Supreme God King

Chapter 1292: Cut your road to becoming an emperor!

The tone was calm, but it made all the black-clothed people of the Western Sky God Race a heartbeat, and felt an incomparable resentment!

In the battle at Baidi Mountain that day, an emperor of the Western Heaven God Clan was buried in the hands of Meng Fan and spread to the world, shocking the world.

The latter was a grassroots from the bottom, but he killed the son of the Protoss, and he broke the Western Sky Formation by himself, like a slap on the face of the Xitian Protoss.

This kind of thing is already regarded as a taboo of the Western Heaven God Race, but now it is mentioned by Meng Fan's old things, so that all Western Heaven God Race killers have cold eyes, the void is formed, the runes flicker, and the entire sky is changed for it.

God level killing array!

This group of people have the confidence to lay down this killing formation is obviously enough to prove that the power of this great vitality formation is amazing, in the siege of the suppression of heaven and earth, an infinite momentum is shrouded toward Meng Fan.

The power in it has already reached the level of Shinto. This group of assassins of the Western Heaven God Race just doesn't make a move. Once they make a move, they are extremely cruel.

"Little boy, take your life!"

The gloomy voice fell, and at the same time, the great powers around the world all came straight to Meng Fan, the **** array closed, like the pressure of the world, under the infinite aura, Meng Fan's figure appeared extremely small and terrifying. Compared with the big formation, it seemed that it could be destroyed at any time, completely annihilated.

But during this, Meng Fan didn't move at all, just watching the surroundings quietly.

And this kind of infinite power was close to Meng Fan's ten-meter range, but at the same time it was suddenly imprisoned, and the world condensed, and at a glance, there was also a strange large formation surrounding Meng Fan.

It looked like a strange flower enveloped the whole body, immortal and incomparable.

Hessian Ruo Array!

Fight against each other and cover the world!

Several large formations were trying to suppress the void, and Meng Fan stood in it, with a blue shirt and white hair fluttering, facing the surroundings and immediately... . Take one step, but after taking one step forward, the Hessian Ruo array burst out with infinite power to suppress the world.

Even if the many assassins of the Western Sky Divine Clan had the protective body of the Divine Formation, but at this moment they also felt that the sky was about to be torn apart by it, and all the Divine Formation forces crackled and shattered.

Just one step, comparable to the collapse of the sky!

The look of the killers of the Eight Great Western Heaven God Race changed. They had been pursuing Meng Fan before, thinking that the latter was just a young generation, or an ordinary human race, without a background, and could be crushed wantonly.

And Meng Fan also seemed to be running away, being forced into the mountains.

The assassins of the Xitian Protoss never thought that the opponent would be so fierce in their counterattack. Once they did it, they were completely different from the Meng Fan they had seen before, with white hair fluttering and expressionless, but it was like an ancient beast standing. In this sky, the mountains and rivers are suppressed and the wastes are suppressed.

Looking at the surroundings, Meng Fan stepped forward again, and the soles of his feet fell. Suddenly the power of the Hessian Ruo Array also spread again. Now he merges with himself and controls the benefits of the old madman's divine way. You have been fighting for three years. I don't know how many times it grows.

It looked like a step, but its blood erupted, like the arrival of the great emperor, causing the eight killers around the sky to spout out of blood at the same time, retreating.

The strength of this kind of divine formation alone is difficult to resist, and some people with low cultivation bases have broken bones in their chests.


Suddenly, Bai Lan'er and the others were dumb, looking at the scene in shock with beautiful eyes.

They had only seen Meng Fan’s calmness as a demon before, and hadn’t seen Meng Fan’s hands. Now it seems that Meng Fan is even more terrifying than the information they obtained. The Protoss didn't even have the power to fight back, and the whole body trembled with blood and energy. What a mighty power this was.

Come out alone, upright!

Surrounded by the Hessian Ruo Array, Meng Fan’s figure seems to be incomparably terrifying, a kind of fierce and extreme manifestation of only domineering domineering, and at the same time indifferent,

"Come out, isn't it you can't help it!"

The tone was calm, and he looked at one of the places.

After a while, the void was torn apart, and Meng Fan’s gaze was an old man. He was full of blood and energy. He was also a member of the Western Heaven God Race. However, he was full of blood and blood in his whole body. It has been hidden in this void.

"No wonder being able to kill an emperor of our clan is indeed very powerful!"

The old man's voice was extremely hoarse, which made people sound quite uncomfortable.

"But even if you are too strong, it is difficult to resist the old man's methods. Today is where you are buried. Remember the old man's name, called... Chaotic cold sky!"

An old monster-level powerhouse!

Undoubtedly, this old man was a well-known existence before eternity, he realized the divine way, and condensed the realm, but the moment he appeared, the whole world was solidified, and everything was centered on it.

And such a strong person generally has his own identity, and will not easily deal with a junior, especially the younger generation. After all, people want faces and trees want bark.

However, the Western Heaven God Clan unexpectedly dispatched this kind of masterpiece. It is not only the arrival of the eight great Western Heaven God Tribe’s killers, but the leader is an old monster powerhouse who perceives the realm of gods. This is already a great deal for Meng Fan. Pay attention to it, and it will inevitably cause a thunderstorm after it is spread. This kind of treatment is not something that a few people can have, and it will be crushed by an emperor.

"Old thing, you are a thick-skinned person, among the world, Lord Bird ranks second, you are the first!"

Before Meng Fan could speak, the Hairy Sparrow was already shouting in the space of Xiaotian.

"Yes, it looks like you look like a bad guy, and Master Tortoise is a bastard, that's why you will give birth to you bastard... Get out of here!"

The voice came and spread all over the surroundings. The speed of the Shaggy and Black Tortoise's talking was almost to the extreme. It was just that hundreds of curse words appeared in a single breathing effort, and none of them were duplicated, causing the old man of the Western Sky God Clan to look confused and cold. Suddenly, like a child who had eaten to death, he uttered a word, and there was no way to respond, because he no longer knew the answer.

It was just at this moment that Longhair and Xuangui scolded a dog-blood sprinkler. Probably he had never heard anyone curse so harshly or so quickly in the eternal life of his life.


Finally, after holding back five full breaths, Luan Hantian reacted and roared,

"Take two little cubs, get out, the old man beat you alive!"

The voice shook, and the world trembled, but in response to him, it was a curse by the Hairy and Xuangui, and thousands of curse words fell into the ears of Chaos Hantian, just listen to the sound, not see the person, let the chaos Han Tian has reached the point of madness, and has never encountered such a strange flower.

Finally, Chaoshantian reacted and immediately closed his own hearing. He really didn’t want to hear the voices of Shaggy and Black Tortoise anymore. Instead, he looked at Meng Fan. He couldn’t catch Shaggy and Black Tortoise. It means that Meng Fan can't be caught. The latter just stands in place, naturally focusing all the resentment on Meng Fan.

"Little beast, don't regret it when you arrive at Huangquan, just blame you for being too sharp, otherwise the old man will not be attracted to take action personally. Although you have entered the restricted area, you have already been recognized by the Zhongtian Dynasty, but you want to rule you out as an emperor. There are too many people on the road. If you don't set foot in the Middle Ages, you can, and you will die if you set foot here!"

Cut your road to becoming an emperor!

There is no doubt that this sentence is the voice of the old man, not just him, including all those who want to take action against Meng Fan.

A total of three waves, it is about the emperor!

This kind of intelligence still proves that Meng Fan’s current crisis will be crushed by him, unless he retreats today, flees away, and does not set foot in the Middle Ages for the rest of his life. There may be a glimmer of life, but once he stays Here, it means that someone wants to kill him, and he still comes from the true godless race!

Today's Meng Fan is definitely not the Wuzhen teenager that year, but a rising young generation of evildoers. It is difficult for one of the hundreds of millions of living beings to reach the point where it is today, so that the Xitian God Race pays such attention.

After all, once Meng Fan really breaks through one step again, if two steps are taken, he will really be proud of the world, sacred and domineering. This is definitely not what all Meng Fan enemies want to see, and they will have this kind of masterpiece. When he was not close to the imperial palace, he killed Meng Fan to avoid future troubles!

"Xitian Ghost Destruction Array!"

Suddenly, Chaoshantian no longer hesitated, and roared, and the other eight assassins of the Western Heaven God Race also violently violently accompanied his voice when his voice fell.

Previously, only the eight powerhouses shot, the power of this ancient **** formation is already overwhelming and overbearing, but now there is an extra quasi-god powerhouse who perceives the realm of gods, which is not as simple as one more person.

When the old man stood alone in this void, the vitality of the divine formation in the entire week burst out like a tide, dozens of times more terrifying than before, and slammed toward Meng Fan!

This kind of murderous intention meticulously prepared for Meng Fan is extraordinary. When one of them set foot in this Middle Ages, it had already come and crushed it strongly!

This is the sorrow of a cultivator at the bottom of the Ten Thousand Territories. No one can help Meng Fan. Now that Emperor Xuanhuang is dead, this group of people naturally did not hesitate to target Meng Fan and kill immediately, with a strong foundation as the foundation. , Start rolling!

However, standing between the sky, the corner of Meng Fan’s mouth remained unchanged, and said lightly,

"Why, do you really think I'm not prepared at all?"

While speaking, Meng Fan spread out his hands, his blood exploded, and the faint light of a mark in his body flickered, and the force that swallowed the sky burst out.


Just at this moment is to make Meng Fan's whole person incarnate into a black hole, absorb the universe, and merge all the heaven and earth energy into it.

Inverse God prints, devouring heaven and earth!

Prior to this, Meng Fan had seen countless maps, and had already understood the terrain here, and it was the place where this final battle was deliberately determined.

Previously, Meng Fan looked to escape all the way, but in fact it was to come here, because the energy of this area is extremely majestic, and it is the most powerful for Meng Fan, enough to help his Inverse God scroll more power.

That thin Wuzhen boy in the past relied on himself and went retrograde all the way. He naturally understood how to create an advantage for himself in this kind of killing, and defeat the strong with the weak, regardless of the opponent... who is it!

In just a moment, his figure continued to expand, his breath spread, and he stood up to the sky. At the same time, a golden fascination appeared around his body, covering the void and suppressing the world. The words also fell sonorously, comparable to thunder.

"The dragon fights on the wild blood Xuanhuang.... My teacher has never retreated. Since I dared to come here in the Middle Ancient Region, I never thought about not being crushed, but even if I want to crush me this day, I will never retreat. Step back, let alone your door...... War!"!!

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