Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4244: keel

But Mu Yingying said at this time: "No one will force you. You are an array mage and will be very free, as long as you are loyal."

"You don't have to reject me directly, you can think about it."

When Mu Yingying saw Mu Yun for the first time that day, she only felt that except for his handsome appearance, everything else was mediocre.

But she also inquired about Mu Yun.

After all, appearing next to Wu Xinyao is inevitable to make people curious.

But again today, Mu Yun went from the sixth stage of the Rongtian Realm to the first stage of the Cutting Heaven Realm, and broke into this place alone.

have to say.

Good talent.

Courage enough.

And most importantly, he is a divisional division.

In the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, there are already few Realm Array Masters, and even fewer have reached the level of Grand Masters.

Qingdi Ye Yu's poems.

If you ignore the formation and cultivation base, your actual combat strength may not be comparable to some of the top titles of gods and emperors.

However, coupled with the ability of the emperor's formation master, two or three titled gods and titled emperors, she couldn't help it.

If it is a weaker title of **** titled emperor, it can't be killed by him.

This is the power of the boundary formation division.

Mu Yun nodded.

She also sighed in her heart, Mu Yingying's thoughts.

Seeing that he is a realmist, and knowing that he and Wu Xinyao are not affiliated with each other, they immediately draw in.

This is not the courage that everyone has.

At this moment, Mu Yun carefully observed the circles, but his brows were raised.

"what's happenin?"

"These border lines are very unique."

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "Generally speaking, the boundary line is based on the power of heaven and earth, and outlines the boundary line, which is in line with the power of the world. The boundary line is to be drawn by pure boundary power."

"It's like the ink in the hands of a painter, but it's different."

"The boundary pattern is the purest outline of boundary strength, and no other attributes can be added. Only when the boundary patterns are outlined together can they show their attributes."

"But the boundary pattern here contains the power of thunder, and the boundary strength that outlines the boundary pattern itself contains the power of thunder."

Mu Yingying didn't quite understand.

Together with the Boundary Array Master, it was tedious and complicated, and most people would naturally not understand it.

Mu Yun continued to investigate.

the other side.

Beside Mu Ling and Yang Zhongshan, a master of the formation was also puzzled: "Weird and weird, the formation contains the power of thunder, how can it be possible to build an out-of-bounds formation?"

The rest of the world formation divisions were also curious.

Exploring again and again, searching again and again.

Gradually, Mu Yun found a strange trace in the attic.

Traces of thunder.

Like the violent air of heaven and earth.

At the core of the main hall, many Dao Boundary Patterns are outlined together to continuously provide the power of the formation.

When the time came, Mu Yun suddenly realized.

"Maybe we won't die here."

Mu Yun's boundary patterns were surging at this time, and hundreds of thousands of boundary patterns lingered together in an instant, covering the hall.

At this time, only the entire attic was seen, and the boundary lines hidden in those materials were revealed in an instant.

In the next moment, the whole attic burst apart at this moment.

As if for a moment, a chain reaction occurred.

Boundary patterns suddenly appeared.

Like a single spark, starting a prairie fire at this time.


Everyone was nervous at this moment.

what happened?

Mu Ling, Yang Chongshan and others walked out of the hall one after another.


Mu Yingying also joined a few people at this time.

"what's happenin?"

"It's that Yun Mu, he is a realm master, what has he discovered!"


Mu Ling watched the changes around him.

At this time, the Xuantian Pavilion collapsed everywhere, but it was still suspended in the air without falling.

However, the attic collapsed.

However, the face displayed horrified everyone.

The entire loft group is a thousand feet long and several hundred feet wide.

At this time, it seemed that the attic, which was a thousand feet long, had collapsed.

A keel with a length of thousands of feet suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

And at this time, they are all standing in the position of the huge mouth of this keel.

For a time, everyone's face changed in shock.

The formation method changed the original appearance of this keel.

The expressions of Mu Ling, Yang Chongshan and others changed at this time.

It's incredible.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were calm and he looked in front of him.

He didn't see the weirdness from the formation, but at that instant, the tendency of transforming dragons in his body suddenly increased.

Here, there is the breath of Shenlong.

A thousand-foot dragon, tigers and tigers alive, even if it is just a skeleton, it is still awe-inspiring.


Only exists in the world of Canglan.

And the whole world, the land of hundreds of millions of realms, from the world of ordinary people, has spread the legend of Shenlong.

The dragon and the phoenix are prospering

This is how ordinary people respect the dragon and the phoenix.

Human race, from weak to strong, relying on martial arts, can be comparable to the dragon race.

However, from the bottom of my heart, the dragons are inherently strong, and they still keep everyone in mind.

"Scared to death!"

Mu Yu couldn't help but speak.


Mu Ling said at this moment: "This should be... the five-clawed golden dragon, right?"

The ten dragons are different.

The biggest feature of the five-clawed golden dragon family is the four-legged dragon claws, which are exceptionally strong.

It can be seen from the bones that the dragon's claws are extremely strong.

Mu Ling squatted down at this time, knocked on Dragon Valley, and muttered: "At least it is a strong dragon at the level of the Heavenly Sealed Realm. This keel is no problem at all to build an eighth-grade realm, and even the core of the keel is a nine-grade It’s okay."

Shenlong clan, a treasure!

Longan, dragon tendons, dragon blood, and dragon meat are all great tonic for warriors.

Dragon bones, dragon scales, etc., can build magic weapons.

After death, a dragon is full of treasures.

That's why, the dragon clan cares very much about his companions.

In this first celestial realm, whoever dares to kill the dragon is waiting for the dragon's crazy revenge.

At this time, Mu Ling was heartbroken.

I completely forgot where I am now.

Usually, how can a dragon be killed.

Now there is indeed a dead one, placed in front of him, although there is no dragon scales and dragon blood, but this pair of keels is coveted.

"Take it down immediately and put it away."

Mu Ling said immediately.


At this moment, Mu Yun suddenly shouted.

"Those thunder beasts dare not come up because the dragon bones contain the power of the dragon. Although the thunder beasts are not real orcs, but they have ideas, they are suppressed by the dragons. Therefore, we are afraid of this place. Once we kill them, we will Will be attacked by Thunder Beasts, endless and exhausted here."

Hearing this, Mu Ling was also an agitated spirit, and immediately reacted.

Now, it's still deep in the Jedi.

"Don't do it yet."

Mu Ling said at this moment: "Everyone, be careful."

Mu Yun was watching the surroundings at this time.

After Mu Ling, Yang Chongshan and others calmed down, they were also cautious.

Step on the keel, between the Jedi.

Where is the exit?

At this moment, the eyes of the several masters of the boundary formation brightened up.

"Lord, look."

One of the old men was very happy at this time.


Looking up, I only saw the position of the longan above the keel.

A longan is completely hollow.

But the other one is space distorted.

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