Supreme God King

Chapter 1274: One word mantra jedi present

One person moves forward, and thousands of true demons retreat!

The moment this scene fell, it can be said that countless people took a breath of air. You must know what the ancient true demons symbolized in these ten thousand realms, but the real killing machine was hostile.

And at this moment, in front of Meng Fan, millions of true demons were fearful, and no one dared to stop him by thousands.

I have to say that this is simply a miracle. Looking at the blood and corpse of the real demon in front of him, he understands what Meng Fan did.

Compared with the ancient true demon, this is a fearless, fearless existence of a great demon. In terms of violence, Meng Fan, who looks like a scholar, is the real ancestor-level existence.

"Boy... Don't kill you!"

After a few breaths, the leader of the ancient true demon finally roared, and now they can no longer retreat, because if they retreat, they will have left the confinement space.

Only if Meng Fan is allowed to step out of the world, it will be a huge joke. Once the blame comes down, all the ancient true demons guarding will die.

"Hurry up and catch it with your bare hands, there is still a way to survive!"

The voice fell, but the more he spoke, the more powerless he became, and the true demon leader himself felt that what he said was too false.

Today, what Meng Fan has done in this restricted area is probably enough to kill him 10,000 times. According to the criminal law of the restricted area, it is a great gift that Meng Fan can die safely.

Above the sky, there is silence!

But Meng Fan's footsteps did not stop, and kept moving forward, finally making countless ancient true demons unable to retreat. The next moment, a loud shout came from behind the true demons.

"Kill him, just a little kid, you are all the supreme powerhouses in my restricted area, and I'm afraid he won't succeed!"

The tone of the vicissitudes of life, the speaker is an old forbidden area, but it is hidden among countless ancient true demons, and did not make a move.

However, there was finally an ancient true demon who couldn't bear it. With a movement, countless figures slashed forward, containing a kind of ultimate murderous intent, and came straight to Meng Fan. In a flash, hundreds of ancient true demon powerhouses made their moves, but they were shaking by wind and thunder when they moved, which contained a kind of cold and extreme domineering, and the volley attacked Meng Fan.


Looking around with cold eyes, Meng Fan swept it, and immediately spit out a word. After raising his hand, energy erupted among the five fingers, sweeping the surrounding area.

Suddenly, countless real demons were completely swept away, and all the ancient real demons that shot were exploded at the same time, and the blood mist rose and fell on the ground.

"Those who block me... Die!"

Meng Fan strode out, spit out a few words coldly, strode forward, and between the bursts of blood, he strode out like an ancient god.

Every step of the fall caused the entire ground to vibrate, and the void trembles, and at the same time Meng Fan's hands were clenched, the Emperor Fist opened the way!

Thirty-eight golden fist fronts are shrouded in the sky, and the power impacts among them. There is a supreme power in this fist front, sweeping everything. Even if it was blocked in front of Meng Fan, many ancient true demons were directly torn apart by them at this moment and burst into pieces.

Let me be alone!

Seeing Meng Fan's movements made countless ancient true demons frightened, and the ancient forbidden area within it was a low roar,

"Kill him, no one is allowed to retire, kill him!"

"Why don't you try!"

With a glance, Meng Fan's eyes were like electricity, indifferent. At the same time, he grasped with a big hand, the waves of air impacted, and the infinite fluctuations of vitality came from his palm, and went straight to one of the restricted areas.

Even though Meng Fan is seriously injured now, his spiritual sense still exists and it is extremely terrifying. It is just that he has locked the ancient position of the restricted area in one move, bombarding with big hands, his vitality is open, and he is not given any chance to retreat. .

"Boy, you..."

That old roar in the restricted area, but just a few words before it was already covered by Meng Fan’s destructive power, its vitality blasted and directly penetrated, smashing its flesh into a piece. Blood mist.

A forbidden area of ​​the Profound Origin Realm level was ancient, and died at the fingertips, as if crushing an ant in front of Meng Fan, it could not help but shock the hearts of all the ancient true demons.

However, before everyone could react, a few words came in the next moment,

"It's at this time, Meng Fan!"

The roaring sound spreads all over the world, it is the **** monkey, the latter said, shaking the firmament with supreme sound waves, and in the place where it is, a golden stick penetrates the sky, standing alone among the heavens, all over the body The golden light flickered, even though it was stained with blood, it was still standing.

It is only one person, but it turns the sky and suppresses everything like the same sun. The hot light spreads. At this moment, the vitality bursts, and all the power of the space in the sky is shattered, and all the constraints are let. God monkey breaks!

Even if there are more than a dozen powerful men who have stepped into the quasi-god level around it, they are all powerful and ancient in this forbidden zone, but each of them is extremely jealous in the previous shots.

After all, at this moment, the **** monkey is infinitely powerful, but it is a dying body, and that kind of desperate energy is taken out, but no one wants to bury the **** monkey, there are already two quasi gods buried in the **** monkey In the hands, so these more than a dozen quasi-god-level powerhouses just targeted Meng Fan to besiege, confine the space, and grind the **** monkey with the power of the gods.

However, the **** monkey is overwhelming everything, not only persists to the present, but also finds the golden **** stick to sweep the eight wilderness under the previous gap, fiercely splitting the sky this week, and at the same time circulates an ancient one in his hand Imprint, exudes an inexplicable breath.

This was an opportunity that God Monkey and Meng Fan had already discussed before. The success or failure was only at this moment, so after hearing the words of God Monkey, Meng Fan also roared, and with one hand, an ancient seal was transformed.

The two acted at the same time, just for a moment, but it seemed that ten thousand years had passed.

Now both of them are seriously injured, only relying on their own fighting intent to reach the present. Under this situation, all the vitality fluctuations in the body are integrated into this last mark, the majestic space power Operation, completely isolate the world where the two are.

At the same time, the large space formation of the place where the **** monkey had laid before this suddenly revolved, and the light flickered, causing Lei Yingying's heart to jump, her pretty face pale, and her jade hands clenched tightly, staring at the formation. For the runes, she had already felt the big storm from the outside world before, and the whole blood city was full of riots.

Obviously all of this was caused by Meng Fan and Shenhou, and the start of this final space formation meant that the life and death of the three had reached the last moment.

Unsuccessful, benevolence!

There are only two roads to go. At the moment when Meng Fan and God Monkey are running this space imprint at the same time, the world is empty and everything is twisted!

"Oops, they still have a back hand. They must be stopped and let them go. I'm going to die!"

After a while, an ancient roar of the level of a quasi-god in the restricted area, his eyes were scarlet, his big hands were empty, his vitality burst out, and his palm stretched out.

In addition, all the quasi-gods after that were so old, they didn’t dare to keep any hands, the power of the gods in each body was diffused, handprints slapped, opened the world, and more than a dozen quasi-god-level powerhouses shot together. What kind of power is it, the air wave tears through the sky and suppresses nothingness.


Suddenly, the sky trembled, and the thunder fell down, but everyone's eyes were to find that all the quasi-god-level powerhouses were falling, and they were isolated. The space flickered and imprisoned everything, even if there were more than ten. The power of the quasi-god didn't even penetrate the defense around the monkey.


One of the statues has an ancient roar in the restricted area, and his eyes are filled with extremely incredible expressions.

That kind of power, even if the **** monkey goes against the sky, can't fight it, even if it is a god, it will suffer severe damage, but the **** monkey in it is unharmed. This is a miracle.

Looking around, the monkey sneered and roared,

"What is this? My **** monkey clan dominates the world, dare to come to this restricted area is definitely not just relying on the word dare. This great formation is the ancestors of my clan. The power of space forms the law. It is impossible to break through without entering the gods. The real rules, go!"

The last word was spit out, as if all the energy in the body was exhausted, the qi and blood burst, the vitality revolved, two divine formations appeared in the midair, the power of Meng Fan and the divine monkey echoed each other, even if there were millions of gods around. Demon, countless strong, but can only stare.

Because the sacred monkey family has a huge origin and ancient heritage, this sacred formation has earth-shattering power. At the moment of suppressing nothingness, everything is blocked, and anyone who makes a move is a choice to ignore for both of them.

Under the large array of space, under the attack of many powerful men, the figures of the two tore apart in an instant, and the large array of space around Lei Yingying was running at the same time. Three formations were indispensable. , Where the runes are flashing and unpredictable.

And this kind of power is extremely terrifying, rare in the ages, it is to tear this Zhoutian apart, contain the figures of three people in it, and appear above a space tunnel. All the eyes can see, three people The figure seemed to have been attacked by countless times, but it was safe and sound, teleported through this space tunnel.

Obviously, under this space tunnel, an absolute law has already formed, and no one can change this situation. It is enough for Meng Fan and Shenhou to successfully move thousands of miles and teleport out of this blood city.

However, between the electric light and flint, the figures of the three people are fully integrated into this space, but suddenly there is a voice from the emptiness, this voice is just a word,


However, at the moment of falling it turned out to freeze the entire sky, and all the discoloration, as if time had stopped at this moment, the three of Meng Fan who had been teleported away were actually pulled over, that kind of spatial formation. The tunnels formed are completely pierced by it.

It's just a word, and it has completely trapped the three of Meng Fan here. . . . . Inside the palace in the restricted area! !!

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