Supreme God King

Chapter 1268: Thousands of real magic blocks the future

The two ancient true demons died in an instant!

This kind of action can be called thunder, the monkey killing is silent and overbearing, even leaving no trace, but this news will definitely not be blocked for too long, which will cause other people to suspect.

After all, this is the capital of blood, and the strong are unpredictable.

After killing the two, the monkey didn't hesitate. After taking a deep look at Meng Fan, he stepped on the sole of his foot and rushed forward.

"Let's go, Meng Fan, act separately, I wish you and I good luck!"

In the midair, the figure of the **** monkey spread out, just a few meters away from the breath, and went straight to the direction of the blood city.

Hearing this, Meng Fan's pupils shrank, nodded, and no longer hesitated. The void moved and turned directly into a speedy shadow, heading towards the blood city.

Before that, he had done a lot of preparations, even if he hadn't come to this blood emperor, but he had a lot of knowledge about this place, all of which were obtained through the intelligence of the **** monkey.

Ruo Shuiyi’s body was according to what Xue Dutian said back then, but in his bedroom, his body was sealed by him, that is to say, when he found the **** palace, he found Ruo Shuiyi’s body.

Therefore, the goal of this trip is only the palace of the blood city. Meng Fan's figure is fast, striding out, and the whole person is hidden in the void, exploding to the extreme.

It's easier said than done for ants to shake trees

Such behavior seems like Meng Fan and the monkey will die. The only advantage of the two is a sudden attack. I am afraid that no one will expect someone to enter the palace in this restricted area. They have such courage to defend nature and Not too strict.

But just during Meng Fan’s move, he had already discovered that the surroundings seemed calm and unguarded, but in the faint there are connected ancient gods formations, as long as one is not careful, it may touch the mechanism. , Causing someone to wake up!

His body is volley, and his steps are dangerous. Fortunately, Meng Fan is very cautious at this moment. The hair on his body is upside down, and he dare not have any care, like walking in this sea of ​​fire. I am afraid that a careless word It will cause endless danger.

In the ancient forbidden ground, there is probably no more dangerous place between the world and the earth. Under this pressure, Meng Fan also has a cold sweat under his black robe, but there is no muddy action in his movements, and every step is extremely accurate. , To avoid all the divine formations and institutions between this world.

After all, before this, Meng Fan had dabbled in all the formations and controlled all the methods. Now all the methods are used, step by step, moving in the void step by step, full of time for half a stick of incense, but it seems to be For half a century, Meng Fan stepped through the palaces and finally came to the front of one of the gardens.

Before Meng Fan had any other actions, the black bead in his arms suddenly moved, causing Meng Fan's heart to jump.

This black bead was finally transformed by Ruoshui's soul and had been worn on Meng Fan for many years, but it was deadly silent, but now it turned out to have a strong feeling, just as it was before.

Naturally, Meng Fan was already extremely close to Ruo Shuiyi's ontology. This made Meng Fan vaguely feel that what he was looking for should be in this garden.


Two words were spit out from Meng Fan’s mouth. Looking at it, Meng Fan was fascinated by it. All the hard work for many years was to see Yi Ren again. This time I stepped into this place regardless of life or death. It is to save Ruoshuiyi's body, even if it is blocked, it is the ultimate place of heaven and earth, forbidden zone!

If you don’t look back, your hands will not shed tears!


In the next moment, without waiting for Meng Fan to react, there was a sudden tremor between the world and the earth, a sound like thunder, spreading throughout the world, and the entire sky of shock was constantly trembling, with waves of air overflowing.

This is the capital city of the forbidden area of ​​heaven and earth, the ultimate forbidden area, it is impossible for such a turmoil to occur, only one thing is the monkey... Only when he did it, he found what he wanted to have, and opened everything with force to kill the people he blocked.

Relying on the power of the **** monkey, it can be said that it is vertical and horizontal, sweeping everything, even the strong person in this quasi-god cultivation base is definitely not the opponent of the **** monkey.

However, Meng Fan understands that this is a forbidden zone. There are too many strong people. Once the breath leaks, there will be no return. The longer it takes, the more he will die. Once everything starts, there is no room for regret. I forcibly broke in!

Thinking of this, Meng Fan’s eyes flashed, looking at the depths of the garden, strode out, and walked directly along it. The further forward, the stronger the feeling of the black bead in his arms. , That kind of breath that had been in existence for many years slowly filled Meng Fan's heart.

"You are just an egg..."

"Meng Fan, it's more than just a practice!"

Those scenes swept through Meng Fan’s mind. The more calm the latter moved forward, the more qi and blood in his body became turbulent. The feeling that once lived and died together is also a little bit revived in Meng Fan’s body, like Ruo Shuiyi Just beside him, fighting with him as before.

As Meng Fan moved forward, he suddenly saw a large hall in the depths of this garden. It was ancient and secluded, and it seemed full of endless majesty. After arriving here, the black beads standing in Meng Fan's body felt the strongest. The moment surrounds Meng Fan's heart.

"Roar, roar!"

However, in an instant, there was constant vibration around the hall, and tide-like shadows appeared from all directions. It was an ancient true demon, standing in the void with all ten thousand ways, staring. Meng Fan, full of endless murderous intent, made the entire sky seem to be completely black and cold at this moment.

Thousands of ancient true demons are stationed in this place, which is a real defense. All the places before are just heaven, earth and **** formations, some organs, but this hall does not have these, but the guards are the thousands of true demons who have been here all year round. , That one is strong in energy and blood, possesses unparalleled strength, and is a true war machine.

At the same time, a slender figure sitting on the throne in the depths of this ancient hall suddenly opened his eyes and stared outside. A look of astonishment appeared on his face, incredibly unbelievable. As if seeing something that is absolutely impossible.

Endless murder, thousands of real magic!

And at this moment, Meng Fan only had a human figure, which appeared extremely weak and weak, like an ant, surrounded by these ancient true demons.

One person vs thousands!

This scene is so spectacular. Under this fierce breath, Zhou Tian is completely sealed. Everything is imprisoned. Only the breathing sound of the real demon is constantly emitting. The breath shakes the world, and finally after a few breaths, countless truths The demon roared, looking at Meng Fan who was moving forward, spit out a word,


Just one word fell, and all the sound waves converged and hit the sky, and all the ancient true demons rushed towards Meng Fan like a tide, covering the sky with extreme murder.

At this moment, the shadows of this ancient true demon can be seen everywhere in Meng Fan's heaven and earth, one more powerful than one, and one more terrifying, as if there is no end.

However, Meng Fan was extremely calm on his face. Looking around, he also uttered a word.


There are the same two voices, one is from thousands of real demons, and the other is only from one person. However, at the moment when this voice spread throughout the world, Meng Fan strode out, as if the Primordial Beast was resurrected, endlessly The violence was shrouded, a kind of murderous impact, and the emperor fist blasted out boldly.

Even if there are tens of thousands of people, I am only one person, this way, no retreat!

This is Meng Fan’s martial arts, this is Meng Fan’s fighting intent, and this is Meng Fan’s spirit. The latter has been the only way in these years, even in this restricted area, even if it is already facing After this kind of mortal situation, only that kind of arrogant and single voice resounded throughout the world, like a lonely war wolf, walking between the world, interpreting his own soul!


With just one word, Emperor Fist opened the way and blasted everything. Under this golden light, wherever he went, there was a kind of overbearing that shattered the vacuum and penetrated everything.

Even if there were a large number of ancient true demons in front of them, they were all torn apart by them, turned into nothingness under this fist wind, and shattered in this world.

However, there are too many people around, even though Meng Fan's combat power is amazing, hundreds of deaths and injuries in the past with one punch, causing a large number of true demons to die, retreating backwards, bursting into pieces.

However, the true demons around it all acted on Meng Fan at the same time, and they rushed towards Meng Fan with overwhelming energy. These ancient true demons were all real war machines, and they were all executing orders. The people around this hall will tear it apart. There is no emotion at all. The shots are even more fierce. Numerous waves of air traverse the sky, tearing Meng Fan’s whole body apart, his body shattered and blood sprayed. Out.

It was just a breath, and when he touched a face, dozens of openings appeared around Meng Fan's body, and blood flowed from each of them, which was shocking.

However, under this situation, Meng Fan laughed. When his body moved, a silver armor was all over the area. Looking around his body, it exuded a dazzling luster. Naturally, it was the immortality that accompanied Meng Fan for many years. Battle armor.

While stepping into the restricted area, Meng Fan had already left everything on his body, but this undead armor was carried by him, and he continued to fight for many years of life and death.

This person shot again, even if the surrounding enemies were more than 10,000, the murderous intent was Ling Ran, but Meng Fan strode out without any hesitation. In the eyes of all the true demons, Meng Fan licked the blood on his tongue. There is only a loud roar, lonely and vicissitudes of life,

"Old friend, kill!"


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