Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4602: Everything is illusory

This is Cangdi Mountain?

It feels nothing strange!

Xie Qing looked forward at this time and said: "How to temper?"

"Every avenue here represents a road. You can walk on the avenue, it is like walking in the world, tempering your mind, and passing the heart, then you can pass Wuguan, and then go to the end of the avenue, you can choose Set a mountain and get a good luck."

Xie Qing muttered, "Similar to Cangdi Tower?"

"The essence is the same, but there are still discrepancies in tempering. The Cangdi Pagoda is focused on tempering the realm, but here is focused on tempering the mind."

Wen Yuewen glanced at the people behind her and said: "Those who are not steadfast in their minds will lose themselves and die after entering this place, so they must learn to choose."

Many people were slightly startled when they heard this.

Want to learn to choose?

It's just that the choice is such a good choice.

Just as Wen Yuewen spoke, suddenly, the mountains in front of them seemed to be very close to them, but also very far away.

At this moment, the top of a high mountain suddenly burst into flames, radiantly radiating, and blasted straight into the sky.

Wen Yuewen said immediately: "It seems that someone has arrived here a step earlier than us."

There are many warriors who have entered here.

There must be those who can find Cangdi Mountain. Since the major and first-class forces have come, they naturally have some understanding of Cangdi Palace.

"Try it out?"

"it is good!"

The two took the lead, selected two avenues, and walked directly forward.

Mu Yun said at this time: "Everyone, follow your own choice. It's okay to try, but remember, don't force yourself."

Many people nodded.

After Mu Yun gave his instructions, he immediately stepped out.

One person, one, as if leading to the end of heaven and earth.

After about a hundred meters, Mu Yun's figure suddenly stopped.

Others couldn't see what Mu Yun had gone through, they just saw Mu Yun standing there, motionless.

At this moment, Mu Yun felt that he was also standing in place, but the scenes around him were already earthshaking changes in the Law Body.

He seemed to be in a land of purgatory, surrounded by endless darkness and endless magma, and only the ground under his feet was safe.

In this land of endless purgatory, there are a number of figures, rushing out, murderous.

Those people are of different shapes, and each body is like a skeleton, looking extremely terrifying and terrifying.

At this moment, Mu Yun's thoughts moved, and Tianque Divine Sword appeared in his hand.

He didn't know if this was a fantasy or real.

It's just that the Tianque Divine Sword is in his hand, making him feel that this should not be false.

With a sword cut out, the sword aura whistled, and the skeletons were slashed by the sword aura and split directly.

The terrifying aura made Mu Yun feel like he had fallen into hell.

"Jianping Bahuang!"

"Destroy the Eight Desolations!"

"Endless Eight Wastes!"

Three sword styles, power continued to stack, Mu Yun's attacks became more and more domineering, but there were more and more skeletons around him.

This **** scene, at a glance, from the crypt, one after another scary skeleton appeared, as if there was never an end.

"Hercules Fingering."

A finger mark crushed time and space.

A avenue was paved.

Wherever the finger mark passed, the skull was shattered.

However, even so, after the finger marks were crushed, I still didn't see the end of this group of skeletons.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun felt a trace of horror in his heart.

Never ending?

Sword after sword, finger after finger.

In the end, Mu Yun put the Blood Dragon Curse, Void God Jue, Yellow Emperor Jing, and Tai Chi Tao on display, beheading one after another, thousands of skeleton warriors, but it is not over yet.

Gradually, Mu Yun finally reached his limit, unable to hold it back, and his entire aura dimmed.

He felt that his body was being swallowed, and the pain permeated his body, as if thousands of insects were swallowing his body.

This feeling made Mu Yun extremely uncomfortable, but he couldn't resolve the uneasiness.

Like death!

However, Mu Yun did not want to die.

If he is dead, what is the hope of the shepherd?

If he is dead, what is the hard work for so many years?

At this moment, even though his whole body was eaten and his whole body was full of pain, Mu Yun still clenched his teeth.

As time passed bit by bit, this pain caused Mu Yun to feel that he was dead, but he didn't seem to be dead yet.

In this way, the aura in Mu Yun's body gradually recovered, as if the desire for life born from the bottom of his heart turned into life force, and the flow continued.

But as time passed, Mu Yun's body seemed to be surrounded by streams of light protection, those skeletons, their bodies collapsed, burst, and disappeared.

Then, Mu Yun woke up.

At this moment, he realized that he was just standing here and didn't move.

Everything is illusory.

Mu Yun's heart gradually calmed down.

Test the mind.

But like the real Law Bodies, it really makes people feel that the back is cold.

He stepped out again.

As soon as you enter the avenue, everything around you is nonexistent, only the avenue in front of you, which leads directly to the sky.

On the next journey, Mu Yun often fell into a desperate situation, all kinds, like real experiences, but now, Mu Yun's mind is tough enough, and they are all supported.

Until the end, when he came to the end of the avenue, Mu Yun stood at the end, looking at everything around him, only feeling refreshed.

Here, it is indeed a mountain top.

At the top of the mountain, a loft stood quietly, and Mu Yun stepped into the loft.

An ordinary loft does not see any uniqueness.

But when De Muyun stepped into the attic, he noticed that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes between the surrounding sky and the earth, looking at him.

Those pairs of eyes didn't exist, but the feeling of being spied made Mu Yun's back.

According to Wen Yuewen, it should be a gift by chance to break through the mental barrier of Dao Dao and come here.

But right now, there is nothing.

However, Mu Yun, who was holding these doubts, didn't last long. He suddenly saw that in front of him, in the attic, an illusory figure appeared.

Although illusory, Mu Yun was also aware that that figure was likely to be Emperor Cang.

At this moment, the illusory figure spoke slowly.

"The Avenue is firm!"

"Mind is fair."

"The soul is incomplete."

"Shouyuan is not round!"

Sixteen characters were spoken from the mouth of the illusory figure, and then, the illusion figure said again: "Get your own understanding here!"

With that, in the illusory figure, a ray of light rose up at this moment.

The horrible breath broke out at this time, and the rumbling voice continued to sound.

That ray of light enveloped Mu Yun's body, and at this moment, Mu Yun's mind suddenly emptied himself and stood still.

At this moment, this light enveloped Mu Yun himself, like a mirror, exposing all the defects of Mu Yun's practice.

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