Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4245: Treat me as a fool?

"Go and see."

Mu Ling said immediately.

Everyone came to the position of the dragon's head one after another, carefully observing the longan.

One eye is hollow.

One eye space is distorted.

This kind of weirdness made the expressions of several masters of the circle array look for a while.

"Maybe you can get out from here."

Seventh-level and eighth-level divisions are extremely sensitive to space.

After all, the seventh-level and eighth-level boundary formations don't just focus on the power of the boundary formation, but also pay attention to the trapped people and rely on space to escape.

The spatial fluctuations in the position of the longan were extremely peculiar and trembling.

"Check it out."

Mu Ling spoke, and a master of the circle formation stepped forward, the circles condensed, like tentacles, cautious.

At this moment, the light flashed suddenly.


Above the earth, light waves emerged, a terrifying aura, bursting out, and the palpitating spatial patterns spread all around in an instant.

The master of the realm array turned pale, and his body retreated.

But then, his face was delighted, and he said, "This is a passage."


Mu Ling hurriedly said, "Where does it lead?"

"It seems to be a land of mountains, it is not clear about the details, I was ejected by the space."

Hearing this, Mu Ling looked even more surprised.

"Get through immediately, we leave here."



The master of the boundary formation, with a distressed expression, whispered: "My lord, I just checked it. It's okay to get through, but one person needs to stay here to stabilize the boundary lines and ensure that the channels at both ends are stable.

Mu Ling's face was ugly as soon as he said this.

The Three Heavens Alliance and the Yang Family each brought two masters of the Realm Array to come this time.

Like them, the status of the two masters of the circle is self-evident.

Losing ten Celestial Cutting Realms is not as important as a Master of Realm Array.

But if it is necessary to leave one person here, then everyone can leave. How to choose?

At this moment, Mu Ling suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Mu Yu to his side, and said in a low voice: "How did you know that the border patterns are arranged in the hall just now..."

"Yun Mu discovered it!"

Everyone looked at Mu Yun one after another.

"Are you a realm master?"

Mu Yun nodded slowly at this time.

Na Mu Ling's eyes brightened.

"Now everyone wants to get out of trouble, and the two ends of the passage are opened. You need a boundary division to sit here. How about you?"

Mu Ling said immediately: "Don't worry, you are here to guard, and finally leave, we will keep you safe."

As soon as he said this, Mu Yun sneered in his heart.

Treat him as a fool?

Just now the master of the circle formation was injured, he saw it with his own eyes.

This is a space-time transmission array, not a large transmission array.

Generally, the teleportation formation is driven by the source stone, which contains energy spar, and the two ends are stable, without the power of the formation master to condense the boundary lines.

However, this kind of space-time teleportation array just connects two space-time points.

It is necessary for the boundary formation divisions on both sides to provide the boundary pattern power to operate in order to ensure the smooth passage.

But if he leaves last, who will help him stabilize the boundary pattern?

He can't leave at all.

"it is good!"

But, knowing in his heart, Mu Yun still nodded.

Don't agree, can you?

No way!

Not to mention that Mu Ling and Yang Chongshan are powerful, both of them are in the closed heaven realm, and the hundreds of dominating realms on the two sides around them also killed him.

Not willing is to die.

"In that case, get ready!"

Mu Ling looked at one of the realm masters and said, "Xu Youran, you open up the other end through the realm, and open up another node."

"Yun Mu, right? You are here to stabilize the node."

Mu Ling quickly ordered.

The figure of a world formation master disappeared at this moment...

Not long after, the longan's position, the light flickered.

Mu Ling glanced at Mu Yun.

Mu Yun also understood.

Immediately, in the palm of the hand, the lines of circles condensed.

At both ends of the channel, the nodes are connected.

Check the time, the position of the longan, and the space rotates.

"Brother Zhongshan, you pass first!"

Mu Ling said.

Yang Chongshan didn't hesitate, stepped directly into it, and disappeared.

Seeing that it was safe, everyone stepped into the passage one by one, and gradually disappeared.

Mu Yingying glanced at her father at this time, looked at Mu Yun, and left without saying a word.

One after another silhouettes left, until the end, only Mu Ling was left.

Mu Ling glanced at the keel, his face full of dismay.

But if the keel is torn down now, and the passage is broken, he can't leave this place, but he will die here.

Even if he doesn't give up, he dare not move.

"Yun Mu, after I enter, if you enter again, I will be on the other side and take care of you!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun nodded.

After the words fell, Mu Ling stepped out immediately, disappearing.

But at this moment, Mu Yun looked at the space-time channel, and Mu Ling's figure departed extremely fast.

"Take me as a fool?"

Mu Yun snorted, the palm border pattern, and instantly retreated.

In an instant, the node collapsed, and the channel collapsed instantaneously at this time.

"Asshole, you..."

Mu Ling roared in surprise.

"I will pull you back when I die."

Mu Yun knew that the space node had to sit in a boundary formation division, otherwise the passage would collapse.

He will die if he stays.

But to resist, that is also death.

Since Mu Ling chose the last one to leave, he could count one by one.

"Well, you bastard..."

Mu Ling's roaring words disappeared, and the passage completely collapsed.

Longan's space stopped fluctuating at this time.

Mu Yun stood on the dragon's head and exhaled.

Very upset!

Mu Ling was in the Heavenly Confinement Realm, and he didn't know if he would die. Even if he did not die, he would have to lose half of his life here.

However, the only way to leave was gone.

What should he do?

Can't be here, lonely and die forever, right?

And the other side.

At one end of the channel, the node disappeared, and the faces of several masters of the boundary array changed.



Mu Yingying and Mu Yu's expressions also changed in shock.

The node at this end quickly collapsed.

Channel, disappear.

Mu Ling's figure did not appear.

Mu Yu and Mu Yingying's hearts are as deep as the sea.

With a snort, it suddenly sounded.

The next moment, Mu Ling's figure appeared in front of everyone.


"Leader of the animal husbandry!"

Everyone exhaled.

But seeing Mu Ling's whole body covered in blood, one arm disappeared, and the whole person's face turned pale, and his heart sank.


Mu Ling roared.

That Yun Mu had known for a long time that he would die if he stayed there, but he did not resist, like a little white rabbit, quietly.

Only in the end, I played tricks and wanted to drag him to lose his life!

If it weren't for the strength of the Fengtian realm, plus a piece of Nine-Rank Realm Armor, he might really be dead.

But even so, the Ninth-Rank Realm Armor collapsed, and he was seriously injured...


Looking at her father's bleak appearance, Mu Yingying also paled.

I just thought that I wanted to win over Mu Yun just now, but now...

He sighed in his heart.

On this side, I thought I was able to leave when I found the passage, but I didn't expect that I would become someone else's ladder, sending others out of desperation, and Mu Yun was also very upset.

But, no matter how uncomfortable, there is no way.

At this moment, Mu Yun sat on the keel, looking at the keel that was thousands of feet long.

"Fortunately, the **** didn't dare to move the keel."

Before Mu Ling left, the covetous heart for this keel was obviously, coveting, quite real.

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