Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4260: Fatian Erzhong

At the same time, on the other side, Mu Yun was as steady as a mountain, sitting on a mountain top.

As an old man!

This little thing will not create any psychological pressure on Mu Yun!

Mu Yun was a little upset in his heart, so he would imagine what would happen to him if it were Xie Qing?

In Xie Qing's faceless look.

Don't care about anything at all!

Xie Qinghui said shamelessly.

She is good and I am good.


Don't think about it.

Practice peace of mind.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at himself inwardly, dominated the Tao, at this moment, it was indeed spreading continuously.

In the body, black lotus flowers are scattered among the blood, bones and souls, full of sacred air.

Magic lotus ternary body!

Very powerful, very exaggerated!

Mu Yun felt that after those black lotus flowers fell into his body, it was not just the current influence, but more power, dormant in his body.

"Seize this opportunity to break through to dominate the way!"

Mu Yun said nothing and began to meditate.

First accept the power contained in the body, and then talk about it.

As for the practice formation, leaving here is a long time anyway, so I don't worry about it.


The seventh heaven.

Five Spirits.

Water spirit family, within the water spirit world.

Mingyuexin wore a long skirt, the hem of the skirt fell to the ground, and she was sitting cross-legged on a rock. The faint pink and daisy showed that she was like a queen of soldiers, noble and full of arrogance.

The face carved like a ghost from the sky, without a trace of blemish.

at this time.

Mingyue's closed eyes suddenly opened.

Then, with a raised brow, he saw a flick of his fingers, a water arrow, and a thud, plunged into the wall of the mountain stream in front of him, leaving a trace.

Anger fluctuated, and the pool in front of him was also boiling at this time.

After a long period of time, Mingyuexin exhaled, and the water calmed down.

"good very good."

Mingyue said indifferently: "I will write down a sum for you first! Mu Yun!"

With that, Mingyuexin stroked her abdomen with her palm and whispered: "Yuanfan, give your father, write down a sum, and settle the account later!"

When there was Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, Mingyue Xin was naturally extremely worried. After Mu Yun left the seventh celestial realm and reached the first celestial realm, he would encounter danger.

Therefore, the disguise technique, which takes a long time to break, is more than just disguise.

She even left some detection methods on Mu Yun.

It's just that Mingyuexin, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, will naturally not tell Mu Yun that she is concerned about him.

Even if you are worried, you have to worry above all else.

But this guy, how long has it been since entering the first celestial realm, actually has a relationship with other women!

It's just looking for death.

For a long time, Mingyuexin was silent.

Shinobu thinks more and more angry for a while!

The more you think about it, the more you lose!


Mingyuexin immediately drank.


A woman in close-fitting soft armor, with a perfect figure, her long hair tied into a ponytail, and her face with indifference, appeared behind Mingyue's mind.


Ruan Liulian!

Within the Shui Ling clan, a well-known strong man is Ming Yuexin's right-hand man.

In the past years, Mingyuexin left the Ice God Palace, and returned to the seventh celestial realm in the fourth celestial realm, that is, he returned directly to the Shui Ling clan to take over the position of the patriarch.

It's just that the Mingyuexin at that time was not strong, and he was reincarnated and returned, and there was no majesty to say.

It was a group of confidants in the previous life who vowed to protect and follow, she sat down firmly in the position of the patriarch of the Shui Ling clan.

Ruan Liulian is one of them.

"Immediately go to the first celestial realm, find a guy named Yun Mu in the great martial realm, wind spirit realm, and celestial development realm."

Ruan Liulian was taken aback for a moment.

It is said that Cang Emperor Palace is about to be born in the first celestial realm, and the Shui Ling clan did not do anything.

Why is the patriarch suddenly looking for someone named Yun Mu?


However, even though he had doubts in his mind, Ruan Liulian still obeyed.

"Find this guy, beat me up first."

Mingyuexin said directly: "Also, warn him, if you dare to have an affair with any woman, you will castrate him directly!"


"Ah what! Go!"

Ruan Liulian hurriedly bowed to salute at this time.

Just about to leave, Mingyuexin's voice suddenly sounded.

"After the fight, you will stay in the first celestial realm for the time being, protecting his safety at all times!"

Ruan Liulian was stunned again when he said this.

Mingyuexin waved her hand and said, "Go go..."


Mingyuexin sat cross-legged and said nothing.

"What a bastard."


Time passed day by day.

Mu Yun was meditating every day, condensing himself to dominate the way.

The Mo Xuan concubine is also, non-stop.

The two were in the secret world, practicing their own practices, and neither disturbed anyone.

In a blink of an eye, fifty years passed.

On this day, a majestic breath surged in Mu Yun's body.

Dominate the road.

From two thousand one hundred meters to two thousand five hundred meters.

The distance of 400 meters, even if it was nourished by the power of the lotus body, it took Muyun fifty years to improve.

Arrived at the Second Layer of Slashing Heaven Realm!

Mu Yun exhaled.


On the other hand, Concubine Mo Xuan hasn't changed in the past fifty years.

Mu Yun did not move at this moment, but began to study the martial arts.

Master exterminated Tianyan and left thirteen sword arts to him.

The ninth gate is Qiankun Yuanmo Sword Art.

And the tenth door...

At this moment, Mu Yun appeared in the mind of Mie Tianyan again.

"The tenth door."

"Tianyan Thunder Sword Art!"

Mu Yun was startled slightly.

Tian Yan Yu Lei Jian Jue!

Is it related to the Thunder attribute?

Is the strength of the Wan'ere body combined with oneself exploded?

Mu Yun had already decided at this time.

Use Tianyan Yu Lei Jian Jue and Wan Lei Zhen Jue as their own attack methods.

As for the Wan'elei body, after comprehending the Profound meaning of Thunder Fu, it continued to strengthen its own defenses, and then cooperated with the Heaven and Earth Baking Furnace, Zhu Tian Tu and Donghua Emperor Seal.

One must completely master the strength of the Heavenly Cutting Realm.

Next, practice the Tianyan Yu Lei Jian Jue and Wan Lei Zhen Jue.

At the same time, began to condense the boundary lines, ready to leave here.

Day after day passed.

In less than three months, a tyrannical breath rose into the air in the secret world.

Demon Xuanfei.

Broke through.

Cut the sky second layer.

That tyrannical breath was almost the same as that of Mu Yun three months ago.

This woman, before Mu Yun fought her, was actually half a catty, although Mu Yun did not use his trump card, but the strength of this demon concubine is indeed not simple.

After knowing that this woman was the magic lotus ternary body, Mu Yun was also relieved.

Now that she has reached the second layer, she has also reached the second layer...


A streamer came through the air at this moment.

"Mu Yun!"

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at Mu Yun and immediately said: "Here is also you and me. You reach the second level, and I also reach the second level. Everyone needs to hone their strength and come to fight!"

"Do you dare, I will accompany you!"

Mu Yun got up and smiled slightly.

"In that case, do it!"

In an instant, Concubine Demon Xuan controlled the shadow of twenty-four daggers and shot towards Mu Yun...

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