Supreme God King

Chapter 1210: Meng Fan, it's you!

The gloomy voice fell, spread everywhere, shocking the world!

This moment fell into everyone’s eyes, and among the endless black and dead fog, a thin old man appeared. He had white hair, wilted skin, and his eyes were recessed. The whole person looked immortal, as if Like a mummy.

However, appearing in this area of ​​heaven and earth in this way gives everyone a great power, including the powerful and incomparable blood of the Yan King before being covered up by him. This old man is obviously terrifying and extreme, and he must have reached the quasi god. The strong of the realm.

"The restricted area is old!"

After a while, King Yan's expression changed and he uttered four words, staring at the thin old man. Even at this moment, he lost his composure, and there was an unconcealable alarm in his tone.

The higher the station, the more you know, and a powerhouse like Yan Wang naturally knows the restricted area, especially about some of them.

And the words of the so-called ancient forbidden area were spit out, making the ice king and spirit king behind him changed greatly, and felt an unprecedented pressure.

The seven forbidden areas are evil and terrifying. Among them, the characters standing among the top of the pyramid are not only the royal family, but the so-called strict ancients.

One of them is an old monster-level powerhouse. It is rumored that there are different levels in the ancient. The higher the level, the more unpredictable the top powerhouse, terrifying and unmatched, but the real power in the restricted area. In the past tens of thousands of years, any strong man would not be afraid as soon as he heard the old words of the restricted area!

Because any forbidden area is ancient, and even the most inferior ancient is that kind of bloodthirsty and invincible person in the past. It may commit a terrible disaster in the ten thousand domain and step into the forbidden area, or it may arrive because of Shouyuan, etc. For the sake of... .

None of them are weak. Once they appear, there will inevitably be a **** storm, but now in front of everyone there is an ancient forbidden area!

The skinny old man chuckled and said lightly.

"Some eyesight! Jie Jie... This old man from Wanyu hasn't been here for a long time, I don't know if anyone knows my name Cheng Qian!"

The gloomy voice fell, and the Yan King's expression moved, coldly snorted,

"The former Blood Rain Sword Sovereign Cheng Qian? In order to practice the weird swordsmanship, he took 80,000 innocent people as his sword soul? I encountered two great emperors chasing and killing him that day. I can't imagine that more than 20,000 years have passed. I dare to come to this ten thousand realms, are the people who are really holy temples there, this is the Middle Ancient Realm?"

"so what!"

Standing in place, the thin old man Cheng Qian's expression changed, and he said intently,

"Do you know the old man? Hehe... The old man is not that easy to die, and now in this restricted area is five-level old, three little guys, since you have heard of the old man, you should also know the old man's methods, this is nothing. The inanimate Tibetan old man is of great use. You don’t have to look forward to the temple. If we dare to come, we will make them unable to pay attention to it, hum, if you let go, once you step into the restricted area, you can use your cultivation skills to do four things. The level is old, otherwise the old man can only send you a ride today!"

The tone was harsh, and at the same time the latter took a step forward, but the sky trembled during this movement, a huge pressure covering the entire world, making this place completely plunged into his absolute realm.

In particular, the darkness of death was enveloped, absolutely terrifying, and the restricted area could run wild for thousands of years. This kind of black death was its symbol, and it was also the unparalleled power that made all beings in the world tremble.

"I have already said what should be said!"

King Yan snorted coldly and said lightly,

"This king has never made himself human, ghost or ghost.... Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

The last two words fell, and at the same time King Yan waved his big hand, Zhou Tian trembled, and a terrifying flame power had already enveloped his big hand, towards the suppression between Zhou Tian.

After that, the Ice King and the Spirit King did not hesitate, and moved directly, and the three phantoms arrived, which can be called the power of three volcanic eruptions. The power of Shinto burst out, shrouded nothingness, and directly hit the torrent of three vital energy, which contained the strongest absolute law!

"Jie Jie..."

In midair, Cheng Qian sneered and said calmly.

"Smile, you guys are going to get this incomprehensible lifelessness, and I will deal with these guys with the evil king!"


Ling Xiao smiled and nodded, and her delicate body stepped out, moving at the same time with the three true demons behind him, and went straight to the Wuxiang Wusheng hiding.


Suddenly, the Yan King in the midair roared, and his unparalleled heat exploded and enveloped the sky. That kind of terrifying heat wave swept the entire world and sealed everything.

However, just before the next moment, there was a wave of his hand, and a jet-black sword shadow slashed forward. With this sword shadow was the power of black death that destroyed the decay, directly interacting with the flames of King Yan The waves collided together, and the two afterimages collided, causing the world to tremble, and immediately except for the place where King Yan and the others were, the entire secret realm was completely enveloped in this dark and dark atmosphere, and it was dark.

"Boy Yan, among the three of you, only you have touched the realm of the gods. It is indeed good. You are qualified to work with the old man. But unfortunately, the old man has turned his realm into the realm of black death during these ten thousand years. Is there a pitiful few in the world to be able to achieve this black death domain?"

The tone was sharp, and at the same time the sky was covered. The erosion of that dark and dead air broke the envelope of King Yan. Even those with three major gods, including King Yan, fell into absolute passiveness at the same time. It was the dense air of black death, completely in the realm of Cheng Qian.

not good!

The expressions of the Yan Wang trio changed drastically, and they clearly understood that although this sea of ​​blood was their territory, they had never expected the evil king to rebel and suddenly interfere in the restricted area.

Under this situation, they have suffered more than the number of people, and they can't stop Ling Xiaoxiao and others. The sudden appearance of this process is enough for them to face. There is an evil king on the side, but within a period of time. There is absolutely no way to free his hands, only to watch the intangible form fall into the hands of others.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Ling Xiaoxiao smiled disdainfully, strode forward, stretched out his jade hand, and headed straight for the intangible body. However, without waiting for her palm to fall on it in the next moment, she suddenly trembled in the void, and a huge punch fell in the air, and suddenly confronted Ling Xiaoxiao's palm.


In the mid-air, the air wave hit, and immediately caused the two great real demon kings beside Ling Xiaoxiao to scream. They stepped forward and strode out. The two waves of air were already bombarded in the air. Run in the direction of that punch.

However, between the electric light and flint, the figure did not retreat, and its vitality exploded. There were thirty-eight golden rays of golden light surrounding it, and it crashed against the two king-level true demons in the air.

Just at the moment of collision, countless fists were fierce and fierce, and the two king-level true demons were also roaring at the same time. It was difficult to resist this extremely overbearing force, and they were directly bombarded and flew out.

A figure brazenly confronts the two true demons! Steadily, the figure in the black robe slowly said,

"Everyone, don't take me seriously!"

Before that, Ling Xiaoxiao and others didn't think much about Meng Fan. Compared with the Yan Wang trio, Meng Fan was just an unknown **** in their eyes. After all, he was under the pressure of a quasi-god powerhouse. The words of King Yan, then Meng Fan is insignificant at all, but it is absolutely unexpected that the latter will outrageously shoot, and seems to have strength far beyond his own realm!

Under this situation, Ling Xiaoxiao couldn't help but look sideways, frowning, staring at the figure of Meng Fan, after a few breaths, the expression of her pretty face changed, and an unconcealable chill appeared, saying every word,

"Meng Fan... It's you!"

And this moment is known by Zhangu's body shape after that, with heavy mouth panting, looking at Meng Fan's eyes, wishing to slash him thousands of times, and shouted,

"Boy, it's you!"

The two voices fell and spread all over the surrounding area. It was like an earthquake, which caused great shocks around, including the collision of the forbidden area in the void, the ancient and the Yan Wang, all of them looked at them, frozen in the air, staring dead. He looked at Meng Fan.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

If it is an ordinary Xuanyuan realm powerhouse, it would definitely not cause such a shock, but the two words Meng Fan are not ordinary. They have been spread throughout the Middle Ages before. Even the Yan King and others are quite curious and dare to kill boldly. What kind of people will enter the white house.

And before the ancient process in the restricted area, he frowned and said slowly,

"I've heard of this old man, but now he is on my restricted area wanted order, offering a very tempting reward, catch him and smile... This guy is quite old, even if we are old, some people listen to it. Said it!"

Following Cheng Qian’s words, at this moment, everyone around Tiandi is focused on Meng Fan, one by one like a wolf and a tiger. If it weren’t for Cheng Qian’s entanglement with Yanwang and others, I’m afraid they would all be. Came straight to Meng Fan.

Such a scene could not help but make the look on Meng Fan's face extremely embarrassing, and he gave a dry smile.

"How... Everyone knows me?"

"Haha, it's more than just knowing!"

On the side, the spirit king’s eyes flickered, and the blue silk flew, concentrating,

"The Slave family still admires you very much. I heard that you entered the Bai family alone for your little lover and killed the chaotic soul of the Xitian God Race in public. The Slave family is thinking in their heart when there is such a man who loves me so much. , Are you the sweetheart of the slave family? Meng Fan... If you had known it was you, this intangible and inanimate slave family would have given it to you!"

The voice fell, it can be said to be fleshy and fleshy, but the person speaking is the Spirit King, a quasi-god-level powerhouse, but there is another taste in the mouth. Back then, Meng Fan's battle shook the world, and the news that he entered the Bai family alone for Bai Shui'er was shocking. Of course, countless girls in this Middle Ancient Region were heart-stricken, and their names were like myths.

That young girl doesn't cherish spring, and doesn't envy the **** man like Meng Fan, just for the beauty?

amount. . . . .

Meng Fan's face was black, and after a while, the Spirit King looked at Meng Fan with wintry eyes, and said in a condensed voice.

"Boy Meng Fan, it's better after this battle is over... You pay attention to me, I'm pretty too!"

Such words are quite outdated at this moment. Looking at Ling Xiaoxiao and the murderous gazes of Zhan Gu and others, Meng Fan gave a dry laugh, clearly knowing whether this battle will survive is still unknown.

Although Meng Fan stopped Ling Xiaoxiao, he would face even more powerful pressure. One Zhan Gu is enough for him to drink a pot. In addition to Ling Xiaoxiao three people, it can be called ten deaths and no life, leaving Meng Fan only With a black face, spit out a few words,

"That...I try my best, I try my best..."


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