Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4301: I am going to subdue you

"Go to hell!"

His hands suddenly squeezed, and a cracking sound rang out.

Yue Jinchao and Yue Mingxiao both had their bodies and bones crushed to pieces, and the whole body was even more distorted, and even their souls were out of the body and wanted to escape.

But under Mo Yunting's anger, how could the two of them escape?


Two bangs blasted, and the souls of the two Fengtian realm quadruple powerhouses were annihilated.

At this moment, Mo Yunting stood in the air with a cold expression: "Take me!"

Mo Xuan did not dare to make a sound, and immediately handed over and left here with Mo Yun Ting.

Not long after, Mo Yunting brought everyone to the Moon Palace.

In that courtyard, the bodies of Yue Lingshuang and Yang Yunxian were already cold.

In a corner of the courtyard, only one corpse was seen, which was divided into six parts.

Put your legs, arms, head and torso together.

It's not Mo Youlin, but who is it?

Earlier, Yue Jinge was only concerned about his daughter, and the body of Demon Youlin was covered. After knowing this, the martial artist of the Sky Demon Sect found out.

At this time, Mo Yunting walked towards his son's corpse step by step, and his body slowly trembled.

Li Mingxuan took a lot of effort to restore Mo Youlin's body, and this time he brought it back to help his son sweep away his depressed decadence.

But now...

The son died here.

"who is it?"

"who is it!!!"

Mo Yunting roared in a low voice.


At this time, someone pieced together the body of Demon Youlin, only to find that Demon Youlin was not divided into six parts, but seven parts, and there was a piece of meat missing!

Mo Yun Ting Deng looked startled at time.

"It's him, it must be him!"

Mo Yun Ting immediately shouted: "The martial artist of the Heavenly Demon Sect listened to the order, the Yue family and the Yang family martial artist, not one left, all beheaded, and at the same time, comfort Liuyue City, and post the portrait of Yun Mu in Liuyue City!

"Whoever captures Yunmu alive, a Nine-Rank Realm Weapon, a Nine-Rank Realm Pill, and a Nine-Rank Realm Art."

"If you kill Yun Mu, the reward will be doubled!"

Mo Yunting said gloomily.


Suddenly, within Liuyue City, the Yue Family and Yang Family Martial Artists, under the siege of the Three Heavens Alliance, the Blood Moon God Wolf Clan, and the Heavenly Demon Sect Martial Artists, were gradually losing ground...

And at the same time, the other side.

Yuejinge is chasing Liu Yuntian, with a posture of not giving up until he is dead.

At this time, Lang Huan was running wildly.

After leaving Liuyue City for thousands of miles, Lang Huan just stopped.

At this time, Lang Huan turned into a human form and fell between a mountain range. The pores all over his body seemed to be bleeding, and the whole person had become a **** person.

He entered between the clear lakes in the mountains, stripped off his clothes, lay in the pool water, gasping for breath, swallowing several pills in succession, and only then stabilized.

"Damn Yuejin Song!"

"Damn Devil Yunting!"

Lang Huan cursed in a low voice at this time.

Almost dead!

If he were to die, the tribe established by the Blood Moon God Wolf Clan over hundreds of thousands of years, rooted in the Flowing Moon Realm, would be completely disintegrated.

"With my current injury, I can't return to the Blood Moon God Wolf Clan, otherwise... If Mo Yun Ting violates the agreement, it will most likely kill me..."

Lang Huan whispered at this moment: "If this seat breaks through to reach the five-fold realm this time, Moyunting, this seat will remember you!"

Yuejinge **** it.

But Mo Yunting was more damnable.

Just as Lang Huan cursed in a low voice, there was a sudden movement in his ear.

Lang Huandeng's body muscles were tense in time, showing his fangs and sharp claws. He looked at Hantan for a moment, and shouted, "Who? Get out!"

A figure slowly walked out at this moment.

"Master Lang Huan!"

The young man in black clothes suddenly crawled to the ground and said respectfully: "The disciple is Mu Yun of the Three Heavens League. He was ordered by the leader of the Muling League to find Master Liu Yuntian in my house!"

"Liu Yuntian? That guy, 80% is dead, right!"

At this time, Lang Huan grunted angrily: "You, get out of here."

The young man in Mo Yi slowly approached Lang Huan.

The two are separated by less than ten steps.

Suddenly, Lang Huan's expression was cold, and with a wave of his palm, a crack in wolf claws instantly grabbed the young man's neck.

At this time, the young man reacted faster, his figure retreated, and he threw a punch, and the thunder broke out, smashing the crack in the wolf claw.

"It seems you are not stupid yet!"

At this moment, the Mo Yi youth smiled.

"I am a person posing as the Three Heavens Alliance, approaching me and want to kill me?" Lang Huan sneered: "The Three Heavens Alliance will join forces with my blood moon **** and wolf clan this time. I know both the Expedition and Confinement Realm. You are Who, I haven't seen it!"

"Under Muyun!"

Mu Yun arched his hands at this time and said with a smile: "Senior Lang Huan, the outcome was severely wounded, I don't know, can I kill my Heavenly Slashing Realm Triple?"

There is a world of difference between the quadruple of the Fengtian realm and the triple of the cutting Heaven realm.

However, Lang Huan was hit hard by Yuejinge before, and finally, in order to escape for his life, he used secret techniques to lose his vitality and blood. Mu Yun felt that he could give it a try.

The fight was successful, and he subdued a quadruple powerhouse of the Sealed Heaven Realm.

If the fight fails, he can run too!

"Things to fish in troubled waters!" Lang Huan coldly snorted at this time: "With you, are you worthy to threaten me now?"

"Even if I only have one breath left, killing you is easy!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

Lang Huan hummed.

"Senior is delaying time, right?"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Since you saw through me just now, you just let me get closer, indicating that you have no confidence in you. You can kill my Heavenly Slashing Realm triple."

"And the moment you shot it, it was supposed to be a killer blow, but... it was blocked by me!"

"In this way, the prestige of the predecessor's tongue seems to be inconsistent with his current strength!"

Lang Huan glared at this moment.

"Which side are you from? Heavenly Demon Sect?"

"Sky Demon Sect?" Mu Yun smiled immediately: "Sooner or later, I will destroy the Sky Demon Sect."

"Senior don't have to guess. I don't have any good feelings about the Sky Demon Sect, the Yang Family, or the Three Heaven Alliance. I don't come from these parties. I said, my name is Mu Yun."

At this time, Lang Huan still looked confused.

Mu Yun?

Never heard of it!

The battle of Xiaoyao Saint Ruins spread throughout the world of Canglan. Everyone knew that Mu Yun, the son of the **** emperor, had died. Naturally, Lang Huan would not connect the Mu Yun in front of him with that Mu Yun.

"What do you want? Kill me? You can be careful not to die." Lang Huan hummed.

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled and said, "Senior laughed."

"Four-layer powerhouse in the Fengtian realm, where am I willing to kill?"

"I am going to subdue you!"

Hearing this, Lang Huan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly burst into laughter.


Is this little **** dreaming?

Even if he is now in the Pingyang, but the dog in front of him, how qualified is it to say to subdue him?

"Senior don't believe it?"

Mu Yun said again.

"I believe in you big head!"

Lang Huan sneered and said, "If you want to kill me, prepare yourself to die too!"

Mu Yun smiled at this moment and said: "I don't think so. Seniors just treat me as the third level of Heaven-cutting realm, but in fact, juniors have four or even five-fold strengths of Heaven-cutting realm. can't run away. Dropped!"

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