Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4444: Maybe not an assessment

Gu Nanwan looked at Li Xiuwen and couldn't help saying: "I found that there is no one you kid doesn't know!"

"That's not it."

Li Xiuwen proudly said: "Before I served as the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, one thing to do is to recognize the entire first heavenly realm, the arrogances of all parties, and the powerful figures of all parties. What it looks like is to prevent going out to do errands and provoke people who shouldn’t be offended.”

"This is the way of the Sky Demon Sect to survive, not only the Sky Demon Sect, but also other forces. If you don't open your eyes one day and provoke a child of the ancestor of the Heavenly Sealed Realm, the sect cannot protect it."

"Let's go!"

For this kind of thing, the three did not want to get involved.

The secret realm of Yuanshen Palace, like the secret realm of Tianshan Palace, the secret realm of Lihun Palace, and the secret realm of Gutian Palace, is vast and endless, like a super continent.

After traversing tens of thousands of miles, the three of them found nothing. They met some people along the way, and some places of historical relics, but they had been turned upside down long ago, and there was nothing.

On this day, the three appeared in a land of high mountains.

The endless high mountains are generally connected to the sky, and the clouds and mists surround the mountain streams, which are quite gloomy.

Here, there are also traces of activities.

The three of them entered the mountains and continued to deepen, and finally appeared in front of the tall and sturdy mountains.

Here, the foundations of every mountain are thick and thick, and the heights are straight into the clouds.

"Go up and have a look."

The three of them soared and came to the top of the mountain above the clouds.

When I came to the top of the mountain, the tops of the mountains were a piece of land.

When the three of them came to the earth, Deng Shi felt that their bodies had become a little lighter.

At this time, looking at the ground, there were many dead bodies lying in all directions.

Li Xiuwen stepped forward, checked carefully, and then said: "Many forces of warriors!"

The three stopped one after another at this time.

At the end of the earth, pale golden light emerged, and golden halls stood in front of them.

At this time, the golden hall looked very desolate.

Many places seem to have been destroyed and collapsed by these people.

When he came to the main hall, Mu Yun looked at a few corpses, and said in shock: "The Seventh Layers of the Sealed Heaven Realm have all died in battle. What is this for fighting for?"

These people have been dead for a while, and there is no qi and blood, and Mu Yun naturally cannot swallow them.

After entering the hall, the whole hall was in a mess, and on the walls and golden pillars, there were many sword aura, palm strength, and cracks.

The previous fighting here looked extremely tragic.

Those warrior companions who died did not have time to collect the bodies of their companions.

Behind the hall is a secret space created. After entering that space, you can see that many places have already been turned upside down.

"I'm late!"

Li Xiuwen sighed.

Looking at this picture, this place has long been scrambled for.

"Even if we arrive early, we are nothing but cannon fodder." Mu Yun said: "Even the seventh-layer sealed Heaven Realm is dead, what can we do?"

Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan nodded.

The three of them carefully investigated the secret realm behind the main hall. The area of ​​this realm was not too big. There were mountains and waters inside. It can be seen that the environment was good before it was destroyed.

But now it seems that it is a mess.


But at this moment, Mu Yun approached a hillside of one hundred zhang and stopped.

"What did you find?"

Both Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan came together.

Mu Yun said: "In the past few months, I have also watched the Guchuan Formation, the secret realm of the 13th Palace of the Cang Emperor Palace, and the ancient formations in many places are extremely related to the description of the Guchuan Formation."

"This mountain looks weird..."

"Xiuwen, you go to the west."

"Nanwan, you go east!"

According to Mu Yun's words, the two immediately moved towards the thing.

Mu Yun raised his palm, and millions of Dao Boundary Patterns lingered out, filling the space between the earth and the world.

Those boundary lines, gathered in front of the hillside, condensed a transparent barrier.

And when the barrier of Muyun condensed appeared, the wind surging on the surface of the mountain **** suddenly raised another barrier, which seemed to echo the barrier of Mu Yun condensed.

Both Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan were very happy at this time.

It seems there is a chance to pick up the leaks!

At this moment, Mu Yun kept urging the barrier, and the light flickered.

The rumbling wind whizzed past, and the strength within Mu Yun's body continued to condense. At this moment, the mountain body suddenly opened, and a passage appeared.

At this time, Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan returned to Mu Yun.

"Yes..." Li Xiuwen said in surprise: "I haven't found those seven levels of the Sealed Heaven Realm."

But Mu Yun said: "It's not that I'm great, but the array exhibition described in the Furukawa Formation. It is Master Furukawa's lifelong comprehension. It is estimated that the vast majority of formations are arranged by Master Furukawa. , I can use this to discover unusual places."

Gu Nanwan said at this time: "Even those high-grade Fengtian realms have not found any problems, maybe this is really worth fighting for!"

The three of them stepped into the passage cautiously.

The mountain opened and the passage spread hundreds of feet. After the three of them entered, they only saw a stone palace standing proudly in front of them, with steps spreading hundreds of feet high.

At the top of the steps, the square stone palace is solemn and solemn.

"Be careful!"

Mu Yun climbed the horrible mountain in the secret realm of the Lihun Palace, and climbed the stairs in the Tianshan Palace, and he instinctively resisted the stairs.

The three climbed the steps, but there was no problem.

Step by step, safely came to the top of the steps, in front of the stone palace.

At this time, in front of the Shigong Gate, there were a total of eighteen pairs of stone lions.

On the gate of the palace, a paragraph was engraved.

Mu Yun watched for a long time, and said: "There is no important information, just some refining words..."

The three came to the door, ready to open the palace door.

But at this moment, the palace gate burst out with a thousand rays of glow, instantly covering the bodies of the three of them, making the three of them seem to be in a colorful fantasy territory.

"What's this weird? Isn't it another assessment?"

Li Xiuwen was speechless.

The assessments left by these predecessors are naturally not for them, but for their own disciples, giving them assessments and rewards.

But now, when they enter this secret territory, they have to accept these tests before they can seek treasures.

The repeated assessments made Li Xiuwen a little scared.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked straight ahead and said, "Maybe it's not an assessment..."

Right in front of him, between the shining rays of light, I saw a starry sky illuminating the earth.

Between the starry sky, it seemed to condense into a bow!

The length of the bow is almost half a meter, the arc of the bow is very elegant, like running water, and the bow string is crystal clear like silk.

And not far from the bow, there was an arrow floating in front of the three of them, like Xuanbing.

At first glance, it seems that the distance is only tens of meters, but when the three of them are close, the bow and arrow seem to float tens of meters away...

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