Supreme God King

Chapter 1234: Rest

Meng Fan is back!

Along with this news spread throughout the entire Samsara Hall, like thunder, spread throughout the inner hall, the great elders in the outer hall, and among the disciples, countless people were full of heart and blood.

Today's Meng Fan has become a banner of the entire Samsara Temple, and it is also a myth that everyone believes in the younger generation, sweeping all the way, killing eternal life, and leaving sadly... . After waiting for these countless deeds, the words Meng Fan had already fallen into any disciple of the Samsara Hall.

Especially like Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Liu Xin, etc., the young generation of Tianjiao is extremely convinced, causing the latter to have an unimaginable call for the younger generation in this reincarnation hall. force!

This kind of appeal, even in this eternal time, has not reached this point. It can convince the Tianjiao of these major forces at the same time that the latter is the first person of the younger generation. Controversial!

This is not only because of strength, but also because of the choice made by Meng Fan between countless lives and deaths. No one can forget the bloodbathed world at the Gate of Eternal Life that single-handedly killed the lonely figure.

The news that Yun Feiyang and others brought back before thought that Meng Fan died in this outer space, but now the latter king returns, especially in this kind of knotty, which naturally gives everyone a great morale boost. Let the entire Samsara Palace, Heaven and Earth Palace, and Qiankun Academy be full of joy!

Now the situation in the entire Divine Emperor's Domain has reached the most critical moment, but the elders of these reincarnation halls still pretended not to see them, leaving Meng Fan and Yun Feiyang, lonely and proud, Lin Tang and others in this Dream Heart Pavilion. Swigged for a day.

Whether it is Zhan Feng'er, Liu Xin, Shuang Ning, and other major forces, Tianjiao is here, toasting and drinking with great joy.

Being able to return alone is what caused such a great influence. Looking at this young generation of God Emperor Realm, there is only Meng Fan!

However, after this jubilation, Meng Fan quickly calmed everyone down and settled everything. After all, it was not a time to relax, but the pressure was on the head.

So after finishing a day, Meng Fan didn't hesitate and went straight to the core of this Samsara Hall, preparing to meet the three giants such as Zu Wen.

Between the mountains and rivers, there was a tranquility. Two figures passed by in the air, looking like a couple of gods and goddesses. They were Meng Fan and Gu Xin'er.

However, at this moment, Meng Fan's expression on his face was a bit embarrassing, because Gu Xin'er beside him had a pretty face flushed, and his body wrapped in pink robe looked uneven and charming.

His jade hand grasped Meng Fan's big hand tightly. The white skin and the bronzed skin formed a sharp contrast, and the smooth skin fell into Meng Fan's hands, and it seemed that there was no posture of letting go!

Regarding this, Meng Fan was extremely helpless, and could not forcefully let go, so he had to speak softly.

"Xin'er, you have caught me all the way, and I can't run this time again. The other seniors are watching, it's not good!"


Gu Xin'er gave Meng Fan a white look, red lips lightly said.

"I don't care, you don't know if you can run or not. Last time you went on an adventure, Sister Liu Xin said that she had never seen a guy as courageous as you. She knew that it was a rift in the void and dared to step into it. When did you? Honestly!"

Before Meng Fan could speak, a playful voice came from the side.

"Yes, this guy should look at him honestly. The little master is also frightened by following him. I can rest assured with you!"

The tone was extremely familiar, and naturally it was Xiaotian. After Meng Fan returned, Xiaotian, Hairfinch, and Xuangui immediately followed him.

Hearing this, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched, angrily said,

"Do you dare to say? During my absence, you didn't say that you helped me look at the two godsends, the Hairy Sparrow and the Black Tortoise. They actually formed a group to deceive the new students, using any means. Go on, sell fake gods, what secrets of the gods, Meng Fan's quick formula... Under my banner, I was kidnapped, and my reputation completely ruined these two guys!"

"What does it have to do with me!"

Xiaotian dissatisfied,

"Legs are on both of them. I still have to regain my strength. How can I always care about them!"


Before Xiaotian could finish, the Hairy Sparrow and the Black Tortoise broke out at the same time, shouting,

"If it wasn't for you to secretly tell us some information and to indulge us out, we were able to cheat so smoothly, didn't we divide it for you this time? Exchange the fetish that I gave you back!

Suddenly, Xiaotian became angry from embarrassment and shouted,

"Nonsense, when did I take your things? You are a rascal, cheeky!"

"Not yet? Not only did you take us, you also asked us to help you find a fetish wife before, what are you talking about, see if there are any beautiful artifacts in this reincarnation temple, and then you come to start..."

"Asshole, why do you even say this, cough cough... No, how can I dare to do this kind of thing in the dignified Xuanhuang Pagoda, you..."

Meng Fan was dissatisfied with the three people's constant quarrel and shouted,

"Enough, in what manner, do you still look like a strong man under my banner, do you have a bit of consciousness? You must be punished, so that you don’t make this mistake and deceive you before. Give me 50% of the fetish and other things that come, otherwise you will not behave at all!"

With a word, whether it was Longhair, Xuangui or Xiaotian, they were stunned and stopped normal. They felt that their cheeks were thick enough, and they did not expect to be even more shameless here.

Meng Fan only wanted 50% of his mouth, and he looked righteous and extremely righteous. In fact, it seemed to be for the purpose of searching, and the three of them gnashed their teeth, wishing to bite Meng Fan.

Huh... .

Gu Xin'er smiled even more and let out a natural laugh.

It has to be said that Meng Fan's face has been cultivated to the level of the ancestor master over the years, and he strode out without expression and went straight to the core of the Samsara Palace.

Frolic all the way, Meng Fan and others finally stopped in front of this ancient building, this is the place where Zuwen retreat, and the surrounding is full of an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

And at the next moment a voice came,

"Haha, Meng Fan, I want to kill you!"

With a familiar tone, Meng Fan also chuckled, and a figure of a middle-aged man walked out with his eyes facing each other. The familiar feeling cultivated through many years of life and death can be understood without words. The one who said this was Burning Tianling.


The two figures moved forward and hammered each other's chest hard. Looking at Meng Fan carefully, Fen Tianling said with some surprise.

"Meng Fan, how did your cultivation speed come from? It's fast enough. You actually broke through to this point in such a short period of time. I'm afraid you will catch up with me and wait!"

The last time I saw Meng Fan, the latter was definitely not so strong, but now with countless opportunities, Meng Fan’s strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, and he has grown to a point where Burning Tian has grown. Ling is dumb.

The latter is only in his twenties, but he is on par with the old monster powerhouse, which is simply a miracle!

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said lightly,

"It's just another chance!"

Fen Tianling shook his head and gave Meng Fan a glance. The latter's achievement was not only a chance to describe, but in the next moment three vicissitudes of ancient auras came, affecting the entire space, and at the same time in this room. A voice fell,

"Meng Fan, since you're back, come in quickly!"

There is no doubt that it is naturally the Supreme Elder Zuwen of this Samsara Hall.

Meng Fan nodded, stepped out, and Gu Xin'er, Burning Tianling stepped into this ancient hall, Zuwen, Liu Qianhua, and Zeng Ping were among the three powerhouses. After seeing Meng Fan Did they all stand up, arched their hands together, said in a condensed voice,

"Little guy, thanks a lot!"

The three quasi-god-level powerhouses, at this moment, are paying a respect to Meng Fan, with an extremely sincere tone. Obviously, the previous battle in the outer space had spread throughout the entire Samsara Hall, causing a shock.

If it weren't for Meng Fan's efforts to turn the tide and suppress everything, I am afraid that the situation in the Divine Emperor's Domain today is definitely not what it is today.

I don't know how many people survived because of Meng Fan's actions that day, and it caused the Eternal Life Gate to fall into a great passivity, which completely reversed the battle in the Divine Emperor's Domain.

With such a situation today, Meng Fan should take the lead. Naturally, Zuwen, the three strong men, felt the favor and worshipped Meng Fan.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, the three seniors don't be like this!"

Meng Fan immediately stepped forward, stopped the three of them, and said in a condensed voice.

"What I did was what I should do, besides... I didn't bring the old madman back!"

There was a trace of regret in his tone. Although the three elders of the Zimen were invited to do the math for him, there was still no information about the old madman, and he couldn't help but feel lost.

"Why blame yourself!"

Zu Wen shook his head and said in a condensed voice.

"Brother Xuanhuang is capable of reaching the sky. We don't know the rules of the general ancient space, which caused Senior Brother Cai Xuanhuang to be seriously injured, but I believe that once we leave that side of the world, there are not many people who can hurt him in this world. Don't worry. Meng Fan, Senior Brother Xuanhuang doesn't need anyone's help, he alone is enough to guard the sky!"

The tone was calm, but it was full of self-confidence. Liu Qianhua and Zeng Ping also nodded and agreed with Zu Wen's words.

With a change of expression, Meng Fan smiled.

"Hope, three seniors, this time the kid is coming back for the sake of the Emperor's Domain. Although the old madman is no longer there, I believe he must hope that some people will pay the price!"

Hearing this, Zu Wen’s eyes flashed, his palms spread out, and a map was dropped, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"You came back at the right time. Before that, because the extraterritorial space was cut off by you, the Gate of Eternal Life was caught off guard and lost the support of the restricted area. However, we immediately counterattacked and pursued victories. There were several wars and sweeps. With the tentacles of all the eternal life gates in the entire Divine Emperor Realm, now the eternal life gate is already closed, and there is only the place where the eternal life gate is located in the entire Divine Emperor Realm, and all we need to do is... fight. The snake hits seven inches, launches a general attack, kills it with one blow, and completely subverts it!"

The last few words fell, and the hall was calm, but that kind of murderous intent was unparalleled. There is no doubt that the peaceful elder Zuwen in this eternal life gate was also completely angry, ready to kill!


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