Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 833: Soul attack

"Attack with soul power!"

Mu Yun hurriedly said.

"These guys had their true souls imprisoned before death, but the true souls cannot survive for a long time without being in the realm of immortals."

"So they relied on the weirdness of these smogs and combined their true souls and mists. The resulting foggy corpses should not be attacked with true essence. It is useless to them. Soul power attacks are only effective."


Suddenly, the people who were at a loss what to do, immediately began to fight back.

It's just a soul attack, which is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Everyone is in the realm of life and death, and they understand the profound meaning of life and death. The true soul is not as powerful as these foggy corpses. Using soul power as an attack, the damage to them can be described as minimal, but their own loss is very large.

"Don't panic everyone!"

Mu Yun suddenly shouted at this moment: "Everyone put away their soul power to attack."

Hearing this, although everyone was puzzled, they still followed suit.

For Muyun, they had long since chosen unconditional trust!

When everyone dispersed their soul power, suddenly a flame of fire appeared in Mu Yun's body.

"Wonderful Fire!"

Seeing Mu Yun's move, both Diwen and Dou Yunfeng showed joy.

The two great masters, the emperor comes from the small world of the five elements, and they are very familiar with sky fire.

And Dou Yunfeng is the venerable of the small world of the fight armor, the small world of the fight armor, the warrior most relies on his battle armor, which can be described as the existence of the second life.

Refining the natal armor that fits the warrior requires a powerful refiner, and the most important thing for refining is the strength of the flame.

At this moment, Mu Yun's ghost fire of Ten Thousand Tribulations, although not the most suitable flame for refining, is very powerful.

The most important thing is that it is very powerful at this moment.

To deal with these foggy corpses who combine true souls and mists, what the Ghost Fire of Ten Thousand Tribulations can do is to make these guys fall into the trap.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, Mu Yun was surrounded by flames burning and rising.

Black flames, clusters of grace together, like ghost fires, with grimace faces, rushing towards those foggy corpses.

A whine of wailing sounded, and suddenly, the bodies of a few foggy corpses were contaminated by the ghost fire of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and their mouths made a terrifying howling, and they retreated straight away.

Ever since, seeing the power of Muyun ghost fire, those foggy corpses suddenly dispersed.


Mu Yun didn't talk nonsense, and led everyone along the way.

At this moment, those foggy corpses saw the power of Mu Yun, and one by one stepped aside, leaving a path for everyone to pass.

The ghost fire of Myriad Tribulations surrounded everyone, and the foggy corpses stood a hundred meters away. Watching this scene, they did not dare to approach for a long time.


At the same time, behind everyone, a roar suddenly sounded.

Fang Tongkong, Poison Wanshan, Lun Dongcang and others rushed out from the black floor at this moment.

But at this moment, there were tens of thousands of people in all the worlds, but now, there are only less than 10,000 left.

This loss is simply heartache to all leaders in the small world.

"They have gone in, now is not the time to complain!"

Wuji Aotian said at this moment: "Everyone will check the loss of your own small world, and gather the warriors of each small world. No one can say what danger will appear below!"


In fact, without Wuji Aotian speaking, everyone has already begun to check.

Until now, they were already exhausted.

However, the loss of the subordinates is what makes them most concerned.

And during a short break, some warriors in the small world have already begun to move forward.

Although the loss was huge, but now I stopped and was given the first opportunity by the blood alliance and others in front, then the loss that came this time was wasted.

Suddenly, each of the small world warriors left some of the disciples who had suffered severely in place, and even left some disciples specifically to prevent accidents.

The large force set off again.

Ahead, there are patches of mist, gloomy, and with the dead silence of the gray earth, it is really difficult to raise a sense of expectation.

The front is like hell!

"Everyone, be careful!"

Everyone immediately took up the weapons in their hands and began to take precautions.


At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

The screaming sound of breaking through the air suddenly killed them, and a cloud of gray logistics approached everyone directly.


The screams suddenly sounded at this moment, and the foggy corpses shot out again.

Last time, they were miserably rectified because of Mu Yun's reasons. This time, seeing Wuji Aotian and others, immediately came to vent the fire.

The screams kept ringing, and the big guys were immediately stunned.

These guys can't be killed at all, they can't be killed, they are helpless.

"What the **** is this again?" Fang Tongkong was completely honest.

They didn't have the slightest resistance to the dangers they encountered as they walked along the road.

Those gray figures might not be able to hurt them when attacking them, but the subordinates behind them could not resist one by one.

If this continues, I'm afraid that everyone behind them will be consumed before they reach the palace.

"Be careful, everyone, these guys do not use real attacks as damage, but use soul attacks as the main method." Wuji proudly said in a deep voice.

Soul attack!

Even if they knew it, they couldn't resist it at all.

Knowing is one thing, resistance is another thing. The venerables of them can at best guarantee that they will not be harmed, but those disciples cannot guarantee it.

"Wrap your own soul sea, protect the true soul, and leave this place!"

Wuji Aotian yelled angrily, and the warriors with the small world of Wuji rushed out immediately.

At the same time, Yuhuiren, Shengsanqian, Lun Dongcang, Poison Wanshan, Fang Tongkong, Miaoqing, Mo Jielun and others also rushed out immediately.

Gradually, warriors of all sizes in the world began to flee in a hurry.

It's just that the foggy corpses are constantly chasing after them, and they don't give them any chance...

At the same time, at the entrance of the hall, a group of silhouettes dressed in blood appeared slowly.

Hanging Mountain Blood Envoy!

The head of the man, dressed in white, was very energetic, with his hands behind him, staring at the front in a daze.

"God, they have entered, Mu Yun seems to have broken through the big formation..."


Yun Lang attached his hands, looked forward indifferently, and said indifferently: "Let's go too!"

After the words fell, Yun Lang turned and looked at the five people behind him.

These five people are the leaders of the three blood envoys, Chen Tianyu, Shang Qingyu, and Wuqing, as well as Han Qianren, the lord of the Jiuhan Temple, and Zhu Tianzheng, the head of the Zhu family.

The aura of the five people at this moment is completely different from the original one.

Faintly, these five people even have the aura of the venerable level.

"You and other five people, if anyone breaks my major event this time, he will undoubtedly be cut off. The Master Tongtian was the ruler of the small blue world tens of thousands of years ago. The most famous is the Tongtian Mirror in his hand. The Tongtian Mirror is It's a low-grade immortal tool, not comparable to the inferior immortal tool of Mie Zun Sword in Mu Yun's hand!"

Yun Lang carefully said: "With the Sky Mirror, the Little Thousand World, I am the master. When the time comes, even if the ten great masters join forces, plus Mu Qingyu, and Mu Yun father and son, it will be in vain!"

"If I rule the world of Xiaoqian, the upper realm will definitely pay more attention to it, all cheer up this time. Whoever makes a mistake will die!"



The five immediately arched their hands and stopped talking.

Han Qianren and Zhu Tianzheng were even more sweaty.

Staying in the hanging mountain these days, they can be regarded as knowing the horror of the hanging mountain.

Killing decisively, with great momentum!

These are nothing at all!

The blood spoon plan in the hanging mountain is really overbearing, completely capable of shaping the emergence of powerful martial artists in the life and death realm in a short period of time.

Such hematopoietic ability is simply not comparable to other worlds of all sizes.

That's enough, Yun Lang's personal strength is even more powerful.

Chen Tianyu definitely possessed the strength of the venerable level, but in front of Yun Lang, like a dog, he did not dare to resist.

"Let's go!"

Yun Lang spoke slightly, waved his palm, and a blue light appeared.

I didn't see what Yun Lang was doing, what appeared in the palm of his hand, a blue channel appeared in front of him within a hundred meters.

Apart from anything else, Yun Lang directly followed the blue passage and entered onto the black floor in front of him.

"In this big formation, it is a bitter beast, a fairy beast. Although it is only a fairy beast that is not blood, it is not something that you can compete with. In this blue light, don't go out, otherwise there will be no burial place. !"

Yun Lang's words fell, step by step.

Keng Keng Keng...

At this moment, in the black floor, the tentacles slapped directly, and those tentacles hit the blue light directly.

It's just that the tentacles that look turbulent and brutal, at this moment, they can't destroy those blue rays at all. On the contrary, the tentacles are dissipated by the blue light inch by inch.

Seeing this scene, everyone was immediately surprised.

The defensive power of Blu-ray is amazing, it is incredible for them.


Seeing this scene, all talents dared to move on.

Hundreds of blood envoys and some high-level officials of Zhu's family and Jiuhan Tiangong were cautiously stepping into the passage and walking forward.

The kilometer giant, on the contrary, walked very comfortably in everyone's hearts.

Anyway, those blue lights didn't dare to attack, they just moved forward cautiously.


Seeing that the tentacles behind them are still terrifying, everyone only feels that they are completely relieved at this moment.

"Who are you?"

It's just that when everyone crossed the black floor, they saw that there were nearly a thousand people in front of them, and most of the nearly thousand people were severely injured.

The strength of a few healthy people is also around the triple and quadruple realm of life and death.

"You are not all big and small world alliances?" An old man in the five levels of life and death hummed: "Could it be the warrior who wants to detect leaks in the small blue world?"

"It seems so, really reluctant to live and die!"

"In the small world of Canghuang, apart from the blood alliance, there are no big forces. If it weren't for Mu Yun, I would not wait here."

Some warriors immediately hummed.

Although they were injured, they were not afraid of the small team of hundreds of people in front of them.

They have a natural sense of superiority towards the small world of Canghuang.

"God, how do these people deal with?" Chen Tianyu arched his hands.

Yun Lang looked ahead and said indifferently: "Kill it!"

With a wave of his hand, Yun Lang said indifferently.

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