Supreme God King

Chapter 1202: Bloody Castle

The sea of ​​blood is endless and vast!

After Meng Fan came here, he was aware of the danger of this place. The legend that the bones cast this place was definitely not a vain, and there was a strange atmosphere in this sea of ​​blood.

And the further forward, Meng Fan discovered that there are actually a lot of people leading into this sea of ​​blood, but some of them did not fly alone in it, but paid a large number of gods to ride on this sea of ​​blood. A weird ship floating, known as a ghost ship!

The whole body is huge, made of unknowing what kind of wood, it looks like a ghost carrying a ship, and even most of the blood stains can be seen on it, which has eroded the deck.

Such a ship can be called a ghost ship!

Want to go up, but you have to pay a certain price, there are many strong people are sneered, choose to fly alone into it.

When his expression changed, Meng Fan didn't make any other actions. He immediately changed into a black robe, followed the crowd to pay a Tier 6 **** fetish to the guard on the ghost ship, and boarded the ship.

There is no doubt that he can never expose himself before he succeeds in this line. The more low-key, the better. Dragons can be big or small, so they can be called dragons. Otherwise, they are just rashers. There is absolutely no need for Meng Fan to be a hero in such a small thing.

Standing on this deck, Meng Fan tried his best to conceal his breath and stood quietly, and there were hundreds of people beside him, all of them were silent, but all of them were difficult to conceal the murderous intent.

Obviously, none of the people who can dare to come here are children who grew up in the greenhouse, otherwise the environment between this **** sea is enough to scare him to death.

The further forward, the more Meng Fan felt that he was wise to ride this ghost ship, because there was already a faint mist floating on this sea of ​​blood.

This kind of fog seems ordinary, but it can confuse people, and it is in a certain psychedelic state without knowing it.

Even the strong who stepped into the Xuanyuan realm could be caught, after all, some of this kind of mist would always be absorbed during the flight, so that the direction of the room in this sea of ​​blood would be completely hidden.

Not long after, Meng Fan on the deck saw that some people screamed in the void, and fell from the void, spouting blood.

When this scene fell, a strong man on the deck suddenly sneered, disdainfully,

"The guy who doesn't understand anything, came into this sea of ​​blood and didn't plan to obey the rules of the four kings of the sea of ​​blood... Who do you think you are? Just looking for death!"

The tone was disdainful, and the person on the side also nodded and sneered.

"Yes, the Four Kings of the Sea of ​​Blood have been here for thousands of years now. Although they have changed several times, the rules are still there. Unless you are an extremely powerful person, you will not be a ghost ship or enter this **** eye city. what!"

"Yes, but it's not easy to step into this blood-eye city!"

Someone sighed. Obviously, there are many old fritters that are often mixed in this land of blood. They are quite familiar with this place, and their voice is full of fear.

His expression was still, Meng Fan stood quietly in a quiet corner, waiting for the ghost ship to move forward. After passing through the layers of fog, he finally saw an island under the eyes of everyone. .

The entire island stands in the depths of this blood sea, extremely huge, shrouded in endless fog, and at a glance, you can see not only Meng Fan, but hundreds of ghost ships passing through the layers. The layers of mist came here.

However, before these hundreds of ships approached here, I suddenly saw hundreds of figures approaching not far away, completely sealing the place and blocking it to death.

One of the leaders was a sturdy man with a bald head and a trace of a poisonous snake on his face. His eyes were violent and he looked around, a **** spirit erupted, and he was definitely a strong man who stepped into the Profound Origin Realm. There was a roar, and the voice spread all around,

"All the people on the ship, if you want to step into this blood-eye city, you must pay two more Tier 6 gods, otherwise... Hey, just come, then go back!"

A word that immediately caused the group to shake. Although a Tier 6 divine object is not important in the eyes of many powerful people, this behavior is undoubtedly a complete blackmail.

The eyes of everyone saw that this group of people were all dressed in silver armor, fierce and fierce. Obviously they were all ruthless people who had been battle-tested, and the most important thing was that an evil word appeared on the armor on their shoulders. .

Flame ice evil spirit!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank, and he already understood the origins of this group of people. Before that, he learned through intelligence that the four kings in this sea of ​​blood were composed of these words, and this group of people dared to be brazen. The blackmail here is probably one of the evil king among the four kings.

"Why, according to the rules of this Bloodeye City, I am already qualified to enter it when I take the ghost ship, so I need something else?"

Among the crowd, some people were not convinced.

"You are against the rules, and you have collected too much!"

"Is it?"

The bald man standing on the spot gave a cold snort, then gave a cruel smile, waved his palm, and moved straight in the direction of the person who spoke before.

But just after a moment, the sky moved, and the sound of whoosh and whoosh broke through the air came out. After this bald man, the many strong guards actually shot directly, each with a powerful vitality crossbow, and the power of operation is integrated. Among them, every arrow light is comparable to a meteor, coming directly.

Under this kind of rain of arrows, the place where the person speaking is is instantly covered. This is not an ordinary rain of arrows. These evil king guards are not annoying, and the power of each arrow is capable of penetrating the mountain. The power is extremely appalling.

It directly caused the person to scream, and the whole person became a sieve, and the people on the side also suffered. Some more than 20 people who could not escape were killed directly, and they could not escape under this arrow rain. .

Looking at a boat of blood, the bald man shouted indifferently,

"Did you see it? This is the end of the violation of what I said. I don’t even ask what time it is now. If you want to step into this blood-eye city, you have to pay this price again. You either have to pay or get out of here. There is no second kind. select!"

Between the voices, he was domineering, and at the same time, the many Evil King guards behind him also raised the crossbow arrows in their hands and aimed at the crowd.

Under such action, the hearts of the people in the ghost boats suddenly trembled. If the gods are handed over at this moment, then they will undoubtedly be cut off again, and the three and sixth-order gods will be paid, and if they don’t, then before I'm afraid that the fetish of the gods will only be wasted in vain, and there is absolutely no possibility of recovery.

Many people who have just come to this sea of ​​blood can't help but feel the qi and blood turmoil, and the roots of their qi are itchy. They didn't expect that they had suffered such a big loss when they just came here. The latter waited for people to act so domineering.

"I pay..."

After a few breaths, a voice came from the crowd. An old fried dough stick came out, took out two Tier 6 gods and handed them up, and the bald man nodded and let him go directly. .

Then there were three or five people who made their moves. They all chose to hand over the gods. After a glance, Meng Fan frowned. After thinking for a while, he stepped out and took out two sixth-order gods from the space. Things out.

Seeing Meng Fan's movements, the bald man chuckled twice and said calmly.

"Yes, it's just like you, otherwise there is only a dead end, you know, kid!"

Between the voices, they are extremely proud. If someone who has participated in Baidi Mountain now sees someone speaking to Meng Fan, they will have their jaw dropped. The latter is still a strong figure facing the god. , How brave to challenge the emperor outright!

However, Meng Fan was only extremely calm. After delivering the divine object, he no longer hesitated and left this place directly and walked towards the blood-eyed city.

Seeing Meng Fan's actions, the other guards also smiled. Obviously, many people will turn in the fetish under such a driving force. It will be a huge income, so many Tier 6 fetishes will gather. It is that they have to be moved.

However, as he passed through the crowd, there was also a faint smile on Meng Fan's face, revealing a hint of playfulness!

For many years, he was no longer the reckless young man who had just left Wuzhen. He was full of blood and couldn't stand any stimulation.

Although he is dissatisfied with the attitude of the bald man and others now, Meng Fan has always been calm as water before, and there is no difference.

However, there were big problems with the two sixth-order divine objects that he handed over. In the silence, Meng Fan had already made him add a kind that even the strong of the Profound Origin Realm could not detect at all. The thing is... The magical breath of the Hessian 笸箩花.

This kind of aura can only be suppressed by Meng Fan’s own Inverse God scroll. Before this, Meng Fan quietly covered it on these two Tier 6 gods. At that time, this kind of aura will affect all. Once a divine object is used, it is bound to be imagined by this kind of breath, and the possibility of falling into a delusion will increase hundreds of times!

With a snap of his finger, everything was completed, and Meng Fan also stepped into this blood-eyed city among the crowd, showing a trace of pity for the people behind him. If they didn’t have an inverse scroll, once they were running these sixth-order gods. Things, the end is afraid of... . It's miserable!

After moving into the island, the whole Bloodeye City is extremely huge, bustling, and extremely lively. However, the bloodthirsty atmosphere of the outside world is different. It is much more peaceful than the outside world. There are countless businesses, shops and so on. There are a lot of mercenaries and so on.

At the next moment, Meng Fan's ear power was amazing, and after hearing some words inadvertently, he understood why the external controls were so tight.

It turned out that the current Blood Eye City was already banned, and no one was allowed to step into it, so the guards who had been outside before dared to be so arrogant, openly blackmailing the gods and forbidding everyone to step into it.

And the reason for this ban is because now in this blood-eye city it turns out to be.... . The four kings are about to meet. The so-called four kings are the four great heroes who rule this sea of ​​blood. All of them have stepped into the quasi-god level. This scene is extremely rare and naturally caused the ban of this sea of ​​blood.

And it is said that the reason is that there will be an ancient treasure house in this sea of ​​blood, called Wuxiang Wushengzang!

Hearing these last words, Meng Fan couldn't help but cause an uproar in his heart, and he was extremely sensitive to these last four words.

If Meng Fan remembers correctly, in the ancient times, two great gods and powerful men fought in the air on the sea of ​​blood, and the names of these two people should be phase, no life!

I wish all book friends a happy new year, all the best, career and academic success, and the grassroots are here to wish you new year! First of all, I’m sorry, this week’s update is not stable, because there are many things to prepare for the New Year, and the book of God King is also written with more than a thousand chapters. If the plot is to be improved, it will take a lot of money. Please be considerate of your hard work.

Let me talk about this book. It has been written for more than a year now. Like a child of his own, the grassroots really hope that he can write the story he wants, so it really needs thinking in many places. I don’t plan to take a break. I will try to update every day, so that you can continue to see the good stories of the new map. I would like to thank you book friends. I know that many friends have been chasing my books for more than a year. Thank you everyone for the plot, bow, thanks!


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