Supreme God King

Chapter 1249: Inverse print

Rebellious seal!

The last three words resounded through the world, as if it could open up the world and suppress everything, it turned out to be causing the void to shatter at this moment. With Meng Fan as the center, the sky was constantly trembling, the sky faded, and everything was alarmed.

This kind of killing power is really too terrifying. Meng Fan is not moving, but the inverse **** seal in his body is a masterpiece of light, which melts all over his body, making his whole person's blood flow, with a kind of swallowing everything. The power of the whole world, centered around it, madly gathers energy and blends in his body.

And Meng Fan was standing alone between the world and the earth, with his palms stretched out, and the infinite vitality power directly integrated into it, and the power between his palms was gathering more and more, the extreme horror.

"What a powerful idea, what a terrifying breath!"

In the depths of the Samsara Hall, Zuwen's eyes opened suddenly, and a sharp glow flickered. No one has been able to alarm him since the battle of the Emperor's Domain, but under the breath of Meng Fan, he was Instinctively awakened from the retreat, feeling a burst of soul shock.

If it is spread out, it will inevitably cause a big tremor. If you know what level of power Zuwen is, he has already reached the quasi-god, looking at this God's emperor domain is a big giant.

But for Meng Fan’s naturally released breath, I felt fearful. It can only explain one thing. Now Meng Fan already has the power to slaughter the quasi-god, and it is only the ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm. That's it!

"this is……"

There are many strong people in various places in the Samsara Temple. They are looking at it, and attracting a large number of new students in the Samsara Temple. They naturally know who the retreat is in this direction. Could it not be with an incomparable worship look.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan of the Samsara Palace is already an absolute legend. If one of the younger generations in the entire Samsara Palace can overwhelm everyone, everyone will be convinced.

Then this person is well deserved to be Meng Fan. Looking forward to this, no one has done it for hundreds of years or even ten thousand years in the Samsara Hall.

This is completely accumulated from what Meng Fan did. When he single-handedly entered the gate of eternal life under the anger of the day, when he avenged all the brothers and sisters, that figure was already carved in the hearts of all the disciples of the Samsara Hall, and this life will not be forgotten. .

And the large number of boys and girls who joined the Hall of Reincarnation are even more fascinated by the legend of Meng Fan who has just come here, and now feels this unpredictable aura, coupled with the discussion of people around, all are extremely excited, staring In this direction,

"Is this Senior Brother Meng Fan? It's really powerful, and you can possess such a powerful aura just by practicing!"

"Yes, I just don't know what happened to the old Longhair sparrow who has been behind Meng Fan, and the old Xuangui. The two of them are at the level of a second kill god... It must be Senior Brother Meng Fan who got their guidance. !"

"Yes, it is said that these two people were responsible for this battle..."

The crowd was chattering, the eyes of countless new students gleamed, and they were shocked by Meng Fan's strength. On the other hand, people who have been in this Samsara Hall for many years are extremely ordinary, like clouds flying, Zhan Wuji and others are quietly sensing, and they are not too shocked.

Because for them, the two words Meng Fan have basically become equivalent to evildoers, and it would be strange if the latter did not do anything against the sky.

Meng Fan didn’t realize the shock caused by himself at all, because at this moment he couldn’t allow him to think about anything else. All of his mental power and vitality were completely integrated in this palm. The madness merged into Meng Fan’s big hands. Growing bigger and bigger, the breath exploded, shocking Zhou Tian, ​​and every kilometer was under his absolute pressure.

Even the inanimate body displayed during the battle between Meng Fan and Mo Tianji was the ultimate hegemonic power without the seal of rebellion, as if he stood alone between the heaven and the earth, everything, infinity, and Is supreme!

At the same time, the divine origin energy that had been silent in Meng Fan's body was surging at this moment, exuding a peculiar power, converging in Meng Fan's handprints.


Meng Fan yelled to the sky, setting off the stormy waves between the heavens and the earth, and at the same time, with a big hand bang, he directly suppressed it down, and all the vitality in his palm was turned into a mark, just like the gods of the past. Resurrection, coming across the void, that kind of earth-shaking power directly fell on the ground.


With just a palm, the mountain peaks in front of Meng Fan were completely flattened by him, and the rows of ancient temples of reincarnation were all broken directly.

If it weren't for Meng Fan to control the power in mid-air and run the spiritual power to control it within a range, it would inevitably cause this reincarnation temple to suffer, and it would be impossible to know how many palaces were destroyed by it.

But this is the case. A huge palm print was also directly shot under Meng Fan, which was several thousand meters long and dusty.

The five fingers are clear, and the depth is invisible, so that the entire world of nothingness is silent at this moment. Between that kind of violent storm, there is a kind of hegemony that kills everything and slaughters the people.

"Inverse God Seal... It's done!"

Above the sky, the air wave slowly dissipated, and Meng Fan's figure flashed out, his white palms were retracted, his eyes were looking around, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

A few days of insights, years of hard work, and complete integration at this moment, also allowed Meng Fan to continue to merge based on his inverse God scroll foundation, and it took a lot of hard work to get the mark just now.

This seal is exactly the same as the immortal seal in his body, but one is Meng Fan's cultivation base, and the other is destined to be his future invincible killing skills!

Meng Fanke knows the power of the previous seal most clearly. The latter has been accustomed to countless overbearing and extreme exercises, such as the body of fighting demons, the air of black death, the reincarnation art of the Samsara Hall, etc. But at this moment, Meng Fan had a look of pride.

Because of this rebellious seal, Meng Fan is sure that he is more domineering than all his previous exercises, especially in his hands. It was created by himself, and it was completely compatible with the fluctuations in his body. Called the founding father.

And once it was the power that was exerted, Meng Fan believed that even if there was a quasi-god before him, he would have the confidence to kill him.

Take the inverse as the root, devour the world, concentrate on one seal, and kill everything!

This is Meng Fan's overbearing after the gathering of the Inverse God Seal. If it weren't because he had cultivated this inverse God Seal for many years, if it wasn't because he had a Divine Origin Qi that would destroy the God King.

If it wasn't for the exercises he had cultivated before, all belonged to that kind of extremely domineering attribute, and if one of these conditions was not met, Meng Fan would not be able to achieve this rebellious imprint.

But fortunately, all of Meng Fan is satisfied. I realized this inverse **** seal, transformed it into form, and fully matched the practice in this body. There is no doubt that this blow has reached the level of the word of heaven, although it is matched with Meng Fan. It's not as powerful as it is, but it hasn't touched the divine way yet, it can only be regarded as a heavenly word level practice.

For the first time in his life to create a means of vitality, it has reached the word of heaven, which is already the ultimate evildoer, enough to make countless old monster-level powerhouses tremble.

And the light flickering in Meng Fan's eyes, you must know that the Inverse God scroll in his body is only at the level of Tianzi, and it still has room for growth.

Ruo Shuiyi’s gift to him in those days seemed ordinary and unremarkable, but it is only when Meng Fan has cultivated to understand how precious it is. The seal of the gods will also follow and ascend, and then it will not be the word of heaven, but... the word of god!

Sigh softly, Meng Fan said to himself,

"It's just a pity...Even the martial calamity that merged with the inverse **** seal my martial arts calamity didn't come. The Xuanyuan four calamities are indeed terrifying. At this level, they didn't appear. When will I be able to enter? peak?"

Prior to this, his gains were not trivial, but he did not affect himself as before, and induced breakthroughs, which made Meng Fan a little hungry and regretful.

And at the next moment, an old voice came out,

"Meng Fan, you can't chew a lot of greed, remember not to be anxious, your progress is fast enough now, don't ask for anything else!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan turned his head, his eyes met Zuwen, nodded, arched his hands,

"I understand, Elder Zuwen!"

"As long as you know!"

Zuwen nodded and walked over, watching Meng Fan's eyes filled with an unconcealable kindness, and said softly,

"You are proud to be able to have this kind of achievement today. The future of Samsara Palace is yours. I am old, it is time you should take some responsibility for me!"

The tone is calm, but if these words are spread out, they will inevitably cause a wave of fluctuations. Obviously, the meaning of this ancestor's words already has a taste of transmission.

Today’s Divine Emperor’s Domain is only left with three ancient powers. If anyone controls one of them, it means becoming the absolute overlord in this Divine Emperor’s Domain, enjoying the supreme power and glory, and even more so. Training resources.

This level of position will be something that countless people in the world and thousands of domains desperately want to obtain, even if it is a quasi-god powerhouse, it is impossible not to be tempted, and it is placed in front of Meng Fan.

However, after hearing the words, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, but shook his head and said calmly.

"Elder Zuwen, with all due respect, the Samsara Temple is my master gate, whether it is today or in the future, as long as I, Meng Fan, will be there for one day, but I have no intention of annexing here, and I am not suitable for inheriting a sect at all. Even my dark alliance is handed over to people around me. I hope that the Samsara Palace will still be the Samsara Palace. Don't make that kind of change because of me!"

The tone was calm, but he was extremely sincere. For Meng Fan, his whole heart was cultivation only, and his complete heart of innocence, even though the infinite glory in this world was already in front of him.

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Zu Wen was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and sighed lightly.

"I understand, you still want to cultivate hard and don't want to worry about it, right... Yes, you have your choice. You may not be happy if I impose on you. This position is the same for Xiner, I believe The old man with a heart is not afraid that you won't come back and run away, right!"

Meng Fan suddenly gave a dry smile, looking embarrassed.

And at the next moment Zu Wen asked again,

"The battle of the Divine Emperor's Domain has been decided, what plans do you have next?"

A few words fell, and Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and a strange arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he slowly said,

"Yes, I will leave this Divine Emperor Realm temporarily to fulfill... the promise to an old friend!"

Second more.

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