Supreme God King

Chapter 1260: Same purpose

The City of Blood!

The two people's goals turned out to be the same. Before this, they all had a contemptuous attitude towards the other's goals, because there was no other reason. Looking at the entire restricted area, this blood city was the most dangerous for them.

Although there are also countless strong people and more dangerous places here, there are definitely not as many strong people in this forbidden area as the blood capital city. This is the base camp of the blood royal family. I don’t know how many strong people there are. The sleeping place of the powerful blood of the royal family.

Stepping into it as two people, it can be said that you know that there are tigers in the mountains, and you are inclined to travel to the mountains.

One was a person who was imprisoned by this forbidden area by large means, and the other was a well-known guy on the most wanted list, and the two were also bachelors. They turned out to have the same goal, which is to enter the base camp of this blood forbidden area.

This scene is really too coincidental. If it is reported, it will inevitably cause an uproar. Ordinary people will inevitably escape to the corner of the world, but the two are actually going to step into the tiger’s mouth. They are really very special. Like to do extraordinary things!

The monkey's gaze flashed and hesitated,

"Where are you going? Son, you are really tired of working!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"Then what are you going to do? Compared with the restricted area, the ninth stage of the Profound Origin Realm does not seem to be too powerful from the Quasi God!"

The tone was calm, even if the monkey was a quasi-god, Meng Fan was not polite. On the contrary, it was full of irony. He suddenly made the monkey run wild and roared,

"Of course the Monkey Lord is going to do a big thing, but I plan to enter the palace and take away one of my things, can you do it!"

"Hmph, you think you have the guts, and you are not the only one who wants to take things away!"

Meng Fan sneered, just about to be sarcastic, but after a while, the bodies of the two shook at the same time, thinking of something.

You must know that if they and ordinary people want to enter the blood forbidden area palace, then they will undoubtedly be regarded as a lunatic, whether in this area or the forbidden area.

Who would dare to provoke this mold, it would be too late to hide away, but it seemed that Meng Fan and the monkey had the same purpose, which meant that they had a chance to join forces.

Enter the palace of blood together!

This kind of plan sounds like it's crazy, it's still a common place, but the highest in the entire ten thousand realms, so that both Meng Fan and the monkey can only deeply bury their own goals in their hearts. What I didn't expect was that I met someone who was the same as myself.

After a moment of dead silence, the monkey gave a weird smile and said softly,

"Guy, it's a bit interesting, it's not as good as you and me, it's an experience between each other, let's see if there is a possibility of action!"

"it is good!"

Meng Fan nodded, and briefly simplified his own affairs. It was not too comprehensive, but the body of Ruoshuiyi who wanted to obtain this blood forbidden area palace came out.

However, it has already made the monkey vibrate again and again, especially when he heard the latter stepping into the restricted area, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but stretched out a thumb and said in a deep voice.

"Bring a seed! Unexpectedly, there is also a **** man like you among humans. I thought that this kind of desperate, life-and-death fighting method is only available to our monsters. Compared with you, the monkey master is a bit inferior. , But he didn't come in on his own initiative, but was caught in!"

"You were also a person in Ten Thousand Realms before!"

Meng Fan whispered, and at the same time, he noticed that in the monkey's body, at such a close distance, with Meng Fan's mental power, he sensed a surge of extreme vitality. There is no doubt that this monkey is definitely not an ordinary monster, but A true ancient alien species, extremely special and powerful.

"As you think!"

The monkey sighed softly and said slowly,

"I am indeed not an ordinary bloodline. Maybe you have never heard of my bloodline, because since ancient times, my clan has always been passed down to one person, that is, the line of the **** monkey. The monkey master is not bragging. The ancestor of the **** monkey is the true ancestor of monsters. It was born in the ancient times. Including the ice monkeys that were domineering later, the magic monkeys are just descendants of my ancestors. Although they are powerful, they are not considered **** monkeys.

Moreover, there is only one person of the **** monkey in the past. Only after death can it be passed on to the next person. If you want to become a **** monkey, you need two things, one in me and the other in the forbidden palace. When they were captured before, they were taken away. The reason why they didn't kill me was to study my bloodline. After all, the sacred monkey clan cherished it too much, and they couldn't find it anymore except me! "

God monkey!

Meng Fan’s pupils shrank. He had never heard of it before, but he understood that the words were absolutely true, because he had reached the point of being a monkey but he had disdain to lie on his own origin. It was powerful and suppressed everything. The means is completely clear.

Ordinary monsters possess the dominance that monkeys sweep across the same level, only the ultimate bloodline in the monkeys. In ancient times, the seven hegemons of the monsters have been passed down, not because they are the most powerful, but In this Qiba tribe, there are a large number of tribesmen who can be born and immortal.

The rumor has it that there is an ancient beast like a divine monkey. It can be called a different species, but it is a human being. The combat power is naturally unprecedentedly powerful, but it is also extremely likely to perish and be hated by others, so it may be famous. An era, but it is difficult to pass down.

"It seems that the restricted area also has a lot of things I don't understand!"

Meng Fan talked to himself, while the monkey was disdainful.

"Don't worry, they just live longer, control more resources, stronger strength, and more people... As for the rest, nothing is different from us!"

The voice fell, and the corners of Meng Fan's mouth twitched. One of these was enough to make both of them a place of death and five burials, let alone all satisfied, and just a little more... Is that simple?

Although the two have a relaxed tone, they clearly understand the strength of the opponent they are facing, so after a while, they carefully studied the location of the blood city on the sand table and the possibility of surrounding dangers, and complained separately.

Although the two were not familiar with each other before, it was a dangerous forbidden zone on the one hand. On the other hand, hearing each other’s experiences made the monkey and Meng Fan feel that each other was similar to themselves, especially That kind of desire and indomitable fighting is exactly the same.

Under this circumstance, the two people are like old friends who have known each other for many years, and they have completely analyzed the blood capital city without any reservation. Even the two of them have not discovered this.

As the saying goes, real dragons do not play with fish and shrimps. Only two people with the same aura have the feeling of sympathy. Even if they have not been masked, they can quickly become familiar after contact. This is the way between men and men, which seems simple, but in fact it is extremely complicated.

Finally Meng Fan sighed softly and said helplessly,

"No matter how good the plan is, it is difficult to change as fast as this. The specifics depend on what should be done!"

"Not bad!"

The monkey nodded,

"I've only been to that place thousands of years ago, and many things have changed, but it doesn't matter, it's best to act according to the situation, but there is one more thing to do before going there, that is... I am seriously injured. It took a lot of effort to kill Namoro before. In these years, it has not been properly repaired. If you want to succeed, you need your help!"

"what are you going to do?"

Meng Fan's eyes flashed, and he asked in confusion.


The monkey smiled, pointed to the elixir in Meng Fan’s hand, and pointed to the wound on his body.

"Since we are all going to do big things together, don't be so angry!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan's expression suddenly moved, and he began to think instinctively. During these years, although he was generous, he never made a loss-making business, and immediately said,

"No, you are a strong man a thousand years ago, can you still cheat me on this elixir? You can change it if you want, I don't bring much, use a little less!"

There is no doubt that this monkey is an ancient **** monkey. If there is nothing alarming on his body, then I am afraid that he will not go out!

The monkey smiled awkwardly and said helplessly,

"The things that Lord Monkey searched were all taken away, so let me give you something, but yours is.... Lord Monkey doesn't like to owe favors to others, so let's look at this!"

During the words, the monkey's palms spread out, and a hip flask appeared like a conjure. There were countless scars on it, but after opening it, there was a mellow fragrance that made Meng Fan's whole body vibrate with blood. appear,

"No.... This is the only thing I have. You can use it. I think your son has reached the critical point of breakthrough. This is the secret wine of my clan, and it will improve after drinking. How about your understanding of martial arts to help you forcibly fall into the state of Dream Dao... I will trade you ten sixth-order gods, okay?"

Before the monkey was finished, Meng Fan was already very excited, and his eyes were shining.

Fusion of martial arts!

This mellow fragrance alone makes Meng Fan extremely excited. The latter one mouthful is a well-deserved thing above the eighth-order fetish, and the effect is amazing. It is exactly what Meng Fan needs and can only be inherited from this god. The monkey clan was able to brew something so alarming.

However, Meng Fan looked calm, forcibly suppressing his joy, coldly said,

"How is it possible... Ten items, what kind of place do you think this is, the restricted area, how can there be talented treasures, you go there and get them, you want to change me so much, you should grab it!"

"Um... what about you!"

"At most, change one with one bite, otherwise, don't talk about it. I really don't want this thing very much. The gods are still the first element of life. Do you understand the precious and priceless treasures of my gods!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the monkey went violently. I didn’t expect to take out a family heirloom in exchange for Meng Fan’s Tier 6 divine object. You must know that the wine of the divine monkey was in the ancient times, but how many people wanted to get it. With countless talents in Bora, there is no exchange at all, but Meng Fan is sitting on the ground and raising the price.

The two sides argued for a while. In the end, the monkey ended up with a bite of the price of cabbage for two sixth-order gods. If this exchange method is placed in this area, it is estimated to cause thunder and shock. Looking at Meng Fan, the monkey said,

"How do I feel that you have been pitted!"

"Why, you made a lot of money in this business!"

Meng Fan squinted, but this smile came more from the divine wine in his hand. The familiar mellow fragrance flowed into his heart, and the martial arts that made his body faintly moved were extremely outbursts. The heart was really friendship. ……. The pit is still pitted!

First more.



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