Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4439: Double Emperor Dialogue

Ye Yushi then said: "The Cang Emperor Palace is born!"

When Dugu Ye heard this, he smiled and said, "That's Mu Yun's own opportunity, and it's useless if you worry!"

"I'm not worried. The old lady has been imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years for him. He was fine, and found nine daughters-in-laws for me, but I didn't see him worry about me!"

Dugu Ye smiled and said, "That was Mu Qingyu's plan with one fell swoop. For this, you have to trouble Mu Qingyu."

"Ha ha!"

Ye Yushi sneered and said, "Every good thing about father and son!"

"Back then, Chu Xixue of the Chu nationality, the one who loved him, lived and died. I was in Xiaoyao Shengxu a while ago. I really couldn't hold back. I slapped her to death. I can be jealous of my old mother, but I can't bear it. !"

"There is also the hidden Bing Muxue in the Ice Silkworm Palace in the Seventh Heaven Realm. I know that I still have a heart for him, not giving up at all. Otherwise, why did you help Yun'er in the Seventh Heaven Realm?"

"I remember that there is another in the First Heaven Realm, who was a wonderful person who was all over the country and the city back then, but let him out, it's not he who won't marry..."

"Besides, there is something I don't know!"

Hearing this, Dugu Ye smiled tremblingly: "After all, it is a talented person. It is normal that there are many admirers!"

"Old man, do you despise me?"

Ye Yushi said: "I miss Ye Yushi, she was also the world's number one beauty in Canglan back then, no one can reach!"

"If you can restrain your violent temper, I think you will have a lot of followers. The strength of your Azure Emperor, and the resolute style of acting, who dare to chase you?"

When Ye Yushi heard this, he stuck his tongue out and looked at Dugu Ye and said, "This is what you said. In other words, I must break his leg!"


Dugu Ye laughed and looked extremely happy.

Dugu Ye lived a long, long time, so long that no one knew it.

He once taught Ye Xiaoyao about the formation method, and later taught Ye Yushi, who can be described as Ye Yushi's master from childhood, and more like Ye Yushi's grandfather.

Respected as the formation god, the double title of the first formation emperor is enough to see the strength of the Dugu Ye.

Even if the current Duguye is like a dying old man, lacking arms and legs, but mentioning this formation god, the first formation emperor, the entire Canglan world, all respect and respect.

In recent years, the reason why the Ninth Celestial Realm has stabilized is that besides Ye Yushi, the more important thing is that this formation **** sits here.

Ye Yushi has been captured for many years, and now she is free, and Dugu Ye also enjoys this feeling. He is very happy watching Ye Yushi take charge of the Yundian Temple as if he is watching his child by his side...

The ninth heaven.

Now it is booming.

There is no ancient mountain.

One of the forbidden areas of the Ninth Celestial Realm in the past, is now also a city.

Wujian Ancient Mountain opened up a dojo and also recruited a large number of martial artist disciples in the entire Ninth Celestial Realm.

Golden Axe Heavenly Palace!

It is the dojo of the ancient emperor Wujian, and now it is gradually showing the grandeur of the past.

At this time, deep in the ancient mountains of Wujian, there are endless mountains between them.

The ancient emperor Wujian stood on a mountain and looked around.

Not long after, a figure slowly appeared at this time.


The ancient emperor Wujian looked at the people coming, and smiled: "Play a game of chess?"


With a wave of the palm of the endless ancient emperor, all the chessboard seats appeared, and the tea rhyme rose slowly.

Sitting on the top of a high mountain, the two are not quite at ease.

The endless ancient emperor opened his mouth and said: "How about these years? It's not easy for the disciples to manage?"

"I don't care!" Wujian ancient emperor said directly: "I hand it over to Meng Zimo and Miao Xianyu."

"Oh? Really become your apprentice?"

Hearing this, the ancient emperor Wujian smiled bitterly and said, "I... really have a hard time to tell."

"Ye Yushi is really arrogant and unreasonable. I'm not afraid that the hooligans have the strength, but I am afraid that the hooligans are unreasonable."

"That woman, from time to time, go to my Golden Axe Heavenly Palace to search for it. The little family property I have accumulated over the years is almost done by her!"

The words of the ancient emperor Wujian fell, holding the chess with his fingers, and just about to make a move. Suddenly, the sunspot in his hand broke directly.

The ancient emperor Wujian's expression changed, he looked up at the sky, and cursed: "You and your couple still let people live? Ye Yushi fights the house all day long, I can't say it?"

For a long time, the void did not respond.

Wujian Ancient Emperor and Infinite Ancient Emperor looked at each other and could only smile bitterly.

"If you don't teach that Meng Zimo and Miao Xianyu, Ye...Qingdi came to trouble me. Who can stand this? I am also forced to fight and cannot be beaten. What can I do!"

When the endless ancient emperor heard this, he said with sympathy: "I have suffered for you..."

"However, for the two of Meng Zimo and Miao Xianyu, the pill technique is indeed amazing." At this point, the ancient emperor Wujian shouted: "It is indeed the daughter-in-law whom God Emperor Qingyu has fancyed!"

There was still no movement in the void.

The ancient emperor Wujian went on to say: "These two people's alchemy techniques have made rapid progress, and the progress of their practice is also extremely fast. It seems to be related to the treasures of the past, and I don't know the details.

"Anyway, Ye Yushi pushed them to me, and I can't help it, so I teach as soon as I teach, and I have to let them both do something for me!"

"The Golden Axe Heavenly Palace is reopened, and the geniuses of the Ninth Celestial Realm have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. This opportunity should not be wasted."

The endless ancient emperor nodded.

Wujian ancient emperor!

It has been famous for a long time, but it is the achievement of the throne in the ancient times, and it has been dormant.

This ancient emperor, alchemy can indeed be ranked in the entire Canglan world, from the ancient times to the present, the top ten!

"How about you?"

Wujian ancient emperor looked at the endless ancient emperor, and said: "That Ye Xueqi, I think swordsmanship is good, after all, it is the daughter of Mietianyan,'s a pity..."

"That girl is a rising star. I know something about her, Lu Qingfeng, and Mu Yun. The three swordsmanship, Lu Qingfeng and Mu Yun can be said to go hand in hand. This girl seems weaker, but in recent years , I found out that she just went the wrong way."

"It's a creative talent!"

"To be honest, if it weren't for Mu Yun's wife, or Mu Qingyu's daughter-in-law, I would like to accept her as a disciple!"

As soon as the endless ancient emperor said this, just about to settle, Bai Zi in his hand exploded with a bang.

The endless ancient emperor scolded the time: "Mu Qingyu, are you endless? Relying on being better than us, can't we let the two of us whisper?"

Void, still did not respond.

"Originally, you and Di Ming are bound to fight, can you beat him? It's best to have nothing to do with your shepherd, so you can protect yourself."

The endless ancient emperor drank a cup of tea angrily.

The ancient emperor Wujian laughed at this moment.

The endless ancient emperor, in charge of the endless blood palace, is like him. He achieved the throne in the ancient times, and his blood sword ability is powerful and terrible.

Ten forged sword body! Eternally rare!

And, more than that, this person also has an understanding of bloodlines, so Ye Yushi handed Ye Xueqi and Biqingyu to him.

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