Supreme God King

Chapter 1276: My disciple is called Meng Fan

well said!

These three words were extremely calm, and at the same time, they grasped the top of Meng Fan's head with big hands. At a glance, an old big hand broke through the absolute realm of the Blood King and absorbed all three of Meng Fan from the void.

And in the next moment, a large amount of vitality power merged into Meng Fan's body to help him repair all the remaining meridians, even if Meng Fan suffered an unprecedented severe damage.

But under this kind of power, it is like a source, majestic like a sea, and in a flash, all the vitality in Meng Fan's body is ignited!

At the moment of life and death, before this, Meng Fan was completely desperate, but suddenly... . Usher in the dawn!

A large amount of vitality rolled in Meng Fan's body, and the skin on his whole body began to gradually glow, his eyes slowly opened, and under his gaze, he saw an old figure standing in Meng Fan's body. Beside.

The body is dry, with white hair, and eyes embarrassed with a god. At the moment of appearance, even if it is the city of blood, the place of the seven forbidden areas, but it also supports everything at this moment, as if he was alone. The endless black death air around was isolated, claiming to be a world.

amount…. .

With a grasp of both hands, an incredible look appeared in Meng Fan's eyes and muttered,

"Old lunatic..."

His voice trembled, and the old man in front of him was an old madman who had not been found in the entire Medieval Domain before Meng Fan spent his great efforts. The latter was also in this forbidden area, and he couldn't help but remind Meng Fan of what the three old Zimen said. If you are not in this world, you cannot find traces.

At that time, Meng Fan didn’t want to understand, but now it seems that it’s really like a purple door. The old lunatic is in this restricted area. He also applied for what the three elders said, so that the three of them couldn’t find the old madman. A trace of it.

The big hand gently stroked Meng Fan's head, the old madman gave a chuckle and calmly said.

"You are fine... I know all your hard work over the years, and I am proud of you to be able to come this far!"

The two met in the Hall of Reincarnation. There are not many people whom Meng Fan feared in his life, but he was definitely an old madman. For him, he had a feeling of being a teacher and a father. Before that, the old madman had always been to Meng Fan. Cruel cultivation, constant suppression, never said such words today.

This statement made Meng Fan a little stunned, feeling the warmth of his big hand on his forehead, making him want to be under this palm forever.

That kind of care and strictness like that of parents, that kind of care for self-growth, in Meng Fan's life, except for his father when he was young, there is only one person in Meng Fan's life.

The same is true for the old madmen, and they are not as good as they have had. Before this, Meng Fan had learned more powerful methods from the old madmen.

In this kind of desperation, the latter actually appeared!

"It's you!"

Above the sky, a broken drink came out, interrupting the two, and the person speaking was the Blood King.

At this moment, the latter is standing on the sky, the aura becomes stronger and stronger, and everything is solidified, and the power of the divine way makes people feel more mysterious, but they no longer have the confidence that suppressed everything. Instead, they stared. The old madman, his complexion extremely solemn, said every word,

"Your injury has healed? That's right. It seems that you have been here all the time just to unlock the seal on your body, but you dare to step into this blood emperor, so there is no possibility of leaving alive. Whoever gives you the courage to come here means you have to pay the price!"

The rumbling voice fell, shaking the heavens.

At the same time, there was a sudden change in the imperial palace in this restricted area, and there were two roars suddenly faintly in two extremely tightly closed places, tearing the sky.

At a glance, you can see two human figures coming out of it. The blood is extremely terrifying, just like the Blood King, that terrifying and extreme divine power surges, which is different from the fluctuation of vitality. Having touched the divine way and reaching the extreme, it will be so powerful, only.... . Step into the existence of the gods!

The Three Gods Revive!

When this scene fell, there was an uproar between the world and the earth, including the **** monkey, the ancient forbidden area, and so on, everyone was dumbfounded, and did not expect the situation to reach this point.

Ancient gods in the restricted area!

Including the Blood King, how aloft they are on weekdays, and there will be something that can disturb them in the eternal time, but at this moment the three gods have awakened from the sleeping place and exploded with a shocking power.

This battle is destined to spread all over the world, shake the world, it is too extraordinary!

No one can imagine that the three ancient gods are awakening from this deep sleep together. How terrifying it is. Even Meng Fan has seen this level of power before, but most of them are just the peaks of the past except for the great dragon of the Bai family. , And what appears now is not the fallen powerhouse of the gods, but the true gods who have lived from the ancient times to the present and ruled the roost forever!

At a glance, you can see that the three statues flickered, illuminating the sky of the entire forbidden area capital city, their auras twisted, and Bahuang was trembling.


A terrifying aura spread, and at this moment three sacred auras enveloped over, and the entire oppressive sky was cracked. However, standing in the sky, the old madman smiled lightly and said calmly,

"Because my disciple is called... Meng Fan!"

A few words, seemingly random, but in the next moment the old madman stepped out, and the moment his feet landed on this side of the world, Zhou Tian trembled, and a strong and unmatched vitality wave erupted from his body, just in the next moment Qi and blood rushed into the sky, turning into a sea of ​​blood, permeating the entire world.

It’s just one person, but with his qi and blood resisting the suppression of the three sacred breaths, because his own bloodline also bursts out a supreme power, this power is unique to the gods, and it is already under the confrontation at this moment. It proves that there is no doubt that the old lunatic has stepped into the sacred level!

"You broke!"

Above the sky, the three blood kings roared at the same time. Obviously, they had an understanding of the old madman before. At this moment, after the two old men walked to the blood king, they were naturally the two ancient gods resurrected deep in this restricted area. Come, look at the old madman, his eyes are deep, with a faint jealousy.

The true vitality monk, reach the sacred strong!

The spread of this scene caused shocks to hundreds of millions of living beings. Although the entire universe of heaven and earth was huge, there was nothing that broke through the sacred in this eternal time. Perhaps it existed. It was only in the Golden Twelve League. It is thin, impossible to find, and it is not only for this reason. Perhaps it is easy to perceive the quasi-god, but breaking through the level of the gods is an even bigger level, which has stopped the ancients.

Divine Origin Realm!

Really break away from the realm of the mortal body and look at the world. There are millions of creatures. Since ancient times, there have been many people who have practiced. However, the birth of a strong **** in the original realm may be the rolling of hundreds of billions of people. The lunatic did it, stepping into the sacred level.

"He is Samsara Palace... Li Xuanhuang!"

Aside, the eyes of God Monkey flashed, and said dumbly,

"My father once said that in this world there are several people who can prove God but not, and the most terrifying one is Li Xuanhuang. Before eternity, the restricted area struck, and Li Xuanhuang led many monks in the Emperor's Domain to fight. Back then, he had already stepped into the realm of a quasi-god powerhouse, qualified to step into the sacred, but in order to save the battle, he burned his own sacred source in the last life, sinking and disappearing... But he awakened like a comet and swept away. The young generation of the heavens has traveled all over the world for two hundred years and beat the invincibles of the same age all over the world. Back then, my father was defeated in his hands...Unexpectedly, he was still alive and relied on himself to prove...sacred!"

The tone sighed, extremely shocking!

The sacred monkey family has a huge origin and has a good understanding of some things. At the moment Li Xuan’s yellow runes flashed, he had already guessed it, but the more so it made the sacred monkeys who are not afraid of the sky and the earth have always changed. He looked respectful, and both he and Meng Fan were outstanding figures in this era, aggressive and arrogant!

But the monkey understands that before ten thousand years, he was also the first outstanding person of the younger generation. He was called Li Xuanhuang, and he was also bullying and piercing everything in the past.

Relying on his own alone, he made the three words of Samsara Palace spread all over the world, even the Blood King was injured by Li Xuanhuang in the past years, and he had intractable grievances with him.

"After spending such a long time, there is always something to be gained. Otherwise, I won't be caught up by my own disciples. It will make people laugh!"

The old madman smiled lightly, staring at the three blood kings in front of him, saying every word,

"Blood boy, are you very powerful? I was able to suppress you in the first battle before the age, and it is the same now. Come and fight!"

Two words were spit out, the sky trembled, and the void was distorted. At the same time, the figure of the old lunatic was thousands of times. With a punch, the vitality exploded, and his figure continued to expand, like a sun in the sky, suppressing Everything, even if this is a forbidden area, but its terrifying blood turned out to ignite the entire void, the golden light shone, and there was only one punch!


The three blood kings roared at the same time, their big hands blasted out, and the other two imprisoned sacred and ancient imprints, three handprints struck, and the endless black death air collided with the old madman's fist.


The power of the four divine ways collided. How terrible and rare this battle is. At the moment of collision, everything is extinguished. Everyone’s breath is covered, and they strode back, only staring at the void with horror. Staggered power, unmatched combat power!

And at the same time that this boxing front collided with the three gods in the restricted area, that old voice also fell into Meng Fan’s ears.

"My disciple... The old man will give you the last lesson. I am optimistic about the evolution of my divine power, my vitality is open to the sky, the flesh is extremely, although the group of people in the restricted area is terrible, but they are not unbreakable, concentrate all of you The spirit of following me, although you have never called me a lifetime teacher, but remember... the old man is called Li Xuanhuang, you can say that you are my disciple!"

Second more.


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