Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4246: Everything here is me

However, Mu Ling did not dare to try to collect the keel, he was worried that the passage would collapse and he would die here.

Mu Ling still cherished his life even more.

This keel was cheap, Mu Yun.


How to get out even if the keel is fused?

And once it merges, the Thunder Beast below will swallow him, right?

After thinking about it, Mu Yun had no other way.


Let's increase our strength first!

There is no other way to fall here.

At this moment, Mu Yun was sitting on the keel body with a calm expression.

Up and down the whole body, the strength condensed, and the aura burst out at this moment.

As the palpitation aura passed, I saw multiple dragon scales appearing on the surface of Mu Yun's body.

The roar broke out at this time.

On the surface of its body, the golden light is condensed, which is extremely dazzling.

At this time, his body gradually turned into hundreds of feet long.

The rumbling sound gradually sounded, and the palpitating breath was also passed on.

Golden dragon body.

The light is brilliant.

After transforming the dragon, Mu Yun showed the dragon body completely.

Throughout the ages.

All the great beasts, fierce beasts, alien beasts, etc., can be transformed into human beings after reaching a certain level of cultivation state.

However, it is difficult for the human race to transform into other orcs, let alone dragons.

There are thousands of races in the world of Canglan.

In fact, the human race is at the lowest end, but after human beings begin to practice, they gradually become stronger.

At this time, Mu Yun turned into a dragon and took a breath.

The whistling wind sounded at this moment.

The keel under his body was now white and white, and white light appeared.

Those white lights, gathered little by little, are quite eye-catching.

At this moment, those white spots entered Mu Yun's body little by little, making Mu Yun feel quite comfortable.


A violent roar sounded at this time.

The skeleton of the bones began to collapse.

After Mu Yun had absorbed the dragon's breath contained in the skeleton, this skeleton had completely lost its fundamentality.

Gradually, the skeleton collapsed, and Mu Yun's body experienced some weird changes at this time.

Its golden light gradually turned into dark gold, with a dignified, solemn and sacred aura.

It feels like an emperor, proud of the world.

At this time, his Qianzhang body began to spread, turning into two thousand zhang.

He was covered in golden scale armor, unspeakably mighty.

It's just that at this moment, no one can see this scene.


A roar that moved all day, broke out at this moment.

As the keel shattered, Mu Yun's body stood proudly in the air, showing a noble posture among the twists and turns.

And when this roar sounded, the thunder beasts that were about to move around the entire lower area were constantly backing away at this moment, with fear in their hearts.

Not afraid of Mu Yun's strength.

But fear of Mu Yun's momentum!

At this moment, Mu Yun looked around and snorted coldly.


Gradually, one after another roar sounded, and the entire secret space was trembling in time and space, and the thunder beasts fleeed and disappeared.

As the thunder beasts disappeared, Mu Yun's low roar gradually disappeared.

The huge body tumbling and speeding in the secret realm.

He has never shown his dragon body so unscrupulously.

Such a sense of comfort made him very enjoyable.

In this seemingly endless sky, while soaring constantly, in a blink of an eye, Mu Yun felt that he was already traveling millions of miles away.

However, there is no end to the front.

A desolate land.

A dark golden dragon, galloping freely.

Mu Yun never stopped, soaring all the time.

In this way, Mu Yun couldn't remember exactly how long he had been soaring and how far he had flew.

Until this day.

His figure appeared in front of a sky.

In front of him, the black sky curtain seemed to contain plenty of thunder power, and the roar constantly erupted from the front sky curtain.

Mu Yun calmed down.

The look is calm.

Looking at that sky curtain.


At this moment, Mu Yun's posture stopped here.

At the moment when the terrifying power of thunder burst out, Mu Yun also felt the aura that made his heart palpitate, lingering out.

He is now in the first realm of the cutting sky realm.

However, the dragon body was tempered this time, and only in terms of the strength of the physical body, the triple level of the Heaven-cutting Realm couldn't compare to him.

But at this time, facing the sky, it was still extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Mu Yun was on guard.

At this moment, in the sky, a roar sounded.

A figure slowly walked out of the thundering sky, and came to Mu Yun step by step.

The figure of that person is illusory, not real, but it is not difficult to see his upright posture and convincing momentum.

Mu Yun's eyes widened, and he looked away.


The figure that walked out of the thunder curtain said lightly at this moment.

"who are you?"

Mu Yun asked rhetorically at this moment.


Thunder condensed body murmured: "I am everything here, everything here is me."

At this moment, Mu Yun turned into a human body and appeared 100 meters away from the man.

"Are you... Lei Di?"

Mu Yun was surprised.

"I? I'm not..." The person shook his head and said, "I'm just the thunder clone that condensed under the eternity when the Lei Di was practicing here, and it contains the idea of ​​the Lei Di, of course, it can be. Understand that I am the Lei Di, only one ten millionth of the Lei Di."

Mu Yun was even more stunned.

"How did you get here?" The figure said again: "This place is forbidden, and outsiders enter, and there is no doubt that they will die, but you are still alive now?"

Mu Yun's attitude was tactful, saying: "I was cheated..."

"Senior can you tell me how to get out?"

Mu Yun smiled at this time: "The younger generation has a lot of fate with the Lei Di. He once practiced his Er Lei Divine Body Art. Now he has condensed the Wan Er Lei Body, and it is even more important to obtain the profound meaning of Lei Fu."

"If I die here, then the only descendant of the Lei Di will die here!"

Hearing this, the illusory figure seemed to glance at Mu Yun.

At this time, Mu Yun hurriedly showed his thunder body.

The illusory figure stared at this moment, and said in surprise: "Unexpectedly..."

For a long time, the figure said: "The Lei Di is dead, but someone can condense his Wan'ere body."

Mu Yun also scratched his head at this time.

This was not something he condensed himself, but something he got.

"This place was the place where the Lei Di retreat back then. The Lei Di practiced throughout his life and gathered the heavens and the earth and thunder to refine his body, and his physique was invincible in all realms."

"It's just a pity that he was too arrogant and arrogant, and he died in the hands of some unknown people."

In the hands of unknown people?

"Senior knows?" Mu Yundeng asked curiously.

The figure smiled, and said: "Since I am a convergence of thoughts evolved from his ontology, I naturally possess all his memories."

At this moment, Mu Yun listened attentively.

I have been dealing with things in the field these days. There are fewer updates, and the three shifts will be resumed tomorrow. I hope everyone understands.

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