Supreme God King

Chapter 1251: There is no way back home

In the northern group, deep in the battle hall, in the ancient hall, the air of the incense burner is huffing around, and the surrounding is extremely elegant, and there are countless strange vitality creatures growing, a kind of Wanzai sect background is revealed.

And at this moment, an old voice in this hall slowly fell, with a trace of dumbness,

"Do you want to step into the God of War space again? Is it really for martial arts?"

The person who speaks is an old man with a neat black robe and white hair dancing. If you look from the outside alone, it looks very solemn, and makes people think that he is a rare outsider. .

However, the more you understand the latter, the more I am afraid that you will want to go up with an old punch and beat him fiercely, because the old man is quite unreliable when he does things and speaks, and there is a green snake spitting out a snake on his shoulder. The letter, impressively... . Snake old man.

In front of him sat a young man with white hair, a blue shirt, and a slender figure, not who Meng Fan was.

The latter directly bid farewell to Lin Tang, Fen Tianling and the others, and didn't even go to see Huo Ling'er, but went straight to the battle hall to meet the old Pan snake.

Huo Lin Jade was already taken by the Fen Tian Ling, and the fire poison left by Huo Ling'er was directly swallowed by the Inverse God Scroll. The latter absorbed everything and turned everything into invisible. This is probably the fire spirit. I didn't expect that the forbidden spirits he placed in Meng Fan's body might not be able to crack, but it was not a problem for Meng Fan, who was in control of the Inverse God Scroll.

And now Meng Fan's eyes flickered, looking at the old man Cockerel, obviously there was something important.

After a sip of tea, Meng Fan said calmly.

"Yes... You also know that I am now at the ninth level of the Profound Origin Realm. It is already the most critical link in my cultivation, and the exercises I practice are weird. The last time I was in the God of War figure. In the recording, I have insights, dreams, and thoughts. This time, I also need to understand what the former war emperor left behind, so I hope that the old man and the war hall can help me and let me step into this war **** space again!"

The voice fell, making the old man snake frown and hesitated for a moment.

"What you said is not allowed in the battle hall, because this God of War space is completely closed, unless it is the time it was opened or the suzerain in the battle hall is going to be eligible, but... The old man has not always followed People who play cards in common sense, the friendship between you and me is enough. It is not impossible to let you enjoy the treatment of the Sect Master, but are you really only for martial arts?"

"of course!"

Meng Fan smiled and said calmly.

"Why can I?"

Looking at Meng Fan’s calm face, the old Man Snake stared at him tightly. After a few breaths, he found that the latter had not changed at all, but was extremely calm with tea. In the end, the old Man Snake only had a little bit. Nodded, condensed,

"It seems that I am over-concerned, well, you come with me!"

Undoubtedly, for the old snake snake, although every time he sees Meng Fan, he wants to scold him, but in fact the two of them have to say the last year of their friendship, and before Meng Fan has been very important to the entire northern group Making great contributions to feelings and reasoning is to make the old snake snake impossible to refuse.

When the two of them moved, they also went straight to the forbidden area of ​​the battle hall. Now in the entire battle hall, the Amethyst is in a state of retreat. Looking at the battle hall, the old snake snake said. Forget it, with his help, it was naturally unimpeded all the way, directly to the past where Meng Fan had been. . . . . The entrance to the God of War space.


For an instant, the old man's eyes flickered, and a word was spit out. The vitality in his body continued to erupt, blending into the world, causing a shock of the void. The latter stretched out his hand, and the vitality runes flashed to make this piece of Space is trembling.

This is the most important forbidden area of ​​the battle hall. In the past, the God of War was located, and the seal in it was naturally extremely terrifying. However, the strength of the old snake snake is now unfathomable, only one step away from the gods. Under the integration of his power, even It was a raw material that opened up a crack in this sealed space.

"Well, Meng Fan, you can step into it for seven days. After seven days, I and you will have to come out, otherwise I can't explain it. After all, you are not a person in the battle hall!"

The old snake snake said in a condensed voice, this time it was Meng Fan who found him. Otherwise, no one in the battle hall would be able to open this sealed space for Meng Fan himself. After all, the ancient rules are there, even if it is a war demon. The sky will not be destroyed, this is set by the former war emperor.

But for the old snake snake, he has never been a person who obeys the rules, and all the rules are just a fart in his eyes.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Pan Snake, if you have the opportunity, you will definitely be happy!"

Meng Fan did not face the answer, but stepped out and moved directly into the God of War space.

After Meng Fan stepped into it, the old snake coiled his strength, and it took a few breaths before this space was confined. However, there is a weird feeling on the old face of the old snake, he muttered to himself,

"How come I feel that Meng Fan's heart is heavy this time, it seems that it is not so easy for him to step into this God of War space, is it my illusion... It should be this, this God of War space is the ancestor's place. What other weird things can there be in staying, but there are many ancestors' insights and treasures, all these things for Meng Fan!"

The voice sighed, and at the same time the old snake snake hummed a little tune, he was about to leave, but after a few steps in his figure, he suddenly freezes.

"No, no... In this Ares space, it is not only the countless treasures of heaven and earth that are sealed, it is also the entrance to the restricted area, the entrance! Ah, Meng Fan, the old man let you again This guy is fooled!"

The last few words fell, and the old man Cockerel could not help but change his face. After thinking of a certain possibility, he immediately moved with one hand and took out a big clock.

Shenhuang Bell!

This big clock is only incomplete in the hands of the old man of Cockerel, but it is one of the authentic ancient gods. The wave of vitality rolling in his body blends into it, and immediately a wave that resounds throughout the battle hall spreads throughout the world.


This sound is even more terrifying than the thunder of all kinds of thunder. It contains a kind of supreme thunder sound, which makes this world tremble suddenly, the color of the sky changes, shakes for nine days, and the entire battle hall is filled with this kind of sound. , Drew countless elders around the entire battle hall, and the disciples were shocked and looked over.

However, this voice did not stop. The vitality of the old man snake continued to melt into it, and the light of the divine emperor clock flickered. As this voice continued to spread, two figures suddenly appeared in the two retreats of the battle hall. , One of them is Zhan Mokong, and the other is Amethyst!

Both of them are now in retreat, feeling themselves, with their strengths, there is no way to wake them up unless it is this kind of supreme thunder.

Stepping in the void, Amethyst darkened with a delicate little face, baring his teeth,

"Old man, I am comprehending the divine way. I am just one step away from reaching the quasi-god and realizing my own divine realm. If you don't give me a good reason, I will break your teeth first!"

The tone was fierce, but the old man Cockerel didn't have any thoughts at this moment, but pointed to the God of War space, and also pointed to himself, crying without tears,

"What Meng Fan killed this day was the old man's nemesis... the old man let him pit him again. This guy has always played cards according to common sense. This time I am afraid that he will go...

The three words fell, and at the same time the old snake snake immediately told Amethyst and Zhan Mokong the previous ins and outs. The two of them were also suddenly shocked. Looking at it, they all clearly understood this matter like the old snake snake. As expected, Meng Fan wanted to enter this God of War space, but it was definitely not that simple.

Others don’t understand Meng Fan, but the three of them are all strong at the level of old monsters. They are more careful in their minds. Naturally, they understand that according to Meng Fan’s personality, he is always unwilling to bear the feelings of others, and he can only cultivate his own understanding Grab, grab.

And the latter’s purpose for coming here is probably only because it is related to the forbidden area. If you want to step into the forbidden area in this world, the only way to enter the forbidden area is through the entrance of the seal. That entrance is not only the forbidden area, but in this ten thousand domains. People from can also enter, but there is no one in the ages!

"There is still salvation. The God of War Temple in this God of War space has the power of space, which is the key to the entrance. If Meng Fan wants to enter it, he must pass through, and the same is true when he comes out. The old man now feels and absorbs Meng Fan out of this space. I won't listen to him, I will listen to the old man!"

Zhan Mokong slowly said, he understood too much about the horror of the restricted area. If Meng Fan stepped into it, if he didn't say how he came back, he would not even be able to keep his life, which made the three of them unacceptable.

With a single hand movement, the breath running between the palms of War Demon Kong's hands filled the world with vitality fluctuations, and its strength became more and more unpredictable. Between the volleys of the big hands and the grasp of the void, the power of infinite space came out, this God of War When the space is opened again, the figure in it is to be extracted alive.

However, after a few breaths, this War God space was completely closed, and it was closed, without a single figure at all.

"what happened?"

Amethyst said dumbly, while Zhan Mokong looked at it, his eyes flickered, and a sigh on the old face, finally said,

"This son Meng Fan is really hot. He sensed that I was running the Temple of War, and completely shattered the power of the space in the Temple of War, opened the seal, and stepped into the entrance through it. The entrance to the restricted area is easy to get out, but it is extremely difficult. Before this, we never thought that someone would take the initiative to step into it, and did not make any preparations, but he even cut off the last hope of coming back... ..."

The voice fell, and suddenly both Amethyst and Elder Cockerel were upset and unbearable.

Obviously, under Meng Fan’s career, he has completely entered the restricted area, not to mention the dangers in it. This entrance has sealed the restricted area for 10,000 years, and naturally it is impossible to open it. Otherwise, the restricted area has already been killed. There is a Temple of War garrison, completely suppressing everything.

In disguised terms, this line of Meng Fan is already. . . . . One step into the ghost gate, never again. . . . Way home!


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