Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4445: Legend of Fuyao

"It's amazing!"

Li Xiuwen said at this time: "The bow and arrow seem to be here, and they don't seem to be here!"

Gu Nanwan said at this time: "I will give it a try."

He shook his palm, transforming it into a **** claw, and grabbed it directly.

However, when the blood claw approached the bow and arrow, the void suddenly trembled, and a colorful ray of light directly tore the blood claw, shuddering Gu Nanwan's body, causing Gu Nanwan to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Southern Anhui!"

Li Xiuwen and Mu Yun hurriedly supported Gu Nanwan.

"It's okay..."

Gu Nanwan said at this time: "In this bow and arrow, there is a strong willpower. If you hide it and touch that willpower, you will be instantly backlashed!"

"Be careful!"

Gu Nanwan is now in the fifth level of the Sealed Heaven Realm, but he is the strongest level in terms of realm.

"I'll try!"

At this time, Mu Yun stepped forward and looked at the shining starry sky.

The wave of horror swept through.

Inside Mu Yun's body, a surging anger burst out.

And the next moment, the sky filled the starry sky, suddenly reflected countless Daoli arrows, straight out of Muyun.

But at this moment, Mu Yun took a step, and the thunder armor in his body was released instantly.

At the same time, the Emperor Xuanwu armor was also condensed.

The majestic momentum burst out.

Daoli's arrow collided with Mu Yun's body, but was resisted by Mu Yun abruptly.

The dominance increase is the power of the dominance. This power is not only the same as the boundary power, it can attack, but also can be condensed into a powerful defense of the martial artist.

Dominate the ascension of the Tao, not a single ascension of the physical body, soul, blood, and bone, but an all-round ascension.

The terrifying roar sounded at this moment.

At this time, Mu Yun tried his best to step forward step by step.

When Gu Nanwan saw this scene, he smiled bitterly: "This kid, after entering the third level, is more terrifying than me entering the fifth level."

Li Xiuwen had nothing to say for a while.

After all, Mu Yun was in the second realm, and he could kill the powerhouse of the fifth realm.

Gradually, Mu Yun resisted the pressure and approached step by step, as if entering the starry sky step by step.

In the next moment, his body suddenly disappeared.

Instead, Mu Yun's figure appeared in a galaxy.

And the land of the galaxy, the world is vast, colorful, lingering, and it feels like an endless world, the reincarnation of the world.

At this time, the bow and arrow appeared in front of him, quietly floating.

But when Mu Yun stepped out, the bow and arrow suddenly floated forward without wind, and there appeared a figure holding the bow, holding the bow and shooting the arrow, and an arrow shot out in an instant, rushing for thousands of miles.

The terrifying crackling sound seemed to pierce Mu Yun's eardrums.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

In the place where the arrow crossed, a avenue appeared, with colorful rays of light lingering.

Mu Yun stepped onto the avenue, and the avenue moved forward on its own, with Mu Yun, as if heading towards the endless world.

In the end, time did not know how long it had passed before, and Mu Yun's figure appeared on the sea.

The arrow stopped, floating in the air.

At this moment, another figure appeared above the sea.

With his back to Mu Yun, he held an iron hammer, and waved the hammer, as if he was going to go through the sea.

When Mu Yun appeared here, the figure suddenly stopped.

He slowly turned around, Chiguo's upper body, with bulging muscles, looked at Mu Yun, smiled slightly, and showed a kind expression on his face.

"You came!"

"Do you recognize me?"

"do not know!"


Mu Yun was a little speechless for a while.

Is this... crazy?

The man looked at Mu Yun and smiled slightly: "I am Qin Yuanzi!"

Mu Yun was startled.

"Have you met Brother Furukawa?"

The man said, threw down the hammer and waved his palm. Hundreds of miles above the sea, the time disappeared, and the two stood on a plain.


"it is good."

The man then said: "This is the Fuyao Divine Bow. It is a semi-imperial weapon that I spent half my life building. The Fuyao Divine Bow is a self-contained arrow with infinite power."

"Here you are!"

Hearing these words, Mu Yun was shocked and suspicious.

"That... senior... you don't know me, just give it to me?"

Qin Yuanzi smiled and said, "I know your father, he asked me to give it to you, and I will give it to you."

Mu Yun suddenly didn't know whether he should pick it up or not.

"You don't need to worry, you have concerns. This Swinging Divine Bow, your father said, is not suitable for you. As long as he gives his daughter-in-law a gift, you should know who it is suitable for."

Mu Yun was even more puzzled.

"Your father once did me a favor, a semi-imperial artifact, I repaid him."

"Senior, please tell me."

Qin Yuanzi looked at Mu Yun and couldn't help but said, "You are starting to dig into the roots..."

"In fact, it's nothing, it's just that I, a dead person, want to know something, your father told me!"

Mu Yun looked at this person with a suspicious expression.

"I won't tell you the specifics. You can take this Fuyao Divine Bow!"

Qin Yuanzi waved his hand.

But Mu Yun said: "I don't want it."



Mu Yun continued: "You are the real Qin Yuanzi? How did you know that I was Mu Qingyu's son without any evidence? This half imperial weapon, you are so generous when you say you give it away?"

This time, it was Qin Yuanzi's turn to be stunned.

Half imperial weapon?

Is it in short supply?

As an imperial weapon master, the semi-imperial weapon gods he built are countless, just one piece, what is it?

"You do not believe……"

Qin Yuanzi touched his head, looked at Mu Yun, and then said, "Oh, yes, your father told me that you can tell me something about you back then and let you believe me."

"For example, when you were in the fairy world, with a guy named Xie Qing..."

Qin Yuanzi said immediately.

"Okay, okay, I believe you!"

But for a long time, Mu Yun interrupted Qin Yuanzi's words.

What this guy said was all the sneaky things he and Xie Qing did when they were located in the fairy world.

It is really speechless.

Why does father say everything?

These things, the martial artist located in the world of Canglan, would never know.

But my father paid close attention to his own personal experience in the past, and he must know the plan step by step.

"Trust me?"

Qin Yuanzi immediately said: "Bring things, let's go!"

At this time, Mu Yun slowly took the Fuyao Divine Bow.

In the radiance, Shen Gong carried a somewhat noble aura.

Half imperial weapon!

Qin Yuanzi looked at Mu Yun and said again: "Since you can blend my master's eyes, it is enough to prove that my master approves of you and hope you can change your life!"

Mu Yun was puzzled by this unfounded dialogue.

"Senior, do good things to the end. Since you are an emperor master, there should be a lot of eighth-rank 9-level artifacts, half-imperial artifacts, imperial artifacts, etc., where are they hidden? Tell me?"

"There must be many secret places in the secret realm of Yuanshen Palace, right?"

Seeing Mu Yun's cunning look, Qin Yuanzi was slightly startled.

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