Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4440: Human beings are big liars

Ye Xueqi is the daughter of Mietianyan. Basically, swordsmanship is an extraordinary talent!

Biqingyu's Taiyin bloodline is mysterious and unpredictable, and the endless ancient emperor has only been groping for these years to help Biqingyu unlock its bloodline power.

This bloodline is said to have been inherited from a great figure in the prehistoric period, and the Taiyin Sect itself is also a descendant of this bloodline, but it is now declining, and it is impossible to find out how strong it was in the past.

And the endless ancient emperor's guidance to Jade Sapphire over the years has made the changes of Jade Sapphire's bloodline very significant.

Ye Yushi is indeed very strong, but he is more proficient in formation.

In order for the four daughters-in-law to receive the best teaching, a lot of thought was naturally spent.

This mind is Lai!

The ancient emperor Wujian and the ancient emperor endlessly didn't teach, Ye Yushi asked for trouble every other time.

At this time, the ancient emperor Wujian said again: "We are still good, at least these four girls are here with us, Ye Yushi has restrained..."

"I heard that not long ago, Ye Yushi not only went to the Netherworld Abyss, grabbed a treasure of the Nether Valley God, went to repair the big formation, but also took away several princes collected by the Nether Valley God. The ancient spirit exploded..."

"Even so? This is in line with the personality of the Qing emperor!"

The endless ancient emperor's words fell, and he just wanted to settle, hesitated for a moment, but he didn't.

Wujian ancient emperor immediately said: "I don't know what this Qing emperor thinks...Isn't it better for Emperor Xi Wandan to teach Meng Zimo and Miaoxianyu to Xiaoyao Shengxu?"

"You ask me, who shall I ask?"

The two were speechless.

And just as the two days of game, the land of mountains, the sound of rumbling continued to sound.

A figure, like a huge mountain, twisted its fat body at this moment, and its head floated to the top of the mountain, looking at the two of them.

"No stream, endless, playing chess again? Too boring, right!"

The plump body, exposing his head, stared at the tiny chessboard of the two.

"Yuecangmao, your happy days are coming to an end!"

Happy days are coming to an end?

What do you mean?

Yuecang cat has a physique like a mountain, but it is plump, hairy all over, and a big head is even furry.

"Big Dog, these two turtle grandchildren said that our good days are coming to an end!" Yue Cangmao turned his head and said.

At this moment, I only saw not far away, a high mountainside, a majestic big dog nestled on the mountainside, squinting his eyes.

The sun-swallowing tengu among the relics of the nine wild beasts!

When Mu Yun left the Ninth Celestial Realm that year, the remains of the nine wild beasts did not look at him directly.

A small boundary, count as a ball?

But now, it's not what it used to be.

The ancient emperor Wujian smiled and said: "Big Dog, that Muyun, as far as I know, has already achieved the Heavenly Sealed Realm, you nine, if you don't submit to him, I think it's impossible."

When Yue Cang Cat heard this, her big eyes flickered.

When the words of the ancient emperor Wujian fell, a group of figures appeared around the mountain.

A big mouse as high as a mountain, a mammoth-like giant, a burly wolf, and a big tortoise, carrying a great ape, and a big snake hovering on the mountain. The big lion stepped up to a high mountain and lay on the mountain.

The seven wild relics that suddenly appeared, without exception, were tall and mighty, like mountains, very terrifying.

Together with the sun-swallowing tengu and the mooncang cat, it can be described as an imposing imposing manner.

"That kid has sealed the realm of heaven? Wujian, don't talk nonsense!"

The big lion was lying on the top of the mountain at this time, looking very spiritless, curiously said.

"It's true!" The endless ancient emperor also said at this time.

Yuecangmao tilted his head, looked at the two with big eyes, and said, "Didn't he die in Xiaoyao Saint Ruins?"


The endless ancient emperor smiled and said: "That is the son of God Emperor Qingyu, how can Mu Qingyu let his son die? Mu Qingyu's death will not let his son die."

"Liar! Human beings are big liars!"

Yuecangmao looked unconvinced.

Mu Yun didn't die, but became stronger.

After returning, nine of them had to obey Mu Yun's orders.

Back then, that guy was too weak to control them, but now, the Heavenly Closing Realm is almost okay!

"So, your happy days are coming to an end, cherish it!"

Hearing this, the sturdy body of the Swallowing Tengu slowly stood up and said: "If we can't get our sincere surrender, he is just a tough method to control us!"

The big dog slowly left.

The other eight also left one by one.

The relics of the nine wild beasts were discovered by Ye Xiaoyao and left behind. They respected Ye Xiaoyao.

But he has no feelings for Mu Yun.

Wujian ancient emperor and endless ancient emperor smiled when they saw this scene.

"Mu Qingyu, it seems that your son's path is not easy to follow."

"Mu Qingyu, what are you doing lately? Are you looking for Sifang Tianmen? Are you still busy playing chess with Di Ming?"

The two asked.

But at this moment, there is still no one to answer.

The face of the ancient emperor Wujian was not very good-looking.

Mu Qingyu, he didn't treat them as human beings.

"Would you try to curse Ye Yu's poem?" The ancient emperor Wujian looked at the endless ancient emperor immediately.

"Go away, why don't you try?"

"Hi, I dare not!"

"Dare I?"

"Forget it, play chess and chess..."

The two ancient emperors continued to play chess.


The seventh heaven.

Five Spirits, within the Water Spirits.

In the secret land of the bright moon, at this time, on the edge of the lake, two thrilling figures, lying lazily and gracefully on the side of the pool.

The two of them, one who looked like a queen, even with a lazy look, still showed majesty.

The other looks, but has a hot body, bright eyes and white teeth, which is also quite moving.

The two are together, with transparent clothes and tulle covering the body, and the spring is beautiful, which makes people seem unable to extricate themselves at a glance.

Mingyuexin, the patriarch of the Shuiling clan.

Huo Linger, the patriarch of the Fire Spirit clan!

At this time, the two were lying on the edge of the pool, like close friends in a boudoir, the jade feet lightly touched the pool water, making ripples.

If Xie Qing were here, she would definitely shout: Ling'er, your footwashing water is so delicious!

At this time, Mingyue's heart seemed to narrow his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "The Fire Spirit Clan, can you control it?"

When Huo Ling'er heard this, he smiled and said, "I am the patriarch, so naturally."


"What do I do with you?"

Hearing this, Mingyuexin immediately said: "In the Shui Ling clan, there may be some problems..."

"That's not it." Huo Ling'er smiled at this time: "You have come back over the years, with a strong attitude and vigorous vigor. It is estimated that many older generations in the clan will not accept you, plus, your husband who loves like a baby, but The person that the emperor will kill, you have protected him several times, and some people in the water spirit clan must be dissatisfied with you!"

Mingyuexin heard this, but her jade hand gently slid across the water and smiled: "I don't care."

"The man I like Mingyue, even if he is going to die, he can only die in my hands!"

"Mu Qingyu thought that he was the one who controlled me and his son to come together? If I don't like it, no matter how much he prepares, it will be futile!"

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