Supreme God King

Chapter 1250: Return to the northern group

The battle of the Emperor God is over!

And after such a long time, the major forces have returned to their previous tracks, but looking at this, there are now only three ancient sects left in this God's Domain, namely the Samsara Palace, the Heaven and Earth Palace, and the Universe Academy.

Prior to this, the eternal life gate's territory was completely divided, some attributed to the three major forces, and some attributed to other monks in this battle.

This pattern has already been set, and after the **** storm before, what is left should be a period of peace, and this is what everyone wants to see.

It was quite shaken in the Samsara Palace, because the news that Meng Fan was about to leave again naturally attracted countless people to come to see him off. The latter's influence in this Samsara Palace has reached an unparalleled level. .

On the huge square, the space array is shining, and there are thousands of people around it. A large number of Samsara Hall elders, disciples, etc. are all standing in the distance, watching from a distance, looking at it above the sky. A living legend, Meng Fan!

And at this moment, countless figures gathered around him, including Yun Feiyang, Zhan Wuji, Gu Xie, Hu Niu, Xiao Hei, etc., all came here and gave their hands to Meng Fan and others.

Now it is not just Meng Fan himself who will leave, but also the lonely proud who followed him here before. Lin Tang, the old man of Thunder Soul, and Zhan Feng'er of Zhantang, Jun Qianke are all about to leave.

Now that the killing of the Emperor's Domain is over, it doesn't make much sense for everyone to stay here. Naturally, they want to follow Meng Fan to leave.

And it also included the Burning Heaven Order, turned into a middle-aged man like a Confucian student, with majestic eyebrows standing around Meng Fan.

Obviously the latter is no longer a stubborn body. After World War I, the latter integrated another piece of the Burning Heaven Order into himself, and just standing in place gave him a strange aura more than before.

Only Meng Fan, a strong person, can feel it. Although Burning Heaven Order did not say, Meng Fan also understands that if the latter is given a certain amount of time, it will inevitably reach a level of unparalleled horror, the world of the past. One of the top ten fetishes, thorough. . . . . Resurrected!

The gathering of so many powerful people naturally caused the entire world to be filled with a kind of majestic pressure. Under the many eyes, Meng Fan arched his hands towards the surroundings and said softly,

"Don't worry, you don't need to worry about me, but worry about your own cultivation level. If you will do something when you meet again next time, I will not show mercy!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Yun Feiyang and the others’ eyes flashed, and they all flashed across, and then Zhan Wuji smiled.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to that day. By the way, your old friend, Liuxin, has already inherited the position of the palace lord of the Heaven and Earth Palace. Senior Qianhua has fallen into retreat, and Shuang Ning has died in Zeng Ping. Later, he will also serve as the future dean of Qiankun Academy. With the support of the older generation of strong people, these two women will control greater training resources, and their achievements will definitely be higher. You must be careful, Meng Fan!"

The voice fell, and Meng Fan's expression could not help but moved. After these years have passed, they have slowly grown up unknowingly. They are no longer the group of young teenagers that day. When did he return? On the battlefield of the Samsara Palace, grab Liu Xin didn't want to return it to Heaven and Earth Palace.

Thinking of those past events, Meng Fan couldn't help but smile charmingly and whispered softly.

"Yes, it's true that we have all grown up. Brothers from the Temple of Reincarnation, this battle is just the beginning. I believe there will be more battles in the future. At that time, we will fight the enemy together and kill people in blood!"

The words were sonorous and powerful, and all the disciples of the temple of reincarnation suddenly felt a little surging, nodded earnestly, including Yun Feiyang and others all arched their hands toward Meng Fan in unison.

"Life and death together, no regrets and no regrets!"

The voice fell and hit the sky. It came from among the many disciples of the Samsara Hall. The tone was extremely sincere. It originated from this kind of emotion that has been cultivated between these several lives and deaths. Don’t say too much. Just a gentle movement is to be able to understand each other's minds.

At the next moment, the disciples of the Temple of Reincarnation scattered around it one after another, giving way to a path, because behind him two beautiful figures came over, both of them are beautiful ladies of that kind, each with a different temperament. It is Gu Qing and Gu Xin'er.

In this kind of thing, the other disciples of the Temple of Reincarnation all smiled, including Yun Feiyang and others who shrugged their shoulders and stepped back to give Meng Fan, Gu Xin'er and others absolute space.

Looking at the two beautiful women, Meng Fan smiled apologetically and said softly.

"Gu Qing, Xin'er, you don't have to give me away. Don't worry, I'm not going to fight in this line. It's no problem."

Gu Qing snorted and said slowly,

"Meng Fan, you are such a big air. You used to be in retreat. Now when you come out, you want to leave. Why are you afraid of us!"

During the speech, the moment he moved, he wanted to kick, Meng Fan quickly pushed away, smiling.

"Of course not, I'm just afraid of parting, and it's not a big deal. I still have so many brothers to accompany me!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s extremely relaxed words, Gu Xin'er frowned, her delicate body took a step, approaching Meng Fan, a very good smelling and familiar fragrance fell into her nose, and Gu Xin'er was There was a voice that only two of them could hear,

"Brother Meng are still the same as before, in fact, you won't lie!"

Under a few words, Meng Fan raised his brow and said softly.

"Xin'er, what are you talking about..."

Looking at Meng Fan’s eyes, Gu Xin’er didn’t speak, but her jade hand grasped Meng Fan’s palm, and the smoothness and temperature as warm as a warm jade spread into it. Her eyes faced Meng Fan, exhaling like orchids.

"Brother Meng Fan, I know that I can't dissuade you. You can lie to everyone, but you can't lie to me. Have you forgotten that you and I grew up together. You deceived people since childhood. I know it best at that time...I just hope you know that there is a girl waiting for you in the temple of reincarnation, and I hope you can come back safely, even if you travel far, please don’t forget this. Xin'er will always be here waiting for you..."

This kind of voice was calm, so that outsiders could not see any clues at all, but in the eyes of Gu Xin'er who were looking at each other with Meng Fan, water mist was already appearing, and it was whirling.

The moonlight is thin, whose affection is, looking at the end of the world, thinking about the hometown of the king!

Looking at this gaze in front of him, Meng Fan's heart suddenly trembled, and he clearly understood that all the thoughts in his heart had been seen through him, and he was silent for a little while before uttering the last few words.

"Sorry, Xiner!"

Time is thousands of years, the beauty is rare, and Meng Fan’s tone is filled with infinite guilt. He clearly understands that with Gu Xin'er's appearance and conditions, it will be the pursuit of any man in the world, and the country will be all over the city.

But the latter always keeps his heart in his body, and there is no change in the past few years. This kind of vague clarity, that kind of already knows Meng Fan incomparably, let Meng Fan know that he is sorry for the girl in front of him. , If you are other men in the world, you will definitely be extremely satisfied and stay with him, but Meng Fan can’t do this. In his life, there is too much to be accomplished and too much to be done. Go to bear it. . . .

"Well, Brother Meng Fan, don't say anything, since it is what you want to do, Xin'er will support you!"

Gu Xin'er smiled sweetly, even if the smile contained tears, it didn't let the tears like pearls fall, but the vitality moved and turned into a mark to help Meng Fan start this week.


This kind of ancient space force Yuanzhuan also completely integrated Meng Fan and others into it. With the trembling of Zhou Tian, ​​under this situation, Meng Fan and others began to move away in the void. The ancient teleportation array in the Samsara Palace can help Meng Fan and others save some time and effort.

"Goodbye, Meng Fan!"

"Brother Meng Fan, don't forget Huniu, I'm still waiting for you to marry!"

"And Xiao Hei..."

A weak voice came out from the side, which caused a burst of laughter. All the people in the Samsara Hall waved to Meng Fan and the others, and there was an atmosphere of joy. And between this place, only Gu Xin'er had tears in her eyes, and her eyes were filled with endless perseverance and worry.

Looking at this familiar face, Meng Fan sighed softly, closed his eyes, and stopped looking.

And under this kind of spatial transmission, Meng Fan and others also completely left the reincarnation hall, piercing the void, without having to travel a long distance, directly allowing them to step on the road to the northern group.

With such teleportation, after three days, everyone came directly to the territory of this northern group. They were lonely and proud. Lin Tang and others were all quite excited. Although this God Emperor is very good, here After all, it is their home.

"Meng Fan, are you going to meet Huo Ling'er with me now, and give him Huo Linyu!"

On the side, Fen Tianling said, they had already known Meng Fan's purpose of coming to this northern group before this, but it was to help Huo Ling'er under the Changsheng volcano.

However, when the voice fell, Meng Fan shook his head, moved his palm, and threw the Fire Lin Jade to the Burning Heaven Order, and said calmly.

"Go by yourself, I won't go anymore, tell Huo Ling'er that he can only use this thing for ten years, and then he must return it to me, and that is, I also solved the poison she put on me. Don't bother him!"

When he said it, everyone around him was a little surprised, including the Burning Heaven Order. You must know that this was the purpose before, but after arriving in the northern group domain, he did not follow the plan he said.

"Brother Meng Fan, what are you going to do, do you return to the dark alliance with us?"

Lin Tang frowned.

"Do not!"

Meng Fan uttered a word, looked into the distance, and said calmly.

"I'll go first.... See an old friend, just go back separately!"

The tone was calm, but at this moment, an unconcealable light appeared between Meng Fan's eyes, trying to break the long sky and tear everything apart!

First, let’s guess what Meng Fan is going to do, leave comments from book friends who have ideas, and see if you know, I’m going to write a plot that I have conceived for a long time soon, I’m very excited, what!


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