Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4388: Why mess with me?

Those corpses looked like they had been dead for a long, long time, even their flesh and blood rotted completely, only withered bones.

Mu Yun looked down one by one, but looked strange.

Here, some people's clothing can be seen, they are from the Feng family, from the Wu family, from the Yue family and Yang family, and from the Three Heavens Alliance.

They have also entered here.

Six months have passed, and Mu Yun didn't know what happened.

It's just that even if these people die here in half a year, it is impossible for them to die so quickly.

Putting away the curiosity in his heart, puzzled, Mu Yun still headed towards the depths...

This area seemed extremely vast and endless, and Mu Yun continued to deepen hundreds of miles, and the front was suddenly enlightened.

A faint golden light condensed out.

An aura of horror broke out at this time.

Mu Yun fixed his eyes to see that a gap appeared in the golden light in front of him. After Mu Yun crossed the gap, the time before him became wider.

"It seems that the Wu family, the Feng family and the others came here first, broke the restrictions on this place, and came here..."

"I just don't know if this is another palace of the 13th palace under the Cang Emperor Palace, or it is the Cang Emperor Palace, or something else..."

Mu Yun pondered for a moment, and then walked directly forward.

In the Palace of Emperor Cang, there are 13 palaces under the first palace, that is, 13 secret realms.

As for the Cang Emperor Palace itself, according to Li Hun's words, it should also be with the Thirteenth Palace...

It was previously rumored that the Cang Emperor Palace was born, but I don't know how the parties found it.

It's just that the parties have been unable to figure out where the Cang Emperor Palace is, and they are indeed quite curious.

I don't know where it is...

Thinking like this, Mu Yun's figure flew out, and at a glance, there were mountains in front of him, and in those mountains, there seemed to be an endless aura of terror.


Suddenly, when the figure of Mu Yun was galloping at a height of hundreds of meters, a huge mountain of hundreds of meters above the earth was directly raised from the ground and thrown towards Mu Yun.


A violent roar erupted at this time, and the huge mountain smashed into Mu Yun's body in an instant, breaking it apart.

Mu Yun stood in the air, wearing a long gown, and the Heaven Que divine sword appeared in his hand, holding it tightly.


However, no one answered, and the only one who responded to Muyun was the hills with hundreds of feet, and they threw them directly, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and the speed is extremely fast.

Boom boom boom!

Mu Yun punched out, and the boulders collapsed piece by piece.

Mu Yun finally couldn't bear it, and dived down, fell into the mountain range, and slammed to the bottom of a high mountain with a sword.


The rock was shattered, and a burly body stood between the mountains.

Just now, among these thousand-meter high mountains, Mu Yun hadn't noticed that there was a high mountain within those thousand-meter high mountains. At this time, there was a high mountain, not a mountain at all, but a pale yellow monster.

His body was a thousand feet tall, and his body was covered by stone-like scales. At this moment, his left and right hands, as if pulling up two radishes, pulled out two Baizhang mountain peaks, just about to throw them toward Muyun.

Mu Yun had already come to this giant beast.

Mu Yun glanced at it, and the giant beast also saw it at a glance. It was just one person and one beast, and the gap was really too big.

The giant beast's eyes were like two pools of water. He blinked and froze when he saw Mu Yun. The giant beast shook his hands directly and threw the two mountains at Mu Yun.


Cut down with a sword, the two peaks turned into powder.

Mu Yun looked cold.

He had never seen this huge stone beast anyway.

It's really too scary.

"In the dog hole, I didn't hire you. Why did you provoke me?"

Mu Yun shouted directly, stepping forward with a murderous aura, reaching the first layer of the Sealed Heaven Realm. At this moment, he is full of confidence and is about to find someone to practice his hands.

Without a word, Mu Yun put away the Heavenly Que magic sword, clenched his fist, the power of thunder burst out, and instantly killed the giant stone beast.


When De Muyun's fist fell on the body of the giant stone beast, a stronger horizontal reaction force shook Mu Yun's body apart.

And the huge stone beast also seemed to be in pain at this moment. Its huge body hit several thousand-meter-high mountains and fell to the ground with a bang.

Only at this moment did Mu Yun see the whole picture of this big guy.

It was exactly a giant beast whose whole body was piled up with stones, and its legs and arms were piled with stones.

But the connection position is extremely tight.

Looking at Mu Yun, the giant stone beast looked even more angry.

At this time, one person and one beast confronted each other.

If this guy hid among the endless mountains, he wouldn't be able to tell it was a strange beast at all.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you."

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped forward, and in a sudden, the bounding force in his body, the waves rolled, surging surging, and his body was also undergoing transformation at this moment. The main body of the cloud stands at the center of the eyebrows of this huge figure.

Reaching the Fengtian realm, the richness of the bounding power can be described as raising several levels.

Mu Yun is now surging in power within his body, and he is not weaker than Fengtian Realm.

The thousand-foot-tall Muyun, wearing a black emperor armor, densely covered with thunder, and the sound of rolling thunder, sounded at this moment, and his fist hit directly and rushed towards the giant stone beast.


At this moment, the body of the giant stone beast suddenly retreated, and this mountain range collapsed, making a rumbling sound.

"Provoke me? Anyone dare to mess with me, I'm in the closed world, and still mess with me?"

Mu Yun punched out again.

There were dozens of punches in succession, and each punch was accompanied by the eruption of thunder, causing the giant stone beast to make a whining sound after several punches.

"beg for mercy?"

Mu Yun opened his mouth and said: "What did you just provoke me to do? Now I know to beg for mercy? Lao Tzu won't forgive you."

The giant stone beast whimpered more sincerely at this time.

Mu Yun stepped out step by step, approaching the giant stone beast, raised his fist, and hummed: "I know you are afraid now?"

The stone behemoth nodded hurriedly.

"Why mess with me?"

Upon hearing this, the giant stone beast hurriedly pointed to the distance.

"What? What forbidden area do you want to take me to and kill me?"

The stone behemoth shook his head hurriedly.

Mu Yun’s huge body at this time collapsed in time, turned into a normal posture, landed on the head of the giant stone beast, and smiled: "Where do you want to take me? Then you lead the way. If it is dangerous, I promise , For the first time, kill you."

Hearing that, instead of any panic, the giant stone beast nodded hurriedly and almost threw Mu Yun down.


When the word fell, the giant stone beast made Mu Yun stand on its head and headed towards the deep mountain in one direction...

This guy has a huge figure, spanning hundreds of feet in one step, and the earth is rumbling and trembling.

In a short while, the stone behemoth stopped at this moment.

And appearing in front of one person and one stone is a mountain that soars into the sky.

That mountain stands tall, seeming to have no end, not to mention it, it gives people the feeling that it is extremely shocking and majestic, it seems that there are endless gods living here, making this mountain all have its own divinity.

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