Supreme God King

Chapter 1235: Negotiate

The tone was calm, but at this moment, whether it was Zuwen or Liu Qianhua, Zeng Ping's eyes flickered, a fierce meaning erupted, and the three quasi-gods appeared at the same time with a murderous intent.

There is no doubt that these three people are not ordinary quasi-god powerhouses, but like the Yan King, they perceive the realm of the gods, and each merged the three sects' eternally rampant techniques, and evolved to the highest level.

Such three people can be said to be the oldest and most core combat power in this battle of the God Emperor's Domain, and plus a Burning Heaven Order that is now recovering almost the strength, this kind of lineup is not luxurious.

Meng Fan shook his fists slightly, and said,

"The three seniors have been in the Emperor's Domain for many years, and now I am afraid they have any plans for this final total attack!"

"Not bad!"

Zuwen nodded and said calmly.

"Before that, when we swept the tentacles of the Eternal Life Gate, we found some strangeness. In the latter, many people who should have appeared did not appear, and even many places were deliberately let out, and some of them sacrificed in vain. That's it, let us easily occupy the entire Divine Emperor Realm situation, they are just hiding in the eternal life gate!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan's expression could not help but he said in a condensed voice.

"Senior, you mean..."

"Soldiers who, deception also!"

Zeng Ping said in a cold voice.

"They arranged it like this to make a good calculation. They wanted to concentrate all their power in this final battle. First, let us be careless, and then launch the most fierce blow. They have been operating inside the gate of eternal life for many years, and there are countless institutions. , And if we didn’t guess wrong, the resources they have accumulated in the Divine Emperor’s Realm over the years are probably used to build the Divine Array, and we have detected that they have deployed a kind in this eternal life gate. The sacred formation should be the legendary heaven, earth and human extreme killing formation, waiting for us to go with defensive instead of offensive!"

Heaven, Earth and Human Killing Array!

A few words fell, and Meng Fan's eyes flashed. He was no stranger to these words. It was a kind of terrifying divine formation that had existed for a long time in the distant era. It was extremely famous and shocked the ancients.

Once it is arranged, it will imprison one world. The only place to step into the core of this big formation is to walk through these three portals, which are the three gates of the world.

Each gate is extremely dangerous and has different powers. The so-called heavenly formation is the power of the divine way. Once stepped into it, it is like fighting with the gods and lowering the divine punishment.

The ground formation is the power of this large formation, which is transformed into infinity by the power of the gods. It is the terrain. Once you step into it, you will face the formation, and the last formation is guarded by people and divided into I don't know how many levels, but it is a confrontation between people.

These three formations are different, each has its own strong place, and if you want to break through and step into the core of this big formation, only the three formations must be broken at the same time, then it can!

With such an ancient **** formation, it can be said to suppress the mountains and rivers and force one side, even if there are three ancient forces, including the Samsara Palace, the Universe Academy, and the Heaven and Earth Palace, plus many powerful alliances from the Emperor's Domain, it can be called a gathering of heroes.

But it is even more difficult to break through this big formation. I have to say that the arrangement of the gate of eternal life is extremely intentional and terrifying.

The more he understands the Divine Formation, the more Meng Fanke understands how difficult it is to break through, but his eyes flashed and said coldly,

"I'm afraid it must be opened no matter what, otherwise, the longer it takes, the more likely the restricted area will have other means. If there is an extraterritorial space connecting this place, there may be a second one, so we must speed up The battle is decided quickly, this total offensive must be launched anyway. If we don’t know that they have three formations of heaven, earth and humanity, we may have to suffer a big loss, but if we know it...the way to deal with them is not too great. Difficult!"

"Not bad!"

Zu Wen nodded,

"Whether it’s for ourselves or God’s Emperor’s domain, this battle must be fought, and we won’t let your efforts go in vain, so we have already arranged a plan. Before that, we plan to let the three of us break through. Heavenly formation, against the most important power of the gods.

The Fen Tianling commanded the battlefield, led the medieval heroes to kill people, and broke through the gate of the battlefield. Before the last remaining human battlefield, we still have a good candidate, but since you are back, we will do it again. It is not suitable. You control all the powerhouses of the three major forces. Open up the people's formation, how do you feel... Meng Fan! "

The fall of a few words made Meng Fan's heart shake, and he clearly understood that the command that took the lead in breaking the three formations of Heaven, Earth and Human was extremely important.

This battle is not a trivial mess, but a battle that will affect the direction of the entire God Emperor's Realm in the next thousands of years. It is of vital importance. It takes all the powers of the three major forces to break this door, not just the young. In this generation, there are many elders and others of the three major forces. Among them, not only are they highly qualified, but there are also many old monsters.

Meng Fan shook his head and said in a condensed voice.

"Senior Zuwen, how can the boy He De, the three powerful forces are like clouds, I must do my best in this battle, and I will fight for life and death, but it may be a bit bad for me to lead this family. My seniority is also fundamental. not enough!"

"Where is it!"

Liu Qianhua shook his head and said calmly,

"Between heaven and earth, strength is the respect. Although Meng Fan is young, he has enough strength to overwhelm everyone. What's more, your name has already been spread throughout this Divine Emperor Realm, let alone your Samsara Palace, even if it is. All the younger generations in my Palace of Heaven and Earth regard you as their target. Of course you are the most suitable. Without you, I would really be afraid that those guys would not work hard!"

"Not bad!"

Zeng Ping nodded and smiled.

"You little guy’s influence in the younger generation is much easier to use than our group of older generations. If you are the commander in chief, not only will the older generation have nothing to say, but also the younger generation’s All the disciples must be arrogant and arrogant. If you are not suitable for whom you are not suitable for, if you are not allowed to serve, the old man will be the first to be anxious!"

Hearing what the three said, Meng Fan suddenly looked helpless, and finally said with his hands.

"Well, since the three seniors trust me, then the kid can only be disrespectful!"

"it is good!"

Zu Wen's expression moved, and he said condensedly.

"Every aspect has been prepared for success, so we are also ready to do it after these seven days, but you must be careful. Before I waited for the three to run the mental power detection together, and found that there is a person in the depths of this eternal life gate. This kind of peculiar aura, but unfortunately it is completely covered by the Heaven, Earth and Human Extreme Killing Array, which prevents us from going deep, but this peculiar aura gives me and the three of us a sense of horror. It is terrifying!"

The voice fell, and the expressions of Meng Fan and the others were immediately moved. What kind of powers are these three Zuwen? And the latter might cause dangerous instincts.

Thinking about it, it is enough to make your scalp numb. The restricted area has been spreading all over the world for many years, and the network has been spreading around the world. That shot was not weird and extreme. It is impossible to have no success in such a big battle. I just don't know what it is!

Brahma Ling snorted and said calmly,

"No matter what it is, it will be a battle. It's time for the grievances to be over!"

The tone was calm, but at this moment, Fen Tianling and Meng Fan looked at each other, and both felt a rising murderous intent in the other's eyes.

Neither of them will ever forget the previous scene. One fell asleep, and the other was driven out like a bereaved dog. Under the absolute power of the gate of eternal life, those who were crushed were not even qualified to resist, but now it is. It's not what it used to be.

The return of the two former people is not only for the reincarnation hall, but also their personal grievances. When the autumn comes on September 8th, I will spend a hundred flowers to kill. For Meng Fan and Burning Heaven Ling, The time to wait for this day is really...too long, too long!

In seven days, the entire Samsara Hall fell into a calm, and all the elders, disciples, etc. were all at ease practicing and preparing themselves.

However, the more you are in this kind of calmness, the more you can feel that a kind of dark tide is pushing, and there is a kind of great pressure invisible.

There is no doubt that the news of this general offensive is enough to make anyone's heart boil. After all, this is not an ordinary battle. Under this battle, it will not only determine who is the future overlord of the God Emperor Realm. , Winners and losers, do not know how many people will die in this battle, and everyone is not nervous.

However, some things are destined to be completed, especially the vitality monk.

After the seven days passed, the early morning sun slowly fell in the Samsara Temple, but at first glance, it was already crowded and dense.

We must know that in this temple of reincarnation today, it is not only the disciples who have the temple of reincarnation, but also the gathering of three major forces and countless powerful people from the Emperor's Realm. Each breath erupts, even if it does not move, it seems that the entire sky is required It is generally crushed and has a great power.

Under such a situation, there are millions of monks gathered in the field, and they are all those with good strength, but all of them did not speak, all holding their breath, looking at the sky, waiting quietly. With.

I don't know how long this atmosphere lasted, making the whole scene seem like time freezes, and some people with low cultivation bases have a feeling of breathlessness.

This kind of scene has not been seen in the Emperor's Domain of the Eyes for thousands of years. The gathering of so many monks is not unbelievable. I don’t know how long it took. Finally, a hoarse voice like a huge bell came out, spreading all over the world, The qi and blood in everyone’s bodies flowed at an accelerated rate, bursting out,

"Everyone, now that they are all ready, the old man Zuwen won't say much... Let's go to war!"

The fall of the last three words is enough to move the wind and the clouds and rise to the top, which means that the most fierce battle in the Emperor's Domain in thousands of years has begun!

Second more.

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