Supreme God King

Chapter 1247: training

The gate of eternal life no longer exists!

This sentence is not false, but true. One day after the end of this battle, the huge gate of eternal life was turned into a flat ground.

All previous palaces, forbidden areas, etc., were completely shattered and turned into nothingness during that battle, and the remaining eternal life gate elders, disciples, etc. were also completely besieged.

In the past few years, there have been many executioners among this group of people, who have caused a lot of **** storms in this Divine Emperor Realm, and naturally they cannot be let go.

Of course, there are still a group of disciples with relatively low strength, who are just reduced to the pawns of the eternal life gate, which is to let them disband directly and expel them from the realm of the gods.

This is already the best destination for the latter and others. After all, Samsara Palace, Heaven and Earth Palace, etc. cannot kill the innocent like the Eternal Life Gate, just find the main person.

And this great calamity that swept across the gods' emperor's domain finally slowly ended, and the war shook the world, spreading across the world.

You must know that this is one of the eight gods of heaven and earth. It can be described as a complete reshuffle of power. Of course, it is finally stabilized after paying such a heavy price.

The news spread all over the country, alarming the world. Although it paid a heavy price under this kind of shuffling, it was still good after all. After all, it is the Samsara Palace, the Heaven and Earth Palace, and the Qiankun Academy occupy the dominant position.

If once succeeded by the gate of eternal life, it would be a terrifying disaster for the entire Divine Emperor Realm, and all the monks who went to that day might not be able to return.

With the news of this battle, it has become a myth, and some names will definitely be remembered by everyone at the gate of eternal life. The old man Zeng Ping who gave up his life, the Zuwen who fought in blood, the flow of thousands of flowers, etc. people.

It also has the efforts of people like Burning Heaven, Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Thunder Soul Old Man, Jun Qian, Zhan Feng'er, etc., plus a large number of Divine Emperor Territory monks, if it were not for everyone to die, it would be absolutely impossible It broke the huge array of killing people that day and dragged down the gate of eternal life!

Of course, this battle allowed the words Meng Fan to lift a new height in the entire Divine Emperor Realm, and completely ascended the pool of legend.

Looking at the world, who would dare to say that after more than 20 years of cultivation, he can kill a thousand-year-old Xuan Yuan elder monster. Only Meng Fan can really do it. It is comparable to the ancient sacred, white-haired Shura, and he has already come to the kingdom of God!

And when the whole outside world was full of uproar, anyone who participated in this war can be said to have a feeling of aftermath, and they all returned to the sect and fell into a state of reorganization.

I don't know how many old friends in this battle, the elders were all dead, and a large number of people were seriously injured. Naturally, they need to be repaired.

Half a month passed in a hurry, Samsara Palace!

After this battle, Qiankun Academy, Tiandi Palace and others have returned to their previous sects. There are rows of palaces, but instead of the tense atmosphere before, they have a new kind of vitality. .

Countless new students have already begun to practice, and they have progressed to this major practice place. Without the threat of the eternal life gate, they finally let everyone put down that tense nerve and start to do other things.

And in a training place in the Samsara Hall, it was quiet here, and a man in a blue shirt sat quietly on a mountain in the distance, his whole person motionless, like a stone statue.

And not far from this mountain, there are two women standing, both of them are national colors and heavenly fragrance, with dusty temperament, one black dress, one pink robe, two sisters Gu Xin'er and Gu Qing!

At this moment, the beautiful eyes of the two of them are all facing the man above the mountain, full of worry.

"Go back, you have been waiting here for a long time!"

Grasping Gu Xin'er's jade hand, Gu Qing comforted him softly, and couldn't help making Gu Xin'er sigh softly, and the green silk was flying.

"Sister, Brother Meng Fan has been half a month since he came back, but he only confined himself on this mountain. No one was seen, no one was ignored, just a silent person, even if he was repairing his injuries. It's done, he should come out on weekdays, but now..."

There is no doubt that with Meng Fan’s mental power, Gu Xin’er’s existence can naturally be felt, but the latter did not move and undoubtedly did not want to see it. This is simply unprecedented for Gu Xin’er. Once, it can completely explain that Meng Fan was absolutely in a great pain at this moment, unable to take care of himself.

Hearing this, Gu Qing said silently for a while,

"You know what happened to him, maybe... those people's words are a blow to him, but what can be done? That's a restricted area. Although this battle can be won, the entire God Emperor Realm is so comparable. He is too weak, Xin'er, let's leave first and let him be quiet, maybe it will be much better!"

The two of them were naturally clear about the huge waves that Meng Fan had caused in the Quartet before, and they also understood the status of the three words Ruo Shuiyi in Meng Fan's heart.

The latter's temperament is most affectionate and holy, and the two of them naturally understand that Meng Fan will definitely be hit by no small amount.

Nodded, Gu Xin'er said softly,

"I understand, I just hope he doesn't do stupid things!"

While talking, Gu Xin'er's delicate body stepped on, turned around, and Gu Qing left this mountain.

After the two walked for a stick of incense, Meng Fan, who was on the top of the mountain, finally opened his eyes slowly, and his white hair drifted by with the breeze, muttering to himself,

"Xiaotian, how strong is the restricted area...?"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Xiaotian was silent for a while, and finally said,

"Very strong.... As for how strong it is, I can’t say how strong it is, but I just know that even a strong person in the Divine King realm may not be able to destroy the seven restricted areas, otherwise the latter will not be rampant forever. This kind of catastrophe has been set off one after another, such as in the northern group domain, in the Divine Emperor domain, and in other places as well..."

A few words fell, and Meng Fan could not help but grab the palm of his hand and clenched his fists, his eyes filled with endless sadness.

For him, although the victory of the Emperor's Domain was worthy of joy, the old news in the final restricted area was undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

The dragon has inverse scales, and you will die if you touch it.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan’s biggest inverse scale is undoubtedly Ruo Shuiyi, chasing the latter and helping him find a way home is also Meng Fan’s belief for many years.

But now I heard that the last remaining body of the latter was going to be used as a so-called resurrection sacrifice, fused with the body, which is simply more uncomfortable than killing Meng Fan.

He can't tolerate others moving like water and relying on a finger, but he wants to hear the news for life, but he seems to have no way at all.

"Don't worry, boss Meng Fan, you still have us, Master Gui is here!"

In the next moment, Xuangui's figure appeared, squeezing a pair of small eyes to look at Meng Fan.

"Hmph, what are you, the old man is the real master!"

On the side, the hairy finches emerged and snorted coldly.

"What are you talking about? Do you dare to fight me?"

"Come on... Three hundred rounds of the battle, the old man asked you 10,000 moves, first scold you!"

When the sound fell, the black tortoise and the longhair finch fought into a ball, and suddenly fluttered feathers in the entire sky. The fight between the two was extremely funny. It was either a monkey stealing a peach or a bite, or verbal abuse. During the fight, both the Longhair and Black Tortoise watched Meng Fan sneakily, obviously hoping to attract Meng Fan's attention and let him relieve himself.

The closer the person is to Meng Fan, the more he understands what is on the shoulders of the latter and what they have paid for these years.

Looking at the scene before him, Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"Don't worry, you don't need to be like this, my mood is very calm, and I won't be disturbed by this!"

Hearing this, Shaggy and Xuangui coughed dryly and stopped moving, while Xiaotian frowned and said in a condensed voice.

"Meng Fan, sometimes the most important thing is forbearance. I don't need to tell you about this. It's best to adjust your mentality. Your road to cultivation is still very long!"

"rest assured!"

Meng Fan nodded, looked far away, and drew a strange arc above the corner of his mouth, saying one word.

"Never worry about me in this respect. I just ran away on the day. I have come here as normal now. I know exactly what I want to do. As you said, rest assured, I promise... I can see the past in my eyes. The overturning of the high gate of immortality will also be able to conquer the restricted area in the future and smooth everything.

The enemies of the past, the insults of the day, and the deaths of many comrades in the Emperor's Domain will all be remembered in my heart, and some blood must be repaid! "

A few words fell, sonorous and powerful, could not help but shock Xiaotian's body.

In the forbidden zone, who dared to say this in ancient times, who is qualified to say this?

I am afraid that looking at the entire world and the universe in this long river of time, only those who have stepped into the gods are qualified to speak, but they are only qualified.

I don’t know how many strong people have tried, and they have fallen on this road. Even the strong gods don’t know how many died in the fight against the restricted area in the past. Moreover, now Meng Fan is not a god, just a mysterious It is only a ninth-level monk in the Yuan realm. This kind of power may be a strong person in the ten thousand domains, but it is nothing compared to the forbidden area, let alone a battle to smooth it.

However, at this moment, under Meng Fan's words, it made Xiaotian's heart a kind of endless heroism, as if the words spoken by the youth in front of him were laws and they would inevitably come true. For example, once...that one The ignorant and ignorant Wuzhen boy, his oath to the Heavenly Han Sect, and his unyielding to the eternal life gate!

He will dive into the dragon one day, and the world will turn things around. If the tiger returns to the mountain, I will stain half the sky with blood!

There are some people in this world who always wait silently. To grow themselves, they just need an opportunity to set off... an unimaginable **** storm!

Second more.

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