Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4389: Tianshan Terrace

"What is this place?"

Mu Yun said at this moment.

But the giant stone beast didn't say much, and took Muyun directly to climb the mountain.

A thousand-foot-high stone behemoth, on this high mountain, looks so weak and small, as if Mu Yun himself was climbing a ten-thousand-foot mountain.

Time passed bit by bit, but Mu Yun was always cautious, never careless.

Climbing all the time, heading towards the top of the mountain, the giant stone beast never spoke, just heading upwards.

After passing through the clouds, reaching the highest point and reaching the top of the mountain, Mu Yun was very cautious along the way. He never let down his guard against this big guy.

Until I came to the top of the mountain.

The giant stone beast stopped, and at this time, its body gradually shrank and turned into ten feet high.

Mu Yun also got down from the giant stone beast, looking at the scenery in front of him, for a moment.

On the top of this mountain, there is a huge stone palace, all made of bluestone, even the walls and roof are all stone bricks and stone tiles carved from stone.

And when you look carefully, these are all connected together.

The giant stone beast led the way, looked at Mu Yun, and motioned to Mu Yun to be with him.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Yun couldn't help but said.

The giant stone beast looked at Mu Yun, his eyes rolled around, and finally he opened his mouth, saying: ", you, you..."


After a full quarter of an hour, the giant stone beast finally said a complete sentence.

You'll know when you come in!

Mu Yun said again: "What do you know?"


It's another quarter of an hour.

Only then did Mu Yun know that this is Tianshan Palace!

Tianshan Palace!

What Li Hun said, is Tianshan Palace, one of the thirteen palaces, and Tianshan Palace where Shan Mao, the eleventh disciple of Emperor Cang, is located, here?

In this way, this place really reached the secret world of Tianshan Palace from the secret world of Lihun Palace?

But, here is the core of Tianshan Palace?

Why did the Golem bring himself here?

Mu Yun said again: "What the **** do you want to do? Harm me? You will die too."

The stone behemoth spoke again. Before he could speak, Mu Yun said directly: "Don't, don't say it!"

Mu Yun was afraid that he would have to wait another quarter of an hour.

"Go in and have a look!"

As he said, the giant stone beast brought Mu Yun towards the stone palace.

The entire stone palace seems to be at the top of the mountain. Half of it has been excavated and the other half remains the same. These stone palaces are built here.

When he came close, Mu Yun only saw the gate of the stone palace.

In this stone palace, the steps leading up to the sky, heading upwards, it seems that there are tens of thousands of steps in total.

The palace gate is located at the bottom.

"Tianshan Palace!"

Mu Yun looked at the large characters piled on the three stones on the palace gate, and gave a slight shock.

It really is Tianshan Palace!

Mu Yun looked at the giant stone beast, and then said: "I heard from Li Hun, Shan Mao himself is a martial idiot. ?"

Seeing that the stone man wanted to open his mouth to speak, Mu Yun said directly: "Just nod or shake your head!"

The stone behemoth nodded.

"You brought me here to let me get what Shan Mao left behind?"

The stone behemoth nodded again.

"Then what do you picture?"

Hearing this, the stone behemoth nodded.

"I asked you what the picture is, don't nod and shake your head, you say! I'll wait patiently."

After a cup of tea time, the giant stone beast spit out two words!


Mu Yun thought a little bit: "In this way, you are restricted by Shan Mao. In other words, you have to find someone to replace you so that you can regain your freedom?"

The stone behemoth shook his head.

"You need to find someone to get what Shan Mao left behind so that you can be free?"

The stone behemoth nodded.


This guy, should be restricted by Shan Mao's freedom, stay here, waiting for the destined person to arrive, keep the mountain range, take it away, this guy can regain his freedom.

"Open the door!"

The stone man immediately stepped forward, holding the huge stone gate in his hands, and lifting it upward.

The stone gate looked ten feet high, similar to the current stone man, but it seemed very heavy and heavy.

After a long time, the stone man lifted the stone gate, and the surface of the stone man was covered with layers of lime powder.


Mu Yun was speechless.

At this time, as the giant stone beast entered the gate, Mu Yun looked at the crotch of the giant stone beast thoughtfully.

Nothing at all!

As if sensing Mu Yun's gaze, the giant stone beast covered his crotch with both hands.

Mu Yun coughed and said, "Before me, a group of people should have entered here? Why didn't you bring them here?"

The stone behemoth immediately said: ""

"You mean they are not worthy? Then why am I worthy?"

The giant stone beast said again: "!"

Mu Yun was really tired.

This guy, speaking too slowly and too slowly!

It's horribly slow.

As a result, the giant stone beast climbed to the side of the steps. At this moment, standing behind the mountain gate, looking up, only to find that every step of this step looks full of mystery.

The giant stone beast pointed to the steps and motioned to Mu Yun to climb up!

"You let me climb up?"

Mu Yun said immediately: "There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors here. How about climbing up? Get a chance?"

The stone behemoth nodded.

"What's the chance for that?"

The giant stone beast shook his head and pointed to his mouth.

"Can't say?"

The stone behemoth nodded.

Mu Yun was helpless.

"I don't climb, if it's dangerous, I won't die?"

Hearing Mu Yun's words, the giant stone beast panicked, scratching its head, strode out to the side of the wide staircase, pulled up a stone stele, and placed it in front of Mu Yun.

The stone tablet was engraved with Taoist writings.

"Tianshan Terrace!"

Mu Yun looked at the handwriting on the stone tablet and slowly said: "Those who climb the Tianshan Terrace can get the inherited martial arts of the deity, but wherever they are on the stage, according to the number of layers, they can get the corresponding inherited martial arts..."

The handwriting on the stone tablet is very concise and clear, and the place where the pen is written is Shan Mao!

Mu Yun looked at the giant stone beast, smiled and said, "You carried the stone tablet earlier, I have come with you a long time ago, so what do you do with so much work?"

"It's not just climbing, I will climb!"


The eleventh disciple of Emperor Cang.

Similarly, he is also a half-step emperor.

The martial arts he left behind is at least the Nine-Rank Realm Jue, right?

But Mu Yun now had no other means except mastering the unskilled Four Spirits Demon Sword Art and the Five Forms of the Yellow Emperor Jing.

What is missing is the Jie Jue!

Of course he hopes to climb this mountain!

Li Hun said that Shan Mao was the last disciple of Emperor Cang. He was a martial idiot, and he was extremely powerful. The martial arts he cultivated should be extremely domineering.

It is said that this guy also created a martial art, which is very powerful.

Shan Mao himself, his physical body was extremely powerful, terrifyingly powerful.

But Mu Yun inherited the Lei Di's Wan'elei body, and his physical body is naturally extremely powerful. Shan Mao's martial arts, he should be able to practice.

Others are not worthy!

He is worthy!

Although he didn't know how the Stone Man judged it, at this time, it was obviously worth trying.

After making up his mind, Mu Yun made a vow, and stepped forward one step at a time.


But the next moment, suddenly, Mu Yun's body suddenly retreated...

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