Supreme God King

Chapter 1227: Two Kings Fight

What a fear!

As the words of Meng Fan fell, the latter's eyes flickered, and the emperor fist penetrated the entire sky, and the hard control and the hand knife under the black vitality torrent collided with each other, like two dusty peerless gods, the cold light came out of the sheath, together!


Suddenly, the mid-air exploded, but at the moment of impact, it was the impact of the air current. The two fists faced each other to completely vacuum the space.

And it was the moment of this kind of collision that caused Meng Fan and Xu Lei to frown at the same time, and the expert knew if there was any.

Obviously, the two of them just felt each other's extraordinary under the bang, and the unmatched vitality fluctuation in the body was enough to threaten them.

However, both of them are heroes in the killing. Both of them are not retreating but advancing, striding out, tearing the world and the earth in one move, two shocking waves erupted.


A word was spit out, but it came from two people. At this moment, both Meng Fan and Xu Lei broke out in blood, as if the Primordial Beasts awakened, their bodies staggered in mid-air, and the two figures had already hit each other. Out of Kaitian, the hand knife is the ultimate.

At the moment they met, the two of them plunged the surrounding 100 meters into the absolute realm, and at the same time the physical body was unpredictable, evolving both power and speed to a peak, as if they turned into an infinite phantom between them. The two real bodies staggered and collided directly.


At this moment, a powerful and extreme wave of real air was created, and the body was broken every inch, which is not terrifying!

Everyone’s eyes could only see the staggered figures of two of them, like two magic soldiers born out of the sky. At this moment, the impact caused a sonic boom, and countless tricks were all at the same time. Breaking the Gang, suppressing violence with violence.

There is no doubt that at this moment, both Meng Fan and Xu Lei have absolute confidence in their own close combat, and they will crush their opponents and take the lead!

And under this kind of confrontation, it was half a scent of time, as if there were thousands of Meng Fan and Xu Lei in it at this moment, and it was just the air waves spreading from the two. It was the faces of the people around in the torn field, and their hearts were aghast.

Both of them are extremely killers. This method has attracted the yearning of countless **** men in this chaotic place. It can be called the pinnacle of close combat. Countless people who lick blood with their swords are all trembling in their hearts. The more powerful they are, the more they understand the astonishing fighting power erupting at this moment.

Once involved, the aura is enough to shred the profound element realm powerhouse.

Between the endless waves of air, and the next moment his figure appeared, Xu Lei let out a low growl, the tiger's mouth tore apart between his palms, blood flowed out, and his eyes flickered.

An unbelievable look flashed through his eyes. He actually didn't get half a point in the previous close combat. All the fierce attacks were resolved by Meng Fan, and he couldn't help but make him angry!

You know that he is a strong man of this older generation, Meng Fan is just a newcomer, a young man!

Taking a step out, Xu Lei pointed at Meng Fan at the same time, and shouted,

"Fantasy Finger!"

"Emperor Fist!"

At the same time, Meng Fan's figure also flashed, and the result was the same as Xu Lei, striding out, allowing the blood on his fist to flow out, and the golden light bombarded the opponent at the same time. And at this moment, the two bodies collided with each other, both of them were already red-eyed, and they didn't even choose to watch each other's attacks. Instead, they fought together with extreme speed, completely only attacking!

Under this kind of confrontation, it can be described as fierce. You must know who the two are. The key to an attack on the other is enough to cause the latter to die immediately, but the two are in this kind of confrontation. It turned out that I didn't see the general at all.


Just at the moment of touching, Meng Fan struck Xu Lei's chest with a punch, tilted his strength, and the infinite power seemed to pass through, like a mountain slapped horizontally. However, there was also a sharp pain on his neck. Xu Lei's blow also ran directly along his neck, almost piercing his throat.

After a blow, both of them were shaken away by power, and did not choose to attack forcefully. Instead, they retreated a few steps and immediately fought the circle. It was not that the two were not fierce enough, but that they were both injured at the same time.

Meng Fan’s figure stood in place, sealed the wound, and let out a low growl. There was a poisonous finger between Xu Lei’s previous fingers. It was a special method, especially at the vital point of Meng Fan. He quickly suppressed the acupuncture points in his body. If this kind of poison was integrated into his heart, then he would definitely die.

Xu Lei, who was not far away, was also of no benefit. He coughed up blood and didn't know how many bones on his chest were broken. It was also not a slight injury to the fist of Sheng Anti Meng Fan.

There is no doubt that in the previous collision, the two of them didn't get a half-point advantage. They hurt the enemy a thousand and hurt themselves 800!

Each of them had serious injuries before, and they were constantly suppressing them. They all knew the horror of the previous scene. If you are not careful, you may fall into absolute death.

However, this scene fell among the many powerhouses in the world, but it was shocked. You must know that although the two sides seem to be equal, after all, Xu Lei has already become famous, after all, he is more than a hundred years old.

But Meng Fan was young, less than thirty, but a terrifying means of killing was able to collide with Xu Lei.

Not to mention them, even the powerhouses at the quasi-god level in this spirit bone mountain range can't do it. Xu Lei is the slaughter king in this chaotic land for a hundred years, and wherever he goes, it means death. , But today it almost fell in the hands of a young man.

Under this situation, everyone couldn't help but unbelievable. If Meng Fan passed a hundred years, how much his killing methods would reach.

"You are very good!"

In the void, Xu Lei let out a cold snort, finally the blood that suppressed the riot in his body, coldly said,

"You can reach this at a young age. I am not as young as you at all, but... This is not a fair matchup, but Feng Wangya. What you are facing is who I am today, so You are going to die!"

The tone was calm, and at the next moment Xu Lei's palm moved, and a dazzling sword appeared in his palm.

The body of this sword seemed narrow and narrow, and when it was held in its hands, the aura of the whole person suddenly changed, as if a volcano erupted. The endless flow of cold air shocked the void.

"This is... the bloodthirsty sword of the ninth-order god!"

"Yes, Xu Lei kills, this sword will kill you!"

Looking at the field, everyone suddenly reacted, and then someone had already recognized the origin of this sword. Under such words, it can be said that a stone has stirred up a thousand waves. The countless old fried dough sticks in this chaotic place shivered, and they knew the terrible bloodthirsty sword too.

This thing is the sacred object of the Soul Bone Mountain Range. The most important reason why Xu Lei has been so fierce over the years is that once this hole card is played, it will inevitably be the most terrifying means of killing, and even rumors. Xu Lei once wounded the quasi **** with this sword and almost killed him!

Tier 9 fetish!

His pupils shrank, and a cold light appeared in Meng Fan's eyes. As a craftsman, he naturally understood the power of a **** among these levels.

Nine means the extreme, the limit of things. Although there is the eternal treasure of the Burning Heaven Order above this, the existence of this level is already a world-breaking, infinite power, especially he is still in the hands of someone suitable for him. , This outbreak of combat power is definitely not a little bit!

There is no doubt that this sword, then Xu Lei will become an existence that kills everything, causing Meng Fan to trouble several times more terrifying than before.

"Be careful!"

Under this scene, the Yan King and the three clenched their hands tightly, sweat constantly surging out. Even the powerhouses who stepped into the quasi-god level could not predict the trend of the battle at this moment, because they did not know it. What should be done.

Now, although Meng Fan and Xu Lei are only quasi-god-level powerhouses, their combat effectiveness is definitely not, and they have already reached an incredible level.

A dark horse that has just been crowned king and has risen quickly, and a ruthless man who has already become the number one killer in this chaotic place. With the two kings facing each other, this moment is accompanied by the silence in the entire field, and there is also a dead silence around the world. , Everyone's breathing seems to be still.

In the entire field, even the sound of breathing can be heard. At this moment, the figures of Meng Fan and Xu Lei are standing against each other, their respective qi and blood rushes into the sky, and their vitality explodes, forming an extremely powerful magnetic field.

In the next moment, a chanting sound resounded through Zhou Tian, ​​and it was from his bloodthirsty sword. A red light spread on it, the runes flickered, and at the same time Xu Lei stepped forward, a sword volleyed across the entire sky. Heaven and earth came directly towards Meng Fan.

"Meng Fan, lead death!"

The last two words fell, and the world was dead silent, as if the sword was left between the week and the sky. That kind of murderous intent spread, Feng Wangya was constantly trembling, everything turned red, the sword The body is the main body of the entire world, pressing towards Meng Fan.

A sword opens the sky!

Under the endless pressure, Meng Fan let out a low roar, and he evoked all distracting thoughts in his heart. With one hand, two rays of light appeared around his body after a while, with a halberd in his hand.

Two tier eight gods!

With a move of mind, Meng Fan's hand grasped the Demon Blood Euphorbia. After years of fighting, he had already regarded the big divine object as part of his body, and he felt Meng Fan's majestic fighting spirit, between the two divine objects. There was a series of soft calls, inaudible, but it did exist.

This is that these two gods are already affected by Meng Fan’s fighting intent, and are completely integrated with his own strength. Meng Fan stepped out and said softly to himself.

"Old friend, it's time for us to fight together again!"

The tone was calm, and at the same time Meng Fan strode out, the immortal battle armor runes flashed, the monster blood spear broke through the sky, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, and suddenly confronted the sword body in the void.

Damn it!

The big halberd confronts the sword body, and the collision of the two gods, in this case, can be described as an unparalleled explosion of air in the entire field. It can be described as this after the previous close collision. The duel between these gods, their respective combat power broke out, a battle... . Set life and death, round of winning or losing!


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