Supreme God King

Chapter 1201: Farewell

Outside Baidi Mountain, the river fell from the sky, like a big dragon crawling down, with an endless aura, accompanied by surging waves, flapping the two banks, like a dragon roaring.

And at this moment, there was a pair of bi people above the river, a man and a woman, a woman in white robe, blue silk flying, all over the country, and the man with blue shirt and white hair, extremely calm.

The two of them kept going down the Baidi River all the way, and did not speak, but it was like a match made in heaven, naturally it was Meng Fan and Bai Shui'er.

Two human figures slowly left Baidi Mountain!

"Okay, let's stop here!"

After a while, Meng Fan said softly, this is already outside of Baidi Mountain, Bai Shui'er is sent all the way, if he is going forward, then he has to follow him!

Hearing that, Bai Shui'er nodded, but when he looked at Meng Fan, the water-like face was full of resentment. Finally,

"I know I can't keep you, I can only tell you... Be careful all the way, the place you are going is definitely not ordinary, especially now that you are famous in the world and shake the middle ages. This is definitely not a good thing, not just If the restricted area wants to deal with you, the princes of the Xitian God Clan, including the emperors of the great emperors, will look at you upset, and may take action at any time. If you leave this Baidi Mountain, it will be dangerous!"

The tone was solemn, but Meng Fan also understood that Bai Shui'er's words were definitely not aimless!

However, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Don't worry, I know in my heart, if my peers come, I am eager for a fight, if the older generation comes, I'm a big deal... Just run away, two legs are on my body anyway!"

Noting Meng Fan's playful look, Bai Shui'er's mood suddenly eased, and she smiled.

"Yeah, you guys have a lot of spooky ideas, and I don’t know what weird tricks you use. Senior Long San must go with you. If it weren’t for Elder Bai Rong’s desperate suppression, you’d have to take it from my Bai family. A big gift!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan couldn't help laughing. No matter what the Bai family said, the weird dragon had always been the king of destruction and wanted to be a little brother in front of him.

Although this kind of thing is very cool to think about, it makes Meng Fan quite a thing, but it is just a thought, the people of the Bai family can absolutely say that they will not agree to anything.

The origin of Long San is huge. If you want to take away a **** contracted ancestral dragon from here, it is estimated that the ancestors of the Bai family will immediately wake up and fight Meng Fan...

After touching his nose, Meng Fan said condensedly.

"Compared to me... I am even more worried about you. Although you have killed Chaoshun in this line, Bai Haotian is still there, and Bai Hong and others, your situation is extremely sad, and your cultivation... ..."

"rest assured!"

Bai Shui'er nodded and said calmly.

"Before, my cultivation base fell because I didn't use family resources too much to stimulate my blood, but now Elder Bai Rong is already negotiating to help me raise my ranks through the clan secret method. It is not without reason that my Bai family is invincible.

Meng Fan, in my ancestors, there has been a strong man who can promote five ranks a day after inspiring blood. The elders think that I have a good foundation these years. With the help of the blood of the Bai family, Meng Fan, you should pay attention. , Maybe the next time you see me, I will have surpassed you! "

Inspire blood, Nirvana!

This ancient secret method is extremely terrifying, and it is said that only the Bai family, an ancient family, can use secrets to exert the blood in the body to the limit, and the potential erupts and reaches infinity based on personal reasons.

Especially a strong person like Bai Shui'er, accumulated over the years, once you have a contracted beast that suits you, your life is compatible, your bloodline bursts, and it is really possible to surpass yourself!

Meng Fan's heart touched and smiled.

"I look forward to... Also, you have to be very careful about Bai Haotian's line, they may be... a restricted area!"

The last two words were spit out, quietly, this matter did not even speak too much about Bai Rong Meng Fan, just a reminder, after all, the involvement is too great, and there is no evidence in Meng Fan's hands, but in front of Bai Shui'er There is no scruples.

Between a few words, Bai Shui'er's face suddenly changed. She believed in Meng Fan extremely, frowning and wondering.

"Are you sure?"

"Not sure, it just feels weird, but I believe that if there is really collusion between them, it should be impossible to hide!"

Meng Fan said calmly,

"So you have to be more careful. Although I have noticed it through a few clues, my instinct seems to work well for many years, and there has not been too much error!"

"it is good!"

Bai Shui'er nodded, her eyes flickered, it was obvious that Meng Fan's words had planted a seed in her heart, just waiting for the opportunity.

"Okay, Shuier... I should go now too!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, then turned around and strode out. Now he has completed the affairs of the Bai family. Bai Shui'er has reintegrated into the Bai family and became the first heir of the emperor. Then Meng Fan has no regrets. This moment of action It can be described as volleying step by step, and in a blink of an eye it is a hundred meters away.

After that, Bai Shui'er stood quietly with a delicate body, looking at the other person, Qingcheng's face was full of infinite resentment, but he did not speak.

The so-called confidante, Meng Fan understands him, and Bai Shui'er also understands Meng Fan better. He clearly understands that if you put Meng Fan on one place, you must make the latter just like an eagle losing its wings and no longer possess him. Unique breath.

People who belong to Meng Fan are bound to run rampant among the cruel domains, the stronger the stronger, the stronger oneself constantly, the continuous cultivation, even if it is lonely, but never regrets!

"Relax, Meng Fan, I must strive to become strong until one day when you and I don't need to be strong..."

Looking at Meng Fan’s back, Bai Shui'er murmured, and a blush also appeared on his white cheeks, which was extremely alluring.

"As you and I thought before, just go to the Sifangyu, just like it did in the past, together in the mountains and rivers..."

If this life is happy and full, who is willing to drift away?

Meng Fan had already understood this truth. The moment he left the Baidi Mountain, he couldn't help but breathe out a sigh of relief. He had to say that with such a beauty behind him, even he hesitated while taking steps.

However, some things are his way of cultivation, and some things must be done, so naturally it is impossible to have any time to stay!

Only in this endless world can the dragon show its domineering and mighty dragons. If they are curled up in one place, even the sea will lose that kind of dominance of the world.

When the palm of his hand moved, a map appeared on it. Meng Fan looked at it carefully, and pointed his hand at one of the points, and said lightly,

"The chaotic valley should be here, but it's quite far away!"

The tone sighed, the vastness of this Middle Ages was beyond his imagination. It was intricate and complicated. The geography was far beyond Meng Fan's expectation. Fortunately, the Bai family had already given him a piece of precious teleportation jade pendant through Space Worm The hole reaches the location of the chaotic watershed.

This can save Meng Fan a lot of time and danger, but it only shortens the distance. The danger in this place is enough to make Meng Fan feel a bit tricky, and his heart is speechless.

According to the records of the Bai family, the Chaos Valley has always been a place of battle for many years, and it is also a famous Murder Valley in this Middle Ancient Region.

Although the name of the emperor has spread all over the world and has caused a sensation in the ten thousand domains, how many fierce generations are from among the ten thousand domains?

There are many people like Meng Fan who don’t care about the imperial clan. They are one of them in this chaotic valley. The main reason is that this place used to be a place where a big person died. According to rumors, There was a fierce battle that was rare in ancient times.

The strongest of the two ancient gods and spirit realms didn't know for what reason they started a duel here, penetrated the space, and destroyed everything!

As a result, this space is not very stable after the eternal capital. It is conceivable that the two of them are powerful.

And in the past, a figure known as invincible in the realm of gods died, blood stained the world, forming a sea of ​​blood, and even in the middle of the night, someone could hear someone crying in the sea of ​​blood. This so-called chaotic basin.

Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many great heroes have controlled a place, controlled resources, suppressed it, and there are countless adventurers stepping here to find the so-called ancient heritage.

This kind of place is a place where there are no rules but only strength!

According to legend, after leaving the Bai family, Meng Fan also passed through the space tunnel smoothly with the help of the teleportation jade pendant and came to a sea of ​​blood within a day.

The sea is rolling, and the whole world is red at a glance. The endless sea is already magnificent enough, but now it seems that what is flowing is not sea water, but real blood. What a sight, even the sun is in this piece of sea water. The time is idle and dull.

Just standing between the places, even Meng Fan was a bit creepy, feeling a very violent atmosphere, obviously here is the so-called sea of ​​blood.

"Kirin jade, also known as fire lin jade, is rumored that there was a unicorn heart in the mouth of the first ancient unicorn, and this ancient heavy treasure was broken and turned into countless fragments. Each piece is formed into a unicorn jade with the strongest fire. Attribute breath!"

Meng Fan said something at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know anything about this before, but with the help of the Bai family, all the information naturally fell into his ears.

And according to the previous information, the Kylin Jade should have fallen into the hands of the Yan King among the four known as the Sea of ​​Blood. The latter loved it so much that he always wore it between his palms.

And in this chaotic watershed, people who often strayed all understand that the reason why the sea of ​​blood has been able to run across the world for so many years, even the emperor is a little in awe, the most important reason is that the four of them are already... God-level existence!

King Yan is even more so. He is a veteran powerhouse in this sea of ​​blood. He is known to be angry and burns in the world. He has long been known for his violence and cruelty, which means that Meng Fan wants to take away his beloved fire. Lin Yu, you have to... Snatch food!

This is not the first time for Meng Fan, but now after seeing this bloodline, Meng Fan instinctively took a breath and felt a burst of pressure, but his eyes flashed, a murderous intent flashed by, calmly said. ,

"Although I have entered the Bai family and the Zi family, I haven't really seen too many heroes of the Middle Ages, hehe... The more difficult it is, the more interesting... Let me take a look at this rampant Middle Age. Your hero!"


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