Supreme God King

Chapter 1287: infer

The battle behind the mountain was just a small disturbance in the dark alliance!

However, after the spread, it caused a huge wave of the entire northern group. This was the first time Meng Fan, who had been silent for three years, made a shot.

After the rumors, the Quartet was immediately shaken. Suppressing two great Profound Origin Realm powerhouses with one hand, and still being a temple messenger, how terrifying is Meng Fan today.

In the eyes of countless old monsters, the latter is a person whose practice is not as good as his age, but it has already risen strongly.

Everyone is foreseeable, and the latter will inevitably become a new existence at the level of the Catcher in this northern group, and it will be famous forever!

Those who can become gods are hard to see in eternity, but those who claim to be emperors among gods are even rarer. In the sacred level, they need to be constantly selected before they are qualified.

Before, Li Xuanhuang was one of them, but now Meng Fan has been singing all the way, in just over 30 years, he has reached the point where he is now, which is rare in ancient times.

At this age, this method has already proved that once it breaks through the gods, it will definitely be even more powerful, unparalleled, and has the posture of becoming an emperor in the sacred!

However, everyone also understands that the heights can never overcome the cold, and now Meng Fan is like a star, shining all over the world, attracting the attention of countless people. Too many older generations regard it as their goal, but it also attracts a group of more talented people. .

What Wanyu always lacks is the existence of evildoers, and never lacks.... . There are still evildoers!

The dark alliance, the meeting hall, is surrounded by quaint decorations. Meng Fan's slender figure sits on a chair in the center, and there are two beautiful women on the side.

The two have different temperaments, each being mature and charming, naturally they are Ling Daiyou and the Empress.

Two beautiful eyes were concentrated on Meng Fan's body, and the sounds of nature came out at the same time, with a hint of worry in his tone.

"What are you going to do? The last time you took the risk, we were not in front of you, but this time it was not possible. You can't do everything. You are now the leader of the secret alliance. Too chic!"

The speaker was Ling Daiyou, but Meng Fan smiled slightly, took a sip of the fragrant tea, and could not open his mouth, causing Ling Daiyou's silver teeth to bite secretly, and the roots of the teeth were itchy with hatred.

"Hmph, with the character of Master Meng Fan, I am afraid that I want to face the difficulties again and go to the imperial palace! But this time I can't help you!"

On the side, the empress directly sarcastically said with a cold tone.

While speaking, the eyes of the two beautiful ladies looking at Meng Fan were a bit unkind, as if as long as Meng Fan dared to nod his head, these two flower-like beauties would immediately turn into tigresses and feed Meng Fan alive. .

Even the dark alliance guards on the side spit out their tongues and stepped back, not wanting to encounter this terrible murderous encroachment.

Ling Daiyou and the Empress have always looked at each other uncomfortably, but there is no doubt that they are definitely not vases, one is clever and weird, skilled in calculation, and the other is powerful and dedicated to cultivation.

However, two women with completely extreme personalities now target Meng Fan at the same time, which is enough to make Meng Fan fall into an extremely passive state, clearly understanding that he can't beat or scold him now, only staring.

How do these two tigresses stand in one camp.... .

Meng Fan muttered in his heart, but only a smile on his face, put down the fragrant tea, and said softly,

"That imperial palace... I must be going, hey... You heard me, there is a reason for this!"

Seeing that the two empresses were about to go violently, Meng Fan couldn't help but wave his hands quickly, facing the siege of the two beautiful women on the left and right, it was really hard to resist.

"I understand your worries. Venerable Ke is indeed powerful, and there are indeed many people who want my life in the Middle Ages. However, I have to go in this line. There is only one reason for me... I need to be strong!"

While speaking, Meng Fan had already stood up, his eyes flickered, and a sharp glow surged.

"My current strength is far from enough. This imperial palace is the beginning of ten thousand yuan. There are countless opportunities to help any strong man in the world grow. Opportunities are accompanied by dangers. My strength is not only for myself, but also for me. It is for the dark alliance, for... You, I am too weak, too weak, and seem to have risen, but there are really old monsters who want to move me and suppress the dark alliance, I am afraid it is just a thought! "

"You can stay in the dark alliance. In the next hundred years, use your means to grow silently, with enough security, at this time you can at least reach the level of quasi god!"

Ling Daiyou opened her red lips lightly and shook her head, not agreeing with Meng Fan’s statement.

"In addition to the female emperor sister, and the help of the thunder soul old man, the dark alliance, the battle hall, etc., we have formed a huge alliance in the entire northern group. With the lips and the teeth, we will definitely join forces. I am afraid that even the golden twelve The League cannot interfere with us.

As long as you don’t set foot in the Middle Ages, the northern group will definitely be our world. Although it’s on one side, it’s just a distance, but it’s better than if you take another risk, Meng Fan, I admit that you are very strong, but you In the Jedi, I can live once, twice, and the third time... Can you continue? "

For many years in charge of the dark alliance, Ling Daiyou's control of the situation has reached the point of innocence, and her charming features are nothing more than her appearance.

Ling Daiyou's real fear lies in her wisdom. In these years, she has reasonably mobilized all the resources in the dark alliance, and she deserves to be the best steward of the dark alliance!

Even Meng Fan and the Empress have to admit that what Ling Daiyou said is very reasonable, controlling enough of the situation, uniting everyone, and surviving with the general trend, even enough for the dark alliance and the war hall to join forces against the Golden Twelve League, in this northern group The domain has absolute right to speak.

The core of Wanyu is the Middle Ages, encompassing the world, and worshipping all races!

However, today's Meng Fan has already made the dark alliance the overlord of the northern group. Even if it can only be regarded as a turtle in front of the medieval heroes, this turtle is definitely not easy to provoke.

However, Meng Fan shook his head and looked at Ling Daiyou, saying every word,

"Daiyou, if it is... there is no time for a hundred years?"


Hearing Meng Fan's words, the expressions of the Empress and Ling Daiyou suddenly changed at the same time, looking at Meng Fan in surprise, with some doubts.

"You haven't set foot in the restricted area, and don't understand what it looks like..."

Meng Fan sighed softly and said slowly,

"Where is the law strange, the vitality monk is like a pig and dog, and has a powerful background. I only saw one of the corners that was enough to make me afraid. Before that, I could feel that the restricted area is strong but I am not satisfied with just being in that strange area. In the space.

The latter is constantly launching invasions in these ten thousand domains, disturbing the surroundings, but I had a Warcraft friend who reminded me that this is probably just a small method in the restricted area. Several years have passed, and there are many of them. They need vitality, this kind of killing alone can't satisfy them, maybe.... . There will be a greater invasion! "

Unrest in the restricted area is just the beginning!

Before the monkey parting, I had a brief exchange with Meng Fan. The two parties agreed to meet on the road to the gods. In the end, the monkey reminded Meng Fan to be careful not to give up penance, and even thought that the restricted area would soon be large. To enter the ten thousand domains.

Its origin is huge, and the family knows too many secrets, especially for the restricted area. Although it is only some of his guesses, how does the monkey like gibberish,

According to Meng Fan’s guess, the same is true. Before this, no matter the royal family in the restricted area had a kind of confidence in Wanyu, the clues above words were enough for Meng Fan to be alert. After all, the price paid before was too great. Up.

If the forbidden zone comes again, it may not be one place, with space constraints. Once the latter opens a certain space node and enters these ten thousand domains on a large scale, it will once again set off the mighty world and earth. Hundreds of millions of creatures are crying.

Hearing what Meng Fan said, Ling Daiyou and the Empress were both silent. Both of them were intelligent people with ice and snow. Under speculation in their hearts, they couldn't help but make a huge wave. I had to admit that Meng Fan had a solid truth. In the restricted area, the dark alliance will continue to expand and is very stable, at least it is enough to dominate one side.

But there is a forbidden area as a big enemy. Once the latter is fighting the Ten Thousand Territory, then I am afraid that the dark alliance will be the first to attack. Even if the strength of the dark alliance develops for a hundred years in front of it, it will not be enough for a frontal confrontation.

"But you stay here... at least you will be safe..."

Ling Daiyou murmured softly, but her tone was getting lower and lower. Even she herself was a little unable to speak. After all, this was not just about one person, but the lives of millions of disciples in the entire dark alliance.

"rest assured!"

Meng Fan smiled slightly and said softly.

"Although a strong enemy is on the sidelines, no matter how bad the result is, I’m afraid it’s incomparable to being in the restricted area, right? And now I am a dark alliance, with the Bai family, and Zhantang waiting for the secret support. Those people want to kill I will not be too blatant, I will only act in the dark, or... Let the people of my age kill me, so I can give other people a tongue, but if they can bite my bones, they can Look at the sharpness of their teeth!"

The tone was calm, but a cold smell made the surrounding air a bit solidified. Three years of silence did not mean that Meng Fan would not kill, and his temperament was calm, and it did not mean that the previous violence was lost.

Meng Fan is still Meng Fan, and he is even stronger and calmer than that!

Looking at the sky above, Meng Fan’s eyes flickered at this moment, and in his body there is a tens of thousands of mothers and sons gas cauldron transforming into a small cauldron. At this moment, Meng Fan’s murderous intent was also sensed. Trembling, a sound like a dragon's chant came out.

And Meng Fan's big hand held on it and said softly,

"Old friend, join me in the battle of the Middle Ages... Last time I went to search for people, but this time I want to keep my name and foundation, how about Wanyu Center, dominating the roost?"!!

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