Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4300: Young Master is dead

Mu Yun looked stunned and his eyes were dull.

The Thousand Miles Mountain Range was instantly flattened.


And ahead, in the land full of crescent moons, I saw suddenly, a thousand-meter-tall scarlet wolf standing on the ground, grinning, abundance and handsome, with a few traces of blood on the body, and the whole person broke out completely.

Lang Huan was transformed into the blood moon **** wolf body.

Qianzhang tall body, at this moment, directly opened his mouth and spit out blood knives, and instantly chopped it out to block the crescent moon.

At the same time, Liu Yuntian was holding a small tripod. The tripod gradually expanded ten times, one hundred times, and turned into a thousand feet. The imprint of the tripod body burst out, like a rune, instantly like a rune, hundreds of millions. The way was average and rushed out.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, between the three of them, hundreds of miles away, the mountains were completely blown into a basin, and the earth cracked and cracks as thick as hundreds of feet abound.

Mu Yun was also dumbfounded for a while.

Is Fengtian Realm so powerful?

He went all the way from the Huatian realm to the Tongtian realm, then to the Rongtian realm, as well as the current triple-cutting realm, deeply understanding the gap between each realm.

Very big!

However, at this time, from the perspective of the Heaven-Shunting Realm, the gap between the strongest of the Heaven-sealing Realm is even greater.

No wonder, Fengtian Realm, everyone is so rare.

At this time, Liu Yuntian and Lang Huan were obviously desperate.

However, still unable to stop the furious Yuejin Song.

"Moon God Slash!"

Yuejinge roared, and the momentum in the body rose, and the explosive power of terror swept away in an instant.

The crescent moon saw the light dimmed, but at this moment, it suddenly became stronger again.

Liu Yuntian and Lang Huan finally couldn't resist, and instantly retreated.

Na Langhuan was the worst, the moonlight passed through his body, almost smashing his body in half.

Blood stained the world!

At this time, Liu Yuntian, with the giant cauldron in front of him, the curse light was dim, and his whole person was as bleak as he was struck by lightning, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

The four layers of Fengtian realm.

After all, he lost to the five layers of the Fengtian realm.

At this time, Yuejin Song didn't stop, and rushed out instantly.

But at this moment.

Changes occur.

In the void, a figure suddenly shot, and with a palm of the hand, a dark claw mark condensed out of the void, and then fell instantly.


The dark magic claws instantly slapped on the back of Yuejinge, blood gurgling out, Yuejinge's entire body, his face pale and terrible.

However, his body fell on the ground, rumbling loudly, and the turbulent ground could not be calm for a long time.

Sneak attack!

At this moment, above the sky, a black robe figure stood still, with a grim expression.

Heavenly Demon Sect, Demon Yunting!

This Fengtian Realm Five Layer has already come!

Sure enough, as Mu Yun thought.

It is impossible for Du Sheng, the leader of the Three Heavens League, to come personally. The Three Heavens League and the Yang Family are still facing each other. On the front line, the Yang Family Changyang is guarded by the heavy heavens, and Du Sheng must sit down.

With Lang Huan and Liu Yuntian's two quartet, it is obviously impossible to kill Yuejinge.

When Mo Youlin appeared, he guessed that Mo Yun Ting had also arrived.

Before Yang Yunxian and Yue Lingshuang died, they both hoped that he would inform Yue Jinge and take precautions.



Not to mention that Yue Jinge, such a wolf-hearted person, shouldn't die, Yang Family alone, Mu Yun would not let it go.

Mo Yunting stood high in the sky at this time, looking forward.

"Mo Yunting, you can really bear it. Did you only show up when you saw us die?" Liu Yuntian said unhappy.

"Didn't I show up now?"

Mo Yunting smiled slightly and said: "If it hadn't been for seeing you two lose, would this guy take it lightly?"

Hearing this, Lang Huan, with his huge body, slowly stood up, his wolf mouth opened and he said: "Huh, do you want him to kill both of us?"

Mo Yunting smiled, but said nothing.

Yuejin Song, can't run away today!

"Want me to die?"

But at this moment, above the earth, a very gloomy voice sounded.

Yuejinge's figure slowly emerged.

His clothes were torn apart, his robes on his back exploded, bloody, and his long hair was messy and scattered, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Today, even if I die, I will kill both of you and you!"

Yuejinge drank it and rushed out in the air.

Mo Yun Tingdeng time shot, blocking Yue Jin Ge.

But at this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Yue Jia Yue Jinzhao and Yue Ming Xiao appeared here.

"Big Brother!"

"Big Brother!"

The two roared in time.

"Stop Mo Yunting!"

Yue Jinge roared at this time: "Stop him, I will kill Lang Huan and Liu Yuntian."

As soon as these words came out, Yue Jinchao and Yue Mingxiao rushed out without hesitation.

Mo Yunting raised his brows.

But at this moment, Liu Yuntian and Lang Huan's expressions changed.

The two have already suffered heavy injuries, and if Yue Jinge catches up, they will undoubtedly die.

At this time, Mo Yun Ting could not be counted on at all.

Lang Huan shouted in a low voice: "Run separately!"

After drinking, Lang Huan drank in a low voice, his body was hairy, blood flowed out, and instantly turned into a **** light, disappearing.

Blood Escape Dafa!

Yue Jin Ge saw this scene, his expression changed.

Lang Huan used the **** escape Dafa, and the whole person was extremely fast in a short time, and it was impossible to catch up.

Liu Yuntian was also pale at this time.

Yue Jinge knew that he could not catch up with Lang Huan and would inevitably chase him, so Liu Yuntian suddenly turned and left.

As expected, Yuejinge went directly after Liu Yuntian...

At this moment, Mo Yunting seemed to be entangled by Yue Jinchao and Yue Mingxiao, but there was a smile on his mouth.

There are two mere sealed heaven realms and four layers, want to stop him?

However, it's just right now.

Liu Yuntian, 80% of them will not survive.

And Lang Huan used the secret recipe of the Blood Moon God Wolf family, even if he escaped this time, he would be hit hard.

This Liuyue Realm, the Sky Demon Sect wants it!

Mo Yunting smiled happily.

At this moment, Mu Yun was between a piece of rubble, watching this scene.

Not long after, Mu Yun showed a resolute color, his figure flashed, and he walked in the direction of Lang Huan's escape...

Yue Jinchao and Yue Mingxiao continued to block Mo Yun Ting to prevent him from running away.

Not much time passed.

The sound of breaking through the air rang out.


A figure dressed in a black robe stood steadily. It was the Demon Sect Demon Xuan who appeared in the Desolate Mountain Range at that time.

Mo Xuan's face changed drastically at this time: "The big thing is not good, Young Sect Master... he... was killed."

When the word fell, Mo Yunting's aura suddenly became unstable, and was almost hit by Yue Jinzhao and Yue Mingxiao.

"what did you say!"

Word by word, his voice was cold and stern.

"Young Master Mo Youlin... is dead!" Mo Xuan said with an ugly expression.

Mo Yun Tingdeng time roared: "Who is it?"

"do not know……"

At this moment, the devilish energy inside Mo Yun Ting was tumbling, as if to overturn the world.

Yue Jinchao and Yue Mingxiao both changed their expressions, and their figures hurried backwards.

"Get back!"

Mo Yunting drank with a word, stretched out his hands, and instantly turned into two magic claws, grabbing the bodies of Yue Jinzhao and Yue Mingxiao straightly.

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