Supreme God King

Chapter 1269: How can life and death be feared?

Old friend, kill!

This sentence is what Meng Fan said to the Undead Armor, as well as to himself. It has already reached this point. It is close to Ruo Shuiyi’s physical body that it has never been, making Meng Fan forget everything, like crazy. At this moment, there is only one battle in his heart, only one kill!

In this voice was full of endless loneliness and desolation. At the same time, Emperor Meng Fan slammed his fists, and the blood in his body surged like a Primordial Beast. He is now at the peak of the Profound Origin Realm.

His own combat power has been doubled, and now he is completely ignited. Spiritual power, martial arts, and physical body are all reaching their limits, punching through the sky, opening the sky with one blow!


Wherever he went, it was torn apart, and a large number of ancient fighting demons shattered under Meng Fan's fist. The strength was extremely terrifying, even any old monster strong would be dumb.

But it was facing a group of fighters, and didn't know how to be afraid. So after a large number of ancient fighting demons died, there were also a large number of ancient fighting demons besieging Meng Fan, roaring.

However, under such a siege, Meng Fan moved forward step by step, without stopping for a moment, and his whole body opened up and closed. Every step was overbearing and powerful.

Wherever it went, it caused a large number of ancient true demons to die, and countless sparks came from all around them, crackling sounds fell, and countless ancient fighting demons' attacks fell on the undead armor.

Rao is that this is an eighth-level god, inheriting the immortal emperor, but it almost broke at this moment, and there were scratches on it, and the force of the impact made Meng Fan's internal organs bleed and coughed. .

However, Meng Fan's footsteps did not stop at all, stepping forward, every step he took was a large number of ancient true demons died, and he himself was also hit hard.

This general scene can be described as extremely spectacular, one person vs tens of thousands of ancient true demons!

And in this forbidden area, someone rushed here single-handedly, before they came to this **** palace, and confronted all the ancient true demons guarding here, this scene is not to say that no one happened within a thousand years, standing in the forbidden area Who dared to fight at the beginning of this world, who dared to enter here?

I am afraid that the battle of the ancient gods had never burned the flames of war into this base camp. However, Meng Fan dared to do things that the ancient gods could not do. A person, a armor, reached a place, and a battle. Heroes.

The entire garden is only a few thousand meters away, but Meng Fan spent half of his time with incense, and finally when his feet stepped on the last step of the hall, he was already covered in blood, and he could not even see his face. The look on the face has completely become a blood man.

After that, it was extremely horrible, leaving behind the corpses of the ancient true demons in one place, scattered between the world and the earth. The tens of thousands of ancient fighting demons were torn apart by Meng Fansheng, even if they were all together. The fighter's machine, but also completely turned into nothingness, there is no longer any figure, in the whole world, only Meng Fan!


Coughing up blood, Meng Fan covered his chest, feeling a little uncomfortable breathing.

In the past, there was no shortage of masters among so many ancient true demons. There were too many ants and they killed elephants. What's more, there were so many powerful men. They could be called peerless combat power, which was more terrifying than any unit in the world. They all died in the hands of Meng Fan and were slaughtered by him alone.

However, the price Meng Fan paid was quite heavy. There was a lot of internal bleeding, and the internal organs were shaking. However, at this moment, he was living and suppressing. A large amount of genius treasure was taken into the body by him and turned into a rolling medicine. To help it recover itself, at the same time the Inverse God Seal is also running frantically, absorbing the power of the sky.

After three full breaths, all the injuries in Meng Fan's body were temporarily suppressed, allowing him to temporarily reach a state of equilibrium, but it was undoubtedly drinking poison to quench his thirst.

Once it broke out again, it would be more serious than before, but Meng Fan did not hesitate. Instead, he swallowed a large number of heaven and earth gods in his body again, and merged with each other with the imprint of rebellious gods, making his whole person's strength into a hundred. Thousands of general promotion went up and reached the peak again.

After sorting out himself, Meng Fan stepped into this hall very calmly after a while. When he stepped on the sole of his foot, he left a blood footprint, and the blood fell.

One step, two steps, three steps... As Meng Fan walked into the hall, I saw that the entire ancient hall was extremely quiet. There was only a huge throne on which was sitting a slender figure staring at Meng Fan.

At this moment, there is a huge crystal coffin on which lies a woman, dressed in white, with an alluring face, and a slender body. The eyes are closed, and there is a calm but dusty atmosphere. , Just like the elves of heaven and earth, that kind of agility, even if a woman doesn't make any movements, is natural.

After many years, I met again, once the sea, sighed!


Meng Fan murmured, stepping out of his feet, looking at the figure lying in the crystal sarcophagus, his heart was surging, and his hand slowly stroking it, as if he was looking at a rare treasure, for fear that his actions would have a collision.

I saw this familiar face again, touched the beautiful woman's skin again, and smelled this familiar smell again.

From the boy in Wuzhen to today's Meng Fan Shura, no one knew what was going on in Meng Fan's heart, nor did he know what the other party wanted to do.

Either cultivating, or killing, and... For what!

"I'll take you home, sister!"

Looking at Ruo Shuiyi’s body, Meng Fan is already fascinated at this moment. How many years of hard work is for today, and how many times he has seen this scene in his dreams. Now he finally came to this hall and saw it with his own eyes. At this woman's body, even if the latter's eyes were closed tightly, it was already touching Meng Fan's heart and blood boiling.

He just stood in place, staring at Ruo Shuiyi's body, looking at this familiar face. He couldn't see this face again after that scene. Now he has arrived here and sees him with his own eyes. No one knows Meng Fan's moment. Mood.

There is a long wait between the world on my left hand, and the fingertip on my right hand that you used to touch me. Even if the eternal time passes, only you have been... In my heart.

"Meng Fan!"

At this moment, a hoarse voice came from above the throne, and that figure stood up, staring at Meng Fan, with a chill on his face.

This is not the first time the two have faced each other, because this person is the blood of the sky, but it was only a physical body that collided with Meng Fan before, but today it is his real body, an old monster powerhouse before the ages!

The two words fell, breaking the peace in this hall, and finally turned Meng Fan's gaze into a chair, and finally confronted him, calmly said,

"Blood is heaven!"

The two were speechless, but at the moment their eyes gathered, it was as if they had collided hundreds of times, and a fierce intention of killing appeared.

The blood hummed coldly and said every word,

"You are fine, very good... Shui Yi has a good eye for people. You should know that Shui Yi's physical body is about to be swallowed by the old monster, so when you came, you did not live up to Shui Yi's expectations, but Shui Yi died because of you. You can't change this!"

"I know!"

Meng Fan nodded and said calmly.

"Most of my strength in this body comes from my sister. If I didn't have a sister, I didn't have me. I didn't think I could pay off my sister. I just did what I should do. Today I want to take my sister home. !"

Every word is powerful, beyond doubt!

Xue Dutian's brow twitched and sneered.

"This is her home, Shui Yi is mine!"

Hearing this, Meng Fan shook his head and said calmly.

"Sister doesn't belong to anyone, she only belongs to herself, but she said before she died that she didn't want to be here, she wanted to go to the world, so where is the home of the sister, this is not!"


Hearing Meng Fan’s words, the blood burst into laughter, stepped out, and in the next moment, the sky trembled, a force of destruction erupted from his body, and the whole hall immediately closed centered on the latter, creating an absolute realm. The faint power came out, obviously proving that Blood Capital is already... Touching Shinto and becoming a quasi-god!

A quasi-god, and a strong bloodline of the blood clan!

The strength of Xuedutian is not unbelievable at this moment. Although he is an old monster powerhouse before eternity, he is proud enough to step into this step and can push the world, especially now that only him and Meng Fan are in the entire hall. .

The endless pressure hit, the blood roared,

"Impossible, Shui Yi is only thinking about it wrong temporarily, Meng Fan, I admire your courage very much. I just thought you were an ant before, but now your behavior is very good. You can be regarded as an opponent by my blood. , But in this kind of environment, it is impossible for me to let you go, public or private, and your ending today is only one word... Death!"

The last word is spit out, it can be called thunder, the air wave hits, even if the blood is still in the sky, but now he is a quasi-god-level powerhouse, and there is a kind of hegemony that penetrates everything in his investment. Between this word, surrounding Meng Fan, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and endless pressure struck.

Creak, creak!

Under this kind of pressure, the bones of Meng Fan's whole body were locked, and the whole person encountered an unprecedented impact, but it was the sole of the foot that stabilized himself, and looked at the blood in the sky, the corners of his mouth were amazing, and he said lightly,

"I didn't think about life and death since I stepped into this place. There are only two ways today. Either I take my sister home, or I and my sister are broken up here. There is nothing else, so... ...Then fight!"!!

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