Supreme God King

Chapter 1285: Shangshan is like water

Chen Heng's tone was triumphant, and at the same time, there was a burst of unbridled laughter. They were all powerful men from the temple, and they all sneered at Meng Fan.

And the Empress, Lin Tang and the others were not in the mood to worry about this, they all looked at Meng Fan nervously.

I have to say that at this moment Meng Fan really looked precarious, covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and his blood was a little sluggish, as if he was really going to die.

The jade hand clenched tightly, the empress finally couldn't help it, even she couldn't control herself, she stepped out, wanted to pass, and at the same time she said,

"Meng Fan, you..."


Sitting on this rock, Meng Fan waved his hand, shook his head, looked at Chen Heng and others, and said calmly,

"You are looking for me?"

A few words fell, extremely calm, but the moment it fell into the ears of Chen Heng and others, it made this group of powerful people from the temple feel extremely uncomfortable.

This kind of feeling seemed familiar, only when they were stared at by those old monster powerhouses who had sat for years in the temple.

Just like a bloodthirsty wild beast, even if it's just sitting quietly and talking with you kindly and dearly, there is a kind of domineering look at the world, which naturally spreads.

However, although Chen Heng and the others were shocked, they immediately got rid of this feeling. Now Meng Fan seems to be dying at any time, so naturally he cannot be their opponent.

"Not bad!"

Chen Heng said coldly, his body forward,

"You are Meng Fan?"

Meng Fan nodded and responded softly.

"I am Meng Fan, what do you have to say now!"


Chen Heng sneered, and immediately raised his hand, a golden light fell from his hand, and the void unfolded.

It is a piece of golden paper with countless runes on the back, and rows of small golden characters on the front, which are turned into Sanskrit sounds, spread around, deafening,

"The great dream is forever, the imperial palace opens, and... Meng Fan enters... the imperial palace!"

It was just a few simple words that spread throughout this week of the sky, and the sound waves surrounding the entire back mountain remained for a long time, making the entire sky tremble.

Imperial Palace!

Just the fall of two words is enough to make any old monster powerhouse in the world be discolored by hearing it, but in this eternal world, the place where the vitality starts, ordinary people even mention the qualifications. No, but now that this kind of place is opened, it is to summon Meng Fan to go.

Between heaven and earth, there was an uproar, including the Empress, Xiaotian, and other strong men who were shocked, but the name was only heard in this legend.

But Meng Fan was not too surprised. He already knew that the group of Chen Heng came from the temple and guarded the ancient existence of the imperial palace. The reason why the latter and others came here was to summon!

On that day, he and the Bai family had an agreement with Bai Rong that the Bai family would vacate a qualification to give Meng Fan to step into the imperial palace. Obviously now that time has passed, this ancient first shrine has also arrived. Time to turn it on!

The source of God, the ancestor of ten thousand yuan!

At the beginning, Meng Fan was most attracted to the source of energy, which was the capital to become a god. Even though Meng Fan is already the source of energy to destroy the **** king, the two words for the imperial palace are even more attractive to it. Big.

The latter is blocking the existence of the gods, and countless mysteries are in it, including the destruction of where the **** king was finally buried, which naturally made Meng Fan's heart more yearning.

Not to mention him, even if it is a master of Shinto, the ancient existence worshipped this kind of place.

Meng Fan naturally wanted to see how far he could reach in the imperial palace, which contained the Tao of the Gods, which was enough to help him understand the Tao of Gods more quickly.

As the Sanskrit sound fell, Meng Fan finally nodded and said calmly,

"Very well, I get it!"

With a beckon, Meng Fan was ready to grab the golden edict, but in the next moment Chen Heng stepped out, grabbed it in the void, and blocked it in front of him.

"Meng Fan, you little turtle, it is definitely not so easy to meet this will..."

There is a kind of sarcasm in the tone, and the many people behind him are also stroking their chests and looking at Meng Fan indifferently. Obviously this group of people does not know why, but they are quite hostile to Meng Fan. .


Meng Fan's expression moved, he looked at Chen Heng with a smile but a smile.

"Then according to your opinion, I should... How do I receive this will?"

"Of course... Kneel down!"

Chen Heng held the will, standing on the sky, proudly said,

"You only have this choice, Meng Fan, what do you think you are? You are facing the will of the temple. I am the messenger of the temple. If you always sit in place, you are disrespectful to the temple. If you don’t kneel in front of us and worship for three times, let alone you can’t receive this imperial decree, you can’t even save your life. I’m waiting but I’ll teach you a good meal and let you know what it means to be superior. humble!"

"Yes, let me get down on my knees while waiting!"

Behind him, there are others who are equally stern. Although the temple does not have the rule of kneeling down and decree, they are all temple messengers. They come to the four directions and naturally they are talking about what, especially It is this group of people who are strong and powerful, and control absolute strength, completely crushing Meng Fan with the general trend.


On the side, the Empress and others were clenching their silver teeth and almost ran away, but they suppressed the anger and looked at Meng Fan. After all, this is related to the temple and Meng Fan's qualifications.

In addition, more people from the dark alliance also cast curious glances, wanting to see how Meng Fan handles them. Many of them have just joined the dark alliance. They have never seen Meng Fan before, but just heard of him. Daimyo.

In three years, although Meng Fan was famous and became a legend, there were also countless rumors and rumours that the latter had fallen, and his strength was not good... .

However, Meng Fan didn't move at all to the surrounding commotion and said calmly.

"Is there no other choice?"


Chen Heng sneered. The more he felt that Meng Fan was already in serious injury and his strength was gone, he could not help but step out and said calmly.

"There is another option, that is, you can take this will in my hands, but I won't let it go. Do you think you have this kind of ability?"

The words are powerful and contain great confidence from Chen Heng.

He is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Profound Origin Realm, fusion of energy and blood, suppressing the Eight Wastes, who is qualified to **** things in his hands unless it is to kill him!

But just after Chen Heng finished speaking, he felt a lightness in his hands, because the imperial edict that was still in his hands had already fallen into Meng Fan's hands.


Chen Hengda was shocked, not just him, everyone else.

This scene can be described as extremely weird, happening in an instant, it is a void change, the imperial decree changes.

Even Chen Heng, the temple and others did not react at all. Among them, it was not only Chen Heng a master, but also some middle-aged men who stepped into the Profound Origin Realm, but this imperial decree in front of them It's so good that it disappeared.

"Are you ready?"

Meng Fan looked at them and asked calmly.

"Now you can... Leave!"

The tone was calm, but Lin Tang and the others' eyes flashed, and they felt a shock. There was only one reason, that is, Meng Fan actually called this group of people... . Leave safely.

Over the years, the more the old man in the dark alliance like Lin Tang understands Meng Fan, the latter was bloodied and murdered when he was young, fighting all the way, and between life and death, how can you care about the background of the other party? I don't know how many strong people have been killed because of the blood and violence.

Meng Fan today is definitely not afraid of the temple behind Chen Heng and others, but his temperament has changed a lot without knowing it.

When he was young, he competed with the heroes of the world, hit the world, and cut the young talents!

It’s not an exaggeration to describe Meng Fan in this way. The Tianjiao who died tragically under him has no one thousand or eight hundred, but after the First World War in the restricted zone, Meng Fan not only felt the painstaking efforts of the old madman, but also His character has improved, and he has insights and experiences that no other person can match. Under such circumstances, he has experienced a strange change.

As a middle-aged person, the changes over the years have made Meng Fan stronger in his cultivation, but he lacked that kind of violence and added a touch of peace.


Standing in place, Chen Heng bit his teeth after hearing Meng Fan's words, and a murderous intent flashed past.

They absolutely didn't know Meng Fan, and now they saw the latter sitting on the boulder with bloodstains, precarious, naturally they thought Meng Fan was pretending to be pretending.

Looking at the middle-aged man in the temple beside him, Chen Heng and the middle-aged man in the temple suddenly exploded in the next moment, their feet exploded, blood exploded, turned into two lightning bolts, and went straight to Meng Fan.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, the empress screamed, it was too late to move, but the two big stepped into the peak of the Xuanyuan realm to make a move, a move called thunder, turned into two extreme rays of light toward Meng Fan, the sky trembled, and everything changed color.

Under these two waves of aura, Meng Fan in them seemed extremely small, and could be crushed by the two murderous Ling Ran's vitality handprints at any time.

However, in the midst of such a crisis, Meng Fan glanced over, and finally sighed softly. He was still sitting on the spot without moving around, but in the next moment a voice spread all over the mountain.


Comparable to the roar of the ancient beasts, Hong Zhong knocked, the words were round, and fell into everyone’s sight. A giant cauldron exuding dazzling light, a rune flashing in its whole body, directly towards Chen Henghezhong The young man hit it.

The three powers intertwined, and the void trembled, and immediately the figures of Chen Heng and the middle-aged man flew out directly, with a big mouth of blood spurting out, and a crackling noise in the chest broke. I don't know what happened between this collision. How many bones were broken, let this great great dynasty smash into the ground from the void, fall into a deep pit, unable to get up, suppressed in Meng Fan... . before!


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