Supreme God King

Chapter 1211: The capable

On such occasions, there is a taste of love in the words, and I have to say that it looks very weird at this moment!

But after a while, it was replaced by a long howl. Ling Xiaoxiao's eyes stared at Meng Fan, and Yinya was creaking with hatred.

"Meng Fan, do you know how much pain I endured last time because of a failed mission? Unexpectedly, you dared to come to my side, very good, very good... In that case, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, **** has no way to you Come in and kill him for me!"

The tone was harsh, spread all over the world, and Ling Xiaoxiao for Meng Fan's murderous intent was extremely rich.

In the next moment, the two king-level true demons roared, and at the same time their bodies became larger, and the runes all over them flickered, like two hill-like bodies approaching, turning into two extreme fist fronts to directly suppress Meng Fan.

And after that, Zhangu grinned even more. He was a mixture of blood and sea among humans and ancient fighting demons. He was a natural-made fighter machine to suppress everything.

Not to mention that Meng Fan's identity is now exposed, but the previous kick has already made the grievance of the ancients into the bone, and now the enemies meet, they are naturally extremely jealous!

In an instant, the three murderous intents approached, and even a strong person in the Xuanyuan realm would turn around and leave. You must know that Zhangu itself is not an ordinary person, but a bloodline expert created in the restricted area. , Has long been no different from the existence of the old monster level.

Such a murderous, such a level, the pressure coming is definitely not small!

Boom, boom!

In a moment, I saw three fist fronts fall, bombarding Meng Fan’s side, causing a terrifying wave of air, shaking Meng Fan’s figure flying, even with a strong vitality defense. He stepped back dozens of steps, the tiger's mouth was almost torn, his blood vibrated, and he grinned.

It has to be said that although this Zhan Gu is stupid, but its own strength is quite powerful, if it is not for the means of a quasi-god-level powerhouse, even if it is impossible to resist.

The forbidden zone can be used forever, and indeed has this qualification.

"Little friend Meng Fan, this is not your business. If you can't fight it, you can leave. I won't blame you!"

Above the sky, the Yan King in the flames is like a great human emperor, controlling the infinite flames against the surrounding black death air.

The impact of the two caused the whole world to tremble. The collision of this kind of quasi-god-level powerhouse is even more touching, and the impact of the divine power can be called destroying the world.

The five quasi gods played against each other in the field, but it was clear that the two sides were now evenly matched. There were two powerful players in the restricted area, Cheng Qian and the Evil King, and they couldn't interfere in other matters at all.

And the fight between Meng Fan and the people in the forbidden zone is extremely critical. This intangible form can be described as an ancient inheritance, so important, but at this kind of moment, Yan Wang and others hate in their hearts, even if this thing falls. It's better to enter Mengfan's hands than those in the restricted area.

Hearing this, Meng Fan's eyes flashed and said calmly,

"It is indeed a bit difficult, but King Yan I am even more worried about the distribution of this intangible body. There are so many people here, I am afraid it is not enough!"

The tone was calm, but falling into the ears of powerful people like King Yan naturally understood what Meng Fan's words meant. It was a pun.

"Haha.... Little friend Meng Fan is worried that if this thing falls, I will wait for you to take action? Don't worry, my Yan Wang Yanguang hereby promises that heaven and earth are gods, and the capable will live there, if little friend Meng Fan can get it today This fetish, then it belongs to the little friend. The next three will never make another move. Instead, they will thank the little friend and regard the little friend as a brother, but if the next three can obtain it, it is also the good fortune of the three of me. Oath!"

King Yan shouted lightly, and at the same time, with one hand, a strange rune was drawn out, which was a special symbol. It was a blood oath among the ten thousand realms, and the stronger it was, it would not be easy to use it.

Because the more powerful the power, the more terrifying the effect of this blood oath will be, and it will cause an invisible murderous intent. In addition, the ice king and the spirit king both move their palms and the blood oath runes are played, Under this kind of moment, it is obvious that we must jointly confront the enemy and block the restricted area!

"it is good!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly, although this kind of rune is not too restrictive, but what he wants is just this. For him, even the intangible form is not necessary, but Ling Xiaoxiao and others must To die.

The disappearance of the old lunatic back then has a great relationship with Ling Xiaoxiao. Now, when we meet, it is natural that Meng Fan’s murderous intent erupts. In the next moment, he will not retreat but advance, stepping out, like the same ancient monster awakening, with a terrifying air The blood suppressed Zhou Tian, ​​with a punch,

"Then it depends on personal luck. Today, this non-physical body is afraid that it will belong to me... Meng!"

The words are like electricity, sonorous and powerful. Under this kind of juncture, all of Meng Fan's strength is exploded. When strong, it is always his style. Without any hands, the bones of the whole body are creaking. , Qi and blood reached the peak, volleyed over, killing intent.

"I can't help myself!"

In the middle of the air, Zhan Gu sneered, punching out like electricity, and the three powerful real demons moved forward at the same time, like three ancient primordial beasts, a breath of corpse mountain and blood enveloped the world and went straight to Meng. Where.

Touch, touch!

In a blink of an eye, the four figures staggered, fists fisted and collided at the same time. Needless to say, the ancient true demon was a kind of killing machine created in the restricted area against the ancient beasts, and Meng Fan was equally fierce and unparalleled. Facing the three true demons, one person also chose to fight in close hands, and the ultimate means broke out between the flesh.

The sound came out, and the sky and the earth trembled. Under such impact, the entire sky was trembling slightly. Meng Fan's fists volleyed, and the blood from all over his body burst into the extreme.

With four shadows breaking through the sky, Meng Fan took the lead, fighting against the three true demons like a thunder. His figure shifted, and the emperor fist waved. Thirty-eight golden lights surrounded him, transforming countless afterimages, each with a broken mountain. , Suppress all hegemony, and bring the best of Zhandi's unique learning.


When a word was uttered, Meng Fan's white hair was fluttering, his eyes were blood red, and he hit the fist of a king-level ancient true demon with one punch.

The two fists faced each other, and the flesh and blood collided, causing the flesh and blood on Meng Fan’s fist to burst directly, and blood flowed out, but the brows were frowned. For his fighting method, he chose to ignore it, and use strong versus strong. Fierce versus fierce!

Under the collision of the two, Zhangu was able to remain calm under Meng Fan’s ultimate killing, but the other two king-level true demons turned out to make the bombarded by Meng Fan retreat again and again, and their bodies collapsed. Blood appeared around, growled again and again, surprised!

To know how terrifying the ancient true demons were, how terrifying their flesh and killing methods were, but at this moment, Meng Fan, a human being, was able to compete with the three true demons on top of the flesh, so Yan King and others could not help but look sideways. I was shocked.

I have to say that Meng Fan was able to make a name for himself in the Middle Ages and fight against the emperor, but it was definitely not based on a word of dare. The latter is really a peerless evildoer of the younger generation. This kind of physical power alone is extremely terrifying, who can stop it. ?

However, at the next moment, between Meng Fan and the three true demons in the field, a shadow pierced through the sky and the earth. It was murderous, and it caused Meng Fan to startle. He stepped on the sole of his foot and couldn't help but step back. The whole person was in the air. A very distorted movement was made.

At the same time, an extremely swift arrow brushed his face, leaving a blood stain on his white face. It was extremely dangerous. It was only a little bit close to heading Meng Fan, which is undoubtedly natural. It comes from Han Xiaoxiao behind him.

With a beautiful body standing, Han Xiaoxiao bends his bow and shoots arrows, the air of black death fills his body, and looks at Meng Fan with a sneer. What he holds in his palm is an eighth-order divine object, which contains the breath of death. Arrow almost made Meng Fan get caught, which was not a big threat to him.


And as Meng Fan retreated, the three spirits of Zhangu became more vigorous. With one step, the three terrifying fists suddenly came, and Meng Fan could not help but counterattack as his defense. The endless waves of air slapped around his body. , The vitality burst, Meng Fan who smashed back again and again, spouting blood.


There was another air-breaking sound running through the whole world, and the arrow body appeared, extremely murderous, it was naturally impossible for Ling Xiaoxiao to give Meng Fan any chance, and another arrow came, with Zhangu and others in front, and she was behind. This kind of cooperation is perfect, let alone Meng Fan, even a quasi-god strong will cause big trouble!

In the midair, he barely avoided Ling Xiaoxiao's arrow, but it made Meng Fan's figure unstable. At the same time, Zhan Gu's figure approached, and a palm bombarded Meng Fan's shoulder, causing his body to explode. , Leaking bones.

Zhan Gu sneered after the first blow, and roared,

"Boy, lead death, I want you to pay back the humiliation you gave me a hundred times!"

The tone was indifferent, and at the same time, behind them, the two king-level true demons were also moving forward. The waves of air burst forth with unparalleled terrifying power, like three killing gods, each standing in a corner in the sky. Let Meng Fan completely divide the body.

Under such murderous intent, Meng Fan was extremely calm, allowing the blood on his shoulders to spurt out, very calmly, with the palms on both sides moving, he single-handed out a mysterious rune, in this kind of rune After appearing, it immediately made this week's sky tremble, as if everything was still, an incomparably demon atmosphere enveloped the world!

The three Zhangu people who were included in the midair were greatly affected, and were directly enveloped in this kind of evil spirit. Under this kind of breath, the entire world was completely covered by it. The figures of Zhan Gu's three people slowly began to spread, and they encountered this kind of aura intruding into the body, making it difficult to extricate themselves.

Rao is a strong man created in countless blood seas that everyone in the entire field is used to seeing, but it also shivered under the appearance of this kind of evil spirit.

At the same time, an indifferent voice resounded through the world, without any emotion,

"The Hessian Ruo Array... Open!"


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