Supreme God King

Chapter 1258: The magic monkey came out to shock the world!

The voice is hoarse and extremely ugly!

No matter who is under this kind of sound, everyone will feel a kind of discomfort. This monkey with wounds all over his body is sitting on the spot, and his whole body is penetrated by countless specially made iron chains, but it is Looking at everyone, they smiled slightly, and they were extremely brilliant!

The injuries suffered by him, including Meng Fan, were shocking, and I was not sure whether he could survive this injury, and many of them could still feel the terrifying aura of the people who were left on his body.

But this monkey is extremely calm, and vaguely this kind of breath erupts, I am afraid that any executioner who kills ten thousand people will feel like a baby in front of him.

The latter sat on the spot, but his eyes flashed, and there was a shock of violence.

Obviously, the eighteenth floor underground in this prison was not just an ordinary establishment, but trapped one person. It was for this monkey, that the other people who had been here for several years were shocked.

Perhaps in disguised form, the entire prison was built for this monkey, because the space between the weeks is moving, and the power of the souls of everyone who died in this prison is integrated into this great formation, just to transform it into a kind of law. Force to erode the monkey's body and prevent him from recovering from his injuries.

Even people who hadn’t heard of it for a few years before, but before that it was made by Meng Fan based on the clues and the reaction of the ancient Lord Moro to judge that there must be something on the eighteenth floor of this prison underground. Mystery.

Now it seems that the monkey is trapped. Although everyone does not know its origin, it can be guessed with his feet. This prison was repaired in the restricted area. This is the case. The latter must have been a statue in the past. The sky is full of trembling scary figures.

"you dare!"

In an instant, the ancient Lord Moro above the dome roared, his fists clenched, and he didn't expect that the biggest secret in the prison was now announced, causing a trace of panic in his eyes.

While standing still, Meng Fan smiled and said calmly,

"There is nothing I dare not, it's just a matter of thinking, everyone... I'll hold this old guy, you can come and go and open the law chains around this senior!"

The voice fell, beyond doubt.

Although Meng Fan doesn’t know the origin of this monkey, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. This guy has been trapped in this restricted area for thousands of years. Naturally, he hates him to the extreme, especially the ancient Lord Moro. It is to become the first person to retaliate after its recovery.

For many years, Meng Fan was fierce, walking down, but not only relying on my invincible strength, but also knowing that goodness is like water, taking advantage of the situation!

Rigid and soft, like a dragon can fly for thousands of miles, under vibration, or... escape into shallow water and turn into fish and shrimp!


When the ancient Lord Moro asked for a word, he was punched in the face by Meng Fan, and the terrifying wave of air went straight to the front door, and he couldn't help but raise his hand to resist it, colliding with Meng Fan's power.

The people on the side woke up like a dream, and immediately stepped into the eighteenth layer according to Meng Fan's, and their vitality revolved, and they slashed towards the iron chain between the monkeys.


The force of the impact resounded, sparks splashed everywhere, and it contained tens of thousands of strong men in this dungeon. How powerful is their power, enough to split the sky with a shot. But when it fell on it, the iron chain just left scratches. The iron chain that locks the monkey around is not known for being cast by anything. It is extremely strong, even if it is made by everyone.

"A bunch of fools, so many people are not as flexible as the one outside!"

The monkey glanced at everyone lazily and said hoarsely,

"If you want to save me, first split the core of the magic circle in this prison. With this source of power, how can you cut the chain cast by this **** of gold!"

God gold!

The fall of the two words made everyone's hearts tremble. This is definitely a kind of masterpiece. The so-called **** gold is the most clear to them. It belongs to only the strong who can reach the level of gods that can be forged. The power covers it, its own law, the ultimate firmness, and now there are so many iron chains cast by **** gold.


In the midair, the power hits, ignoring the others. At this moment, the only one in Meng Fan's eyes is this ancient Lord Moro. This kind of opportunity must not be a big test for Meng Fanlai, facing a quasi-god-level powerhouse alone is simply looking for death.

But on the contrary, Meng Fan could only become stronger if he was stronger during these years. If there is no constant pressure on him from someone who has the greatest strength, I am afraid that Meng Fan would not be able to reach the point he is today.

White hair fluttering, Meng Fan seemed to be mad, the qi and blood in his body exploded, and the supreme inanimate form appeared and enveloped the earth. At the same time, the vitality revolved, surrounded by the formation, and he was controlling the Hessian basket with one hand.

These two methods are both god-level techniques, transcending the word, any operation is extremely exhausting of vitality and mind, but now Meng Fan is completely invisible, and the other is a scorpion. The vitality fluctuations set off a wave and another. The wave of waves slammed into the ancient master of Moro.

How fierce this kind of impact is, it is the explosion of Meng Fan's highest combat power.

Under such a style of play, even the ancient Lord Moro had to face each other with all his strength, slapped his handprints, and took out all his methods. In any case, he could not imagine that he was a human being, and he was only the ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm. How could the strong man be so strong.

Bang, bang!

The forces collided and sounded like thunder, shook the heavens, and within a few breaths, both Meng Fan and the ancient master of Moro experienced hundreds of shocks. Both of them completely ignored the others at this moment, because under this kind of battle, they can't afford to think much, and if they are careless, they may die immediately.



The two voices fell, and in the next moment, the bodies of Meng Fan and the ancient master of Moruo crossed, each punching and palm bombarding each other's body, causing the two bodies to fly horizontally.

In the midair, Meng Fan spouted out a big mouth of blood, and the bones and meridians in his body were broken. Even his physical body could not support it. If it weren't for a phaseless body, I'm afraid Meng Fan would have already hiccuped. Fart.

He fell to the ground with one step, but Meng Fan’s eyes flickered, and a brilliant light flashed through his eyes. He gained a lot from the collision of life and death before. Fighting against a quasi-god powerhouse made him even more concerned. My understanding of martial arts is even better.

However, the price paid was extremely Chanlie, almost breaking all the bones in his body, and his internal organs were bleeding continuously.

"Boy, die!"

In the midair, the ancient Lord Moro stabilized his body, spurted blood, and roared loudly.

He was already in a state of madness at this moment, and the shock that Meng Fan gave him was absolutely not. That kind of demonic power invaded his body and made his whole body toss, and only wanted to tear Meng Fan in front of him to vent his anger.

There is no doubt that Meng Fan's combat power has already consumed seven or eight out of ten, and it must be dead if dragged down, but Meng Fan smiled awkwardly, stretched out a **** and pointed at the back of the ancient master Moro.

Under Meng Fan’s actions, the Old Master Moro was shocked, and immediately thought of something. When he turned his head, he already found a figure staring at him. It was the one who was trapped on the 18th floor of the prison. A monkey, but at this moment, the iron chain is no longer bound between the latter's body.

Standing quietly on the spot, the monkey's gaze looked at the old Lord Moro in this way, that is, the cold sweat that has made him feel like rain, began to tremble, and uttered a few words with difficulty.

"God monkey...sir!"

The monkey smiled, nodded, and then the palms placed on both sides slowly stretched out. Under these years of suppression, he seemed to have forgotten how to move, his muscles were a little stiff, and the movements he lifted up seemed trembling.

Finally, the monkey slowly clenched his hands, turned his palms into fists, and stood between the ground, suddenly his throat moved and he let out a roar.


It’s just a word that runs through the entire sky, but it makes the entire prison tremble from the first to the eighteenth floor. The sound waves pass, the sky shatters, the color of the sun and the moon changes, and you can see the figure of the monkey constantly. Expansion, like a human form before, began to become like a mountain, that kind of violent aura permeated all over the void, causing many prisoners to retreat after practicing, and they could not even look at it, but they had coughed up blood. Open.

Quasi-God Strong!

Just a glance at Meng Fan has already judged the monkey’s cultivation level, but under the surge of the latter’s breath, it made Meng Fan’s scalp numb. Although the monkey is only a quasi-god, it has given Meng Fan’s other quasi-god powers completeness. The feeling of not possessing is the kind of divine power on his body that will give up and swallow all.

Even if Meng Fan had seen countless such powerful men before, such as Bai Rong, Yan King, Spirit King, and Zuwen who later became a quasi god, these people are supreme, but they are far less terrifying than this monkey. , Including the imperial clan Bai Rong compared to it is a little domineering.

This is an aura that only peerless emperors can possess, like a war emperor.

Standing alone can hold and split the ground, allowing all beings to follow my will!

Under the sound of the tearing ground, as far as the monkey's eyes could be reached, the supreme body stood in place, and at the same time the trembling hands of the previous kind slammed out and went straight to the ancient Lord Moro.

Just under the impact of the next moment of the air wave, the figure of the ancient Lord Moro flew out, and the absolute realm transformed by his divine power was completely broken and turned into nothingness. The direction of the fist wind turned out to be a full kilometer away from the ancient Lord Moro. Even the body of the ancient true demon began to shatter and erupt with blood. The sole of the foot slipped and a heel knelt here... ...Above the ground.

Although he is also a quasi-god-level powerhouse, this monkey just punched...kneeling down a quasi-god!

Second more.



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