Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4261: Seven hundred thousand realms

The rumbling voice broke out at this moment.

In Mu Yun's hand, the Emperor Profound Sword appeared.

"Yu Lei Immortal Sword Slash!"

A sword fell directly.


A violent roar sounded at this time.

In a few months, Mu Yun had already learned part of the Tianyan Yu Thunder Sword Art, and it was indeed better to get someone to practice his hand.


A sword qi cut out, and when that sword qi burst out suddenly, thunder fell from the sky, and there was a bang.

Concubine Mo Xuan saw this scene, but her expression was extremely calm, holding a dagger in her hand, and instantly, twenty-four daggers turned into thirty, and she cut her head towards Mu Yun.

boom! ! !

The ear-splitting roar erupted at this moment.

In the body of Concubine Mo Xuan, a terrifying aura burst out.

The two Slashing Realms played against each other in two ways, not to mention the great momentum, both of them belonged to the leaders, not to mention the power control.

The rumbling voice kept ringing in between.

Mu Yun and Demon Xuan concubine played against each other far surpassing the explosive power of the same realm level.

"The Royal Thunder Sword is broken!"

It is another form, cut directly at this time.

Sword Qi volleyed, making the scalp numb.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

The explosive power of terror is constantly sweeping away.

At this time, Mu Yun's power was raging all over his body.

Tian Yan Yu Lei Jian Jue.

What is particular about is mighty.

The combination of the mighty thunder and the burst of sword aura can be described as extremely lethal.

However, Concubine Mo Xuan is not easy to provoke.

The two practiced in this way.

The end of a fierce battle.

Mu Yun and Mo Xuan consort both stopped.

"There are two brushes!"

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at Mu Yun and said, "Since you have already broken through to reach the second stage of the Heavenly Slashing Stage, then, you can concentrate on condensing the boundary pattern, so we can leave here."

"Fight again tomorrow."


Mu Yun said nothing more, and the two dispersed.

Returning to the top of the mountain where he was, Mu Yun began to think about the many problems of his sword qi outbreak today...

At the same time, as night fell, Mu Yun also began, condensing boundary lines.

Six hundred thousand boundary lines!

To reach 700,000 Dao, or even higher, more energy and time are required.

Day by day time passes.

Mu Yun and Mo Xuan concubine, each day practice against each other, hone their respective strengths, and at the same time strengthen their own world skills.

But as time deduced, Concubine Mo Xuan found that facing Mu Yun, her pressure was increasing.

This guy is making rapid progress.

The first is swordsmanship!

Very powerful.

Then there is thunder, which contains the magic of thunder, and it has a strong explosive power.

These two attack methods made Mo Xuan concubine feel terrified after fighting against Mu Yun day by day.

Swordsmanship furious.

Thunder Shu is more violent.

This guy... is not an ordinary person.

The emperor of nine lives.

Son of God Emperor.

Being able to hide from a few heavenly emperors, feign death to escape, and even bolder enough to come to the first heaven, this guy is really exaggerated.


this day.

Mu Yun let out a low cry.

"Thunder burst!"

In an instant, the surrounding world turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and a series of cyan thunders detonated instantly.

Concubine Demon Xuan displayed thirty-two daggers around her, bursting out the chill of the daggers, attacking those thunders, and protecting herself.

However, as the explosive power of Thunder increased, Concubine Mo Xuan gradually couldn't hold it.


A thunderbolt broke through the defense of Concubine Demon Xuan, and instantly came to Concubine Demon Xuan, detonating the void.

The space is torn apart.

Concubine Mo Xuan's body flew upside down.

His face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Suddenly, Mu Yun appeared and gently embraced him in his arms.

"It seems that you have slackened your practice recently!"

Mu Yun smiled slightly.

"You improved too fast!"

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at Mu Yun and couldn't help but said, "I'm only three months behind you and stepped into the Second Stage of Slashing Heaven Realm."

Mu Yun didn't say much.

The two stopped this time.

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at Mu Yun, and said, "How about the Condensation Boundary Pattern now?"

"It's nearly seven hundred thousand times!"

Mu Yun said directly: "It took twenty years to condense the boundary patterns here, and only approached 700,000 Dao. The master of the boundary formation, the further behind, the more difficult it is to condense the boundary patterns!"

Concubine Mo Xuan smirked when she heard this.

"Don't pretend in front of me."

Concubine Mo Xuan said directly: "Although I don't know much about the circle, but I also understand that the promotion of the master and the improvement of the circle is very difficult. For twenty years, it has condensed close to 100,000 circles. It is still daily. Practice, after fighting with me, you go to practice..."

"If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that this improvement may not be made in two thousand years!"

Mu Yun spread his hands.

He is also used to the attitude of Concubine Demon Xuan.

Like a rose with thorns.

Although this rose was picked once by myself, it was still prickly.

"Seven hundred thousand realm patterns, you can deal with the Celestial Slashing realm with the strength of the realm array alone. I don't know if you can look for the flaws in this secret world and open the secret world to go out..."

In a blink of an eye, the two have been here for 70 years.

In fact, for a realm and a martial artist who has lived for nearly tens of millions of years, seventy years is nothing.

"If it doesn't work, just continue to wait..."

In the past seventy years, Mu Yun had also swallowed three Thunder Spirit Pills to reinforce his Wan'elei Body.

Continuously fusing Lightning Fu Upanishad, Mu Yun also discovered the Wan'elei body's tempering.

Wan'ere body possesses growth potential.

Condensing Leiyi's possession is just the root of Wan'eley's body.

The real Wan'ere body has nine transformations.

Under one transformation, a thunder pattern can be condensed, and this thunder pattern is not only a body guard, but also has a terrifying explosive power that can kill the enemy.

Now, Mu Yun is only condensing the first thunder pattern.

However, Wan'ere body has been greatly improved.

Cooperating with Wan Lei Zhen Jue, the upper eight-rank realm Jue, the explosive power... is amazing.



These two techniques are in hand, enough Mu Yun to deal with ordinary warriors of the same realm.


Now, he has the three magic weapons of Donghua Emperor Seal, Lei Emperor Rod, and Heaven and Earth Baking Furnace, plus the explosive power of these three magic weapons...

It can be said that nowadays, Mu Yun is full of confidence.

If the strength of one's own boundary formation can be raised to the upper eighth level to kill the Heaven Realm, it will be even better.

Cang Emperor's Eye!

The Eye of the Yellow Emperor!

The Tao of Tai Chi!

All have a huge improvement.

Mu Yun is more confident about the road ahead.

The trial of the two is over.

Mu Yun returned to the top of his mountain again, and began to condense the way of boundary lines.

Like the alchemist and the weapon refiner, the formation mage, if you want to become stronger, you also need to hone your strength step by step.

Boundary patterns are the foundation of the array mage, so you can't help but be sloppy.

At this time, the boundary patterns that Mu Yun could condense had sixty nine ninety-nine thousand lines.

Only the last thousand Dao, you can step into the eighth-level realm master's high-grade level.

But it was the last thousand, but it was quite difficult.

At this time, around Mu Yun's body, there were many border patterns, like floating leaves and clever elves, all around him, densely packed.

Between those border lines, new border lines continue to derive.

This time, no matter what, the boundary pattern will reach 700,000 lines!

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