Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4302: Shou Langhuan

"Then you try it!"

Lang Huan, as a four-layer powerhouse in the Conferred Heaven Realm, would he be stunned by a young man in the Heaven-Slashing Realm who had never seen any big wind and waves?

At this time, Mu Yun took a step forward, and Lang Huandeng became cautious in time.

Mu Yun had also thought about killing Lang Huan, but killing this guy, the blood moon **** and wolf clan was in chaos, but it was the people of the Sky Demon Sect.

It's just that, how difficult is it to capture such a Sealed Heaven Realm Quadruple and force him to sign a secret seal of life and death with him willingly?

However, Mu Yun was willing to give it a try.

He didn't want Lang Huan to die, Lang Huan himself was afraid... and didn't want to die!


In an instant, the Donghua Emperor Seal appeared on the top of Mu Yun's head, and the Emperor Seal exuded rays of light, shrouded in heaven and earth.

"Nine-Rank Realm Device!"

When Lang Huan saw this scene, his expression changed: "You have a slashing realm, and you have a Ninth-Rank Realm Device!"

"Who are you on earth?"

There is no need to even have the eighth-rank realm in the cut-up sky realm, let alone the 9th-rank realm.

"I said, my name is Mu Yun."

At this time, Mu Yun condensed the Donghua Emperor's seal and stamped it.

The frenzied suppressive power erupted from the emperor seal.

Lang Huan felt that the space around his body seemed to become sticky, affecting his every move.

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped forward, and the heaven and earth bake furnace appeared in front of him.

The cauldron glowing with bronze, at this moment released a vast expanse of air.


Lang Huan's expression changed even more.

At least it is also a nine-grade realm.

It may even be an imperial weapon.

It's just that this cauldron, which looks strange now, seems to contain powerful power, but the spirit of the instrument does not seem to be tyrannical.

The heaven and earth oven was refined by Mu Yun himself, and Mu Yun regarded himself as the spirit of the cauldron, and his strength determined the upper limit of the heaven and earth oven.

Therefore, Lang Huan has this illusion.

The Yanlong burst out, and between howlings, it rushed in front of Lang Huan.

"court death."

Lang Huan let out a low drink and squeezed his palm, his body exploded.

The Fengtian realm, even the severely wounded Fengtian realm, is also a strong Fengtian realm.

Lang Huan blasted out with a punch, and his fist spread out in an instant, transforming into a blood wolf, with a huge mouth open, biting, and straight to Mu Yun.

The rumbling voice sounded at this moment.

With the suppression of the Donghua Emperor's seal and the explosion of the heaven and earth oven, Lang Huan still punched at this time, and the bombarded Mu Yun's body retreated.

But at this moment, Mu Yun's eyes became calmer.

"Senior, don't hold on, bow your head to your ears, at least you can survive!"

"you wanna die!"

Lang Huan let out a loud shout. At this moment, the palms and soles of the feet turned into blood wolf claws, and blood teeth appeared in his mouth, which looked extremely terrifying.

At this moment, anyone can feel that frightening aura.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

Torn mountain peaks and emptied wolf claws, when facing the furnace of heaven and earth, they encountered obstacles.

At this time, Lang Huan gave a long scream and laughed loudly: "Boy, you are too self-righteous. Kill you, the deity can get two Ninth-Rank artifacts. At that time, even if you are facing the Demon Yun Ting, the deity There is no fear."

"court death!"

Lang Huan drank with a single word, and instantly the aura in his body exploded, and the palpitating breath approached Mu Yun.

At this moment, Mu Yun held his palm, the surface of his body, Wan'erley body, condensed thunderclothes, protected his body, his hands were tightly grasped, slowly unfolded, and the time was full of thunder.

"Thunder burst!"

A punch, blast out.


Between the earth and the mountains, a thunder fist shadow shone on the earth and went straight to Lang Huan.

Rumble! ! !

The two played against each other at this time, and the momentum was powerful and terrifying.

Although Lang Huan was seriously injured, he was wounded by Yuejinge, and he used his blood escape, losing a lot of blood essence, but after all, he was the fourth layer of the Heavenly Closing Realm. At this time, he still possessed the strength of the High-Rank Heavenly Slashing Realm.

And gradually, Mu Yun also grasped Lang Huan's strength, and squeezed his palms between strange calls.

A thunder knife that thunder condenses, directly cut down.

"Thunder Knife!"

In an instant, the blade's edge was more powerful than the eighth rank realm weapon.

Wan'erley Body, Thunder Aggregate Body, once Mu Yun displayed Wan'erley Body, he could be said to be organized by Thunder.

The terrifying blue thunder contains the mightiest power between heaven and earth.

It burst out, naturally terrifying!

"Asshole stuff!"

Lang Huan was injured by Mu Yun's two attacks at this time, and his face was even paler.

He was also taking a breath, taking the last breath, and killing Mu Yun, he would get two world artifacts, and one of them was not lost to the nine-rank world artifact.

"Blood wolf shakes the sky!"

With a low drink, Lang Huan broke out again, and the blood in his body soared instantly, condensing a blood wolf figure, and instantly rushed towards Mu Yun.

This style exhausted the qi and blood in his body, if he couldn't kill Mu Yun, he would be finished.

At this moment, Mu Yun held the heaven and earth oven, and the Yanlong erupted instantly.

The body of the blood wolf rushed straight towards the Yanlong, and in the next moment, it turned into a **** light, piercing the Yanlong's body.

An aura of horror broke out at this time.

Lang Huan ignited hope when he saw this scene.

But Mu Yun looked at the blood wolves flooding, but his expression remained unchanged.

"Leidi rod!"

The word fell, and the Lei Di staff appeared in his hand.

This is a real nine-grade realm.

Rare in the world!

The thunder contained in Lei Di’s rod was even more surging. With Mu Yun’s current strength in the Heaven-slashing realm, it was impossible to display all its power, but even a part of it was enough.

The cyan thunder broke out again.

The thunder surging out of the Thunder Emperor's rod seemed to merge with Mu Yun.

But at this moment, Mu Yun shook his palm, and an arrow appeared in Mu Yun's hand between the void.

The arrow was no more than the thickness of the thumb, it was only one meter long, but the thunder contained in it almost changed from light blue to dark blue.

call out……

The next moment, the thunder rushed out.

The deep blue thunderbolt burst out instantly, tearing the body of the blood wolf, and slamming towards Lang Huan fiercely.


Behind Lang Huan, the mountain peaks were smashed by his backward body. The whole person retreated dozens of miles, and finally fell into a pile of rubble, life and death unknown.

Bang! ! !

A low bang, resounded at this moment.

At this time, Mu Yun was holding the Lei Di staff in his left hand, and the Emperor Profound Sword in his right hand, with the Donghua Emperor seal on his head. The Heaven and Earth Oven Flame Dragon condensed again, floating in front of him, and approaching step by step.

When he arrived at the location of Lang Huan, Yanlong swooped down and swept away the surrounding rubble.

Lang Huan's body appeared, with a blood hole in his chest, his flesh and blood charred.

At this moment, Mu Yun just breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Mu Yun still hadn't approached.

Yanlong dragged the fainted Lang Huan's body, and at a distance of 100 meters, Mu Yun condensed a shadow of life and death.

The complex marks appear round.

Mu Yun hadn't used the dark seal of life and death for a long time.

Right now, there are only three people controlled by his secret seal of life and death.

The ghost king of Raksha in the gods!

Qiyong Taoist in the Ye Clan.

And Pangu Ling.

The benefits given to them by the shadow of life and death are self-evident.

And now, the fourth person is about to appear.

At this time, Lang Huan did not have any ability to stop Mu Yun!

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