Supreme God King

Chapter 1252: Step into the gate of life and death

Single, enter the restricted area!

After the fall of this kind of inference, it can be said that the three old snakes were stunned and petrified. Even if the three of them were powerful men who had already stepped into the quasi-god state, they felt extremely shocked.

For ever, the restricted area has swept the world, who dares to fight?

Whether it is the northern group domain or the God Emperor's domain, the forbidden area has set off a dark catastrophe, swept everything, and caused endless killings. Why has anyone stepped into the restricted area?

Who has this confidence, who has this strength?

For the forbidden zone, even those who step into the Profound Origin Realm in the universe are like pigs and dogs, they don’t have any qualifications to face them, and even those who realize that God’s way do not have much pride in front of them. Qualifications are just older pigs.

Under this situation, Meng Fan actually dared to enter the restricted area alone, how courage is this?

There was a shock in the battle hall. After the divine emperor clock came out, it naturally attracted a large number of disciples to look at them, all with a kind of shock. After all, they had never seen the old snake snake capable of such a class. Look, clearly understand that something big must have happened!

Between several breaths, there was a dead silence, and finally the old snake snake spoke slowly.

"It's up to now.... I can only find a way to see if it can be with the help of other people, spread the news, and see if there is a way for others to come back from that side!"

The last few words fall, it can be said to be how weird and weird, how uncomfortable and uncomfortable, even if the battle hall is an ancient guardian, there is absolutely no way to do this, and I have never thought about how. Get out of the restricted area.

"It can only do this!"

Zhan Mokong sighed faintly, his eyes were filled with an extremely complicated feeling.

There is no doubt that if Meng Fan, a kind of heavenly arrogant that is hard to come out of the past, falls into it, it will inevitably be a big loss for the entire northern group and even the world. Who dares to fight against the restricted area like that?

And if it is dead, then I am afraid it will cause a big wave. After all, the dark alliance under it is already strong enough to sit on the resources of several large areas in the northern group. Once Meng Fan is dead If you don't know what kind of stormy waves will be set off!

As the master of the big forces, this method is undoubtedly quite irresponsible, but at this moment, Zhan Mokong's eyes are more of admiration.

Who is the domineering hero? There are tens of thousands of people, but I am alone... . Men should be like Meng Fan!

Quartet domain, dark alliance!

"Bastard! You guys, because you still follow him for so long, don't you even know something like this?"

In one of the deep halls, a figure of a woman stands proudly, with a red robe, flying blue silk, a perfect figure, an alluring face, and she also has the breath of a king over the world, which is unimaginable for anyone. , This kind of breath will appear on a woman's body so strongly.

In front of him, Xiaotian stood there, and there were two fellows, the trembling Xuantuo and the Longhair. They both looked at the empress in shock and were shocked by what she said.

After a few breaths, Xiaotian just sobbed.

"I don't know at all, he just told us to let us come back first, and I'll meet an old friend, but... How could he not think he would be so bold!"

Hearing this, the empress could not help but sneer and turned to look north, but at the moment she turned around, a layer of crystal mist appeared in her eyes, saying,

"Don't dare? Looking at the world, is there anything he doesn't dare to do? Is there a place where he doesn't dare to go? He is so cool, so everything is left behind. I really think Is his personal life and death his own...there is no one for him...what are you worried about..."

For several years, the empress has swept the world, killed people, shed blood, swept the northern region, even if Meng Fan has been chasing for many years, she dare not say that she wins the empress, but the latter has never... There has been such a woman's posture, just for... . one person!

Step into the restricted zone!

In just one day, this general news spread to all over the world, the Quartet region and the entire northern group region, including the arrival in the Divine Emperor's Domain, causing clouds to fly, Zhan Wuji, etc. countless people were shocked.

Before this, no one had reacted. Meng Fan will be like this. If there is one person, it should be Gu Xin'er, but the latter always stands on Meng Fan’s position, even if he knows the latter’s choice. .

However, even if Gu Xin'er had blocked it before, I am afraid it was impossible to stop Meng Fan. After all, what the latter wanted to do had always been its own way.

This kind of news can be called thunder, shaking the world, and what makes people helpless at this moment is that there is no way to connect to the restricted area, and only to ask for help.

For that kind of place, I am afraid that unless it is a god-level powerhouse is qualified to step into it, otherwise, other people can only watch it, and suddenly cause an uproar in this world.

White-haired Shura, Meng Fan!

These words can be said to have spread throughout the world over the years, sweeping the young generation, no one knows, no one knows, but the latter choice is undoubtedly suicide for everyone, even if it is Meng Fan. The evildoer 10,000 times is of no avail in front of the restricted area, only one death!

Everyone sighed and had to say that a generation of Tianjiao figures, Shura Mengfan, who was destined to move the world and the world to compete with the children of the emperor, might disappear from the sight of everyone, and completely fell in this long river... .

Temple of War, teleportation channel!

In it, the power of space is overflowing, and there is endless darkness and nothingness between the sky and the sky. In this case, even anyone is unwilling to bring an extra moment in it. That kind of rich aura covers every A space.

And at this moment, one of the figures can be seen moving forward, teleporting the entire world under the power of this kind of space. Isn't it Meng Fan or who can it be?

Forcibly open up this transmission channel, and fall into the road leading to this restricted area through this battle hall, even in this eternal time, the forbidden area is constantly coming to the strong, like Meng Fan, a person who does the opposite. It's really a handful!

In the light shrouded in light, Meng Fan was expressionless, motionless and fearless, just waiting quietly.

But at the next moment a voice of vicissitudes came out,

"Little guy... Do you know where you are leading!"

The sound fell, and the golden light flickered. Even though there was no human figure, it made Meng Fan feel that the whole world was trembling, and a horrible aura enveloped the surroundings, causing him to give birth to a thought of awe. And this kind of breath made him somewhat familiar.

His pupils shrank, Meng Fan arched his hand and asked tentatively.

"Master Zhandi?"

This familiar and domineering aura is exactly the same as the Temple of War God, and now under personal induction, there is a terrible suppression of everything.

"Not bad!"

In the void, a figure came, and at the end of the tunnel, a figure of a middle-aged man appeared. He was dressed in a yellow robe, his complexion was still, and his body was slender. He stood calmly in place, as if he looked like a whole person. It's all a little vague, but that kind of emperor's breath can't be concealed.

Standing alone, looking at the world, dominating the world, anyone who has to look at it will have to produce a feeling of bowing his head, as if the person in front of him is an absolute king, fighting the world, raising his hand can reverse nothingness.

"What you see is the afterimage of me staying in this place to guard the world, not my body. I can feel my breath in your body. You are very good. You have learned my skills and surpassed it. My people, but the more you are like this, the more I am afraid I will not be able to let you go. It will be more helpful for people like you to stay in Wanyu, instead of going to die fearlessly!"

The voices of vicissitudes spread throughout the world. Rao Meng Fandu did not expect to encounter the remnants of the war emperor here, and talk to a **** of the past, the latter was the ultimate existence that once smashed the wind and clouds in the ancient times, and was qualified to create a golden one. Peerless powerhouse of pulse.

With a sigh, Meng Fan said slowly,

"Master Zhandi, I have already thought about what you said thousands of times, especially during this period of retreat. I only have one question... If the Lord Zhandi can play, I immediately give up and turn around. Just go!"

Hearing this, Emperor Zhan's brows twitched, and he said softly,

"go ahead!"

"The kid has always had this kind of doubt!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said lightly,

"That's... What is the plan of my generation of cultivators for eternity? How about my generation of cultivators even if they seek the highest?"

A few words fell, extremely calm, but it caused the Emperor Zhan to frown and fell silent.

Of course he understands what Meng Fan said. Even a monk of vitality is a human being, he has infinite emotions and six desires, and he has a constant lover... .

Between this endless and lonely vitality cultivation, for Meng Fan, if even one day he achieves the highest achievement and sweeps the world, if the people around him are dead, he will not be happy if there are none. , The strength he cultivated was just to protect the people around him.

Knowing that if Shuiyi's body is about to shatter and he is indifferent, then Meng Fan... . It's not Meng Fan!

"What a cultivator of my generation, even if he is aspiring to the highest!"

The Emperor Zhan sighed softly. This emperor before the ages could not help but give birth to endless sighs. His eyes flickered, as if thinking of countless years, and finally said,

"Little guy, I also have a question.... The purpose of your business is..."

"In order to take out a person's body..."

Meng Fan said indifferently, his eyes looked deep into the forbidden area, saying every word,

"This person is extremely important to me, and it is also the source of my practice... For me, even if I know it is death, for her... I am willing to die!"

The blood-stained paintings, how can you beat the moment you once smiled at me!


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