Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 832: Fog Corpse

In front of everyone, the black stone slabs collapsed piece by piece at this moment, and a chain of biting iron chains rumblingly rose from the floor.

When the floor rose up, everyone felt the mountain sway, and the whole ground seemed to be collapsing at this moment, and the fluctuations made people frightened.

"what happened?"

"Poison Wanshan, what's the situation?"

When a group of people waited, they stared at Du Wanshan with anger on their faces.

"You ask me, who shall I ask?" Poison Wanshan exclaimed, "We are trying to break this formation, but we are not cracking it. Where do I know and what should I do?"

Hearing this, several people flushed and were at a loss.

But at this moment, above their heads, the warriors of the blood alliance, the small world of the five elements, and the small world of battle armor walked steadily on the crystal bridge, without any fluctuations at all.

"Everyone, now it seems that my road is not a dead end, it seems... yours is a dead end!"

Mu Yun looked at everyone and said with a smile.


"Mu Yun, we are in trouble, don't even want to run!"

Fang Tongkong saw this scene, suddenly furious.

With a cold snort, he punched out directly.


Suddenly, on the whole earth, the rumbling sound was deafening, and people just felt that there was a buzzing sound everywhere in my mind.

Fang Tongkong let out a violent shout, and the figure stepped out in one step, and the rumbling sound vibrated on the entire black floor.

His figure is like a cannonball, directly flying out of the air.


Only in the next moment, Fang Tongkong's body seemed to touch an iron plate, and there was a loud sound, his whole body was immediately blocked by the crystal bridge, unable to enter.


Seeing Fang Tongkong's appearance, Mu Yun hehe smiled and said, "If this formation is so easily broken by you, then this place will not be the secret of the Lord Tongtian."


Fang Tongkong wanted to speak again, but a word was still too late. There was a loud bang, and an iron chain directly wound the soles of his feet, pulling his figure directly down.

"Mu Yun, I won't let you go, I will never let you go!"

Fang Tongkong stared at Mu Yun closely, wishing to chop off his hands and feet.

Seeing the figures below were attacked by those iron chains and entangled to death, Mu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this moment, there is no pity in his eyes, just indifference.

At this moment, his heart returned to the former fairy king state of mind, decisively and indifferently.

Originally, Mu Yun thought that he had been in a lifetime and might be soft-hearted, but now, facing these people who once wanted to put himself to death, his heart is unusually hard as iron!

"Let's go!"

Mu Yun said slightly: "They are walking in formation, we are walking in formation, there will be no danger here, stay here to watch the excitement, it is better to enter the front hall first to see what is going on!"


Hearing Mu Yun's words, the people of the blood alliance immediately moved forward.

Diwen and Dou Yunfeng, with the warriors of the Five Elements Small World and Doukai Small World, continued to advance.

At this moment, they once again felt the correctness of their choice.

Small Thousand Worlds, thousands of small worlds. Over the years, their Five Elements Small World and Battle Armor Small World are ranked ninth and tenth, but in fact they don't have much power.

The ten big and small worlds have the right to sanction other small worlds. If anyone disobeys, the ten big and small worlds can unite and form an alliance army for crusade.

This kind of crusade, ten big and small worlds have absolute leadership power.

However, the small world of the five elements and the small world of battle armor are not high in rankings, and their position and right to speak among the ten worlds are also the lowest.

All the time, it has also been run by the top few small worlds.

It is now tied to Mu Yun. Although the Canghuang Little World is not currently included in the Little Thousand World Alliance, the strength of the blood alliance led by Mu Yun can be seen.

Today, they are tied to a blood alliance, and Fang Tongkong, Poison Wanshan, and Lun Dongcang are not qualified to bully their small world.

On the thousand-meter-long black floor, there were silhouettes going back and forth.

Only above, above the crystal bridge, Mu Yun and the others wandered freely, but below, the warriors of all sizes couldn't control so much at this moment. They flee for their lives one by one, rushing forward in the formation in a panic.

"What are these rodent chains?"

Looking down, everyone in the blood alliance looked at Mu Yun incomprehensibly.

"Rodent chain?"

Seeing below, and then looking at everyone, Mu Yun hehe smiled and said, "I'm afraid you are all wrong. It's not a biting iron chain or an attack from a formation, but... a fairy beast!"

Fairy beast!

When Mu Yun's words fell, everyone suddenly felt that their heads were about to explode.

The fairy beast, to them, is simply a magical place like a flying fairy outside the sky.

So far, the only fairy beast they have seen is the sky-swallowing tiger in the secret of Kuhai Tianzun.

And now, under the black floor, there was actually a fairy beast.

This makes them not surprised!

"The rodent beast has countless tentacles, and each antenna is like a rodent. To be precise, it is covered with sawtooth-like tentacles. It is extremely destructive and can instantly wipe out the body's defenses of the martial artist and directly drain the blood.

"And this guy... if he keeps sucking blood, he will evolve and even become a fairy beast of mortal blood!"

"Master, the fairy beast has a level?"

"That's natural!"

Mu Yun said again: "Like the Sky-Swallowing Tiger and the Rodent Beast, they are just immortal beasts that are not in the grade. When the bloodline power reaches the next generation, it may degenerate into a virtual immortal beast."

"And if the bloodline is strengthened, it may become a fairy beast of the mortal bloodline."

"Fairy beasts, the lowest level is the Sky-Swallowing Tiger, Rodent Beast, and so on, and the next level is the mortal beast of the mortal bloodline, the earth-level bloodline, the sky-level bloodline..."

Looking at the people, Mu Yun slowly said: "Everyone wants to become immortals, but they don't know, the immortal world is the most terrifying and desperate!"

"There is not a human world, but a world where immortals eat immortals. If you are weak, you will be killed and trampled. If you are strong, you can dominate everything!"

Mu Yun's words fell, watching everyone staring at him, hehe smiled bitterly: "Cough cough... I feel emotional for a while, feel for a while, there is too much nonsense, everyone continue on the road!"

After hearing Mu Yun's words, everyone felt that it seemed that they had imagined the powerful immortal world too sacred.

Below, those biting teeth were ruthlessly harvesting the lives of warriors of all sizes in the world. Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but stunned secretly.

If they followed these people from the beginning, I'm afraid they will end up in the same way now.

Fortunately, Mu Yun is here!

This guy always creates miracles for people!

"Damn it, what do you do now."

Seeing the tentacles appearing in the front and rear, the venerables of various worlds suddenly became angry.

The most hateful thing is that at this moment, Mu Yun is above them, walking past their heads leisurely.

This is what makes them feel most angry.

"What else can we do? Everyone in Promise Small World listened to orders, and desperately rushed to the forefront. We are only a few hundred meters away from the front."

"it is good!"


Suddenly, as the words of Wuji Aotian fell, the warriors in the small world of Wuji immediately sprinted forward.

Other worlds, large and small, are also following the same pattern at this moment, rushing towards the front.

At this time, waiting in place is death, retreating is also death, then simply rush forward, directly into the palace in front.

But everyone's speed has just increased, and in front of them, countless black biting iron chains, at this moment, rushed to everyone.

The wailing sound spread...

"It's the end!"

Mu Yun stepped on the hard floor, looking at the gray earth under his feet, wherever he saw, it was foggy.

It's just the thin mist, which doesn't seem to hinder the sight.

"Everyone, be careful."

Mu Yun opened the mouth and exhorted: "At this moment, we must not be careless. The Master Tongtian established a secret store back then and left it to someone who is predestined to replace it."

"If we don't have strong strength, and we are not destined, but if we go forever, we may cause serious disasters."

"This person was able to subdue the fairy beast in the world of Xiaoqian, which is enough to see this person's powerful strength."

While speaking, Mu Yun was already leading everyone to move forward.

The buzzing sound sounded, but Mu Yun and others had just stepped out, and the buzzing sound suddenly sounded at this moment.

The moment the humming sounded, suddenly, from the thin haze in front, a group of figures slowly stepped out...

Those figures looked very illusory and ethereal, and the whole body was floating in the air.

These people seem to have formed from a thin mist, and people only feel that their bodies are revealing weirdness everywhere.

"Mist Corpse Man!"

Seeing those guys whose heels couldn't touch the ground, Mu Yun's expression suddenly changed.

"Master, what is the Fog Corpse Man?"


Ye Qiu's question just remembered, before Mu Yun had time to answer, the sound of breaking through the air instantly sounded.

Those phantoms who couldn't touch the ground flew out one by one, and directly killed Mu Yun and others.

The figures of those people looked similar to the appearance of ordinary people.

It's just showing a gray mist color, which looks very illusory and unreal.


Suddenly, a disciple slapped it directly with a palm, enveloped in the powerful true essence, patted directly in front of him.

The palm prints of the true essence gathered, seeing through the body of the foggy corpse, but a strange scene happened.

The bodies of those foggy corpses were like souls at this moment, extremely transparent, and bombarded with one punch without any effect at all.

On the contrary, it was the disciple, who was directly scratched by the fog corpse man with one hand, screamed, and his brain collapsed, and the whole person was silent...

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt their bodies become stiff.

These guys are really weird!

"Master, what are these things? Fog Corpse People, I have never heard of them. Their attacks are completely ineffective, but their attacks can directly crush us."

Ye Qiu hurriedly shouted at this moment.

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