Supreme God King

Chapter 1286: Potential enemy

Yiding is in hand, suppress everything!

The light flickered, and this ancient tripod shadow was suspended in the mid-air, with rows of mysterious runes flickering above it, revealing a hazy mist that made people unreal.

And under this great cauldron, everyone's heart suddenly trembles a little, that kind of peculiar aura spreads, as if someone might be attracted to it forever as long as someone looks at it.

Ten thousand mothers and children!

Undoubtedly, this is the qi cauldron that has been in the hands of Meng Fan before, but this moment is definitely not what it used to be. The entire cauldron has been reborn and unpredictable. Obviously in the previous refining, Meng If it is already a successful breakthrough, raise it to... the level of a ninth-order god!

The ultimate god, the king of the tripod!

At this moment, the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Cauldron is also the ultimate among the gods, the light is restrained, and there is a kind of domineering that makes the entire sky tremble. Incorporating the attributes of Meng Fan's rebellious **** seal, how powerful it is to successfully pass the gods and gods.

If you go up again, it will merge with the divine way, and become a divine weapon like the burning sky!

Although the Myriad Mother and Child Qi Cauldron was only used by Meng Fan to refine weapons, it does not mean that he did not have the means of attack. Before Meng Fan's heart was moved, humans and weapons were united, and only one blow was to allow the two great Xuanyuan realm peak powers to climb Can't get up.

This is a messenger from the temple. It is by no means ordinary. The person who can step into the temple is not an ascetic in this world. Only with great perseverance and opportunity can he be qualified to approach the imperial palace.

However, these two powerhouses have allowed Meng Fan Yiding to be suppressed on the ground, without even giving any chance to stand up.

On the side, the eyes of the empress, including the empress, flickered, extremely shaking, and the people in the other dark alliances were even more excited and shocked. After three years of silence, everyone thought that Meng Fan might have been seriously injured or had a major change.

There is constant speculation in the entire Quartet. After all, it was a battle in the restricted area that year. Everyone knows that Meng Fan came out of the restricted area. That kind of place has never been to the ancients. The danger is conceivable, and there are constant rumors. .

However, today is only after this blow, it has already explained everything, the former king is still on the altar, and even more terrifying!

"Leader is mighty!"

At the next moment, all the people of the Dark Alliance around it roared, and the sound resounded across the sky, causing the mountains behind to shake.

Even the old people with countless dark alliances smiled. For them, this is already accustomed to them. They have already regarded Meng Fan as their belief. In their eyes, this white-haired figure is... an undefeated legend.


Many people in the temple stepped back, and their faces were extremely pale. The strongest among them were Chen Heng and the middle-aged man. The two of them were suppressed by Meng Fan with a single blow, and they were naturally even more so. Bai Ge, looking at Meng Fan's gaze, could it be that an expression of extreme fear appeared.

Obviously their previous feelings were not wrong. Although Meng Fan seemed to be seriously injured at this moment, his own combat power was extraordinary, comparable to an old monster powerhouse, and he possessed this kind of power to the world.

There are all the legends of the latter in Wanyu. These people are confident that the people of the temple want to crush Meng Fan, but they have already seen that they are not even qualified to be Meng Fan's opponent.

"Invite them to do something in the dark alliance!"

Meng Fan said indifferently, without even looking at the group of remaining temple people.

"If it's honest, arrange it normally, if it's not honest, it's up to you!"

The tone was calm, causing people around to snicker, Lin Tang and many strong men of the dark alliance also quickly stepped forward and surrounded the many remaining people in the temple. Meng Fan's hand can be said to be a carrot and a stick, so that this group of people in the temple have no temper at all, each with a gray face, but far from the previous arrogance, like a chicken, they were taken away by the dark alliance.

And between backhands, Meng Fan was in control of the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, looked at the two Chen Heng among them, whispered softly,

"You two are not so lucky... have you heard of my title in the outside world?"

Hearing this, Chen Heng and the middle-aged man looked at each other, both gritted their teeth. They are now trembling in blood and energy, barely recovering, but they have felt that Meng Fan is too terrifying, calm as a virgin, and moving like thunder. Under the cover of this great cauldron, their deaths are in the hands of Meng Fan. .

Chen Heng couldn't help but spit out a few words.

"I've heard... they all call you White-haired Shura, but so what, Meng Fan, we are temple messengers, if you move us, you will damage the temple. I advise you to let us go obediently. , There are big people behind us, you can't get it off!"

What you want is the big man behind you!

Meng Fan sneered in his heart, saying every word,

"I will let you go before. By this time you will have no chance. Since you have heard my name, you should know my methods. I can tell you how my name comes from. This Shura The second word comes from the fact that I need to drink the blood of two people every day, chew the bones of two, and peel off the flesh of the two. Today, I am hungry....You guys are sent to the door, so lucky. !"

As he spoke, Meng Fan grinned, revealing his white teeth, which seemed quite kind.

However, this smile fell in the ears of Chen Heng and the middle-aged man, but it was like a hundred thousand thunder, and for a moment they were all stunned on the spot. They have only heard of Meng Fan's legend, and they know that the latter is an absolute murderous hero, but they have never heard of Meng Fan's cannibalism.

When Meng Fan raised it like this, he squinted his eyes and looked at the bodies of the two of them. He immediately made them sweat on their backs and hurriedly said loudly.

"What are you doing, don't mess around!"

"Yes, I warn you, our identity is very..."

However, Meng Fan was willing to listen and beckoned to directly imprison the two of them, and smiled Senran.

"Before I can eat people, I still have a habit. I like to steam for three hours, braise for three hours, and dry for three hours. Come on, go to the Dading!"

The last three words were spit out, and the Qi Ding of Wan mother and son was shocked, and the middle-aged man and Chen Heng almost rolled their eyes in fright. The two are peerless powerhouses, and they are accustomed to life and death. If Meng Fan threatened them to kill them at this moment, then perhaps the two could still remain calm.

But Meng Fan looked like a man-eating madman, and said various ways to eat, and suddenly broke the two of them's psychological defense line, a burst of confusion!

On the side, Xiaotian, Hairpin and others have already laughed, but their stomachs hurt, but they need to be restrained, causing their mouths to twitch. Including the indifferent face of the empress, there was also an enlightened iceberg, with a sweet smile, all over the country.

"This guy Meng Fan... really looks like my three brothers!"

Xiaotian muttered softly, as if he saw a friend.

"What do you want!"

After all, Chen Heng was a strong man from the temple. After a brief period of loss, he recovered his composure and shouted.

And Meng Fan smiled slightly and stretched out two fingers.

"Very well, the same is true for you. There are two choices. The first is to be eaten by me, and the second is... to tell the people behind you. Keep it simple!"

Hearing Meng Fan’s words, Chen Heng was silent for a while. After looking at each other, Chen Heng gritted his teeth and said in a condensed voice.

"I admit it, yes, I admit that this time I am hostile to you, because your master has offended a person, he is the strong man in my temple. This time we were only ordered to summon you, but in Before we came, his disciple had looked for us, and hoped to put some pressure on you when we came here, it is best to... be able to disqualify you here, or be able to... kill you!"

When he said that, Meng Fan's expression could not help but move, as he expected.

"My master? That should be the enemy of the old madman. If a disciple can order you to prove that a person is extremely powerful, why not disqualify me from being in the temple?"

"Because the temple is not a person who counts. The person you offend is indeed a powerful man, a sacred level, but in the huge temple, his level is not only one person, but the rumor is above it. It's all owned."

Chen Heng said honestly, there is nothing to hide now.

"The rules of the temple are inviolable, especially for this kind of imperial opening. All messengers are activated, calling all over the world, and everything naturally needs to behave in accordance with the rules. After all, your quota has already been raised by the Bai family. The ancient temple agrees that if we are found by the temple if we do not come, we will be suppressed immediately and die violently. It is a violation of the temple contract and is a very serious punishment, so we can only deal with you in a few small things. It happened last time, I can't think of your strong!"

Hearing Chen Heng’s words, Meng Fan’s eyes flickered and he was silent for a moment.

"The last question, what is the name of the strong one who wants to deal with me!"

Hearing this, Chen Heng gritted his teeth and hesitated for a while.

"I don't know his name, because I am not qualified to come into contact with that kind of strong man. He has been in the temple for thousands of years and has not heard from him. He has been in retreat all the time, but I just know that he is in the holy Everyone in the hall respectfully calls him... Venerable Ke!"

Venerable Ke!

With a heart move, Meng Fan remained silent, but just kept these three words in his mind. There is no doubt that since he has fallen into the eyes of the other party, although he does not know what happened between him and the old madman, he must be his potential enemy, and he must deal with himself in the future.

"Shen Dao powerhouse? It is indeed extremely powerful, enough to completely crush me..."

Meng Fan got up, smiled slightly, drawn the corners of his mouth, and said calmly.

"But... how can it be!"

Second more.

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