Supreme God King

Chapter 1228: Demon blood

Fetish collision!

This scene is not unbelievable. Under this kind of battle, it can be said that the whole week is trembling. At a glance, you can see the two gods banging together in it.

The two great torrents of vitality themselves have shattered everything and penetrated the vacuum, and now with the help of this unparalleled weapon, the combat power of the two has been increased out of thin air. At the moment of this collision, the surrounding void collapsed and bursts of air!


And at this moment, Meng Fan and Xu Lei collided again. With the previous confrontation, both of them were murderous Ling Ran, treating each other as their own life rivals.

In this way, a shot can be a real thunder method. All the cards burst out, and the infinite vitality is blended in between the gods. The halberd and the sword shadow are intertwined, bursting out the ultimate strength, so that every kilometer is Get caught in this suppression.

When the sound came out, everyone around was dizzy and stared at the field. At this moment, even experts in the Xuanyuan realm could not fully see the changes. It was like two sacred statues colliding at the same time, but at this moment, the many sergeants in the Soul Bone Mountain range exploded at the same time, roaring like a tiger.

"The Dragon Slaying King!"

"The Dragon Slaying King!"

. . . . .

The sound converged in the sky, and in this invisible, there was a kind of domineering aura. These sergeants who followed Xu Lei were even more passionate and roaring constantly. For them, this bloodthirsty sword is a signal that will kill the enemy and fight the world, so that they can't help but cheer for Xu Lei at this moment.

At the same time, many powerful people in the sea of ​​blood burst out, their eyes flickering, and roared,

"King Shura!"

"King Shura!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of **** men screamed in these two places. This scene was extremely shocking. Two different sounds hit the sky, causing the eardrums of the people around them to almost shatter.

The crowd’s attention, countless shouts are completely concentrated on the bodies of Meng Fan and Xu Lei in the field, and there are more and more figures around them. There are millions of people gathered around the world, staring at the field. Without saying a word.

This battle is really too much attention, too unexpected, the battle of the two kings, met unexpectedly.

Under this kind of situation, everyone is unable to speak, and it is clear that victory or defeat will inevitably affect this entire chaotic place, and even the direction of the next few hundred years!


At the next moment, the void exploded and the air wave impacted, and a sword shadow resembling a meteor exploded around Meng Fan's body, and under this kind of power he couldn't help but retreat.

Holding an euphorbia, even with an undead armor body, the bursting power can be described as the ultimate domineering, causing its blood to move around, and blood flowing out of the palm, breaking apart.

Obviously in the previous collision, Xu Lei, who possessed the bloodthirsty sword of the ninth-order **** fetish, had the upper hand, stabbed Meng Fan, and blood flowed out.

Above the sky, a figure flashed, and it was Xu Lei, looking at Meng Fan coldly.

"The divine object in your hand is only the eighth rank, and the difference of one rank is heaven and earth, how do you fight with me?"

The tone was calm, but it contained a kind of crushing, which attacked Meng Fan's cultivation from the side.

Hearing that, Meng Fan just smiled and said softly.

"It is okay to defeat the strong with the weak, to transform the gods with the vanity, to overcome the rigid with the softness. Why can't the eighth-order divine fetish beat the ninth-order divine fetish? And my old friend is the strongest in my hands, no one!"

The tone was calm, sonorous and powerful, and at the same time his figure strode forward. At this moment, Meng Fan had already suffered a lot of injuries, but before he took the steps, he did not hesitate. The vitality exploded and formed a kind of The extremely suppressed magnetic field makes the whole world tremble.

"Hmph, strong words, since you are obsessed with understanding, then I will send you to death!"

Xu Lei sneered, and there was a murderous cold in his eyes. The vitality was integrated into his body and sword, and he did not intend to give Meng Fan any chance. After all, the longer the delay, the more the changes, the runes flickered, and the sky trembled.

At this moment, a peculiar power revolved around his bloodthirsty sword, sealing the world, and at the same time Xu Lei stepped out, a sword was slashed towards Meng Fan, and the secret method was operating, that kind of peculiar power. In order to cover the sky and sword shadow, a kind of monstrous hostility broke out, and there was a single movement. . . . The quasi-god level method blasted towards Meng Fan!


The shadow of the sword is like a tide, suppressing the world, so the trump card can be described as Xu Lei's real means of suppressing the bottom of the box, the whole person cooperates with this bloodthirsty sword to burst out the strongest combat power, cover the void, and cut everything!

Under this situation, everyone in the field trembled, and the quasi-god-level powerhouses including Yan King and Mountain Ghost also changed their expressions. There is no doubt that Xu Lei’s explosive power at this moment can already kill the quasi-god. God, punish God's way.

Xu Lei himself is already the pinnacle of the Xuanyuan realm, and with the ninth-order divine fetish in it, his combat power is naturally soaring and he is unmatched.


Under this blow, a smile appeared on the faces of Shan Gui and the others. They had already failed the three kings one after another before. The Shan Gui's suggestion made the Soul Bone Mountain Range an extremely embarrassing position.

Therefore, this battle must not be missed. All the people in the Soul Bone Mountain Range sneered again and again, wanting to see Meng Fan being smashed by the sword on the spot.

"Everything is over, Meng Fan!"

Xu Lei stood in this mid-air, like a trial, the sword light in his hand fell, and the infinite vitality fluctuations gathered in the world. This blow was called hostile, and there was that kind of domineering that made all beings tremble.

The impact of the air wave caused the hearts of everyone around the world to hang high, and countless people in the blood sea held their hands tightly, feeling their hearts beating. Under these circumstances, no one can help Meng Fan. Even the quasi-god is too late to make a move. This sword of light is really too fast and too domineering!

Cut off with a sword, and under the endless sword light, the top of Meng Fan's head was a little numb, as if his figure was about to be split immediately.

However, under this kind of crisis, Meng Fan yelled up to the sky, holding the Demon Blood Euphorbia in his palm, striding forward, rushing across the sky, facing this ultimate murderous intent, he took the initiative to rush over. The imprint in the palm of the hand changes, and it is completely integrated with the monster blood Euphorbia,

"Emperor soldiers, nine changes!"

The tone was calm, but suddenly Meng Fan took control of the Demon Blood Euphorbia, slashed in the void, a peculiar change burst out, the vitality merged, and the sword shadow in the air hit.

Such a collision of power caused the sword shadow to pause in the air, while Meng Fan continued to move, seeming to be mad, controlling the monster blood spear, and suddenly smashed it again, nine times in total, each time containing With a special change, it is the Nine Secret of the Emperor Soldier!

Pro, Bing, Fight, Zhe, All, Number, Group, Forward, Go!

This is the old war emperor's unique knowledge, each word contains a special weapon change, and now it blooms like a flower in Meng Fan's hands.

Nine changes, impacting the sword shadow in the sky, this scene is extremely shocking. Under Meng Fan's nine combos, each attack weakened the sword shadow in the void by one point.

After nine full times, the sword shadow of this bombardment burst open in the next moment, and disappeared in the midair before reaching Meng Fan.


For an instant, the sky shook and Bahuang trembles. This kind of power burst can be described as destroying everything in the field, causing the entire Fengwang Cliff to tremble continuously, and millions of people around it are taking a step back, and the blood is fast. Running.

With the impact of the air wave and the dust in the sky, Meng Fan's figure retreated, and blood spurted out. It took hundreds of meters to stand and stabilize himself.

Not far away, Xu Lei was also uncomfortable. He didn't kill Meng Fan in a single blow, and he also suffered the attack of the Nine Secrets of the Emperor's Soldier. Under this situation, the blood in his body was shocked, and he also spewed a mouthful of blood.


Xu Lei's teeth were clenched, and there was a hint of amazement in his eyes.

You must know that the blow was enough to suppress the quasi-god, how terrifying, but it was made by Meng Fan to take it down, and the eighth-order divine object in his hand, the combination of man and machine, turned out to be the strongest blow to break him. .

The latter is just a young man, less than thirty years old!

Thinking of this, Xu Lei's five fingers could not help being clenched, and there was a feeling that he would kill Meng Fan. The latter could be so terrifying at this age. Then give him another ten years, or even five years, perhaps in front of him. It will be directly defeated.

After all, today's Meng Fan has reached such a point, but he can be called a peerless genius. He is a monster along the way, and his cultivation speed is not unbelievably fast.

A mouthful of blood spurted out again, but Meng Fan didn't care about himself, but looked at the demon blood spear on the side. Nowadays, there were cracks on it. Obviously, even the Demon Blood Euphorbia could not bear it in the previous collision, and the force impact was already damaged!

"Old friend!"

Meng Fan's palm was stroking it lightly, and the pain suddenly felt like a heartbreak, his teeth clenched. This scene made other people feel a little puzzled, thinking that Meng Fan was a lunatic, even speaking to the divine fetish, but to the people around who had really controlled the divine fetish, they all sighed softly and remained silent.

After years of fighting, even though there is no words, the scene of constant fighting between life and death emerges, so why speak.

The gods have spirits, they are not ruthless, and Meng Fan regards the personal Euphorbia he has been fighting for so many years as part of his body.

However, the latter has already collapsed. After all, the power of the ninth-order fetish of this bloodthirsty sword is amazing, even if Meng Fan turned the Emperor's Nine Secrets to resist most of it, this monster blood spear is also indispensable.

But no matter how powerful the gods are, they will eventually fall. Obviously, this monster blood spear can no longer withstand this pressure. Not only is its outer surface broken, but its inner part has reached a limit, even Meng Fan is now practicing. The weapon is so powerful that it can't restore this monster blood euphorbia, and it is not him that is refined again.


But at the next moment, everyone's ears moved, and it turned out that the monster blood spurge in Meng Fan's hand made a long cry. This long cry had a peculiar sound, just like a song, and it was very beautiful, spreading all over the world!

this is. . . . .

Everyone's expressions moved, and they stared at this voice carefully, and found that it was like a tune, the tone was constant, when there was a golden iron horse, when there was a happy fight, there was a time to live peacefully. . . . .

While holding it in place, Meng Fan's eyes were closed tightly, but he understood the meaning of it. It was the picture of him using the monster blood euphorbia to continuously fight the enemy, starting from the sea of ​​exile. . . . . . With the predicament of fighting against the war, but also with the invincibility of Meng Fan, one-man halberd is rampant.

Now it was all recorded by this monster blood spear, engraved in his body, and spread throughout the world with a song, falling into Meng Fan's ears.

"The fetish is alive and knows that he is about to die, so he chants and releases the life he has recorded. This is the last farewell to the partners who have lived and died together."

In the distance, King Yan said silently.

This kind of thing only exists in the legend. The ancient gods and the gods and the gods are united with the gods. What is needed is that the cultivator and the gods are completely compatible. Only when the two spirits are merged can this happen. .

"Old friend!"

Meng Fan roared, his white hair fluttered, and he grabbed the monster blood spurge, and the roar shook the world. However, with this song slowly disappearing, the monster blood spurge in Meng Fan's hand also turned into a piece of light sand and disappeared. !

Second more.


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