Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4262: Failed again

In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

this day.

Around Mu Yun's body, the circles of light suddenly flourished.

From a distance, Concubine Mo Xuan was extremely surprised when she saw this scene.

It's a success!

Twenty years.

There are 600,000 lines of boundary patterns, reaching 700,000 lines.

From a general eighth-level realm master to a high-grade realm master.

With more than 700,000 boundary lines, the boundary formations outlined and arranged already possess the explosive power to kill the warriors of the Heaven-cutting Realm.

Mu Yun's progress is too fast!

"As expected to be the son of the Azure Emperor..."

Concubine Mo Xuan whispered.

The prestige of Qingdi has spread throughout the world of Canglan.

Among the nine heavenly realms of Canglan World, there are not many women who follow the example of Qing Emperor.

Beheaded an ancient **** back then.

Later, he killed the tiger emperor of the Jiuyou Baihu clan.

Such strength is not inferior to men.

This empress, the way of formation, is also regarded as a legend!

But right now, Mu Yun's accomplishments in the Boundary Formation can be said to have received his mother's true biography, and he is also so talented and powerful.

Not long afterwards, the roads and boundaries spread into a passage, paved down, and came to Demon Xuan concubine.

Mu Yun looked at Concubine Demon Xuan at this time, and said with a smile: "You can try it this time."

Concubine Mo Xuan nodded.

As Mu Yun spoke, his figure rose into the air.

Seven hundred thousand realm patterns, this is already a new realm level.

The Grand Master of the high-grade boundary formation!

At this time, Mu Yun used the boundary formation to crush the martial artist of the Rongtian realm, and it was easy.


In an instant, 700,000 boundary lines broke out at this moment.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

The figure of Mu Yun flew back and forth in the entire secret world, while Concubine Demon Xuan looked at Mu Yun and used it.

The roar broke out.

Seven hundred thousand realm patterns, like seven hundred thousand divine soldiers, are scattered in this piece of heaven and earth.

The rumbling voice has been terrifying in people's hearts.

Mu Yun stepped forward, and the terrifying aura was released.

While continuing to investigate, Mu Yun suddenly brightened his eyes.

"Flaws found!"

This kind of prohibition itself is created by the boundary pattern, and it is normal that there are defects in the disrepair for a long time.

At this moment, Mu Yun's whole body aura condensed, and when the terrifying aura burst out, the whole person was also full of terrifying aura at this time.

Dao Dao Boundary Patterns violently rushed to a position of a hundred meters above the sky, a space node.

There was a bang.

Concubine Mo Xuan was just watching at this time, and she really couldn't help.

As the roar erupted, only a space node at a height of Baizhang was seen, collapsed and collapsed at this time.

Then, the golden light swayed down.

Mu Yun tried to hit the golden light area with boundary patterns.

However, when Muyun's boundary lines were struck in, those boundary lines were swallowed and disappeared.

The golden light is still as good as ever!

After some attempts, Mu Yun finally stopped.


Seeing the golden light twinkling, Mu Yun frowned.


how come!

Concubine Mo Xuan also came to Mu Yun's side at this time.

"what happened?"

"Failed." Mu Yun looked at the golden light and murmured: "It's because my boundary pattern is not strong enough."

Concubine Mo Xuan's face also dimmed.

Seven hundred thousand boundary lines, constructed an eight-level boundary formation, is enough to deal with the first layer of the sky-cutting realm.

Boundary formation is very powerful!

But at this time, it still couldn't break open.

"Then what to do?"

"I will try again!"

With that, Mu Yun condensed boundary lines again.

And in the next few months, Mu Yun has been trying to condense the boundary pattern, constantly bursting out the power of the boundary pattern, but every time, the golden light shines on the earth, the boundary pattern rushes into the golden light, and it is Swallowed, dispelled!

Strength, not strong enough!

"Damn it!"

Finally, Mu Yun stopped trying.

Concubine Mo Xuan had given up her heart a long time ago.

What else can we do next?

What can I do!

Mu Yun gritted his teeth and continued to retreat.

Seven hundred thousand is not enough.

Then seven hundred and fifty thousand roads!

If it is not enough, then 800,000, 850,000, 900,000, 950,000, and a million, it’s all right!

Mu Yun continued.

Concubine Mo Xuan also practiced quietly every day.

day to day.

Year after year.

In a blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed.

On this day, Mu Yun appeared again.

Fifty years.

From the seven hundred thousand circles of boundary lines, it was finally raised to seven hundred and fifty thousand.

Compared with the last time, the speed is much slower.

This is not Mu Yun's retreat, but...Heaven and earth boundary strength is declining here.

In the past fifty years, the power of the heaven and earth boundary has been declining, almost very weak.

Even though Concubine Mo Xuan has practiced for fifty years, she has barely made any progress.

If so, when the power of the world and the earth disappeared completely, the two of them would not even be able to improve their realm.

At that time, I would really be trapped here for a lifetime.

"I will try again."

This time, Mu Yun was full of confidence.

Great master of the high-grade world formation.

Seventy-five thousand realm patterns, forming a large formation, are enough to slay the second layer of the Heaven-cutting Realm.

This time, it was doubled and improved.

Dao Dao Boundary Patterns constantly surging out.

Close to the golden rays of light, the boundary lines were like a shot, drowning the golden rays of light.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xuan Fei smiled with joy.

Until the end, the roads and borders will be blocked by golden light, and then, Mu Yun controlled the borders, wanting to continue to break the ban on this place.

But then...


Next to the blocked golden light space node, a space node appeared again.

The golden light spilled out again.

Mending the east wall, down the west wall!


Mu Yun let out a low drink, he wanted to stop again.

And when Muyun tried his best to block the second and third channels, they appeared again...

Then, the fourth, fifth, sixth...

In the entire secret world, golden light shined everywhere.

Mu Yun's face changed completely.

These rays of light prevented the boundary lines from eroding the restriction.

The prohibition cannot be broken, and it is impossible to leave the secret world at all.

Concubine Mo Xuan sat slumped on the ground at this time.

Mu Yun was panting at this moment, and fell down.


It failed again!

Can't you get out?

Return to this bastard, where did you go!

It has been a hundred years, and has been here for a hundred years.

Although he reached the second level of Slashing Heaven Realm and broke through 750,000 boundary lines, he... couldn't get out!

Both Mu Yun and Mo Xuan Fei said nothing.

Continue to practice?

However, the boundary force of this place is already weak and will soon disappear.

At that time, there is no way to practice.

In the next few months, both of them looked a little helpless and decadent.

Mu Yun still insists on condensing the boundary lines, although he knows that there is little hope, he can never do nothing.

Although there is no heaven and earth power, but with the strength of two people, it is not a problem to survive here, but when will they live?

Muyun now has seven million years of life!

Is it possible to wait for death after living here to seven million years?

"Guiyi, your uncle!"

After thinking about it, Mu Yun couldn't help cursing.

Just cursing is useless, at least in the past hundred years, there is no news at all.

The key is to rely on yourself!

Mu Yun thought this way, looking at the golden rays of light radiating from above, but, looking at it, Mu Yun suddenly discovered that those golden rays... began to change!

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