Supreme God King

Chapter 1226: What a fear!

The words are powerful, resounding through the world!

At this moment, Meng Fan stood alone in the air, his imperial fist waved, his vitality exploded, and a form of non-community and no existence appeared naturally in the faintly surrounding his body. It did not operate deliberately, it was already integrated into him. In the blood, invisibly added a kind of terrifying power.

Under the punch, let me shake everything!

The impact of the air wave was directly torn apart. It had the vitality seal of Lei Mu and Invincible, but it was also brazenly blasted by Meng Fan. Layers of bursts were broken, and the force of the vibration caused both of them to be constant. Retreating, the blood in the body surged, and blood spurted out.

Accompanied by Meng Fan's punch again, the vitality methods used by the two finally disappeared completely, and the force of the vibration directly blasted the two out again and fell into the ground, smashing two deep pits again!

The ground vibrates and the waves fly!

It can be said that it shocked the entire field. Among them, the discerning person already saw that Meng Fan was young and not very old, but under this situation it turned out to be crushed in this chaotic place for a long time. The strong, the same rank is not above the same level, even if the two of Lei Mu and Wudi teamed up, it is difficult to resist the power of the Emperor Fist in front of Meng Fan!

What kind of evil is this? Could it be that the emperor of the supreme power came with a bronze mask?

The crowd was in an uproar and shocked. It can be said that it has attracted countless opinions from the people around. They will all focus their eyes on the sky. There is no doubt that Meng Fan is already speaking with absolute strength at this moment. Is he qualified to be this? A Shura king.

In a chaotic place, the strong is respected!

The more you are in this **** place, the more you worship power. Under this situation, the expressions on the faces of countless men can't help being complicated, including the many powerful people in the Soul Bone Mountain Range, and the domineering aura of Meng Fan. Can not help but admire!

Creak, creak!

Not only the other people between this world and the earth, the face of the mountain ghost who has been sitting still on this high platform is finally extremely embarrassed, staring at Meng Fan in the field, wanting to see through it.

Feeling this kind of majestic pressure, Meng Fan was extremely calm, his eyes facing the mountain ghost.

If it were before that, he might still be able to fear some quasi-god-level powerhouses, but at this moment, both sides have scruples about each other, and there will be no war before the moment of decisive victory.

And the most important thing is that Meng Fan is definitely not Wu Xia Amon today. During this period of time, he has encountered an unimaginable opportunity for ordinary people, and his cultivation level has also followed the skyrocket.

As he stepped into the ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm, even if he was facing a strong god, he would not have any power to fight back as he did in the day, and he would have enough cards to deal with.

Qianlong Zaiyuan only asks for a flying dragon in the sky!

I have to say that under Meng Fan’s efforts over the years, he has gradually grown. Even if there is an infinite gap between today and the top powerhouses in Ten Thousand Regions, it is still enough to fight the older generation of powerhouses, including the mountain ghosts. From ordinary eyes, Meng Fan didn't have any fear at all!

"Boy, you are great!"

The mountain ghost sneered, stood up and said every word,

"Unexpectedly, you have appeared in this sea of ​​blood. This time it is not in vain, but do you know what your behavior means?"

The tone is calm, but the murderous intent is self-evident.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled slightly and said softly.

"Senior Youlao has worked hard for me, but Xiaonai is the King of Asura in this sea of ​​blood. This time he made a move as it should be. Should he consider other things for his own?"

The tone is calm, neither humble nor overbearing!

But it was enough to make everyone stunned. What a level of existence is the Soul Bone Mountain Range Mountain Ghost. Looking at this chaotic area, those who dare to talk to him like this are probably counted by two hands, but now they have to count Meng. Where one!

"Good, good!"

The mountain ghost's eyes were slightly squinted, and the two words were spit out purple, and the smile on his face became more dense, but in this kindness there was a fierce and extreme murderous intent, and he slowly said,

"In that case... Xu Lei, kill him!"


At the same time, a voice came out, and a figure standing behind the mountain ghost came out. It didn't seem to be very old, but ordinary in appearance, not too different.

He was dressed in white and had slightly long hair. After taking the order, he stepped out and came directly to the cliff of Fengwang. He slowly arched his hand towards Meng Fan, but it solidified the whole world.

Dragon King, Xu Lei!

This name is now known to everyone in the entire chaotic land. In the last one hundred years of conquering kings, it was the strong man who shattered the blood in front of him. He was only over a hundred years old, but he became the number one killer in the entire chaos, extremely terrifying.

Rumor has it that Xu Lei can already become the sixth heavenly king in this soul bone mountain range, even the generation of kings who follow the mountain ghosts respect him very much, and dare not neglect.

What a terrible murder!

In an instant, Meng Fan’s pupils shrank. With his beast-like instinct, he naturally had this kind of special feeling. The moment this figure appeared in front of him, it finally gave Meng Fan a powerful and unparalleled pressure to let him kiss him. The blood capillaries all over the body are standing upside down!

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a great enemy in his life, but the guy who really crawls out of this dead man will have a murderous aura that is not lost to Meng Fan!

"We can still fight!"

In the dust, Invincible and Lei Mu both stood up, sullen and shouted.

However, the mountain ghost in the void waved his hand, his expression gloomy, and motioned for the two to come back.

What a realm of power he is, in this kind of moment, he will never do anything to lose face in the Soul Bone Mountain Range.

But his eyesight is amazing, he has already seen that Meng Fan's own strength is definitely far beyond the same level, suppressing everything.

So even if Lei Mu and Invincible joined forces, they weren't Meng Fan's opponents at all, let alone two, I'm afraid three, four of them may not be able to cause damage to Meng Fan.

Suppressing the same level, looking at what you want, this sentence is definitely not just talking.

Therefore, the mountain ghost is now letting Xu Lei, the strongest of the five little kings, appear, and in disguise it means that no one is Meng Fan's opponent except Xu Lei.

Who is this person!

The crowd was amazed, staring at the field. If you count it, it should be the three kings and Meng Fan at this moment, but they are all defeated, pale and speechless.

Amidst this group of kings, Meng Fan, a group of dazzling dark horses that could no longer be dazzling, was smashed, making Soul Bone Mountain Range this kind of veteran powerhouse all helpless.

In particular, the latter seems to be a young man. Everyone talked about it, and his eyes flickered. They all clearly understood that today’s battle will inevitably be a sensation in the world, especially the bronze mask King Shura. It is estimated that this image will fall into the ears of countless people. Middle, mysterious and unknown, attracts the yearning of countless people.

However, the atmosphere in the field at this moment was extremely imprisoned. Xu Lei's figure and Meng Fan stood against each other. This is the fourth king who has stepped out of the Soul Bone Mountain Range and the strongest among them. Obviously, he intends to hold on to death. The attitude of killing everything.

The latter's appearance is ordinary, but just staring at Meng Fan like this, there is already a terrifying murderous intent to keep coming.

After a few breaths, Xu Lei said slowly,

"Before dying... Is there anything else I want to say!"

The tone is calm, but the more people who are on the battlefield, the more they can feel the difficulty of this kind of people. The real king of killer paper, confidently believes that when you look at it, you are dead!

With a slight smile, Meng Fan blinked.

"Can you not do it?"


Xu Lei shook his head and said affirmatively.

After getting the answer, Meng Fan also shook his head.

"Then you still inked a fart, do it!"

With a word, the group of heroes moved, and the corners of the mouths of countless strong men were twitched. Looking at the field, it was really a bit shocked. The heartbeat of the three people including King Yan increased a little at this moment, standing in place for Meng Fan. Squeezed a sweat.

What moment is this, and how crucial it is, especially when facing the crush of Dragon Slayer King Xu Lei, who is a super killer who exterminates everything.

As an ordinary person, he was already shaking when he heard this name, but Meng Fan was still in the mood to make a joke. It really made the group not know what to say!

I have to say that at this time, I can still have this kind of mentality, it is too rare, it is simply against the sky!

Xu Lei was taken aback, and there was endless murderous intent in his eyes. It is estimated that no one has dared to tease him in this century. He stepped out, and suddenly his figure disappeared in place, but it was just a moment forward. , A wave of vitality is spreading towards Meng Fan!

In one move, suppress the sky, suppress everything!

There is no doubt that Xu Lei can serve as the most powerful trump card of the Soul Bone Mountain Range, but he has reached the point of absolute horror. The aura of the peak of the Profound Origin Realm erupts, and the dark vitality covers the entire cliff of the king. Zhou Tian attacked Meng Fan fiercely,

"No matter who it is, he will inevitably pay the price for today's affairs!"

The tone was calm, but the force came, and the murderous intent contained in it was cold and cold!

In an instant, Meng Fan's pupils shrank. Although his mouth was calm, his whole person was already in the most cautious state.

There is no doubt that you are a great enemy, enough to make Meng Fan fall into the battle of life and death, but the more you go like this, Meng Fan is more calm and calm to the extreme.

It has always been like this for many years. It is Meng Fan’s style that is strong when it is strong. With the sole of the foot, it stuns the void, and at the same time, it blows out with a punch. The golden emperor fist flashes, the infinite light flashes, the void shots, the volley and Xu Lei hide The hand knives slammed together in the endless darkness.

With white hair fluttering, Meng Fan strode forward and roared,

"What a fear!"

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