Supreme God King

Chapter 1259: Out of the prison

A quasi god, knelt down with a punch!

The monkey's combat power had to reach a level of unparalleled horror. Even though the two sides were in the same state, they had already reached a high judgment and decided the winner.

This scene was too shocking. Including Meng Fan was shocked. It was unbelievable. After all, this was a powerhouse of the same realm, but under this kind of collision, the monkey just took a punch.

Moreover, this magical monkey should have been imprisoned here for nearly a thousand years. That kind of law eroded his whole body, making it impossible for the magical monkey to recover his own strength. At a glance, you can see that there are countless injuries on his body. Strength is definitely not his peak.

But at the moment of exiting the customs, that step was achieved. This is really too shocking, and it makes people feel that this scene is an illusion.

The previous Meng Fan was shocked enough and evil enough, but now he has encountered another evil existence, making everyone in this prison stunned, his whole body petrified, and he thinks this is too strange.

"Do not!"

The ancient Lord Moro spurted blood, and under the power of the magical monkey's punch, he destroyed most of his body. He glanced at the magical monkey in amazement, suppressed the injury, and turned away.

However, before he left this place, the void was already imprisoned. The person who shot was naturally Meng Fan. He would never give the enemy this opportunity. Once the ancient Lord Moro leaves, I am afraid it will Causes big trouble, so naturally it is the ultimate power to imprison space.

Go underground, there is no way out!

At this moment the monkey was also killed, strode out, and the king came down, even the latter was wounded, but it was like a peerless emperor.

The outcome of this battle was already destined when Meng Fan discovered the mystery of the 18th floor of the prison. The monkey came over and caused an absolute crush in the realm of Quasi-God. It was a kind of overbearing and extreme power. The ancient Lord Moro who fought did not have any temper at all. He died directly in this place, stained with blood.

A quasi-god-level powerhouse was killed on the spot!

Looking at this scene before them, everyone could not imagine that after the death of the ancient Lord Moro, it meant that the prison was completely broken.

After Meng Fan appeared, from the first floor to the eighteenth floor, any real demon would be killed in front of him. This is a restricted area. This kind of thing is too unimaginable. Once it comes out, it is enough to cause a sensation in the whole place and cause a big wave of rendering.

After all, in this area, with the exception of the imperial family in the restricted area, the status of true demons is quite high, especially when compared to human monks who are like slaves.


At this moment, the monkey didn't care about anything else, spit out a word, like thunder, bombarding the eighteenth floor with a big hand. It's just that after his palm, the earth is constantly trembling, the void is torn apart, and everything is broken.

The whole prison in the darkness felt a kind of fresh space and sunshine. Obviously, this place was already opened by monkeys, destroying everything!

"You are free!"

Meng Fan sighed lightly and told everyone to leave, but now he couldn't command this group of people.

One must know that he himself has more important things to look for in Ruo Shuiyi’s body, and secondly, even if Meng Fan leads them, they cannot leave this restricted area. Even Meng Fan himself has not found a way to leave. There is no other way to let them leave freely.

But fortunately, the outside world is much better than here. Everyone nodded, arched their hands towards Meng Fan and the monkey, and left quickly.

"You go with me first!"

From the side, the monkey's voice suddenly came, looking at Meng Fan without any expression.

Hearing that, Meng Fan was silent for a moment, then nodded. He also happened to have a lot of things to ask the monkey, and he couldn't ask for it.

Looking at each other, the two moved at the same time, and they flew out directly. Now it is not much to be treated here. With the strong speed, even if they are injured, they leave this place in the blink of an eye.


With their bodies flying into the sky, Meng Fan and the monkey moved quickly, leaving this prison city, leaving only a mess and countless real demons at a loss.

After spending half a day, both of them were on their way. The entire restricted area was desert. With Meng Fan and Monkey, they traveled millions of miles, but they couldn’t even find an oasis. To.

This is also caused by the law of the forbidden area. What is surging in this area is the aura of black death. Naturally, there is no grass under this kind of aura, and everything is extinguished, so that the entire desert is nothing but a god, etc. , Even the human figure is scarce.

And after reaching a desert without a trace, the figure of the monkey stopped, and rested in this place with Meng Fan.

Obviously, even if the fighting power of the two is incomparably terrifying, it takes a certain amount of time to repair the sound. Meng Fan sat cross-legged in place, motionless, the Inverse God scroll in his body also moved quietly, slowly moving between this week. The air of black death turns into a supplement to their own nourishment.

At the same time, when he raised his hand, all the pills he had brought before fell into his abdomen, turning into a rolling stream of medicine, which filled his whole body and helped him repair himself.

The pill in this place is too important, especially for the vitality monk.

In the next moment, the monkey stared at Meng Fan and said slowly,

"You are not from here, you are from the world!"

When he said that, he could not help but make Meng Fan raise his eyebrows, but he was relieved that the latter was invincible among the quasi-god-level powerhouses. The out-and-out old monster powerhouse saw that his origin was not It was too difficult, so he nodded.

Seeing Meng Fan's promise, the monkey was silent for a moment and asked slowly.

"Is the Chinese Dynasty still there?"

A few words shocked Meng Fan’s heart, and he clearly understood what the Chinese dynasty was in the monkey’s words, because one of the so-called golden twelve houses was the Chinese dynasty, even if it was the latter. In this golden twelve leagues are all peaks.

"I don't know much about him, but it is still the pinnacle of the outside world!"

Meng Fan responded that it seemed that the monkey was also an outsider, but he didn't ask much.

The voice fell, and the monkey was silent, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and finally said,

"I have finished asking what I want, and I never like to owe others favors. You saved me in jail. You ask for it, as long as I can do it now!"

Obviously, the existence of this level of the monkey pays great attention to itself, and even a spit is a nail. If it is outside, then Meng Fan might point out an enemy, and the monkey can crush him.

But now what Meng Fan wants to reach is beyond the reach of monkeys. After a moment of silence, Meng Fan said in a condensed voice.

"I need a detailed map about this blood restricted area, the more detailed the better!"

Hearing what Meng Fan said, the monkey was a little surprised and surprised.

"That's all? You should know what you gave up. You'd better show what enemies you have, and I will kill you for you, so that it can be regarded as a love affair!"

"Not bad!"

Meng Fan nodded, extremely calm.

"I know you are very powerful, but I am also not a person who needs help from others, and you and I did not owe anything at all. Without you, I would not have killed the ancient Lord Moro, and I might even die. You and I are even, so you just need to give me a map!"

The voice fell, sonorous and powerful, if Meng Fan had any greed for ease in his cultivation, then he was not Meng Fan, and he would not be able to reach this day.

The monkey was silent for a moment, and immediately raised his hand, a sand table appeared and fell in front of Meng Fan. This sand table is not big, but there is a strange light shining on it. Under the blending of vitality, one of the scenes emerges, and it is a strange map that can see the geography contained in the entire light curtain.

"Is this the entire restricted area of ​​blood!"

Meng Fan muttered to himself, his eyes swept over, and he couldn't help being startled.

The information contained on this sand table is too huge. He can clearly see his position, but it is still too far from the entire restricted area. The entire restricted area is extremely vast.

Prior to this, he thought the northern group domain, the God Emperor domain territory is already quite terrifying, that one contains tens of billions of living beings, but after setting foot in the Middle Ancient Domain, he discovered that these two domains are just meanings.

However, the entire restricted area is about the size of ten Medieval domains. Unfortunately, the surrounding areas are endless deserts and dangerous places. Otherwise, the resources of this restricted area are even more abundant than the territories.

The person who created the restricted area back then was really terrifying, reaching an unimaginable point!

Meng Fan's heart trembled, but he didn't have any intention of shrinking. This line is a must, and it is absolutely impossible to tolerate Ruo Shuiyi's body being insulted by other people.

"Where do you want to go, Lord Monkey can give you some pointers!"

The monkey stretched out and said lightly,

"You can't help me, the place I go is the most dangerous place in this restricted area!"

Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly, even if a monkey is a powerful person who has stepped into the quasi-god level, it has no effect at all in front of the imperial family in the restricted area. Before this, Meng Fan already knew that the restricted area was extremely likely to have... .God!


The monkey's expression moved, and he said with some disdain,

"Son, you are too arrogant. You will be scared to death when you come out where Lord Monkey is going. I bet that the place you go is definitely a place where children want to go compared to Lord Monkey. Although Lord Monkey is not It’s a person here, but I’ve been through it before. You doll is so big in cowhide. Where does the monkey master in this restricted area know?"

Upon hearing this, Meng Fan smiled and said helplessly,

"You really can't help me, and even if you are a quasi-god, don't brag, OK? How do you know where I want to go is not as good as you?"

"Come on, you point it out to Lord Monkey, and Lord Monkey also points it out to you!"

The monkey suddenly refused to accept it, his breath condensed, and at the same time a finger stretched out, which made Meng Fan quite helpless. The same was stretched out with a finger, both of them pointed to the sand table, and in the end they were at the center of it. Where is the place, where is this..... The palace of the blood forbidden zone, the city of blood!


The fingers overlapped and the eyes were facing each other, and the expressions of both Meng Fan and Monkey suddenly became...

Third more.



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