Supreme God King

Chapter 1275: Forbidden Zone

In one word, Zhou Tian was imprisoned, and the sacred monkey and Meng Fan who were already leaving were brought back!

The fall of this scene can be described as extremely shocking, that kind of vicissitudes of ancient aura emerged, truly transcending all rules, breaking good luck, breaking through rules.

Before this, the preparations of Meng Fan and Shenhou were quite amazing. The two moved separately, killing endlessly, and the actions were simply and decisive. Including the time of the last escape, it did not take half an hour to complete. Everything was done, but now under this word, all the previous efforts of the two were in vain and turned into nothingness.

The imperial palace was completely enveloped, trapping the figures of Meng Fan, Shenhou, and Lei Yingying in it, and the magical formation laid down by the monkey before was completely cut off.

"You... are really looking for death!"

In the emptiness, a misty voice fell, and in the oldest place in the depths of the imperial palace in the restricted area, a terrifying blood appeared, rising to the world.

At the moment when the breath was covered, it turned out that the whole world was trembling, and the void was distorted, and everyone's breath was suppressed by him, only this person.

As far as I can see, the person who appears is an old man, a black robe, gray hair, countless wrinkles on his face, full of traces of too many years, but at this moment, the moment that appears in this world, look It seems not to move, but it has already captured everyone's light, as if the whole world is centered on him.

"Blood King..."

After a while, all the ancient true demons in this forbidden area immediately knelt down, including the countless ancient forbidden areas in this palace, the nobles, etc., all with a panic expression, sweating and wet their bodies, facing this old man. All directions bowed to the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The sound came from millions of people, and it was boiling inside and outside this blood imperial city. Countless shocking eyes looked at it, all of them understood the master of the blood forbidden zone, the master of the imperial family, and the blood is heaven. The father of blood king. . . . . . . Revival!

The true forbidden area is generally in retreat in the ancient times. There may not be many awake times in the eternal time. At this moment, under this situation, the Blood King broke through the barrier, and everyone knew that the latter's cultivation was disturbed.

This kind of existence can't easily come out and don't move easily, but once it moves, it will inevitably set off a terrible bloodstorm, and thousands of people will tremble. After all, this is a statue. . . . . The gods of the world existed, terrifying people who lived from time immemorial to the present.

Holy strong!

The breath surpassed the world, the Blood King looked at the three men of Meng Fan indifferently, and said calmly,

"Monkey, I didn't think you would dare to come over. From the jail I laid for you to get out of trouble, sunrise, and even brought two helpers, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

The tone was calm and seemingly random, but just at this moment, the figures of the three Meng Fans were completely imprisoned, as if the internal organs of the body were all attacked by holes and a lot of internal bleeding.

This class of powerhouses, the pressure is just between the shots, which has already made the three people unbearable. There is no doubt that under the last card at this moment, the three of them can be said to be in the real Jedi, and there is no hope anymore , Including Meng Fan and Shenhou also only sighed slightly, a trace of despair flashed in their eyes.

Unsuccessful, benevolence!

There is no doubt that the previous plan of Meng Fan and God Monkey is adventurous, but it can be called a step by step. If it were not for the emergence of the first-class power of the sacred strong, then the three of them might really be able to escape, but it is a pity that this is a restricted area. After all, it alarmed the immortal existence of the Blood King.

Absolute power, crush all conspiracies!

Meng Fan had heard this sentence when he was in Ten Thousand Regions. Today, he naturally understands it better. It is not that they are not strong enough, but that the enemy they are facing is too strong!

The monkey has only cultivated for more than a thousand years, and Meng Fan has only been in less than 30 years. If the latter is given another ten or a hundred years, I am afraid that today will be a different situation, but all of this There is already no if.

"Old blood, since you have recovered, then kill if you want to kill, stop talking nonsense, Lord Monkey has never been afraid of anyone!"

The **** monkey spurted blood, but he sneered, even in front of an eternal god, he still looked proud.

The Blood King shook his head, his eyes swept across the three **** monkeys, and finally landed on Meng Fan, slowly saying,

"Kill you? It is a difficult thing for you to want to die now, God Monkey, I have given enough face to you in your veins, even if your grandpa really exists, I have enough reason, let alone him You may have died early, so your blood is what I like. Why don't you transfer it to a prince in my restricted area? As for the other one... My son is bloody, you should have killed it. !"

The last few words fell, and the pressure passed through Meng Fan's internal organs, instantly piercing all the bones of his body.


Rao Meng Fan also roared, that endless pain spread, causing his internal organs to bleed and his face twisted.

"Are you a descendant of Ruo's line? You actually learned the exercises of that person. No wonder you can achieve the accomplishment like this so quickly!"

The blood king's eyes flashed, as if he had seen something, with a weird smile.

"Very well, it seems that the value of your research is not even lower than the God Monkey. It is interesting! You really have the courage to step into this place, but I don't know how much your courage is left in the face of real death? I give you a chance... You kneel down, then I will let you live temporarily, how about?"

The indifferent voice fell, and at the same time countless runes appeared around Meng Fan's body. Under the attention of all the people, the latter's body was wrapped in this kind of black death, in which the light flickered, but it was formed. In an independent world, it was dark.

At the same time, Meng Fan felt endless loneliness, despair, and death. . . . The emotion of waiting hit him, making his heart tremble. Even after years of cultivation, his state of mind is as strong as his, but he has encountered a huge threat, and he feels that his martial arts have been wiped out by it.

Absolute field!

This is the power of the Blood King. At this moment, he is not only destroying Meng Fan physically, but also confining a space with the power of divine Dao. In this place, Meng Fan can feel nothing but despair and loneliness.

Death is not terrible, but the feeling that it is coming is constantly spreading, enough to make any person crushed, even the sacred strong, it is difficult to fight!

In it, as far as everyone's eyes could be, it was only a moment to discover that Meng Fan seemed to be old for countless years, bleeding from his seven orifices, and the whole person was constantly trembling. The monkey on the side was shocking. He understood this feeling too much. It was a hundred times more painful than the spirit of the fire-finished soul. The whole person's spirit was suffering from endless pain, and he couldn't help but roar. However, he was waved by the Blood King and was completely imprisoned in this world.

"Jie Jie..."

The blood king looked at Meng Fan, and the rune spread from his palm, each of which made the suffering in the world Meng Fan was in more serious.

"How, how does it taste? My child, don't surrender to me, otherwise..."

The tone rumbling, spread around, resounding throughout the imperial city.

At this moment, not only was someone in the City of Blood watching, but there were hundreds of millions of living beings watching this scene quietly. Obviously, the blood king's move was not only to suppress Meng Fan, but also to establish his prestige. The fact that the restricted area cannot be touched in the eternal time has already become famous in the world, who does not know?

Today, the actions of Meng Fan and the God Monkey have greatly touched the majesty of the restricted area, so the Blood King wanted to use the most terrifying means to convince Meng Fan to convince everyone.

The more the black energy envelopes, the more intense the countless negative feelings in it. Meng Fan ages a little bit, as if all the essence and energy have been drained, and the blood can't flow out. The broken teeth, I am afraid that Meng Fan is already dead at this moment.

The monkey was silent, unable to speak. Lei Yingying on the side had already had tears and her body was trembling. At this moment, among the billions of creatures outside, there were countless vitality monks who shed tears and held tightly. Palm,

At this moment, everyone can only watch Meng Fan's life and death a little bit, and that kind of life is constantly being drawn out of his body.

"How about it, have you thought about it?"

The five fingers slowly loosened, and the Blood King asked calmly at this moment.

"Kneel down to the old man!"

Under the erosion of the black death air, Meng Fan was already completely withered. His body and soul were hit by unprecedented blows. His body was frozen in the air, completely dead, but after the blood king’s voice fell, it was possible. I heard a few words coming,

"You... count as a fart, kill it if you have a kind... Young master, today's battle is already... Try your best, practice for a lifetime, never be afraid, never regret, just hate the sky Years, give the little master another hundred years, and the little master will level you here!"

The tone was hoarse, resounding around, and everyone was shocked in an instant.

Everyone understands the horror of the Absolute Realm before. The countless negative emotions added to the body did not make Meng Fan fear and shrink.

At the moment his voice fell, his eyes were already dim, and the whole person was completely dead. There were countless images flashing in Meng Fan's mind. There were scenes of playing with Gu Xiner in Wuzhen, and experience in the central plain. At the moment of killing, there is a scene of following Ruo Shuiyi's teaching, and there is also the sadness of the moment of his death. . . .

These countless pictures have made up Meng Fan’s short life, but it’s been too much. Ordinary people can’t imagine how Meng Fan came over these years. As Meng Fan said, his life is against the sky, like Enchanting, looking at the age of eternity, there are only a few people who can achieve this kind of achievement at this age. If there is another hundred years, how far will it be?

It's just a pity that I no longer have it at this moment. All the vitality in Meng Fan's body is dissipating, but there is no regret in his eyes, only reluctance.

His reluctance is because of old people in the world, those beautiful women who are waiting for him, those brothers who have lived and died together, and Xinlan. . . . But this is Meng Fan's way.

I have spent hundreds of battles in the sky, and I have no regrets in the battle!

If you don't come here, if you don't save Ruo Shuiyi, this will violate Meng Fan's martial arts, he is not him, is he. . . . Meng Fan, just like Meng Fan talking to himself many years ago, the man decided to do it, wrong. . . . . It's all good!

With the coffin of the third world on his back, Meng Fan smiled. He wanted to rely on Ruo Shuiyi’s back at this last moment to consume the last trace of life force. However, at the moment when his soul was completely dissipated in the world, it was Feeling a big loving hand touching the top of his head, a voice of vicissitudes of life also came out,

"well said...."!!

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