Supreme God King

Chapter 1246: news

The tone is harsh, spread all over the world!

Under this kind of voice, the entire group of heroes could not help being shaken. Obviously, under the successive defeats of Mo Tianji's Alienation and Burning Heaven Order, it was already enough to let the cultivators of the Emperor's Realm take absolute initiative in this battle. Completely destroy the entire gate of eternal life.

However, the five forbidden areas in front of them were ancient and intended to escape directly and leave this world.

And what was held in these five ancient hands was the sacrificial flag that was contaminated by the entire Divine Emperor Realm, and there were hundreds of millions of souls in it.

"Where to go, kill!"

Above the sky, Zuwen ran violently and roared. At the same time, after that, Qianhua and the two hidden quasi-god-level powerhouses in this divine emperor domain also roared at the same time. , Turned into four palms, and slashed in one direction.

The four quasi-gods shot frantically, and the vitality they were referring to turned into a single point, like a giant sword tearing through the sky, coming from the sky, penetrating nothingness.

Even the infinite space boundary was torn apart. One of the forbidden areas was ancient and could not be avoided. A direct hit caused its body to burst. Even if it stepped into the quasi-god, it couldn’t hold on. The body and soul were torn apart, and there was a sound. Howls,

"help me……."

However, after this scene, the other four ancient forbidden areas shot out one after another, and they threw this ancient forbidden area out of the space boundary, letting them fight against the power of the four Zuwen. , At the same time, the four ancient statues holding large flags under him stepped directly into the boundary of this space.

"Where to go!"

At this moment, among all directions, Burning Heavenly Order, Meng Fan's figure came out boldly, his eyes were gloomy, and at this kind of moment, he definitely did not intend to let go of the people in the restricted area.

The latter and other talents are the biggest executioners of the chaos in the entire Divine Emperor Realm. They are stained with the blood of many Divine Emperor Realm cultivators. Even Meng Fan and Burning Heaven Ling are now very expensive, and they absolutely refuse to let go of this ancient restricted area.

However, just after the power of the two touched the edge of the boundary of this space, it was discovered that the four of the latter had completely integrated into it, and the four vitality runes were enveloped.

One of the ancient statues changed their hands and opened up the heavens and the earth. At a glance, you can see that there is another place of nothingness at the end of this space. It should be.... . Connect to the restricted area!

Such a space tunnel is already a fusion of the sky, just like the law, unless the gods are strong against the sky, it is absolutely impossible to break!

Boom, boom!

Above the sky, Zu Wen's four made another move, but they just watched their own strength crash above the emptiness, being completely blocked.


In an instant, countless powerhouses surged around the sky and the earth at the same time, slapped with big hands, and the vitality combined forces, turned into a torrent of huge waves, impacting the sky.

However, no matter how terrifying the power of everyone is, the space remains motionless at this moment. Among them, the fourth old man in the restricted area is holding a banner and looking around indifferently.

After a while, one of them sneered,

"Jie Jie... It's just a futile effort. You guys who have formed this space teleportation, **** it, if it wasn't for Mo Tianji's so unworthy, maybe there will be more souls, but let you old guys run away. It's a pity..."

For the restricted area, the stronger the soul power after death, the stronger the soul power, which is naturally what they need. This time, the overall situation is laid out in order to hunt down all the power of the entire God Emperor's Domain. The monk, turn it into a soul and take it back to the restricted area.

But apparently their plan was only half successful. How could they never expect that Mo Tianji would also alienate the Burning Heaven Order to be defeated so thoroughly. They dragged Zu Wen and others, a quasi-god-level powerhouse, The latter fell into the hands of a junior.

This situation is absolutely beyond imagination. You have to know who Mo Tianji is, who has been in this Divine Emperor Realm for many years, and can be called a great hero, but it is completely defeated by a junior.

In an instant, the eyes of the four people gathered, looking at Meng Fan, a rich and unparalleled murderous intent appeared in their eyes. After a few breaths, one of them was humane.

"The little beast Meng Fan deserves to have the capital to be wanted by several restricted areas. The progress is fast enough, what exactly did Ruo Shuiyi teach you?"

The tone was harsh, and Meng Fan's pupils couldn't help but shrink, his mouth coughing up blood and his injuries were serious, but at this moment he was murderous, saying every word,

"what did you say?"

A few words fell, cold and frosty.

Among the power of the endless space, the ancient forbidden area sneered and said coldly,

"It seems that you are able to reach today. It should be Ruo Shuiyi who gave you something. We ignored you a little bit too much before, thinking that she would have died and would not cause any storms. Now it seems that this is not the case... But I am very thankful. She died to save you, but even after death, there will never be any peace!"

Hearing the words, Meng Fan's whole body trembled immediately, his eyes fixed on the ancient restricted areas, and he didn't say a word, but his eyes were filled with endless chill. Obviously there was something else in the words.

Under Meng Fan's murderous gaze, several ancient forbidden areas looked at each other, and one of them snorted coldly,

"Jie Jie... Little beast, it seems that you really want to know, so I can tell you it’s okay, it will only make you fall into endless pain, it’s a punishment for you, you know it’s in my hands What is the name of this banner of China?

You should have noticed that there is a word of blood on it, yes, it is a senior from the blood forbidden zone. Although he fell in the first battle, he was not complete, and there is still a trace of soul power remaining in this banner. and

We have absorbed the soul power of so many cultivators in your God Emperor's Domain, in order to reunite the soul of a powerful existence before this blood forbidden zone, with so much soul power. , Enough for us to call out that existence again! "

Hearing the words of the old man, Meng Fan clenched his hands and said every word,

"What's the relationship with your sister?"

"Jie Jie... Of course it does matter, do you think that kind of existence can be resurrected casually?"

Another ancient forbidden area sneered,

"Although there is only a trace of soul power left, the soul can reunite, but there is no strong physical body to carry it. The soul who wants to carry that kind of existence must be a forbidden royal family and have a complete and powerful bloodline. The physical body in the hands of Xuedutian is more suitable, Jiejie...Speaking of which, do you understand?"

Creak, creak!

For many years, Meng Fan’s concentration has already been like a wicked evildoer, but after these few words, the whole person suddenly ran away with blood and blood. The shock wounds were torn apart, and the blood continued to flow out, but he did not care, only Fists clenched, bones hit, and creaked, staring at the old men in the restricted area.

Obviously, Meng Fan already clearly understands what the latter wants to do. He actually intends to use Ruo Shuiyi’s complete body as a foundation to integrate the soul that once existed in a forbidden zone into it, and use him. Do the resurrection!

This also corresponds to what the old man in the restricted area said before, even if the sister died, but her physical body would not be peaceful, as a tool for sacrifice in this restricted area.


Suddenly, Meng Fan stood on the sky above the sky like an ancient beast. At the same time, he raised his fists and blasted out loudly.

With the explosion of his wounded power, it was simply a serious injury to himself. Before this fierce fighter fell on the ancient people in the restricted area, his body was directly exploded and his soul was greatly damaged. .


With a punch on it, Meng Fan seemed to be mad, and still had to move, but in the next moment a force merged into his mind, directly hypnotizing him, and fell into a state of fainting.

The person who shot was Xiaotian, he and Meng Fan were at one mind, and he was the only one who could interfere with Meng Fan in this silent situation. Of course, it was because of Meng Fan's serious injury.

Otherwise, if Meng Fan ran away at this moment, I am afraid that he would not be able to kill the ancient forbidden areas in front of him, and he himself would die from exhaustion.

"Jie Jie!"

Looking at this scene, the old forbidden areas are all cruel smiles, the figure flashes, and the power of the space surrounding him is constantly gathering, and finally he leaves the world directly.

Even if there are Zuwen and others on the side, vitality is constantly blasting out, but this space boundary is the law of heaven and earth, resisting everything, it is of no avail, and it cannot affect the ancient forbidden areas, only after watching. The zhe and the banner in his hand disappeared, fleeing from this divine emperor domain.

"Jie Jie... Guys, if you can see you again, maybe you won't be as lucky as you are today. For the restricted area, you are just a bunch of ants who are slaughtered at any time. It's better to grow yourself up so that we can kill. Compare... Have fun, haha!"

The voice fell and spread everywhere, and under the eyes of all the people, the old figures in the restricted area also slowly disappeared, and the expressions of all people could not help but become extremely solemn.

At a glance, the world was in a mess. The entire eternal life gate was transformed into nothingness under this killing. Under this situation, all the remaining elders and disciples of the eternal life gate were already desperate. Without the existence of this kind of top-notch master, no matter how hard they struggled, it would be of no avail. They surrendered one after another and were able to save their lives.

In the air, Zu Wen sighed, glanced around, and finally said slowly,

"Nevertheless, old friend Zeng Ping did not die in vain after all, and everyone like me did not give in vain... After all, this battle was won. From now on... The gate of eternal life no longer exists!"


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