Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4601: Cangdi Mountain

"From the nine-fold realm to the ten-fold realm, the dominating road goes from nine kilometers, spanning five hundred meters, to nine thousand five hundred meters, but the tenfold at this time is the first time to enter, and it really reaches ten thousand meters, which is the real thing. Ten levels of pinnacle realm."

"Walk another kilometer, and the dominance will come to an end."

Xie Qing said earnestly: "The last thousand meters are more difficult than the previous nine kilometers. It is not an exaggeration. The old man Baili said that the last thousand meters are one thousand meters condensed by the avenue, so in this world of Canglan, There are also a lot of warriors in the Fengtian realm, the powerful first-class forces, scattered in the Fengtian realm, gather together, and each side says a few thousand people!"

"However, the Fengtian realm is from the first to the tenth realm, eightfold and ninefold top-notch, and the tenth layer is one side, and the tenth layer is the least. A few of the thousands are not bad."

"It's because it's too difficult to dominate the last thousand meters. Some people may walk one meter in ten thousand years, or even ten meters in one hundred thousand years."

Muyun now dominates the road to reach 8,700 meters, and the distance is nine kilometers, which is 300 meters away.

These three hundred meters were actually enough for the spirit of a half-step Huadi.

It's just that at the moment, his internal injuries have not fully recovered, so he did not choose to merge that spirit at this time to cross the border.

The two sat cross-legged, in the valley, not far away, Wen Yuewen leaned against a flower tree, looking very comfortable.

"Miss Wen." Xie Qing shouted at this time: "I heard you say that Cangdi Tower is one of the three strange places in Cangdi Pavilion, what about the other two places?"

Wen Yuewen glanced at Xie Qing before saying: "Cangdi Mountain, Cangdiyuan!"

Cangdi Mountain?


Xie Qing said curiously: "Is there anything weird?"

"Cangdi Mountain is a mountain that Master Cangdi moved in the past years. This mountain is said to be able to temper the martial artist to dominate the Dao. It is quite similar to the Fire God Mountain, but it is not the same."

"The Origin of Emperor Cang is a world of origin. It is a space created by Emperor Cang at a great cost. After entering, he can also be tempered and improve his realm."

Wen Yuewen slowly said: "Cangdi Pagoda, Cangdi Mountain, and Cangdiyuan are all places where martial artists can improve themselves and have great benefits. In the ancient times, I vaguely remember that martial artists came from all over the world in Canglan. They all dream of having the opportunity to enter these three places and improve themselves."

"Probably they are all the same, but there are many differences. I haven't been in it, and I don't know the details."

Mu Yun and Xie Qing got up at this time.

Mu Yun looked at Wen Yuewen and said, "Can you find it?"

"Yes!" Wen Yuewen pointed out of the valley and said, "This is the periphery of Cangdi Mountain."



The two looked at Wen Yuewen dumbfounded.

Wen Yuewen said: "You didn't mean to take you to a safe area before. I think you will recover from your injury, and you will definitely continue to search for the dense land in the Cangdi Pavilion, so I will bring you here directly to save trouble. "

"Miss Wen, you are really so considerate." Xie Qing leaned forward and said with a smile: "If you are accompanied by a beautiful woman like you in this life, I am really lucky Xie Qing!"

Wen Yuewen glanced at Xie Qing and didn't say anything.

Xie Qing didn't feel embarrassed either.

"Lao Mu, let the Jiang family and the Furong Tower gather together, let's go in and see Cangdi Mountain."

Xie Qing said with a smile: "If I can reach the tenth level of the Sealed Heaven Realm in Cangdi Mountain, then I will kill a half-step Huadi in the Star God Palace, and I will rectify Xie Qing's own name!"

"Continue to blow, blow through the sky, your cheeky can also hang on."

"Don't believe me, pull it down."

When the two spoke, they headed out of the valley and called the crowd together.

Wen Yuewen, like a fairy in the moon palace, not stained with dust, followed the two out of the valley.

In fact, Wen Yuewen was very curious about the relationship between Xie Qing and Mu Yun.

The two can join hands to kill Li Kaiyang, this must be a fateful friendship, only then can they be so trusted and so cooperative.

But by the way, the two were together, and within three sentences, you scolded me and I scolded you, like an enemy.

This makes Wen Yuewen, who is not deeply involved in the world, really unclear.

The crowd gathered, all the way towards the mountain range.

Wen Yuewen led the way and said: "Cangdi Mountain was surrounded by huge formations in the past years. Since the Cangdi Palace was destroyed, the formation may not exist. I don't know whether the strangeness inside Cangdi Mountain still exists."

Speaking of this, Wen Yuewen added: "Cangdiyuan, one of the three major places, is probably no longer there."


"Cangdiyuan is the spatial world created by Master Cangdi. It needs to be irrigated and maintained with the spirit of heaven and earth all the year round. After so many years, no one has taken care of it, that place should be completely out of shape."


Xie Qing really felt that it was a pity that the various things in the Cang Emperor's Palace were absolutely precious and extremely valuable.

At this time, Wen Yuewen suddenly stopped.

In front, there are towering mountains, which make people look up.

And the location of each high mountain and mountain wall is portrayed with complicated marks.

"It's the border pattern."

Mu Yun has now condensed boundary patterns to 12 million, and his sensitivity to boundary patterns has also improved a lot.

Wen Yuewen came to the front, pointed her finger, and the void was rippling like water waves at this moment.

"It seems that Cangdi Mountain should be considered intact."

Wen Yuewen said, squeezing her palm, and a crackling sound sounded at this moment.

A long whip appeared in his hand.

The whip was three feet long, glowing red all over, and it kept blazing all over, making a crackling sound.

Half imperial implement.

At this time, whether Mu Yun or Xie Qing, they were already quite familiar.

The two of them didn't care about how many imperial artifacts Wen Yuewen had on her body.

At this time, Wen Yuewen flicked her palm and slapped her long whip, hitting the void in front of her.

In time, the void rippled, and there were faint flames scattered.

Wen Yuewen pulled out one whip and one whip, and the flames gradually spread.

And as Wen Yuewen pulled down with one whip and one whip, the void rippled, and finally a gap appeared.

Wen Yuewen didn't say much, stepping into it with one step, her figure disappeared.

"come in!"

Ever since, everyone followed Wen Yuewen into it.

From outside the Void Restriction, into the Void Restriction.

Time, the world around, completely change.

Looking ahead, there are high mountains, majestic and majestic, and each high mountain is as high as ten thousand meters, filled with layers of flames.

But when you look carefully, those are not flames, but every high mountain, all showing fiery red rocks, giving people the wrong feeling.

Everyone is on the edge of the mountain, and there are roads in front of them, extending in all directions, seeming to be endless...

"This is Cangdi Mountain."

Wen Yuewen put away the fiery red whip and said: "In the past, many disciples in the Cang Emperor Palace were also here to temper their strength."

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