Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 831: Break the battle on the bridge


"Mu Yun!"

"Brother Yun!"


Along with the sound of that voice, the figures suddenly turned around.

I saw Mu Yun wearing an ink-colored gown, with a black belt around his waist, his long hair tied up, and a strand of hair left in front of his forehead, swaying with the wind.

It still has this posture and appearance, without any change!

Mu Yun, appeared!

"You kid, you finally showed up." Di Wen laughed and said, "If we don't show up again, we will find you this great treasure all over the world."

"Find me this treasure? What treasure?"

Mu Yun was a little surprised and said: "It seems that I have just left for a while, and a lot of things have happened!"

"Of course!"

Xiao Yuner hummed: "You haven't seen the faces of the warriors in all the worlds, all of them are aimed at our blood alliance, even Master Miaoqing..."

When Xiao Yuner said this, she stopped.

Mu Yun looked at Miao Xianyu and smiled slightly.

"Master, I'm sorry, my grandpa..."

"I don't care about your grandfather, you are my disciple, follow me, Master, even if there is a safety issue, it will not cause you problems!"


Miao Xianyu nodded, full of pride.

No matter when, Mu Yun is her strong backing, a teacher for one day, and a father for life.

Mu Yun treated her as his most beloved apprentice, and never changed because of her grandfather's attitude.

"Okay, what's the matter? Tell me about it. Look at your frowning faces, I'm afraid you will be scammed, right?"

Ye Qiu came from standing and said, "Master, you don't know, this formation is quite weird. Even Yu Huiren can't get through it. Now Poison Wanshan has entered with many small world warriors! "

"But this formation is very weird, we can't see through it, and we don't dare to force it."


Mu Yun smiled slightly, with a look of excitement on his face, hehe smiled and said, "Don't you know, my favorite is breaking the formation?"

"That's natural, Brother Yun, you are the best!" Wang Xinyu giggled.

"When I was away, I insulted you, and now I am here, it is natural to make them look good!"

"You are very confident, can you solve this formation?" At this moment, a slightly indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

Bright moon heart!

Seeing Mingyuexin, Mu Yun smiled bitterly: "I thought you had entered the secret store with everyone from the Three Thousand Small World!"

"Am I waiting for the leader of the animal husbandry to crack the formation?"

Looking at Mu Yun, Mingyue smiled slightly.

It's just that this smile falls in the eyes of other people, but it has a different meaning.

Xiao Yuner and Wang Xinya looked at Mu Yun with a different meaning in their eyes, but that meaning made Mu Yun feel cold.

Mu Yun turned around immediately, staring at the two, dumbfounded.

He didn't do anything, but now it's his turn. This is simply wrong!

"I don't care about this matter now. After you return this time, you can explain it carefully!"

"Huh, Huaxin Big Carrot, say yes..."

Xiao Yun'er and Wang Xinya looked at Mu Yun and hummed suddenly, angrily in their chests.

Mu Yun felt bitter in his heart at this moment.

What is this called!

"Leader of the animal husbandry, if you can break the formation, please break the formation as soon as possible!" Mingyuexin urged at this moment.

"Yes, shepherd leader, people are waiting anxiously!" Xiao Yuner said in a bad tone at this time.

Wang Xinya opened her mouth, but finally did not speak.

Mu Yun looked at the people around him helplessly, but found that at this moment, Di Wen and the others were completely ignoring them because they had nothing to do with them, and held them high.

"Ye Qiu, in the future, you can't be like your master, circling flowers everywhere..." Xuan Yueling said seriously.

"Don't worry, Yue'er, I only love you!"

Seeing that the apprentice looked like a villain at this moment, Mu Yun looked around, and finally sighed helplessly.

"What is this called!"

Mu Yun finally sighed and walked forward.

"This formation is called the yin and yang xuantian great formation, one dominates yin, one dominates yang, and yin and yang reconcile, and the formation is composed of 99,999 soul stones, not to mention the ten great deities. Even if he is a strong person who has stepped into the realm of immortals, he cannot bear it at all."

Mu Yun looked at the big array and said slightly.

Mingyuexin said impatiently: "We don't want to know the strength of this formation. We just want to know, can the lord of the animal husbandry break this battle?"

Hearing this, Mu Yun just wanted to have a seizure, but he saw other people staring at him, which was probably what he meant, and suddenly lost his temper.


Mu Yun smiled bitterly: "But everyone must obey my command. There can be no mistakes, understand?"



Seeing everyone's unanimous answers, Mu Yun only felt that what he had done, as the leader, seemed to be too aggrieved.

At this moment, there is no trace of majesty at all.

"Okay, in that case, everyone obeyed the orders of the lord of the animal husbandry and passed this formation!"

Di Wen also laughed.

"That's right!" Dou Yunfeng hummed, "Those guys spent 10 billion top-grade spirit crystals. They only feel that they have made a lot of money, but we didn't spend a single point."


Everyone laughed immediately.

Mu Yun narrowed his smile and stepped directly out.

The rumbling voice suddenly sounded at this moment, and Mu Yun stood directly on the black floor.


In an instant, the floor collapsed, and the black iron chains were directly locked.

Only in the face of those iron chains, Mu Yun did not resist at all, letting those iron chains lock his body firmly.

Keng Keng...

Suddenly, under the entire black floor, clanging voices sounded, and those floors completely wrapped Mu Yun's body and disappeared.

But gradually, everyone discovered that a bright crystal light gradually permeated the entire floor.

The light of those crystals gradually lifted into the sky, and the sonorous voice sounded and spread out immediately.

I saw that a bright crystal bridge appeared on the original black floor.

Those crystal bridges gradually lifted into the sky, condensing into a long bright crystal bridge in front of everyone.


Suddenly, under the black floor, a roar sounded, and Mu Yun's figure appeared from the roar.

"Everyone, get on the bridge!"

Mu Yun spoke directly without saying a word.

The sound of crashing sounded, and a group of figures rushed directly toward the bridge deck. Seeing this scene, Mu Yun's mouth wore a smile.


In the previous life, apart from what the alchemist learned from the beautiful master Meng Zimo, the techniques of refining tools and formations were just his hobbies.

But even if it is a hobby, in the world of Xiao Qian, he is definitely a great master-level existence.

Hearing Mu Yun's shout, everyone immediately walked up the crystal bridge.

"This bridge won't collapse, right?" Ye Qiu asked with some worry.


It's just that Ye Qiu's words just fell, but two bangs suddenly sounded, and Mu Yun shouted in annoyance: "Slumping, crushing your head!"

Mu Yun directly hammered Ye Qiu's head and hummed: "You are amazing now, I don't believe Master anymore!"

"Master, I don't have one!"

Ye Qiu was aggrieved.

"Hurry up on the bridge, don't talk nonsense!"

Mu Yun snorted.

Everyone immediately went to the bridge and did not dare to delay!

At this moment, a group of people walked onto the crystal-like bridge deck, cautiously, for fear that it might have caused any abnormal changes.

At the same time, when everyone walked up to the front step by step, they saw that under the bridge deck, a group of figures were working with Gu worms as sacrifices, opening their way to the front.

Poison Wanshan was quite entangled in his heart at this moment. For him, the loss of every Gu worm was a pain in his heart.

But at this moment, they have already marched to the center of the big formation, backing, impossible, only moving forward.

In desperation, Poison Wanshan could only add 10 billion superb spirit crystals to make the venerables of all worlds continue to move forward.

Under these circumstances, even though the lords of all the worlds were dissatisfied, they had to agree for the treasure.

Now that they have walked half the distance, if they don't agree, they will lose all their efforts.


Yu Huiren shouted angrily: "Poison Wanshan, we paid the price of 20 billion Supreme Spirit Crystals. If you can't bring us into the secret storage, you know the consequences!"


Poison Wanshan died of a large number of Gu worms, and naturally felt even more distressed in his heart. When speaking, he was unceremonious and said: "Can I not know? These Gu worms, but I have worked hard to cultivate them, you think , Do I want them to die?"

"Furthermore, the more the formation is to the end, the greater the consumption, and I feel more distressed than you. What is the spirit crystal? What I need is my own Gu worm. Without the gu worm, my strength will be weakened."

Hearing this, several big bosses were silent for a moment.

"Haha... everybody, it's been a long time!"

It's just that when the elders were silent, a joking voice suddenly sounded.

"Mu Yun!"

There was a shout, and the faces of several venerables suddenly showed shocked expressions.

"Mu Yun, how could you..."

"Ha ha……"

Before a few people could speak, Mu Yun laughed and said, "Everyone, it's so unkind. If you can pass, what about the people of my blood alliance?"

"You bring all the blood alliances, so I can take you, now... I broke the formation, but you look at you, oh... you have to break the formation before you can pass. Poisonous mountains have lost a lot of money. Gu worms, right? Those gu worms can't be replaced by money, right!"

Hearing this, Du Wanshan only felt his chest suffocated, and the whole person was even more furious.

"Mu Yun, you are less proud, maybe there is something wrong with your path!" Yu Huiren suddenly shouted at this moment.

Boom boom boom...

It's just that Yuhuiren's words have just fallen, but the rumbling voice suddenly sounded at this moment...

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