Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4373: Come again!

At this moment, Li Mingyue didn't care that she was standing in front of the two without a thing. Looking at Mu Yun, her silver teeth were almost crushed.



Almost killed by Mu Yun.

Almost died in the hands of Mu Yun, the seventh layer of the Heaven-cutting Realm.

Li Mingyue made a move with both hands. In an instant, the ice needles turned into ice sails. Each sail was like a sail on a huge ship, but it was filled with cold air.

"Bingfan Jue!"

"Broken Thousand Sails!"

Li Mingyue shook both hands, and ice sails surrounded Mu Yun's body in an instant, as if to freeze the whole world.

An aura of horror broke out at this time.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

Qianfan seemed to sail across the sea, all under Li Mingyue's control.

Mu Yun's body was frozen in time.

"Heaven and earth oven!"

He whispered in his heart, and on the top of Mu Yun's head, the heaven and the earth reappeared, and the thousand-foot flame dragon, spouting tongues of fire, crashed into the surrounding sails.

But at this time, Mu Yun was limited by all the sails.

Guan Yishan's knife was cut down at this moment.

"go to hell!"

Guan Yishan held a knife in one hand, but this knife was like opening up the world, exploding with thousands of sword energy.


Juli smashed down, and Mu Yun's body fell to the ground over time, causing the ground to sink a hundred feet deep, and the surroundings cracked again.

At this moment, looking at Li Mingyue and Guan Yishan who were caught in a rage, Mu Yun laughed instead...

"I'm still capable!"

At this moment, the corner of Mu Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he whispered.

Behind it, an ancient round door of vicissitudes condenses.

The door of the ancient vicissitudes of life is constantly rotating.

And under his feet, there was a mark of gossip.

"The Way of Tai Chi!"

One yin and one yang, the Tao of Tai Chi.

In an instant, black and white rays of light burst out from Mu Yun's body, pierced Qianfan, pierced the sword strength, and shot Li Mingyue and Guan Yishan.

The expressions of the two of them changed drastically at this time, and they never expected that at this moment, Mu Yun actually still had more hands.

Boom boom boom...

The world trembled.

Li Mingyue and Guan Yishan vomited blood, their bodies retreated.

"Come again!"

Mu Yun swallowed, the second Tai Chi Tao, black and white light, pierced through the void, came to the two of them, penetrated their bodies.

"Come again!"

With this drink, Mu Yun had a hideous look, black and white light, and instantly burst the bodies of the two of them.

The rumbling sound is endless.

At this time, this piece of heaven and earth completely returned to nothingness. At this time, time and space collapsed, causing a turbulent flow of space to emerge.

At this moment, Mu Yun stood between the sky and the earth, with blood flowing out of his eyes, and the blood on his body dried up, and his body's boundary strength and the power of dominating the Dao collapsed.

Li Mingyue, die!

Guan Yishan, die!

At this time, Mu Yun's face was pale, his body trembled slightly, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

At this moment, he felt endless exhaustion, sweeping his body.

He wanted to close his eyes, but he knew that if he slept here, he would die.

He struggled, trying to get up, until finally, when he saw a beautiful figure and came to him, Mu Yun just showed a smile, and his consciousness was finally blurred...

The world of Canglan is vast and infinite.

The first day is the strongest.

This is generally accepted and true.

On the first day, the Dragon Race and the Star God Palace were enough to crush most of the top forces in the entire Canglan world!

Emperor Xing Tiandi, formerly known as the second title of Canglan, the title of emperor strong, when Mu Qingyu reached the **** emperor, this person was hailed as the first, no one refuted.

Within the dragon clan, there are ten dragon clan, and the strong come out in large numbers, and the ten clan chiefs of the dragon clan are unfathomable.

As for whether it is a half-step emperor, a quasi emperor, or a title emperor level, no one knows.

This is because since the Dragon Clan's ancestral dragon fell, the ten dragons have been separated from each other. After experiencing a civil strife, no one has ever seen the ten dragon clan leaders take action.

But in any case, the overall strength of the first heaven is the strongest, this is indisputable.

Star God Realm!

Kaiyang Palace.

As one of the seven major palaces under the Star God Palace, the Kaiyang Palace itself is also extremely powerful. It is almost not far behind the six families of the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins.

Li Kaiyang, the lord of the Kaiyang Palace, is also a powerhouse in the half-step Huadi realm.

At this moment, Li Kaiyang was sitting in an attic with his eyes slightly narrowed.

Suddenly, Li Kaiyang paled, opened his eyes, and took out two jade stones from his palm.

The two jade stones were all shattered at this moment.

"Quickly call Li Mingcang to see me." Li Kaiyang said in a gloomy voice.

Not long after, a figure appeared outside the attic.

It was Li Mingcang, the eldest son of Li Kaiyang, in a long gown with extraordinary bearing.

Li Kaiyang slowly said: "Your second sister and third brother were killed. It should be in the deserted mountains. Go and explore."

Outside the door, Li Mingcang's expression also changed when he heard this.

"Mingxuan seems to be doing something during this period of time. His death may be related to this time. Please check carefully."

"Mingyue's death followed Mingxuan. Maybe she knew what Mingxuan was going to do. Remember, be careful."

Li Mingcang said immediately: "Yes!"

"I will let Xu Jie be with you!"

Hearing this, Li Mingcang's expression changed slightly, and he nodded again: "Yes!"

Xu Jie!

The Seventh Layer of the Fengtian Realm is a high-grade powerhouse, and his father seems to be really angry this time.

Li Mingying, Li Mingxuan, and Li Mingyue died one after another. It's strange that his father was not angry!


Li Kaiyang raised his hand and stopped speaking.

For a long time, in the room, Li Kaiyang looked a little puzzled, and muttered: "How can this be..."

And at the same time.

Guanshanjie, Guanjia!

As the overlord of the Guanshan realm, the Guan family has a reputation in the entire first heaven realm. Apart from the Star God Palace and the Dragon Clan, the Guan family's background and strength are enough to fear no one!

At this moment, in the Guan family mansion, a team of people rushed out of the mansion and disappeared into the void.

This team of men and horses, in a hurry, seemed extremely anxious.

As the first middle-aged man, when he is angry, he can't figure out how strong he is.

At this time, the middle-aged face was gloomy and terrible.

"Cong'an, Hanyu, who has Yishan been with recently?" the middle-aged asked in a deep voice.

Guan Cong'an!

Guan Hanyu!

Guan Yishan!

These three are the three most outstanding descendants of the Guan family, the powerhouses of the Fengtian realm.

These three people were recognized by the current senior officials of the Guan family as the successors of the next generation.

However, Guan Yishan suddenly died!

This incident shocked the senior officials of the Guan family.

Jun Zhongjun was ordered to investigate this time.

At this time, Mr. Guan Zhong was very angry in his heart.

Who is it, dare to kill the Fengtian Realm Triple Heavenly Pride of the Guan Family!

Two young people, beside him, the one on the left said: "Between Kaiyang Palace's Li Mingyue, there has always been contact..."

"Li Mingyue?"

Upon hearing this, Jun Zhong hummed: "The people who open the Yang Palace... are all wolf ambitions."

"This trip may be very dangerous. You two will follow me. Listen to my orders. You must not act recklessly." Guan Zhongjun shouted: "The family asked you to join me in investigating the death of Yishan. It is to trust your strength, so To temper you two, understand?"



Both of them bowed and nodded.

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