

"I didn't forget!"

Ye Chong's eyes were also red at this time, his fists clenched, and he snarled, "It's my fault...I know that the three of you who have always regarded me Ye Chong as brothers, it's me!"


Ye Chong said here, his voice choked.

"I don't want my children to die..."

Ye Chong immediately said: "I can live and die for the Ye Clan, but I don't want them to die with me. Facing the emperor family, the Tuoba and Chu clan are all dependent on the emperor family. Can't resist those eight emperors!"

"I don't think about myself, I have to think about children!"

"I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of their death!"

"There are no eggs under the covering nest. If the Ye Clan is gone in the future, they will definitely be driven out...I...for them, I have to betray the Ye Clan."

The words fell, and the few people present were silent.


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

It is Muyun.

Mu Yun walked out step by step, looking at Ye Chong with a pair of eyes.

"I have a senior brother. Since the farewell that year, and now, I have met him less often, but every time I see him, I feel like a brother."

"He can protect me and protect my children every time for me, no matter what the cost, because, in his eyes, I have always been the junior who likes to make trouble and needs his care."

At this point, Mu Yun spoke and smiled.

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