Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4374: Just i'm curious

Li Mingyue is dead.

Guan Yishan is dead.

This mobilized the people in Kaiyang Palace and Guan's family. The destination is naturally the deserted mountains!

This mountain range that was once more famous at the junction of the Wind Spirit Realm, Great Martial Realm, and Tianyan Realm, has become familiar to some forces at this time.

However, by this time, the news of the birth of the Lihun Palace still hadn't dissipated.

After all, the warriors from all walks of life who entered the Lihun Palace are all exploring everything in the Lihun Palace's secret world, and no one has left yet.

No one will be so stupid to hurriedly release this news to attract stronger people and increase their competitors.

It's just that in the secret territory of the Lihun Palace, even if there are only these few martial artists, it is still quite chaotic.

Many martial artists who dominate the realm, after entering this place, are alone and killed.

There are also some people who have met a great opportunity here and cultivated diligently.

At this time, in the secret territory, in a palace.

Mu Yun only felt that his whole body was sore, it seemed that his body was hollowed out, and he felt decadent and unable to move.

Slowly opening his eyes, Mu Yun found himself in a hall.

At this moment, a figure sits quietly in front of him.

"you're awake?"

A gentle voice sounded.

Mu Yun opened his eyes and wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't get up. The wounds on his body were all covered with medicine.

"You didn't go?"

Mu Yun saw Wu Xinyao and was slightly taken aback.

"Originally, when I saw you go in, I thought about waiting for you outside, but then I saw Li Mingxuan appear, and I saw Li Mingyue and Guan Yishan, I had no choice but to leave. Later, when the battlefield was over, I returned. I thought of seeing you..."

Wu Xinyao still had some lingering fears at this moment and said: "It's too scary..."

Mu Yun smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, you are here!"

"How did you kill them? That's the Third Layer of the Sealed Heaven Realm..."

The seventh level of cutting the heavens, killing the third level of the sealed heavens, is not the ordinary three levels of the sealed heavens, but the top three levels of the sealed heavens.

Mu Yun smiled bitterly: "You know how miserable I look!"

"Okay, you come from the seventh heaven. I know that you are extraordinary, and I won't ask you too much, but it's okay to treat you as a friend and do a little friend's duty."

"Your injury is very serious, and it consumes a lot of money. You have been asleep for seven days."

Mu Yun looked at the hall and couldn't help asking: "Where is this?"

"The mountain you climbed before!" Wu Xinyao looked around and curiously said: "I am also surprised. The mountain was shattered by you, and such a palace appeared. I will bring you in."

The palace in the mountain?

Mu Yun was shocked.

At this moment, slowly struggling to stand up, Mu Yun also looked around. This hall seemed extremely vast, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

On the contrary, Mu Yun and Wu Xinyao were here, looking extremely empty.

Mu Yun looked around, leaned against the pillars in the hall, and breathed out: "Is there no one around here?"

"This secret territory seems to be extremely vast. Although you are shaking the earth, no one has ever arrived."

"You can rest assured here to heal your wounds."


For the next ten days, Mu Yun had been sitting cross-legged, recovering from his injuries.

Li Mingxuan, Li Mingyue, Guan Yishan, and the dozens of confined heavenly spirits, all of their brains flowed into Mu Yun's body, turning into pure qi and blood, making up for Mu Yun's loss.

In addition, Mu Yun relied on those spirits and spirits to constantly consolidate his dominance.

The Domination Dao, which is approaching five kilometers, is becoming more and more cohesive.

For the past two months, the two of them have been in the hall and have not left, and the children of the Wu family who followed Wu Xinyao were also sent out by Wu Xinyao to look for the martial artist, but they have not returned...

On this day, Mu Yun stood in front of a wall in the hall.

On the walls, there are carved murals, and the content of the murals is vivid.

On top of the mural, a total of twelve figures stood still, seemingly scattered.

The first one sits on the ground and looks extremely chic, while the remaining eleven people have different expressions.

In the entire hall, these murals are portrayed, and each mural portrays daily life.

Mu Yun looked around with a calm expression.

Wu Xinyao stepped out at this time.

"After watching for so many days, what can you see?" Wu Xinyao quipped.

Since Mu Yun started to recover from his injuries, he has been here, observing these murals.

The scene recorded in this mural should be the scene of Emperor Cang and his eleven disciples preaching on the scriptures. Although she has read it many times, it is really nothing strange.

Mu Yun smiled at this time: "It's just a mural, but I'm very curious..."

"Curious about what?"

"Emperor Cang was the first emperor in the ancient times. From the prehistoric period, after the world collapsed, this man re-practised martial arts and walked out of a avenue to the sky. There are eleven disciples under him. It’s hard to imagine that such a person would be killed..."

Wu Xinyao immediately said: "The Yellow Emperor and Emperor Ming are also extraordinary. It is not difficult for the two to cooperate and kill the Cang Emperor..."


Mu Yun sighed: "The eleven disciples in the seat are all half-step emperors, or even quasi emperors. How powerful were such superpowers at the time?"

At that time, the martial arts belonged to the stage of awakening, and the title **** title emperor was definitely not as good as the current number, reaching the half-step Huadi level, I am afraid it is a top powerhouse.

But even if there were so many powerful people around the Emperor Cang, they still died and died, which was embarrassing.

"How is your injury?" Wu Xinyao asked at this time.

"All right."

Hearing this, Wu Xinyao said in amazement: "It's not a human being."

After being injured to that point, in just two months, he recovered as before.

This guy is really a monster.

"There are a lot of secrets in this Palace of Li Soul, it seems that even if all parties dominate the territory, it is impossible to detect all of them in a short time."

Mu Yun immediately said: "We should leave here too."


Mu Yun actually didn't intend to take Wu Xinyao with him, but it was not safe to leave her alone here.

Therefore, he still planned to take Wu Xinyao to find the sealed world of the Wu family first, to ensure Wu Xinyao's safety, and then leave by himself.

After all, he himself had too many secrets, and many people wanted to kill him. He took Wu Xinyao for a long time, but it hurt her.

At this time, the two planned to leave the palace.

At this moment, when Mu Yun turned around, he suddenly noticed a prying gaze in the dark and stared straight at him.

This feeling is weird, but it really exists.


Mu Yun let out a low cry, and the Tianque Divine Sword was immediately held in his hand, and he said solemnly.

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